Moneta.html aver ricevuto - nel 1907 - il Premio Nobel per la pace. Partecipò
Extractions: che hanno ispirato il pensiero pacifista e nonviolento ERNESTO TEODORO MONETA (1833-1918) Premio Nobel per la pace . Partecipò all'insurrezione milanese del 1948 e alle spedizioni di Garibaldi. Svolse attività giornalistica e dal 1989 pubblicò ogni anno l'almanacco "Giù le armi". Creò in tutt'Italia "Società per la pace". Dopo la battaglia di Adua raccolse 130.000 firme per fermare la guerra. Tuttavia la sua coerenza pacifista fu altalenante e non si oppose all'ingresso dell'Italia nella Prima Guerra Mondiale. Scegli un'altra figura significativa B.Brecht H.Camara A.Capitini D.Day ... L.Tolstoj Torna alle Domande Torna all'indice di Peacelink
Premios Nóbel Translate this page Nervioso), 1906. 1907, Rudyar Kipling (RU) poeta, novelista. ernesto TeodoroMoneta (Ita)- Luis Renault (Fr), 1907. 1908, Rudolf Eucken (Ale) filósofo.
Extractions: J. Echegaray y Eizaguirre (Esp) dramaturgo. Instituto de Derecho Internacional (Fundado en 1873) H. Sienkiewicz (Pol) novelista. Bertha von Suttner (Austria) Robert koch (Ale) (Tuberculosis) Giousué Carducci (Ita) poeta. Theodore Roosevelt (EUA) Camillo Golgi (Ital.) (Esp.) (Sist. Nervioso) Rudyar Kipling (RU) poeta, novelista. Ernesto Teodoro Moneta (Ita)- Luis Renault (Fr) Rudolf Eucken (Ale) filósofo. Klas Pontus Arnoldson (Suec).- Fredrik Bajer (Din) Lor Rutherford Selma Lagerlöf (Sue) novelista.
Regione Toscana, Cultura Di Pace: Bollettino Translate this page Chi era costui?, Milano, Baldini e Castoldi, 1998. Combi M., ernesto TeodoroMoneta, premio Nobel per la pace 1907, Milano, Mursia, 1968.
Extractions: Un'introduzione alle biografie e alle opere di uomini e donne per la pace è: Sini P., Uomini di pace , Viterbo, Edizioni del centro di ricerca per la pace, 1997. Archibugi D. e Voltaggio F. (a cura di), Filosofi per la pace , Roma, Editori Riuniti, 1991. Capra F., Verso una nuova saggezza. Conversazione con Gregory Bateson, Indira Gandhi, Werner Heisemberg, Krishnamurti, Ronaldo David Laing, Ernest F. Schumacher, Alan W. Watts e altri personaggi straordinari , Milano, Feltrinelli, 1988. Tafuri G., Maestri italiani contemporanei dell'educazione alla pace , Bari, Edisud, 1987. Sulla storia del premio Nobel per la pace e i suoi protagonisti: Procacci G.
Pontificio Istituto Ambrosiano Di Musica Sacra Translate this page Compagnoni. Facendo seguito a un primo incontro con mons. ErnestoTeodoro moneta Caglio, con lettera del 6 febbraio 1979 il prof.
THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1901 The Prize Was Divided Equally THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1907 The prize was divided equally between moneta, ERNESTOTEODORO, Italy, President Lombard League of Peace, * 1833, + 1918; and
Extractions: THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1901 The prize was divided equally between: DUNANT, JEAN HENRI, Switzerland, Founder International Committee of the Red Cross, Geneva, Originator Geneva Convention (Convention de Genève), * 1828, + 1910; and PASSY, FRÉDÉRIC, France, Founder and President first French peace society (since 1889 called Société francaise pour l'arbitrage entre nations), * 1822, + 1912. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1902 The prize was divided equally between: DUCOMMUN, ÉLIE, Switzerland, Honorary Secretary Permanent International Peace Bureau, Berne, * 1833, + 1906; and GOBAT, CHARLES ALBERT, Switzerland, Secretary General Inter-Parliamentary Union, Berne, Honorary Secretary Permanent International Peace Bureau, Berne, * 1843, + 1914. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1903 CREMER, Sir WILLIAM RANDAL, Great Britain, Member British Parliament, Secretary International Arbitration League, * 1838, + 1908. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1904 INSTITUT DE DROIT INTERNATIONAL (INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL LAW), Ghent, scientific society, founded in 1873. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1905 VON SUTTNER, Baroness BERTHA SOPHIE FELICITA, née Countess KINSKY von CHINIC und TETTAU, Austria, Writer, Hon. President Permanent International Peace Bureau, Berne, Author Lay Down Your Arms, * 1843 (in Prague, then Austria) + 1914. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1906 ROOSEVELT, THEODORE, U.S.A., President United States of America, collaborator various peace treaties, * 1858, + 1919. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1907 The prize was divided equally between: MONETA, ERNESTO TEODORO, Italy, President Lombard League of Peace, * 1833, + 1918; and RENAULT, LOUIS, France, Professor International Law, Sorbonne University, Paris, * 1843, + 1918. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1908 The prize was divided equally between: ARNOLDSON, KLAS PONTUS, Sweden, Writer, formerly Member Swedish Parliament, Founder Swedish Peace and Arbitration League, * 1844, + 1916; and BAJER, FREDRIK, Denmark, Member Danish Parliament, Honorary President Permanent International Peace Bureau, Berne, * 1837, + 1922. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1909 The prize was divided equally between: BEERNAERT, AUGUSTE MARIE FRANÇOIS, Belgium, ex-Prime Minister, Member Belgian Parliament, Member Cour internationale d'arbitrage at the Hague, * 1829, + 1912; and D'ESTOURNELLES DE CONSTANT, PAUL HENRI BENJAMIN BALLUET, Baron DE CONSTANT DE REBECQUE, France, Member French Parliament (Sénateur), Founder and President French parliamentary group for voluntary arbitration (Groupe parlementaire de l'arbitrage international), Founder Comité de défense des intérêts nationaux et de conciliation internationale (Committee for the defense of national interests and international conciliation), * 1852, + 1924. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1910 BUREAU INTERNATIONAL PERMANENT DE LA PAIX (PERMANENT INTERNATIONAL PEACE BUREAU), Berne, founded in 1891. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1911 The prize was divided equally between: ASSER, TOBIAS MICHAEL CAREL, the Netherlands, Prime Minister, Member Privy Council, Originator International Conferences of Private Law at the Hague, * 1838, + 1913; and FRIED, ALFRED HERMANN, Austria, Journalist, Founder Die Friedenswarte (a peace publication), * 1864, + 1921. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1912 Reserved. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1913 The prize for 1912: ROOT, ELIHU, U.S.A., i.a. ex-Secretary of State, Originator various treaties of arbitration, * 1845, + 1937. The prize for 1913: LA FONTAINE, HENRI, Belgium, Member Belgian Parliament (Sénateur), President Permanent International Peace Bureau, Berne, * 1854, + 1943. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1914 Reserved. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1915 The prize money for 1914 was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section. The prize for 1915: Reserved. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1916 The prize money for 1915 was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section. The prize for 1916: Reserved. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1917 The prize money for 1916 was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section. The prize for 1917: COMITÉ INTERNATIONAL DE LA CROIX ROUGE (INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE OF THE RED CROSS), Geneva, founded 1863. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1918 Reserved. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1919 The prize money for 1918 was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section. The prize for 1919: Reserved. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1920 The prize for 1919: WILSON, THOMAS WOODROW, U.S.A., President United States of America, Founder of Société des Nations ( the League of Nations), * 1856, + 1924. The prize for 1920: BOURGEOIS, LÉON VICTOR AUGUSTE, France, i.a. ex-Secretary of State, President French Parliament (Sénat), President Conseil de la Société des Nations (Council of the League of Nations), * 1851, + 1925. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1921 The prize was divided equally between: BRANTING, KARL HJALMAR, Sweden, Prime Minister, Swedish Delegate Conseil de la Société des Nations (Council of the League of Nations), * 1860, + 1925; and LANGE, CHRISTIAN LOUS, Norway, Secretary General Inter-Parliamentary Union, Brussels, *1869, + 1938. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1922 NANSEN, FRIDTJOF, Norway, Scientist, Explorer, Norwegian Delegate Société des Nations (League of Nations), Originator" Nansen passports" (for refugees), * 1861, + 1930. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1923 Reserved. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1924 The prize money for 1923 was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section. The prize for 1924: Reserved. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1925 The prize money for 1924 was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section. The prize for 1925: Reserved. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1926 The prize for 1925 was awarded jointly to: CHAMBERLAIN, Sir AUSTEN, Great Britain, Foreign Secretary, Part-originator Locarno Pact, * 1863, + 1937; and DAWES, CHARLES GATES, U.S.A., Vice-President United States of America, Chairman Allied Reparation Commission (Originator 'Dawes Plan'), * 1865, + 1951. The prize for 1926 was awarded jointly to: BRIAND, ARISTIDE, France, Foreign Minister, Part-originator Locarno Pact, Briand-Kellogg Pact, * 1862, + 1932; and STRESEMANN, GUSTAV, Germany, ex-Lord High Chancellor (Reichs- kanzler), Foreign Minister, Part-originator Locarno-Pact, * 1878, + 1929. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1927 The prize was divided equally between: BUISSON, FERDINAND, France, formerly Professor Sorbonne University, Paris, Founder and President Ligue des Droits de l'Homme (League for Human Rights), * 1841, + 1932; and QUIDDE, LUDWIG, Germany, Professor Berlin University, Member German Parliament, Participant various peace conferences, * 1858, + 1941. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1928 Reserved. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1929 The prize money for 1928 was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section. The prize for 1929: Reserved. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1930 The prize for 1929: KELLOGG, FRANK BILLINGS, U.S.A., ex-Secretary of State, Part- originator Briand-Kellogg Pact, * 1856, + 1937. The prize for 1930: SÖDERBLOM, LARS OLOF NATHAN (JONATHAN), Sweden, Archbishop, Leader in the ecumenical movement, * 1866, + 1931. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1931 The prize was divided equally between: ADDAMS, JANE, U.S.A., Sociologist, International President Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, * 1860, + 1935; and BUTLER, NICHOLAS MURRAY, U.S.A., President Columbia University, Promoter Briand Kellogg Pact, * 1862, + 1947. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1932 Reserved. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1933 The prize money for 1932 was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section. The prize for 1933: Reserved. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1934 The prize for 1933: ANGELL (RALPH LANE), Sir NORMAN, Great Britain, Writer, Member Commission Exécutive de la Société des Nations (Executive Committee of the League of Nations) and of National Peace Council, Author The Great Illusion, * 1874, + 1967. The prize for 1934: HENDERSON, ARTHUR, Great Britain, ex-Foreign Secretary, President Disarmament Conference 1932, * 1863, + 1935. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1935 Reserved. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1936 The prize for 1935: VON OSSIETZKY, CARL, Germany, Journalist (i.a. die Weltbühne), Pacifist, * 1889, + 1938. The prize for 1936: SAAVEDRA LAMAS, CARLOS, Argentina, Secretary of State, President Société des Nations (League of Nations), Meditator in a conflict between Paraguay and Bolivia,* 1878, + 1959. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1937 CECIL OF CHELWOOD, Viscount, (Lord EDGAR ALGERNON ROBERT GASCOYNE CECIL), Great Britain, Writer, i.a. ex-Lord Privy Seal, Founder and President International Peace Campaign, * 1864, + 1958. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1938 OFFICE INTERNATIONAL NANSEN POUR LES RÉFUGIÉS (NANSEN INTERNATIONAL OFFICE FOR REFUGEES), Geneva, an international relief organization, started by Fridtjof Nansen in 1921. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1939 The prize money has been allocated with 1/3 to the Main Fund and with 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1940 The prize money has been allocated with 1/3 to the Main Fund and with 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1941 The prize money has been allocated with 1/3 to the Main Fund and with 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1942 The prize money has been allocated with 1/3 to the Main Fund and with 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1943 Reserved. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1944 The prize money for 1943 was allocated with 1/3 to the Main Fund and with 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section. The prize for 1944: Reserved. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1945 The prize for 1944: COMITÉ INTERNATIONAL DE LA CROIX-ROUGE (INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE OF THE RED CROSS), Geneva, founded 1863. The prize for 1945: HULL, CORDELL, U.S.A., ex-Secretary of State, prominent part-taker in originating the United Nations, * 1871, + 1955. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1946 The prize was divided equally between: BALCH, EMILY GREENE, U.S.A., formerly Professor of History and Sociology, Honorary International President Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, * 1867, + 1961; and MOTT, JOHN RALEIGH, U.S.A., Chairman International Missionary Council, President World Alliance of Young Men's Christian Associations, * 1865, + 1955. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1947 The prize was awarded jointly to: THE FRIENDS SERVICE COUNCIL (The Quakers), London, founded 1647; and THE AMERICAN FRIENDS SERVICE COMMITTEE (The Quakers), Washington, first official meeting 1672. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1948 Reserved. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1949 The prize money for 1948 was allocated with 1/3 to the Main Fund and with 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section. The prize for 1949: BOYD ORR OF BRECHIN, Lord (JOHN), Great Britain, Physician, Alimentary Politician, prominent organizer and Director General Food and Agricultural Organization, President National Peace Council and World Union of Peace Organizations, * 1880 (in Kilmaurs, Scotland), + 1971. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1950 BUNCHE, RALPH, U.S.A., Professor Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, Director division of Trusteeship U.N., Acting Mediator in Palestine 1948, * 1904, + 1971. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1951 JOUHAUX, LÉON, France, President Trade Union Confederation 'C.G.T. Force Ouvrière'. President Conseil national économique and International Committee of the European Council, Vice President International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, Vice President Fédération syndicale mondiale, Member Council of I.L.O. (Inter national Labour Organization), Delegate U.N., * 1879, + 1954. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1952 Reserved. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1953 The prize for 1952: SCHWEITZER, ALBERT, France, Missionary surgeon, Founder Lambaréné Hospital (République du Gabon), * 1875 (in Kaysersberg, Alsace, then Germany), + 1965. The prize for 1953: MARSHALL, GEORGE CATLETT, U.S.A., General, President American Red Cross, ex-Secretary of State and of Defense, Delegate U.N. Originator'Marshall Plan', * 1880, + 1959. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1954 Reserved. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1955 The prize for 1954: OFFICE OF THE UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR REFUGEES, Geneva, an international relief organization, founded by U.N. in 1951. The prize for 1955: Reserved. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1956 The prize money for 1955 was allocated with 1/3 to the Main Fund and with 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section. The prize for 1956: Reserved. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1957 The prize money for 1956 was allocated with 1/3 to the Main Fund and with 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section. The prize for 1957: PEARSON, LESTER BOWLES, Canada, former Secretary of State for External Affairs of Canada, President 7th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, * 1897, + 1972. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1958 PIRE, GEORGES, Belgium, Father of the Dominican Order, Leader ofthe relief organization for refugees 'l'Europe du Coeur au Service du Monde'.* 1910, + 1969. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1959 NOEL-BAKER, PHILIP J., Great Britain, Member of Parliament, life long ardent worker for international peace and co-operation, * 1889, + 1982. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1960 Reserved. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1961 The prize for 1960: LUTULI, ALBERT JOHN, South Africa, President of the African National Congress in S.A., * 1898 (in Southern Rhodesia), + 1967. The prize for 1961: HAMMARSKJÖLD, DAG HJALMAR AGNE CARL, Sweden, Secretary General of the U.N., * 1905, + 1961. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1962 Reserved. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1963 The prize for 1962: PAULING, LINUS CARL, U.S.A., California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, * 1901,U 1994. The prize for 1963 was divided equally between: COMITÉ INTERNATIONAL DE LA CROIX-ROUGE (INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE OF THE RED CROSS), Geneva, founded 1863; and LIGUE DES SOCIÉTÉS DE LA CROIX-ROUGE (LEAGUE OF RED CROSS SOCIETIES), Geneva. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1964 KING JR., MARTIN LUTHER, U.S.A., leader of 'Southern Christian Leadership Conference', * 1929, + 1968. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1965 UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN'S FUND (UNICEF), New York, founded by U.N. in 1946. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1966 Reserved. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1967 The prize money for 1966 was allocated with 1/3 to the Main Fund and with 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section. The prize for 1967: Reserved. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1968 The prize money for 1967 was allocated with 1/3 to the Main Fund and with 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section. The prize for 1968: CASSIN, RENÉ, France, President of the European Court for Human Rights, * 1887, + 1976. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1969 INTERNATIONAL LABOUR ORGANIZATION (I.L.O.), Geneva. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1970 BORLAUG, NORMAN, U.S.A., International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center, Mexico City, * 1914. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1971 BRANDT, WILLY, Federal Republic of Germany, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, * 1913, + 1992. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1972 Reserved. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1973 The prize money for 1972 was allocated to the Main Fund. The prize for 1973 was awarded jointly to: KISSINGER, HENRY, A., U.S.A., Secretary of State, State Department, Washington, * 1923, and LE DUC THO, Democratic Republic of Viet Nam, * 1910. (Declined the prize.) THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1974 The prize was divided equally between: MAC BRIDE, SEÁN, Ireland, President of the International Peace Bureau, Geneva, and the Commission of Namibia, United Nations, New York, * 1904, + 1988; and SATO, EISAKU, Japan, Prime Minister of Japan, * 1901, + 1975. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1975 SAKHAROV, ANDREI DMITRIEVICH, USSR, Soviet nuclear physicist, * 1921, + 1989. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1976 Reserved. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1977 The prize for 1976: WILLIAMS, BETTY, Northern Ireland, Great Britain, * 1943; and CORRIGAN, MAIREAD, Northern Ireland, Great Britain, * 1944. Founders of the Northern Ireland Peace Movement (later renamed Community of Peace People). The prize for 1977: AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL, London, Great Britain. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1978 The prize for 1978 was divided equally between: EL SADAT, MOHAMED ANWAR, Egypt, President of the Arab Republic of Egypt, * 1918, + 1981; and BEGIN, MENACHEM, Israel, Prime Minister of Israel, * 1913 (in Brest Litovsk, then Poland), + 1992. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1979 MOTHER TERESA, India, leader of Missionaries of Charities, Calcutta, * 1910 (in Skoplje, then Turkey). THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1980 PEREZ ESQUIVEL, ADOLFO, Argentina, architect, sculptor and human rights leader, * 1931. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1981 OFFICE OF THE UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR REFUGEES, Geneva, Switzerland. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1982 The prize was awarded jointly to: MYRDAL, ALVA, Sweden, former Cabinet Minister, diplomat, writer, * 1902, + 1986; and GARCÍA ROBLES, ALFONSO, Mexico, diplomat, delegate to the United Nations General Assembly on Disarmament, former Secretary for Foreign Affairs, * 1911, + 1991. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1983 WALESA, LECH, Poland, trade union leader (Solidaritet), * 1943. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1984 TUTU, DESMOND MPILO, South Africa, Bishop of Johannesburg, former Secretary General South African Council of Churches (S.A.C.C.) * 1931. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1985 INTERNATIONAL PHYSICIANS FOR THE PREVENTION OF NUCLEAR WAR, Inc., Boston, MA, U.S.A. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1986 WIESEL, ELIE, U.S.A., Chairman of 'The President's Commission on the Holocaust', * 1928 (in Rumania). THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1987 ARIAS SANCHEZ, OSCAR , Costa Rica, President of Costa Rica, * 1941. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1988 THE UNITED NATIONS PEACE-KEEPING FORCES, New York, NY, U.S.A. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1989 THE 14TH DALAI LAMA (TENZIN GYATSO), Tibet, * 1935. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1990 GORBACHEV, MIKHAIL SERGEYEVICH., USSR, President of USSR, * 1931. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1991 AUNG SAN SUU KYI, Burma, * 1945. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1992 MENCHU TUM, RIGOBERTA, Guatemala, * 1959. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1993 The prize was awarded jointly to: MANDELA, NELSON, South Africa, * 1918; and de KLERK, FREDRIK WILLEM, South Africa, * 1936. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PEACE 1994 The prize was awarded joinly to: ARAFAT, YASSER, Palestine, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the PLO, President of the Palestinian National Authority, * 1929; and PERES, SHIMON, Israel, Foreign Minister of Israel, * 1922; and RABIN, YITZAHK, Israel, Prime Minister of Israel, * 1923.
Monet, Claude Bibliography Bibliography See biographies by W. C. Seitz (1960) and C. M. Mount (1967); studies by John House (1986), Douglas Skeggs (1987), and Maurice and Jacqueline Guillaud (1989).
Monetary Agreement encyclopediaEncyclopedia monetary agreement. monetary agreement, attemptby two (bilateral) or more (multilateral) nations to regulate
Extractions: monetary agreement monetary agreement, attempt by two (bilateral) or more (multilateral) nations to regulate and coordinate their financial relations by treaty. The objectives are usually to promote trade by facilitating payment of international debts and to maintain in each nation a stable exchange rate by making available credits to meet temporary difficulties with balance of payments . After World War II there was a significant movement toward multilateral monetary agreements, of which the most important were the International Monetary Fund and the European Payments Union (1950). Customs unions such as the European Community (EC) and the European Free Trade Association often require a large degree of monetary cooperation, and the increasing European integration that has transformed the EC into the European Union (EU) has also led to increasing monetary cooperation through the European Monetary System . In 1999 most EU nations adopted a single currency, the euro, which replaced the currencies of 12 member states in 2002.
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Extractions: Eventi scientifici Cultura scientifica in Italia Premi Nobel Italiani Fisica 1909 MARCONI, GUGLIELMO, Italia (1874 - 1937) e a BRAUN, CARL FERDINAND, Germania (1850 - 1918): "in riconoscimento del loro contributo allo sviluppo della telegrafia senza fili" Fisica 1938 "Per le sue dimostrazioni sull'esistenza di nuovi elementi radioattivi prodotti dall'irradiazione dei neutroni e per la correlata scoperta delle reazioni nucleari provocate dai neutroni lenti" Fisica 1959 CHAMBERLAIN, OWEN, U.S.A., University of California, Berkeley, CA, n. 1920: "per la loro scoperta dell'antiprotone" Fisica 1984 RUBBIA, CARLO CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, n. 1934; e
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Extractions: 142 pp., Lire.12.000 (Euro 6,19) Nel 1925, in un momento carico di minacciosi eventi storici, in un mondo che, ridisegnato artificiosamente dalla pace di Versailles, pare sul punto di sgretolarsi e dissolversi, Montale firma il manifesto antifascista di Croce e pubblica il suo primo libro Ossi di seppia . Diversamente da quanto accade nell'opera di altri scrittori (Ungaretti, Gadda In piena sintonia con la voce, disorientata ed angosciata dall'inettitudine della vita, della moderna cultura italiana ed europea (da Svevo a Piradello Ossi di seppia Leopardi Trovandosi a respirare un'aria oramai satura di parole e di poesia, Montale, diversamente da Ungaretti e dagli ermetici, non ricerca una parola pura Arsenio e nelle Occasioni ), cattura gli oggetti banali, quotidiani, usuali, e li trasforma non in simboli che rimandano a qualcosa d'altro, ma in emblematici equivalenti di un'emozione, di un'intuizione, di una condizione. Ossi di seppia Carducci e D'Annunzio Stampa questo articolo Scrivi il tuo commento sul libro Scrivi a ItaliaLibri «Dio non esiste, ma per il rispetto che porto a questa antica e veneranda credenza umana, penso che, se esistesse, farebbe bene a tirarsi fuori subito da tutto questo»