Photo Of Ilya Prigogine photos of dutch freelance photographer sijmen hendriks including photos from morocco, nepal, india, ireland, jordan, the netherlands, spain, italy and
Ilya Prigogine - New Belgaria ilya prigogine est né à Moscou le 25 janvier 1917.
Extractions: livre d'or F.A.Q. informations service guide newsletter links annonces préjugés Chimiste, physicen et philosophe belge d'origine russe, Ilya Prigogine est né à Moscou le 25 janvier 1917. Sa famille quitte la Russie dès 1921 et s'installe définitivement en Belgique en 1929. Il acquiert la nationalité belge en 1949. Hésitant entre l'histoire, l'archéologie et la musique, il entame finalement des études de chimie à l'Université libre de Bruxelles. Deux de ses professeurs ont exercé une influence durable sur l'orientation de ses travaux. D'une part Théophile De Donder (1873-1957), fondateur de l'École de thermodynamique de Bruxelles, et d'autre part, Jean Timmermans (1882-1971). En 1977, il reçoit le prix Nobel de chimie pour sa théorie des structures dissipatives: un système, loin de l'équilibre, peut soudainement devenir ordonné (exemple-type: la cellule vivante). Il met en lumière la dynamique des systèmes instables et leur importance, alors que la physique classique avait privilégié l'équilibre. Ilya Prigogine était aussi un écrivain prolifique. Ses livres ont révolutionné la pensée scientifique contemporaine, en particulier
Ilya Prigogine Professor ilya prigogine, a member of the Honorary Committee of PITCH, has just passed away. I cannot claim he was a friend. I simply knew him a little.
Extractions: ...La science à fondamentalement contribué à réduire les inégalités... Professor Ilya Prigogine, a member of the Honorary Committee of PITCH, has just passed away. I cannot claim he was a friend. I simply knew him a little. But I had the chance to see him at work on a few occasions over the past 13 years , and I have quite clear memories of the moments I have spent with a very special man: The first time, it was back in 1990. The first research contract ever to be signed between the European Commission and Russian research organisations was being prepared. I entered his office, a huge but modestly and tastefully furnished room on the campus of the Free University of Brussels. Prior to visiting him I had been through what was to become the technical annex of a research grant. I was still trying to find out how one could make such a piece of computer-based modelling of elements of his chaos theory understandable by us, the average EC officials... He asked me to sit at his large, wooden meeting table, and he came and sat next to me. In a few minutes he enlightened the works. He was admirably skilled at explaining complex things in a simple, straightforward way, only using just the words it needed. He was even more admirable for listening to me: I had to translate his sayings in a way that incorporate our bureaucratic constraints. Still the capability to undertake the leading edge research he wanted to conduct had to be preserved Only his patience and his open mind, a mind open even to such insignificant things as bureaucratic rules! made it possible for me to build a convincing file.
Prigogine 5. TIS Kondepudi, Dilip / prigogine, ilya Modern Thermodynamics WILEY-VCH Title Kondepudi, Dilip / prigogine, ilya Modern Thermodynamics URL http//www
Extractions: and reach more chemical industry professionals. Molecular Diversity Preservation Intl Org./Inst./Agency Switzerland MDPI (Molecular Diversity Preservation International) is an international nonprofit organization, and provides services for worldwide collection, deposit and exchange of chemical samples.
Professor Ilya Prigogine (ilya prigogine visits our Faculty). Short Biography ilya prigogine was awarded the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1977 for his contributions to nonequilibrium
Extractions: The main theme of the scientific work of Ilya Prigogine has been a better understanding of the role of time in the physical sciences and in biology. He has contributed significantly to the understanding of irreversible processes, particularly in systems far from equilibrium. The results of his work on dissipative structures have stimulated many scientists throughout the world and may have profound consequences for our understanding of biological systems.
Prigogine.htm Comments on dissipative structure theory. Eric J. Blievernicht. Didn t Dr. ilya prigogine solve the contradiction between evolution and entropy, ?
Extractions: Jean Bricmont I try to clarify several confusions in the popular literature concerning chaos, determinism, the arrow of time, entropy and the role of probability in physics. Classical ideas going back to Laplace and Boltzmann are explained and defended while some recent views on irreversibility, due to Prigogine, are criticized.
Beats Biblionetz - Personen: Ilya Prigogine MSN Encarta prigogine, ilya Sign in above. prigogine, ilya. prigogine, ilya (1917-2003), Russian-born Belgian physical chemist and Nobel laureate. Find more about prigogine, ilya from,
Extractions: This is not an official homepage of Ilya Prigogine and it is not possible to contact Ilya Prigogine here! Geboren: 1917 Vom Sein zum Werden Bei anschauen Die Gesetze des Chaos Erhielt 1977 den Nobelpreis für Chemie für seine Untersuchungen von irreversiblen Prozessen. Mit seinen neuen Theorien gelang ihm die Überbrückung des Widerspruchs zwischen den reversiblen Grundgleichungen der Quantenmechanik und dem irreversiblen Verhalten physikalisch-chemischer wie lebendiger Systeme. , erfasst im Biblionetz am 15.01.1999 Hinweis: Browser mit SVG-Plugin zeigen hier eine zoombare SVG-Grafik , solche ohne entsprechendes Plugin eine PNG-Grafik Wissen und Gewissen Heinz von Foerster Unordnung/Ordnung: Entdeckung oder Erfindung ?
Guardian Unlimited | The Guardian | Obituary: Ilya Prigogine ilya prigogine Nobel prizewinning scientist renowned as the grandfather of chaos theory Dan Brennan Wednesday June 18, 2003 The Guardian The impact of the,3604,979731,00.html
Extractions: Sign in Register Go to: Guardian Unlimited home UK news World news Archive search Arts Books Business Film Football Jobs Life Money The Observer Online Politics Shopping Sport Talk Travel Audio Email services Special reports The Guardian The weblog The informer The northerner The wrap Advertising guide Crossword Dating Headline service Syndication services Events / offers Help / contacts Information Living our values Newsroom Reader Offers Style guide Travel offers TV listings Weather Web guides Working at GNL Guardian Weekly Money Observer Home UK Business Online ... Quiz The impact of the 1977 Nobel prizewinning chemist and physicist Ilya Prigogine, who has died aged 86, stretched far beyond the realm of the physical sciences, and he came to be regarded as one of the most influential scientific thinkers of the 20th century. He won the prize in chemistry for research in the field of non-equilibrium thermodynamics, but underpinning much of Prigogine's work was an attempt to build a better understanding of the role of time and irreversible processes. His ideas helped shape approaches to a wide range of disciplines, from evolution studies to traffic management. He was hailed in some quarters as "the grandfather of chaos theory", and has even been credited with influencing the works of Salvador Dali, who was inspired by the new approaches to physics that began to emerge in the 1970s - the two met shortly before the artist's death in 1989.
Interview Met Ilya Prigogine Interview met de belgische nobelprijswinnaar ilya prigogine, dat eerder verschenen is in filosofiemagazine. artikel uit Filosofie
Extractions: Nobelprijswinnaar llya Prigogine (1917) is pionier op het gebied van de nieuwe fysica, waarin chaos en complexiteit wordt bestudeerd. Zijn werk betekent een breuk met de natuurkunde van Newton, maar ook met die van Einstein en Schroedinger. Tijd en onomkeerbaarheid staat erin centraal, en daarmee grijpt hij terug op de ideeen van Bergson. I k heb altijd problemen gehad met Nederland', waarschuwt hij ons wanneer we binnenkomen in zijn kantoor. 'Een van de grootste Nederlandse fysici was George Uhlenbeck. Hij had nog bij Paulus Ehrenfest gestudeerd, een leerling van de grote natuurkundige Ludwig Boltzmann. Ehrenfest stelde dat het een illusie is om te denken dat tijd onomkeerbaar is; de tijd laat zich volgens hem wel omkeren. Alles wat er gebeurt, kan, theoretisch bezien althans, teruggedraaid worden. Uhlenbeck had het dan ook altijd over de " schijnbare" onomkeerbaarheid van de tijd .' 'Toen ik nog een beginnend wetenschapper was, nam ik contact op met Uhlenbeck. Ik was ervan overtuigd dat hij het bij het verkeerde eind had en hij kende mijn mening. Hij gedroeg zich dan ook heel vijandig tegenover me. Aangezien hij een student was van Ehrenfest wist hij gewoon dat de tijd omkeerbaar was. Punt uit. Met zo'n Nederlander viel gewoon niet te praten, snapte ik meteen. Indien dus niet Zweden maar Nederland de Nobelprijs zou uitreiken, had ik hem zeker niet gekregen.'
Extractions: Web Publication by Mountain Man Graphics, Australia Introduction Ilya Prigogine and Isabelle Stengers present a wide ranging and well documented discourse on the gradual emergence of philosophical and scientific thought in regard to conceptions of order and chaos. In the exposition of one of the main thematic threads of their subject matter, the authors itemise three types of conceptually different systems, only two of which were academically studied and (generally) understood by the progressive expansion of scientific research and theory in relation to the study of natural phenomena exhibited around us - in our terrestrial environment upon this earth, and in the local cosmic environment within which the terrestrial is embedded. Systems which are in equilibrium or systems which are close to equilibrium are the first two phenomena presented, during which it is noted that such systems are - almost exclusively - the subject matter of the traditional and classical sciences. Such systems are relatively stable, exhibiting known and predictable characteristics which may be represented in parameter driven mathematical models. However Prigogine chose to attempt investigation of a third and largely ignored class of systems - those which were far from equilibrium . His research earned him the Nobel Prize in 1977, for his work on the thermodynamics of nonequlibrium systems, and his contribution towards the understanding of natural processes and their descriptions has earnt him the respect of many scientists and academics in many fields. The authors have subtitled their publication
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