Axel Hugo Theodor Theorell - Wikipedia Browse another topic. axel hugo theodor theorell. axel hugo theodortheorell was born at Linköping, Sweden, on July 6, 1903. He was
Extractions: Nexuscience - Public Domain and GFDL knowledge web Source - Wikipedia - Scroll down for more information - Browse another topic Axel Hugo Theodor Theorell was born at Linköping, Sweden, on July 6, 1903. He was the son of Thure Theorell and his wife Armida Bill. Theorell went to a State Secondary School for nine years in Linköping and passed his matriculation examination there on May 23, 1921. In September, 1921, he began to study medicine at the Karolinska Institute and in 1924 he graduated as a Bachelor of Medicine. He then spent three months studying bacteriology at the Pasteur Institute in Paris under Professor Calmette. In 1930 he obtained his M.D. degree with a theory on the lipids of the blood plasma, and was appointed professor in physiological chemistry at the Karolinska Institute. Professor Theorell was a Nobel Prize winner and was the former head of the Nobel Institute's biochemistry department. Theorell, who dedicated his entire career to enzyme research, won the 1955 Nobel Prize in Medicine for discovering the oxidation enzyme and its effects. At the Nobel Institute his research lead to pioneering progress on ADH enzymes, which break down alcohol in the kidney. His work won praise in Sweden as well as around the world. And he received honorary degrees at universities in France, Belgium, Brazil and the United States. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Extractions: 5 Musik 2. Januar - Anschlag auf Jose Antonio Remon, den Diktator von Panama 19. Januar - Das Brettspiel Scrabble erblickt das Licht der Welt. 27. Januar - Das erste Atom-U-Boot (Nautilus) wird zu Wasser gelassen. 23. Februar - Erstes Treffen der SEATO-L¤nder 23. Februar - Bagdad-Pakt zwischen T¼rkei Irak und Iran . Gemeinsame Milit¤roperationen gegen jede kurdische Befreiungsbewegung werden darin vereinbart. Anfang April tritt England dem Abkommen bei. Die USA nehmen bei den Treffen einen festen Beobachterstatus ein. 5. April Winston Churchill tritt aus gesundheitlichen Gr¼nden als Premierminister von Grobritannien zur¼ck. 9. Mai - Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland tritt der NATO bei. 14. Mai - Gr¼ndung des Warschauer Pakts 15. Mai
ThinkQuest : Library : The Nobel Prize Translate this page 1955. axel hugo theodor theorell. 1954. John Franklin Enders, Thomas Huckle Weller,Frederick Chapman Robbins. 1953. Hans Adolf Krebs, Fritz Albert Lipmann.
Extractions: Index Biography Our website is intended to teach other students about the Nobel Prize and the importance of working hard to make our world a better place. Visit Site 2003 ThinkQuest USA Want to build a ThinkQuest site? The ThinkQuest site above is one of thousands of educational web sites built by students from around the world. Click here to learn how you can build a ThinkQuest site. Privacy Policy
Nobelprisen I Fysiologi Eller Medicin Hans Adolf Krebs, Fritz Albert Lipmann 1954 John Franklin Enders, Thomas HuckleWeller, Frederick Chapman Robbins 1955 axel hugo theodor theorell 1956 André i fysiologi eller medicin.html
1955 - axel hugo theodor theorell. Literatura -; Paz -; Economía -. Si Vd.
Nobelpreis Für Physiologie Oder Medizin axel hugo theodor theorell (1903-1982), USA für seineEntdeckungen über Natur und Wirkungsweise der Oxydationsenzyme .
Laureatii Premiilor Nobel 1955, axel hugo theodor theorell, Suedia. 1956, André Frédéric CournandWerner theodor Otto Forssmann Dickinson Woodruffe Richards Jr.
Extractions: Rusia Emil Theodor Kocher Elveþia Albrecht Kossel Germania Allvar Gulistrand Suedia Alexis Carrel Statele Unite ale Americii Charles Robert Richet Franþa Robert Báráni Ungaria - Austria neacordat neacordat neacordat neacordat Jules Jean Baptiste Vincent Bordet Belgia Schack August Steenberg Krogh Danemarca neacordat Sir Archibald Vician Hill
Extractions: Russia Emil Theodor Kocher Switzerland Albrecht Kossel Germany Allvar Gulistrand Sweden Alexis Carrel United States of America Charles Robert Richet France Robert Báráni Hungary - Austria no prize awarded no prize awarded no prize awarded no prize awarded Jules Jean Baptiste Vincent Bordet Belgium Schack August Steenberg Krogh Denmark no prize awarded Sir Archibald Vician Hill
SIMR - Centenary Survey Of Nobel Laureates virus in tissue culture. 1955 axel hugo theodor theorell shows thatenzymes are in fact proteins. 1956 André Frédérick COURNAND
Extractions: "I agree that animal experimentation should be humane and regulated, but the regulations must not be so onerous as to impede legitimate experimentation, which is now the case in many places." - Michael S Brown, M.D., Nobel Prizewinner 1985 Edward Calvin KENDALL, Tadeus REICHSTEIN and Philip Showalter HENCH - discover the structure and biological effects of adrenaline. Max THEILER - develops the vaccine for Yellow Fever. Selman Abraham WAKSMAN - discovers streptomycin, the first effective antibiotic against tuberculosis. Sir Hans Adolf KREBS - discovers the metabolic citric acid cycle. Fritz Albert LIPMANN - discovers co-enzyme A for intermediary metabolism. John Franklin ENDERS, Thomas Huckle WELLER and Frederick Chapman ROBBINS - first grow poliomyelitis virus in tissue culture. Axel Hugo Theodor THEORELL - shows that enzymes are in fact proteins.
TIP NOBEL ÖDÜLLERÝ kesfettigi için. 1955. theorell, axel hugo theodor. Isveç,Nobel Tip Enstitüsü, Stokholm, d. 1903, ö. 1982 Oksidasyon
Extractions: TIP NOBEL ÖDÜLLERÝ VON BEHRING, EMIL ADOLF Almanya, Marburg Üniversitesi, d. 1854, ö.1917: Serum tedavini geliþtirerek özellikle difteriye karþý verdiði mücadeleyle, hastalýk ve ölümlere karþý, hekimlerin ellerine muzaffer bir silah vererek, týp bilimin hareket alanýnda yeni bir yol açtýðý için ROSS, Sir RONALD Ýngiltere, Üniversitesi College, Liverpool, d. 1857 (Almora, Hindistan), ö. 1932: Sýtma hastalýðý konusunda, organizmaya nasýl bulaþtýðýnýn keþfini de içeren çalýþmalarýyla hastalýða karþý mücadele yollarý konusunda baþarýlý araþtýrmalar yaptýðý için FINSEN, NIELS RYBERG Danimarka, Finsen Medical Light Institute, Kopenhag, d. 1860, ö. 1904: Hastalýklarýn, özellikle lupus vulgarisin yoðun ýþýk demeti ile tedavisine yaptýðý katkýlarla týp biliminin önüne yeni yeni ufuklar açtýðý için PAVLOV, IVAN PETROVICH Rusya, Askeri Týp akademisi, St. Petersburg d. 1849, ö. 1936: Sindirim konusunda yaptýðý çalýþmalarla, konunun yaþamsal yönlerine ýþýk tuttuðu için KOCH, ROBERT Almanya, Institut für Infektions-Krankkheiten (Enfeksiyonlu Hastalýklar Enstitüsü), Berlin, d. 1843, ö. 1910: Tüberkülozla ilgili keþif ve incelemeleri için GOLGI, CAMILLO
Untitled Document Translate this page 6 de julio de 1903 Nace el bioquímico sueco axel hugo theodor theorell, quien realizóimportantes hallazgos sobre la actividad de las enzimas de oxidación.
RTP Translate this page Joshua Lederberg 1957 - Daniel Bovet 1956 - André Frédéric Cournand, Werner Forssmann,Dickinson W. Richards 1955 - axel hugo theodor theorell 1954 - John
Chemical Countdown - Ask Dr Rob 1903 Swedish chemist axel hugo theodor theorell born (died 1982).He won the Nobel Prize for Medicine or Physiology in 1955 for
Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine - Wikipedia Huckle Weller?, Frederick Chapman Robbins? for showing how to cultivate poliomyelitisviruses in the test tube 1955 axel hugo theodor theorell for research
Extractions: Redirected from Nobel Prize/Physiology or medicine This is a list of the Nobel Prizes in Physiology or Medicine: Ronald Ross Niels Ryberg Finsen Ivan Petrovich Pavlov Robert Koch Camillo Golgi Santiago Ramón y Cajal[?] Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov Paul Ehrlich Emil Theodor Kocher Albrecht Kossel Allvar Gullstrand Alexis Carrel Charles Robert Richet[?] Robert Bárány for research on the vestibular apparatus[?]
1955 - Wikipedia Medicine axel hugo theodor theorell; Literature - Halldór KiljanLaxness; Peace - not awarded. All text is available
Extractions: jp:1955[?] Centuries 19th century 20th century ... Decades Years: Events: January 2 Panama president Jose Antonio Remon[?] is assassinated. January 19 - The Scrabble board game debuts. February 13 Israel obtains 4 of the 7 Dead Sea scrolls February 23 - First meeting of the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) March 2 - King Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia abdicates the throne in favor of his father, King Norodom Suramarit[?] March 25 United States Customs seizes Allen Ginsberg 's Howl as obscene April 5 Winston Churchill resigns as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom amid indications of failing heath. May 9 Cold War West Germany joins NATO May 14 - Cold War: Eight communist bloc countries including the Soviet Union sign a mutual-defense treaty called the Warsaw Pact December 31 General Motors becomes the first American corporation to make sales of over one billion dollars in a year. Dick Bruna draws Miffy for the first time. Disneyland opens. Winston Churchill resigns as Prime Minister of Britain for the second time.
Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine Encyclopedia Huckle Weller, Frederick Chapman Robbins for showing how to cultivate poliomyelitisviruses in the test tube 1955 axel hugo theodor theorell for research
BioFinder Person Search Answer Max Details Edit; theorell, axel hugo theodor Details Edit;Thomas, E. Donnall Details Edit; Tinbergen, Nikolaas Details
Jul.t01[Calendar] b. 1903 axel hugo theodor theorell, researched oxidation enzymes; Nobel Prize inPhysiology and Medicine (1955) for his discoveries concerning the nature and
Extractions: July b. 1740 Müller von Reichenstein discovered tellurium (Te, 52) 1782. b. 1813 Claude Bernard b. 1929 Gerald M. Edelman , researcher in structure of antibodies; Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with Rodney R. Porte r for their discoveries concerning the chemical structure of antibodies (1972); "Father of Experimental Medicine". J. T. Baker incorporated originally as Vick Chemical, 1919. First nuclear rocket engine successfully tested, 1959. Office of Standard Weights and Measures became National Bureau of Standards, 1901; renamed National Institute of Standards and Technology, 1988 b. 1909 Alexandre Zaitsev Naval Research Laboratory founded as the Naval Experimental and Research Laboratory, 1923. b. 1876 Sergei S. Nametkin rearrangement of camphenes. b. 1919 Samuel P. Massie, Jr. , research on environmental agents; encouraged disadvantaged students into science careers.* Antoine-Jerome Balard announced discovery of bromine (Br, 35) to Académie de Sciences, Paris, 1826. b. 1888 Selman A. Waksman
Nobel Medicine Prizes 1951-2002 (Trivopaedia) Lipmann (USA) 1954 John Franklin Enders (USA), Thomas Huckle Weller (USA), FrederickChapman Robbins (USA) 1955 axel hugo theodor theorell (S) 1956 André
Award Winning Ideas In Science Translate this page Kodaira Jean-Pierre Serre. 1955, Vincent du Vigneaud, Willis E. LambPolykarp Kusch, axel hugo theodor theorell, 1956, Sir Cyril Norman