Harvey Prize K. barry sharpless, USA. In recognition of his outstanding research inorganic chemistry, in particular, for his pioneering contributions http://www.admin.technion.ac.il/harvey/1998-2.html
Extractions: NIGMS Grantee K. Barry Sharpless Wins Nobel Prize for Advances in Mirror-Image Chemistry "Dr. Sharpless' creativity has helped the entire field of chemistry produce extremely useful molecules, including many different therapeutics, that continue to improve the health and enhance the lives of all Americans," said Dr. Ruth L. Kirschstein, acting director of NIH. "This year's Nobel Prizes in Chemistry and Physiology or Medicine both beautifully underscore the value of basic biological research in yielding vital medical advances." The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in Stockholm announced the chemistry prize winners this morning. Dr. Sharpless, W.M. Keck Professor of Chemistry at The Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, California, received half of this year's chemistry award for his work on "chirally catalyzed oxidation reactions." Sharing the other half of the prize for their work on "chirally catalyzed hydrogenation reactions," are Dr. William S. Knowles of St. Louis, Missouri (formerly of the Monsanto Company) and Dr. Ryoji Noyori of Nagoya University, Chikusa, Nagoya, Japan. After more than a decade of trying, in 1980 Dr. Sharpless figured out how to force a chemical reaction to go one-handed. The winning combination turned out to be a mixture of two inexpensive commercial chemicals: a relatively simple titanium compound and either the right or left hand of a chemical called "tartrate."
Danforth Lecturer 2002- Sharpless Danforth Lecturer 2002 K. barry sharpless. An Asymmetric Odyssey Leading Backto Its Port of Origin The Danforth Lecture on October 3, 2002 Unlike most http://www.grinnell.edu/academic/chemistry/danforth/sharplessvisit/
Extractions: Unlike most academics engaged in basic research, Nobel Laureate K. Barry Sharpless has always been exclusively interested in useful chemistry. Since he regards the oxidation of olefins as the single most versatile, powerful and reliable class of transformations in organic synthesis, Sharpless concentrates on expanding the scope of existing oxidative reactions and discovering new ones. Sharpless is best known for discovering three "name" reactions, general methods for catalytic asymmetric epoxidation, dihydroxlylation, and aminohydroxylation. His Nobel Prize citation says, "many scientists have identified Sharpless's epoxidation [discovered in 1980 with Tsutomu Katsuki] as the most important discovery in the field of synthesis during the past few decades." In 2001 Barry Sharpless received not only the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, but Israel's Wolf Prize, the Benjamin Franklin Medal and the John Scott Medal Award. Also in 2001, Sharpless turned 60, an event celebrated with a three-day symposium during the American Chemical Society's annual meeting; all of the symposium's 33 speakers were former members of Sharpless's research group.
PSIgate - Physical Sciences Information Gateway - Web Catalogue Useful Links / Further Reading on the 2001 Nobel Prize in Chemistry Ryoji Noyori http//wwwnoyori.os.chem.nagoya-u.ac.jp K. barry sharpless http//www http://www.psigate.ac.uk/roads/cgi-bin/search_webcatalogue2.pl?limit=150&term1=N
Boletim Eletrônico Da SBQ - No. 290 Translate this page Os resultados das pesquisas realizadas pelo japonês Ryoji Noyoi e pelos norte-americanosWilliam S. Knowles K. barry sharpless são aplicados em uma ampla http://www.sbq.org.br/publicacoes/beletronico/bienio2/boletim290.htm
Extractions: Assine e divulgue Química Nova na Escola e o Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society www.sbq.org.br/publicacoes/indexpub.htm ) a revista de Química mais importante e com o maior índice de impacto da América Latina. Visite a nova página eletrônica do Journal na home-page da SBQ ( www.sbq.org.br/jbcs/index.html Veja nesta edição: Cientistas dos EUA e do Japão ganham Nobel de Química 2001 Concurso público para preenchimento de cargo de professor adjunto - referência 1 XXI Enequi (Encontro Nacional dos Estudantes de Química) O lugar da greve, comentário de Janio de Freiras ... Saiba como ocorre a contaminação do antraz 1. CIENTISTAS DOS EUA E DO JAPO GANHAM NOBEL DE QUÍMICA 2001 O Prêmio Nobel de Química de 2001, que foi anunciado na manhã de hoje, foi atribuído a dois cientistas norte-americanos e um japonês, que desenvolveram trabalhos sobre o desenvolvimento da síntese assimétrica catalítica, técnica aplicada no desenvolvimento de novos remédios e materiais. Os resultados das pesquisas realizadas pelo japonês Ryoji Noyoi e pelos norte-americanos William S. Knowles K. Barry Sharpless são aplicados em uma ampla gama de sínteses industriais de produtos farmacológicos, como os antibióticos, os antiinflamatórios e os cardiotônicos.
2001 Benjamin Franklin Medal In Chemistry Citation A Benjamin Franklin Medal of The Franklin Institute in the field of Chemistryis awarded to K. barry sharpless for his innovative contributions to http://sln.fi.edu/tfi/exhibits/bower/01chem.html
Extractions: The Scripps Research Institute Citation: A Benjamin Franklin Medal of The Franklin Institute in the field of Chemistry is awarded to K. Barry Sharpless for his innovative contributions to the development of broadly useful and commercially viable catalytic oxidation chemistry for the selective production of bioactive molecules with the proper right or left "handedness," which allow the manufacture of safer and more effective drugs and agricultural chemicals. Summary The manufacture of safer and more effective pharmaceuticals and chemicals for a variety of applications in the life sciences demands the ability to selectively synthesize molecules of left or right "handedness." Handedness refers to the existence of pairs of chemical molecules that differ only by being mirror images of each other. The most effective way to steer a chemical reaction toward the formation of only the product of desired handedness is the use of a handed catalyst. While not being consumed in the reaction, the catalyst speeds up the formation of the desired product. In doing so repeatedly, it transfers its "handedness" to many product molecules and thus multiplies its structural information manifold. Professor K. Barry Sharpless has pioneered the discovery of three catalytic reactions that add oxygen atoms to molecules containing a carbon-carbon double bond, to selectively produce chemical compounds with the desired handedness. These processes are used extensively by academic and industrial chemists.
WIEM: Sharpless Barry sharpless K. barry (1941), amerykanski chemik. Ukonczyl Dartmouth Collegew 1963, tytul doktora zdobyl w 1968 na Uniwersytecie Stanforda http://wiem.onet.pl/wiem/01e393.html
Extractions: Sharpless K. Barry (1941-), amerykañski chemik. Ukoñczy³ Dartmouth College w 1963, tytu³ doktora zdoby³ w 1968 na Uniwersytecie Stanforda . W 1970, po ukoñczeniu postdoktoranckich studiów na Uniwersytecie Stanforda i Uniwersytecie Harvarda , podj±³ pracê w Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Od 1991 pracuje w The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) w La Jolla w USA. W latach 80. jego badania zrewolucjonizowa³y syntezê chiralnych cz±steczek. Wynalezione przez niego, nazywane jego nazwiskiem, techniki epoksydowania, dihydroksylowania i aminohydroksylowania pozwoli³y na syntezê tylko jednego, po¿±danego izomeru optycznego zwi±zków chiralnych. Stosowa³ w nich chiralne
KTH-EKOT Archives -- October 2001 (#4) K. barry sharpless, The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, Kalifornien,USA. för hans arbeten över kiralt katalyserade oxidationsreaktioner . http://segate.sunet.se/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind0110&L=kth-ekot&F=&S=&P=488
HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results .. chemistry and K. barry sharpless, United States, and Ryoji Noyori,Japan, for showing how to better reactions take place. http://www.highbeam.com/library/search.asp?FN=AO&refid=ency_refd&search_thesauru
HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results .. chemistry and K. barry sharpless, United States, and Ryoji Noyori,Japan, for showing how to better 1988 Johann Diesenhofer http://www.highbeam.com/library/search.asp?FN=AO&refid=ency_refd&search_thesauru
Research Interests, Fahmi Himo Fahmi Himo, Zachary P. Demko, Louis Noodleman, K. barry sharpless, Mechanismsof Tetrazole Formation by Addition of Azide to Nitriles, J. Am. Chem. Soc. http://www.theochem.kth.se/~himo/org.html
Extractions: We have, for instance, studied the formation of tetrazoles and triazoles from addition of azide to nitriles and acetylenes. This work is done together with the lab of Prof. Barry Sharpless (2001 Nobel laureate). The reactions are two examples of the so-called "click chemistry" methodology for chemical synthesis that Sharpless proposed a few years ago [2]. We explained, furthermore, how Zn speeds up the reaction. The most important result here is that Zn, by coordinating the nitrile, activates it towards attack by the azide, lowering the barrier by ca 6 kcal/mol, which agrees very nicely with the rate enhancement of ca 4 orders of magnitude observed experimentally.
NACS - News Nagoya University, Chikusa, Nagoya, Japan, for their work on chirally catalysedhydrogenation reactions and the other half to K. barry sharpless the Scripps http://www.nacatsoc.org/news.asp?NewsID=8
ORF ON Science - Chemie-Nobelpreis An Amerikaner Und Japaner Translate this page Preisträger des Chemie-Nobelpreises 2001 sind die beiden US-Forscher WilliamS. Knowles und K. barry sharpless sowie der Japaner Ryoji Noyori, wie die http://science.orf.at/science/news/27402
Extractions: suchen in... Science weltweit Nickname weitere... Autoren Peter Biegelbauer Ernst Dorfi Peter Filzmaier Christian Gastgeber Andre Gingrich Herbert Hrachovec Raoul Kneucker Werner Lenz Konrad Paul Liessmann Hans Michael Maitzen Siegfried Mattl Frank Rattay Hazel Rosenstrauch Birgit Sauer Franz Seifert Heinz Slupetzky Christiane Spiel Philipp Steger Helge Torgersen Otto Urban Norbert Vana Reinhold Wagnleitner Manfried Welan Anton Zeilinger Sachgebiete Gesellschaft Kosmos Leben Medizin und Gesundheit Technologie Umwelt und Klima Wissen und Bildung Neues aus der Welt der Wissenschaft ORF ON Science News Leben Chemie-Nobelpreis an Amerikaner und Japaner
Nobel. Chemia. 2001 dolarów) nagrody otrzymal chemik amerykanski K. barry sharpless. Reakcje, którebadali tegoroczni noblisci, to reakcje syntezy zwiazków organicznych. http://serwisy.gazeta.pl/nauka/1,34141,469977.html
Barry Sharpless Translate this page barry sharpless Chimiste américain, Prix Nobel de chimie 2001, K. barrysharpless est né en 1941 à Philadelphie. Après des études http://www.actufiches.ch/content.php?name=Sharpless&vorname=Barry
Tricking HD Their Own Worst Enemies. K. barry sharpless, Ph.D. WM Keck Professorof Chemistry It works a lot better than we ever anticipated. . http://hdlighthouse.org/see/research/trojanhorse2.htm
Extractions: Just as acetylcholinesterase inhibitors such as Aricept and Huperzine A are being investigated for the treatment of HD, professor Sharpless has a clever easy method to make a more powerful inhibitor. The ablilty of HD to cause disease can be turned against itself. When researchers discover a target for HD treatment, this fast easy method will quickly trick the target into submission. I am reminded of Edna St. Vincent Millay's prophetic sonnet . Jerry 22-Mar-02 "It works a lot better than we ever anticipated." In a first attempt to test a new general strategy for drug discovery, chemists at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) and TSRI's Skaggs Institute for Chemical Biology created the most potent blocking agent known against an enzyme implicated in Alzheimer's disease. In the current issue of the journal Angewandte Chemie, 2001 Nobel laureate K. Barry Sharpless, W.M. Keck Professor of Chemistry at TSRI, and colleagues at TSRI and the University of California at San Diego, describe how click chemistry, a modular protocol for organic synthesis that Sharpless developed, was used to make a drug-like molecule that powerfully blocks the neurotransmitter destruction caused by the brain enzyme, acetylcholinesterase. Unlike existing methods, this new drug-discovery strategyclick chemistrymobilizes the target itself, acetylcholinesterase in this case, to play a decisive role and select the final synthetic step. The acetylcholinesterase enzyme actually catalyzed the click reaction that created that enzyme's own inhibitor, and, remarkably, the result is by far the most potent inhibitor ever discovered for this important, widely studied brain enzyme.