Vladimir Prelog Croatian scientists vladimir prelog Encyclopedia Britanica - the articlefrom the famous encyclopedia. Nobel e-Museum - vladimir prelog. http://nippur.irb.hr/eng/scientist/prelog.html
Extractions: Znanost u Hrvata - Vladimir Prelog written by Miljenko Dumiæ (in Croatian) Vladimir Prelog homepage of Croatia, croatian Nobel laureats Biografije poznatih osoba - Vladimir Prelog biographies of important persons including some less known facts about them like anecdotes , links to similar web pages (in Croatian)
Vladimir Prelog Hrvatski znanstvenici vladimir prelog Encyclopedia Britanica - clanakiz najpoznatije enciklopedije; Nobel e-Museum - vladimir prelog. http://nippur.irb.hr/hrv/znanstvenici/prelog.html
Croatia, Outstanding Names Tatic, Ivo. Croatian Nobel prize winners. Andric, Ivo; prelog, vladimir; Ruzicka,Vatroslav. Croatian Righteous. Outstanding Croats of the Muslim faith. http://www.hr/darko/etf/popis.html
Extractions: of its history, culture and science Here is a list of more than 300 names appearing on this web-site, related to Croatian history, culture and science. General Latinists, Humanists, Encyclopaedists Music Ballet ... Sports Kamov, Janko Polic Kopilovic, Jakov Jaso Kresimir IV, king Krovat (or Kurvat) ... Stepinac, Alojzije , cardinal, and also here Strossmayer, Josip Juraj Sufflay, Milan Tavelic, Nikola, St. ... Gyurgieuits, Bartol (Bartol Jurjevic, Gjurgjevic) Herman Dalmatin Hus (Husti), Juraj Jambresic, Andrija Jamometic, Andrija ... Zvjezdice (Little Stars) Generalic, Ivan
Extractions: By Alphabet : Encyclopedia A-Z P Related Category: Chemistry, Biographies Vladimir Prelog [vlAdy E A Pronunciation Key Cornforth for his application of X-ray analysis techniques to the determination of the structures of many types of complex organic molecules, such as antibiotics, and for formulating systematic rules that relate molecular structure to the properties of chemical compounds. Content on this web site is provided for informational purposes only. We accept no responsibility for any loss, injury or inconvenience sustained by any person resulting from information published on this site. We encourage you to verify any critical information with the relevant authorities. About Us Contact Us Privacy Links Directory ...
Caramba! - Nobelova Cena - Chemie (1964-1984) prelog, vladimir I. prelog, vladimir II. (cesky); prelog, vladimirIII. prelog, vladimir IV. (nemecky); prelog, vladimir V. 1976. http://www.caramba.cz/page.php?PgID=954
MSN Encarta - Prelog, Vladimir Sign in above. prelog, vladimir. prelog, vladimir (19061998), Croatian-born Swissorganic chemist and Nobel laureate. Find more about prelog, vladimir from, http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761583313/Prelog_Vladimir.html
Extractions: Subscription Article MSN Encarta Premium: Get this article, plus 60,000 other articles, an interactive atlas, dictionaries, thesaurus, articles from 100 leading magazines, homework tools, daily math help and more for $4.95/month or $29.95/year (plus applicable taxes.) Learn more. This article is exclusively available for MSN Encarta Premium Subscribers. Already a subscriber? Sign in above. Prelog, Vladimir Prelog, Vladimir (1906-1998), Croatian-born Swiss organic chemist and Nobel laureate. Prelog shared the 1975 Nobel Prize in chemistry with ... Related Items Alkaloids Chromatography 11 items Multimedia Selected Web Links Vladimir Prelog [Nobel Foundation] 1 item Want more Encarta? Become a subscriber today and gain access to: Find more about Prelog, Vladimir
Vladimir Prelog Definition Meaning Information Explanation vladimir prelog definition, meaning and explanation and more about vladimirprelog. FreeDefinition - Online Glossary and Encyclopedia, vladimir prelog. http://www.free-definition.com/Vladimir-Prelog.html
Extractions: 6 External links In , as a child, Prelog moved to Zagreb . Educated in Zagreb and Osijek , he graduated from the Czech Institute of technology in Prague (Praha or Prag) in , receiving a degree as a chemical engineer. His teacher was Emil VotoÄek, while his assistant Rudolf Luke introduced him to the world of organic chemistry After gaining the SC. D of doctor in chemistry, he started to work in the private plant laboratory of G.J. Drza in Prague, in charge of the production of rare chemicals that were not available on the market at that time. His pastime was spent in his own research. Here, following his interest in the chemistry of natural compounds, he started investigating alkaloids from the cacao bark.
Story Systematic Stereochemical Nomenclature vladimir prelog. 1) Stereochemistry~1950 2) Cahn, Ingold, prelog 3) Buergenstock Declaration http://www.chem.yale.edu/~chem125/125/history/CIP_Prelog/prelstory.html
Extractions: The Montenegran Peasant Just at the midpoint of the 20th Century there were three important developments in stereochemistry . The first was signaled by Derek H.R. Barton 's paper "The Conformation of the Steroid Nucleus" ), which brought serious consideration of conformation of organic molecules to centerstage and ultimately led to Barton's Nobel Prize. The second was a paper (announced in 1949) by Johannes Martin Bijvoet (pronounced "buy foot" 1892-1980) a Dutch crystallographer. In " Determination of the Absolute Configuration of Optically Active Compounds by Means of X-Rays " Bijvoet reported that using a rubidium salt of (wouldn't you know) tartaric acid and a special property of the heavy Rb atom (called " anomalous dispersion ") he was able to do what no one had been able to do before - prove which enantiomer of a chiral compound was which. He showed that, given a 50:50 chance, Emil Fischer had guessed right when he drew the Fischer projection of tartaric acid 58 years earlier. From this time forward it would be possible to draw and name compounds according to their actual, or " absolute configuration , rather than their configuration relative to an arbitrary standard (like Fischer's D -glyceraldehyde).
Vladimir Prelog - InformationBlast vladimir prelog Information Blast. vladimir prelog. Vladmir prelog (July23, 1906 - January 7, 1998) won the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1975. http://www.informationblast.com/Vladimir_Prelog.html
Extractions: Vladmir Prelog July 23 January 7 ) won the Nobel Prize in chemistry in . He was born in Sarajevo , at that time within the Austro-Hungarian Empire . He died in Zurich Switzerland In , as a child, Prelog moved to Zagreb . Educated in Zagreb and Osijek , he graduated from the Czech Institute of Technology in Prague Praha ) in , receiving a degree as a chemical engineer organic chemistry After gaining the Sc.D. in chemistry, he started to work in the private plant laboratory of G.J. Dríza in Prague, in charge of the production of rare chemicals that were not available on the market at that time. His pastime was spent in his own research, where he started investigating alkaloids from the cacao bark. In , he was invited to join the Technical Faculty ( Tehnicki Fakultet ) of the University of Zagreb, where he took the post of lecturer in organic chemistry . He also taught students of chemical engineering quinine and its compounds. Final works with the industry yielded a financially successful production of Streptazol, one of the first commercial sulfonylamides. Scientific work here was crowned with the first synthesis of adamantane, a hydrocarbone with an unusual alicyclic structure, being isolated from Moravian oil. The results of Prelog's work have been published in the top European chemical literature and journals, while the organic chemistry developed in Zagreb at that time was well known and identifiable around the world.
E_skola_kemija godine kemije, inenjerski smjer. Gospodin vladimir prelog bio je posljednji od naih Nobelovaca. Uz pomoc Kurije kao svog mentora vladimir prelog je 1921. http://eskola.chem.pmf.hr/prelog.php3
Extractions: Vladimiru Prelogu, graðaninu svijeta Napisao: Tomislav Fri¹èiæ, student II. godine kemije, in¾enjerski smjer Gospodin Vladimir Prelog bio je posljednji od "na¹ih" Nobelovaca. Od poèetka pa sve do kraja, gospodin Prelog ¾ivio je i pona¹ao se opravo onako kako se volio i izja¹njavati, kao graðanin svijeta. Unatoè tome, èesto je Hrvatsku nazivao "jednom od svojih domovina". Prièa gospodina Preloga nije prièa o jednom dobitniku Nobelove nagrade, niti o velikim znanstvenim otkriæima do kojih je on do¹ao. O gospodinu Prelogu najbolje se mo¾e prièati opisujuæi i njegovo djelo i njegov ¾ivot. Gospodin Prelog roðen je 1906. godine u Sarajevu, u sklopu negda¹nje kraljevine SHS. Kao osmogodi¹njak prisustvovao je paradi u èast nadvojvode Ferdinanda, koji je bio ubijen na mjestu samo nekoliko metara dalje od onoga na kojemu je stajao mladi Prelog. Politièka previranja na podruèju Balkana i siroma¹tvo te regije na poseban su naèin obilje¾ili rad gospodina Preloga.
Nobel Prize Winning Chemists 1974 1976. vladimir prelog. The Nobel Prize In Chemistry 1975. vladimir prelogwas born on July 23, 1906 in Sarajevo in the province of Bosnia. http://www.sanbenito.k12.tx.us/district/webpages2002/judymedrano/Nobel Winners/v
Extractions: Nobel Prize Winning Chemists Vladimir Prelog The Nobel Prize In Chemistry 1975 Vladimir Prelog was born on July 23, 1906 in Sarajevo in the province of Bosnia. At the beginning of the first World War, in 1915, we moved to Zagreb, the capital of Croatia, where he attended the gymnasium. The period 1924 to 1929 was spent studying Chemistry at the Czech Institute of Technology in Prague, Czechoslovakia. His main interests were natural compounds, from adamantane and aialoids to rifamycins and boromycin. During the work on natural compounds stereo chemical problems emerged from all sides. As E. L. Eliel pointed out, stereochemistry is not so much a branch of chemistry but rather a way of looking at chemistry. It was, and still is, great fun trying to find new points of view for it. I married my wife Kamila in Prague in 1933. A son Jan was born to us in Zurich in 1949. Dr. Prelog died in 1998. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1975 "for his research into the stereochemistry of organic molecules and reactions". Back To Main Page
Hrvatski Webcafe - Vladimir Prelog vladimir prelog. Roden 1906. Umro 1998. Gospodin prelog roden je1906. Uz pomoc Kurije kao svog mentora vladimir prelog je 1921. http://www.crocafe.net/turizam/znameniti/znameniti22.php
Extractions: Umro: 1998. Gospodin Prelog roden je 1906. godine u Sarajevu, u sklopu negdanje kraljevine SHS. Kao osmogodinjak prisustvovao je paradi u cast nadvojvode Ferdinanda, koji je bio ubijen na mjestu samo nekoliko metara dalje od onoga na kojemu je stajao mladi Prelog. Politicka previranja na podrucju Balkana i siromatvo te regije na poseban su nacin obiljeili rad gospodina Preloga.
Storia Della Chimica. Premi Nobel Per La Chimica: Prelog Translate this page Theatrum Chemicum. Personae vladimir prelog. vladimir prelog. 1906-1998.Premio Nobel per la chimica 1975. con John Warcup Cornforth. http://www.minerva.unito.it/Theatrum Chemicum/NobelChimica/Prelog.htm
Extractions: DOI 10.1333/s00897 [old prefix 10.1007/] George B. Kauffman California State University, Fresno, CA 93740-0070 Published online: 2 April 1998 Abstract. In this section we present articles by leading scientific historians that chronicle the important events, persons, and publications that make up the rich history of chemical science. The history of chemistry, of course, has taken place against the background of world history and the articles in this section often make that very clear. Chemists and their research are always influenced by current events. These articles are intended to describe the setting in which important discoveries occurred and to humanize their discoverers. Key Words: Chemistry and History; history; chemistry; stereochemistry
Prelog Hrvatski nobelovac vladimir prelog U sijecnju 1998. godine u Zürichu jeumro prof. vladimir prelog, nobelovac, Hrvat rodjenjem i osjecanjem. http://www.hrvati.ch/osobe/prelog/prelog.html
Extractions: Vladimir Prelog je rodjen 23. srpnja 1906. godine u Sarajevu, gdje je njegov otac bio profesor na gimnaziji. Tamo zapocinje pohadjati pucku skolu, a nakon preseljenja u Zagreb, 1915., nastavlja ju i zavrsava u Zagrebu. Iza treceg razreda gimnazije otac prelazi sa sluzbom u Osijek, pa i mali Prelog polazi s njim i tamo pohadja gimnaziju, nepuna dva razreda. Medjutim, bilo je to dovoljno da pod utjecajem svog profesora Ivana Kurie iskaze posebni interes za kemiju. U Ruzickinom Laboratoriju za organsku kemiju na ETH (Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule) ponovo prolazi sve stupnjeve od privatnog docenta do redovitog profesora, a poslije, 1957., Prelog postaje Ruzickinim nasljednikom. Nekoliko desetljeca je Prelog ostvarivao vrhunske rezultate u organskoj sintetskoj kemiji, narocito u stereokemiji, gdje je s Cahnom i Ingoldom postavio i poznata CIP-pravila (C=Cahn, I=Ingold, P=Prelog) za oznacavanje apsolutne konfiguracije kiralnih spojeva (R- i S-konfiguracije). Razjasnio je strukturu antibiotika rifamicina i boromicina, radio je na steroidima, sintetizirao je ferimicin. Do 1975. godine je objavio preko 350 znanstvenih radova, a njegove je izvanredne rezultate prepoznao i Nobelov komitet u Stockholmu, dodijelivsi mu te godine Nobelovu nagradu za kemiju. Poznato je da je prof. Prelog pocetkom agresije na Hrvatsku digao svoj glas protivljenja. Dao je nekoliko interviewa iz kojih je vrlo nedvosmisleno bilo vidljivo koliko osudjuje agresore. U javnosti je najvise odjeknuo Apel za mir u Hrvatskoj, sto ga je 1991. medju prvima potpisao, zajedno s mnogobrojnim nobelovcima.
Hrvatska Akademija Znanosti I Umjetnosti. Knjinica 1986. Knj. 90 / urednik Hrvoje Poar. 1987. - 651 str., 10 listova s tablamaISSN 0373-9902 * prelog, vladimir (kemicar ; 1906-1998) * Hercigonja, Eduard
Hrvatska Akademija Znanosti I Umjetnosti. Knjinica 1986. Knj. 90 / urednik Hrvoje Poar. 1987. - 651 str., 10 listova s tablama *prelog, vladimir * Hercigonja, Eduard 389-399. vladimir prelog, str. 399-417.