MSN Encarta - Rayleigh, John William Strutt, Lord Translate this page rayleigh, john william strutt, lord. Un guide du Web. Plus de résultats pourrayleigh, john william strutt, lord, Autres fonctionnalités Encarta.
Adventures In CyberSound: Strutt, John William (Lord Rayleigh) ADVENTURES in CYBERSOUND. john william strutt (lord rayleigh) 1842 1919. TheBritish Nobel Prize winner lord rayleigh (john william strutt, 1842-1919
Extractions: John William Strutt (Lord Rayleigh) : 1842 - 1919 By far, the most extensive information on Rayleigh is at the GEC Website Lord Rayleigh - the Last of the Great Victorian Polymaths by A. T. HUMPHREY, C.Eng., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.Struct.E., A.F.I.M.A. GEC-Marconi Research Centre As published in GEC REVIEW, Volume 7, No. 3, 1992 otherwise on... Physicist John William Strutt was born near Maldon, Essex. He studied at Cambridge, and was elected a fellow of Trinity College in 1866. He succeeded his father as third baron in 1873. He became professor of experimental physics at Cambridge (1879-84), professor of natural philosophy at the Royal Institution, London (18881905), and president of the Royal Society (1905-08). His work included valuable studies and research on vibratory motion, the theory of sound, and the wave theory of light (Rayleigh scattering). With Sir William Ramsay he was the discoverer of argon (1894). He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1904, and became Chancellor of Cambridge University in 1908.
Essays Page rayleigh, lord john william strutt rayleigh, lord john william strutt. Encyclopediaof Weather and Climate. New York Facts On File, Inc., 2002.
Extractions: Lord Rayleigh was a British physicist and mathematician who worked in many disciplines including electromagnetics, physical optics, and sound wave theory. The criteria he defined still act as the limits of resolution of a diffraction-limited optical instrument. Rayleigh wrote over 446 scientific papers, but is perhaps best known for his discovery of the inert gas argon, which earned him a Nobel Prize. Born John William Strutt, Rayleigh inherited his title when his father died in 1873. Although he was to become the third Baron of Rayleigh, as a young child he was slow to show eminence. He was the eldest of seven children and was almost three years old before he began speaking. Rayleigh's childhood and early education at Eton and Harrow were frequently disrupted by poor health. Hailing from a long line of landowners, Rayleigh was not raised in a scientific family and his predilection for the field was unexpected. At Cambridge University, however, Rayleigh exhibited strong promise in mathematics and an avocation for photography. He became the top member of his class under the tutelage of Edward Routh, a famous applied mathematician, and then a fellow at Trinity College in 1866. During his undergraduate years, Rayleigh was heavily influenced and inspired by George Stokes, who was a Lucasian professor of mathematics. After graduation, Rayleigh married the sister of the future Prime Minister, Lord Arthur Balfour, and together they had three sons, the eldest of which would eventually follow his father's scientific path.
Extractions: Our family of instruments are the most advanced and versitile for macromolecular characterization. MOLAR MASS RMS RADIUS ANALYSIS DETAILS John William Strutt was born in Langford Grove, Essex, England. In spite of poor health throughout his childhood, he entered Trinity College, Cambridge in 1861, and graduated in 1864. His first paper in 1865 was on Maxwell's electromagnetic theory. Perhaps his most significant early work was his theory explaining the blue color of the sky as the result of scattering of sunlight by small particles in the atmosphere. The Rayleigh scattering law, which evolved from this theory, has since become classic in the study of all kinds of wave propagation. He also worked on the propagation of sound; while on an excursion to Egypt (1870-1871) taken for health reasons, Strutt wrote his great book The Theory of Sound . In 1873 he succeeded to the title of Baron Rayleigh. From 1879 to 84 he was the second Cavendish professor of experimental physics at Cambridge succeeding Maxwell. Then in 1884 he became secretary of the Royal Society. Rayleigh discovered the inert gas argon in 1895, work which earned him a Nobel Prize in 1904.
LookSmart - Directory - John William Strutt Directory Listings About. rayleigh, lord john william strutt EnviroMeasure Introductionto john william strutt, lord Raleigh, and his work on the theory of
The Theory Of Sound, Chapter 1 - Lord Rayleigh The Theory of Sound 1 by john william strutt, 3rd Baron rayleigh. ooO0Ooo. Footnotes(1) Internet version of Chapter 1 of The Theory of Sound by lord rayleigh.
Extractions: INTRODUCTION 1. THE sensation of sound is a thing sui generis , not comparable with any of our other sensations. No one can express the relation between a sound and a colour or a smell. Directly or indirectly, all questions connected with this subject must come for decision to the ear, as the organ of hearing; and from it there can be no appeal. But we are not therefore to infer that all acoustical investigations are conducted with the unassisted ear. When once we have discovered the physical phenomena which constitute the foundation of sound, our explorations are in great measure transferred to another field lying within the dominion of the principles of Mechanics. Important laws are in this way arrived at, to which the sensations of the ear cannot but conform. 2. Very cursory observation often suffices to shew that sounding bodies are in a state of vibration, and that the phenomena of sound and vibration are closely connected. When a vibrating bell or string is touched by the finger, the sound ceases at the same moment that the vibration is damped. But, in order to affect the sense of hearing, it is not enough to have a vibrating instrument; there must also be an uninterrupted communication between the instrument and the ear. A bell rung in vacuo , with proper precautions to prevent the communication of motion, remains inaudible. In the air of the atmosphere, however, sounds have a universal vehicle, capable of conveying them without break from the most variously constituted sources to the recesses of the ear.
Rayleigh In 11. JW strutt lord rayleigh lord rayleigh. john william strutt was the 3rd Baronrayleigh. The rayleigh rayleigh john william strutt lord rayleigh.
John William Strutt Rayleigh Par D. Beaulieu Et V. Hébert-Ménard Translate this page rayleigh, john william strutt, lord». Encyclopédie MicrosoftEncarta 98 CD-ROM. Microsoft Corporation, 1997. «Soudage».
Extractions: Bibliographie SARGENT-WELCH. , a vwr company, 1996. [CD-ROM]. Microsoft Corporation, 1997. [CD-ROM]. Microsoft Corporation, 1997. [CD-ROM]. Version 1.01.00, (c) Le livre de Paris - Hachette, 1993. [CD-ROM]. Microsoft Corporation, 1997. The Discovery of Argon: a Case Study in Scientific Method , [En ligne]. Adresse URL: Sans titre , [En ligne]. Adresse URL: WebElements , [En ligne]. Adresse URL:
Lord Rayleigh lord rayleigh (18421919, born john william strutt). Argon. Royal InstitutionProceedings 14, 524 (1895) from rayleigh s Scientific
Lord Rayleigh lord rayleigh (18421919, born john william strutt). Density of Nitrogen.Nature 46, 512 (1892) from Scientific Papers , vol IV (Cambridge
Extractions: Jediná zásluha, kterou si uvìdomuji, je, e jsem mìl potìení ze svého badání, a jakékoli výsledky, které souvisejí s mými výzkumy, jsou následkem toho, e mi bylo potìením stát se fyzikem [2]. Tato skromná slova vyslovil lord Rayleigh pøi pøevzetí vyznamenání za zásluhy Order of Merit . Fyzika byla pro nìj posláním, kterému se vìnoval z èisté touhy po poznání. Pocházel z bohaté rodiny, mohl si uívat pohodlného a rozmarného ivota bohatého lechtice, volil vak øeholi vìdy. Rayleigh (18421919) byl jednou z nejvýznamnìjích postav vìdy konce XIX. století a lze ho srovnávat s H. Helmholtzem, J. C. Maxwellem nebo lordem Kelvinem. Patøil do vzácné skupiny fyzikù, kteøí se stejnì svobodnì cítili jak v oblasti matematické fyziky, tak i v oblasti fyziky experimentální. Umonilo mu to dosáhnout vynikajících pùvodních vìdeckých výsledkù. Kromì epochálního díla Teorie zvuku publikoval pøes 400 prací, které lze zaøadit do matematiky, obecné mechaniky, prunosti pevných látek, vlastností plynù, kinetické teorie plynù, kapilarity, hydrodynamiky, akustiky, termodynamiky, magnetismu, elektøiny a optiky. Jeho jméno ije v mnoha termínech, napø. Rayleighùv rozptyl, Rayleighùv-Jeansùv zákon, Rayleighùv interferometr, Rayleighovo rozliovací kritérium, Rayleighova vzdálenost nebo v seizmologii Rayleighova vlna. Dokázal pracovat na více problémech souèasnì a nebylo to na úkor kvality nebo hloubky jejich zpracování. Napøíklad bìhem tøíletého období, kdy dolo k objevu argonu, pøispìl do vìdecké literatury dvanácti èlánky pojednávajícími o interferenci a rozptylu svìtla, o telefonu a jeho technických problémech a provádìl také mìøení prahu slyitelnosti.
WIEM: Rayleigh John William Strutt rayleigh john william strutt, lord (18421919), fizyk angielski, profesoruniwersytetu w Cambridge (od 1879), czlonek Royal Society (od 1873
Extractions: Rayleigh John William Strutt, lord (1842-1919), fizyk angielski, profesor uniwersytetu w Cambridge (od 1879), cz³onek Royal Society (od 1873). Autor prac z dziedziny optyki i teorii fal. Okre¶li³ zwi±zek prêdko¶ci fazowej z prêdko¶ci± grupow± , opisa³ molekularne rozpraszanie ¶wiat³a , sformu³owa³ przybli¿one prawo promieniowania cia³a doskonale czarnego ( Rayleigha-Jeansa prawo promieniowania ), zmierzy³ rozmiary niektórych cz±steczek, wraz z W. Ramsayem odkry³ argon (1894). Laureat Nagrody Nobla w 1904. WIEM zosta³a opracowana na podstawie Popularnej Encyklopedii Powszechnej Wydawnictwa Fogra zobacz wszystkie serwisy do góry
Lord John William Rayleigh lord john william rayleigh (strutt) (18421919). Profesor fizyki uniwersytetuw Cambirdge w latach 1879-1887) i Londynie od roku 1887.
Lord Rayleigh lord (john william strutt) rayleigh(18421919). rayleigh 18 kasim 1842 de LangfordGrove Maldon, Essex de john James strutt un oglu olarak dünyaya geldi.
Extractions: Rayleigh 18 kasým 1842'de Langford Grove Maldon, Essex'de John James Strutt 'un oðlu olarak dünyaya geldi. Diðer bilimadamlarý arasýnda soylu sýnýfýn seçkin üyelerinden biriydi. Çocukluðu ve gençliðinde zayýf bir beden yapýsý vardý. Eðitimi sürekli hastalýklarla kesildi. Eriþkinliðe eriþebilmesi zor gibi görünüyordu. Eton'da 10 yaþýndayken kýsa bir süre geçirip sonra, üç yýl Wimbledon'da özel bir okulda okudu. Biraz Harrow 'da kalýp, sonraki dört yýlný George Townsend Warner (1857) ile geçirdi. 1861'de Cambridge Trinity College e matematik okumak için girdi. Baþlangýçta yaþýtlarýyla ayný baþarýyý elde edemediyse de, daha sonra özel yetenekleri sayesinde rakiplerini geçti. 1865'te Mathematical Tripos' dan mezun oldu. 1866'da 1871'e kadar sürdüreceði Trinity üyesi oldu. 1872'de romatizmal aðrýlarý yüzünden kýþý Mýsýr ve Yunanistan'da geçirdi. Döndükten kýsa bir süre sonra babasý öldü(1873). Baronluk rütbesi aldý ve ailesinin oturduðu ,Witham, Essex' deki Terling Place'a yerleþti. Burdaki zamanýnýn bir kýsmýyla arazilerinin bakýmýyla ilgilenmek zorunda kaldý. Bilimsel kültürü, tarýmdaki bilgisi ve hýzlý kavrama yeteneði sayesinde tarla iþlerinde çok deneyim kazandý. Bununla birlikte 1876 'da arazi iþlerini küçük kardeþine býraktý.
John William Strutt Rayleigh - Wikipédia Translate this page vulgum 2. lord john william strutt, 3e baron rayleigh, Physicienanglais (Landford Grove, Essex, 1842 - Witham, Essex, 1919). Ses
Extractions: (Redirected from Lord Rayleigh John William Strutt, 3rd Baron Rayleigh November 12 June 30 ) was a British physicist who (with William Ramsay ) discovered the element argon , an achievement that earned him the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1904. Strutt was born in Langford Grove, Essex on November 12 . In his early years he suffered frailty and poor health. He began studying mathematics at Trinity College, Cambridge in 1861 and graduated in 1865. He was subsequently elected to a Fellowship of Trinity College. He held the post he held until he married Evelyn Balfour in 1871. In 1873 his father John James Strutt died, and the younger Strutt inherited the title of Lord Rayleigh. Rayleigh died on June 30, 1919 in Witham, Essex. This article is a stub . You can help Wikipedia by expanding it Preceded by: