philipp eduard anton lenard . (1862.6.7~1947.5.20). ? . ? (? ?
Philipp Lenard -- Encyclopædia Britannica in full philipp eduard anton lenard German physicist and recipient of the 1905 NobelPrize for Physics for his research on cathode rays and the discovery of
MSN Encarta - Lenard, Philipp Eduard Anton Translate this page lenard, philipp eduard anton. lenard, philipp eduard anton (1862-1947), physicienallemand. Médias. Plus de résultats pour lenard, philipp eduard anton,
Encyclopedia: Philipp Eduard Anton Von Lenard Factoid 11. The USA has more personal computers than the next 7countries combined. Interesting Facts. Make your own graph Hold
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Philipp Eduard Anton Von Lenard Article on philipp eduard anton von lenard from, licensedfrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. philipp eduard anton von lenard.
Lenard, Philipp lenard, philipp,. in full philipp eduard anton lenard (b. June 7, 1862,Pressburg, Hung. now Bratislava, Slovakiad. May 20, 1947
Extractions: Britannica CD Index Articles Dictionary Help in full PHILIPP EDUARD ANTON LENARD (b. June 7, 1862, Pressburg, Hung. [now Bratislava, Slovakia]d. May 20, 1947, Messelhausen, Ger.), German physicist, winner of the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1905 for his research on cathode rays and the discovery of many of their properties. His results had important implications for the development of electronics and nuclear physics After serving as a lecturer and as an assistant to Heinrich Hertz at the University of Bonn in 1893, Lenard was professor of physics successively at the universities of Breslau (1894), Aachen (1895), Heidelberg (1896), and Kiel (1898). In 1907 he returned to the University of Heidelberg as professor of physics , where he stayed until his retirement in 1931. Applying the discovery that cathode rays pass through thin leaves of metal, Lenard constructed (1898) a cathode-ray tube with an aluminum window through which the rays could pass into the open air. Using a phosphorescent screen, he showed that the rays decreased in number as the screen was drawn away from the tube and that they ceased at a distance. The experiments also demonstrated that the power of substances to absorb the rays depends on their density and not on their chemical nature and that absorption decreases with increasing velocity of the rays. In similar experiments in 1899 he proved that cathode rays are created when light strikes metal surfaces; this phenomenon later became known as the photoelectric effect.
Nobel Prize In Physics 1905 philipp eduard anton von lenard Germany born 1862 (Pozsony (Pressburg), Hungary),died 1947 Kiel University, Kiel, Germany Additional Information.
Külügyminisztérium philipp eduard anton von lenard (18621947), Róbert Bárány (1876-1936)Richárd Zsigmondy (1865-1929). lenard started his studies
Extractions: Lenard started his studies in Bratislava and went on to Budapest, Heidelberg, and Berlin. He was a student or colleague of Robert Wilhelm Bunsen Herman Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz Loránd Eötvös (1848-1919), and Heinrich Hertz (1857-1894). He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1905 for his work related to cathode rays The family of Robert Bárány left Hungary in the mid-19th century. He was born in Vienna and completed his medical studies there. The 1914 Nobel Prize for Medicine was awarded to him for his work in the field of the physiology and pathology of the vestibular apparatus (the balancing organ) . Due to the war, he received the prize only in 1916. Richard Zsigmondy was born to a respected Hungarian family in Vienna. He studied in Vienna and Munich, defending his doctoral thesis in organic chemistry at the University of Erlangen. He was a professor in Graz, conducting research on the characteristics of silicon compounds. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1925, for his demonstration of the heterogeneous nature of colloid solutions and the methods applied during his research, which are of fundamental importance in modern colloid chemistry
HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results 3. lenard, philipp eduard anton (18621947) The Hutchinson Dictionary of ScientificBiography; January 1, 1998 lenard, philipp eduard anton (1862-1947
HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results 7. lenard, philipp eduard anton (18621947) The Hutchinson Dictionaryof Scientific Biography; January 1, 1998 lenard, philipp eduard
Nobel Prize Winners In Physics Physics 1905. lenard, philipp eduard anton, Germany, Kiel University, * 1862 (inPressburg, then Hungary), + 1947 for his work on cathode rays . Physics 1906.
Extractions: Nobel Prize Winners in Physics R~NTGEN, WILHELM CONRAD, Germany, Munich University,* 1845, + 1923: "in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered by the discovery of the remarkable rays subsequently named after him". The prize was awarded jointly to: LORENTZ, HENDRIK ANTOON, the Netherlands, Leyden University, * 1853, + 1928; and ZEEMAN, PIETER, the Netherlands, Amsterdam University, * 1865, + 1943: "in recognition of the extraordinary service they rendered by their researches into the influence of magnetism upon radiation phenomena". The prize was divided, one half being awarded to: BECQUEREL, ANTOINE HENRI, France, äcole Polytechnique, Paris, * 1852, + 1908: "in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered by his discovery of spontaneous radioactivity"; the other half jointly to: CURIE, PIERRE, France, äcole municipale de physique et de chimie industrielles, (Municipal School of Industrial Physics and Chemistry), Paris, * 1859, + 1906; and his wife CURIE, MARIE, n»e SKLODOWSKA, France, * 1867 (in Warsaw, Poland), + 1934: "in recognition of the extraordinary services they have rendered by their joint researches on the radiation phenomena discovered by Professor Henri Becquerel".
Leibitzer, Johann D. Ä. (1763 - 1817), Pomologe Translate this page Lenarcic, Andrija (1859 - 1936), Agrarfachmann. lenard, philipp eduard anton (1862- 1947), Physiker. Lenau, Nikolaus s. Niembsch von Strehlenau Nikolaus Franz.
Extractions: Leibitzer, Johann d. Ä. (1763 - 1817), Pomologe Leicht, Ferdinand (1870 - 1922), Theaterdirektor und Komponist Leicht, Hans (1886 - 1937), Politiker, Jurist und Schriftsteller Leicht, Michele (1827 - 1897), Historiker und Jurist Leicht, Wilhelm (1876 - 1946), Theaterdirektor und Schauspieler Leichter, Käthe; geb. Pick (1895 - 1942), Politikerin und Schriftstellerin Leidenfrost, Robert (1827 - 1897), Evangelischer Theologe und Lehrer Leidesdorf, Franz; Ps. Wallner (1810 - 1876), Schauspieler, Theaterdirektor und Schriftsteller Leidesdorf, Franz Emil (1821 - 1885), Notar Leidesdorf(er), Leopold Franz (1793 - 1864), Fabrikant Leidesdorf, Maximilian (1816 - 1889), Psychiater Leidesdorf, Maximilian (Marcus) Joseph (1787 - 1840), Musiker Leidesdorfer von Neuwall, Markus (1753 - 1838), Großhändler und Bankier Leidl, Karl von (1820 - 1895), Generalmajor Leidler, Rudolf (1880 - 1938), Oto-Rhino-Laryngologe Leifer, Franz (1852 - 1914), Kameralwissenschaftler Leifer, Therese; geb. von Perekop (1771 - 1846), Schauspielerin Leifhelm, Hans; Ps. Hermann Brinckmeyer, Konrad Overstolz
20th Century Year By YEar 1905 Physics lenard, philipp eduard anton, Germany, Kiel University, b. 1862(in Pressburg, then Hungary), d. 1947 for his work on cathode rays .
Nobel Peace Prize 1905, philipp eduard anton von lenard Ger, Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Adolf vonBaeyer Ger, Robert Koch Ger, Henryk Sienkiewicz Pol, Baroness Bertha Sophie lenard, philipp eduard anton (18621947) Nemecký fyzik a spoludritelNobelovy ceny za fyziku pro rok 1905 za výzkum katodových
Philipp Translate this page 3. philippeduard anton lenard philipp eduard anton lenard Pressburg 7.6.1862
Leb Lena. Lenape. lenard, philipp eduard anton. Lenau, Nikolaus. Lena. Lenape. lenard,philipp eduard anton. Lenau, Nikolaus. Lenbach, Franz von. Lenclos, Ninon de.
Atomfizikusok Képek Irene JoliotCurie. lenard, philipp eduard anton (1862-1947),Nobel-díjas pozsonyi születésu német fizikus. Képek lenard.
Extractions: Készítette : Porkoláb Tamás Becquerel, Henri Antoine Nobel-díjas francia fizikus Képek: Becquerel fiatalon Becquerel idõs korában Bohr, Niels Henrik David Nobel-díjas dán elméleti fizikus Képek: Bohr fiatalon (1) Bohr idõs korában Bohr és Pauli Bohr és Sommerfeld ... Bohr, Heisenberg és Pauli Born, Max Nobel-díjas német elméleti fizikus Képek: Born fiatalon Born idõs korában Broglie, Prince Louis Victor de Nobel-díjas francia fizikus Képek: de Broglie Chadwick, Sir James Nobel-díjas angol fizikus Képek: Chadwick Compton, Arthur Holly Nobel-díjas amerikai fizikus Képek: Compton Curie-Sklodowska, Marie Nobel-díjas lengyel fizikus Képek: Madame Curie Madame és Pierre Curie Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice Nobel-díjas angol elméleti fizikus Képek: Dirac Einstein, Albert Nobel-díjas német származású, amerikai elméleti fizikus Képek: Einstein fiatalon Einstein 1922-ben Einstein 1931-ben Einstein 1940-ben ... Einstein kidugja a nyelvét Fermi, Enrico Nobel-díjas olasz fizikus Képek: Fermi a táblánál Fermi Gábor Dénes Nobel-díjas magyar származású angol villamosmérnök, kutató
Úvod lenard a Bratislava. philipp eduard anton lenard sa narodil 7. júna1862 v Bratislave. Jeho rodina prila do Bratislavy z Tirolska.
Extractions: Lenard a Bratislava Philipp Eduard Anton Lenard sa narodil 7. júna 1862 v Bratislave. Jeho rodina prila do Bratislavy z Tirolska. Philippov otec mal spolu s idovským podnikate¾om Labanom ve¾koobchod s vínom a firma Lenard a Laban zaèala medzi prvými v Bratislave vyrába ampanské. U ako trojroèný priiel Philipp o matku a jeho výchovu prevzala matkina sestra Anna, ktorá sa neskôr stala manelkou Philippovho otca. Na výchove malého chlapca sa vo ve¾kej miere podie¾ala aj stará mama Baumannová, ktorá Philippovi vtepila lásku a obdiv k ve¾kým duchom, ako bol Beethoven, Schiller a Napoleon. Prvé vzdelanie dostal Philipp v rodièovskom dome. Keï mal 9 rokov, zapísali ho do ¾udovej koly pri Dóme sv. Martina. Ako sám spomína, dostal tu dobré základy z kreslenia, geometrie a prírodných vied. Najviac naòho zapôsobili demontrácie pokusov, ktoré na hodinách chémie predvádzal lekárnik Lucich. Doma si ich spoèiatku opakoval, ale neskôr robil aj vlastné experimenty. V roku 1876 nastúpil do 5. triedy bratislavskej reálky. Táto kola vznikla v Bratislave v roku 1850 ako priamy dôsledok revoluèných udalostí z rokov 1848-49 a mala za cie¾ vychováva dorast pre rozvíjajúci sa priemysel. Bola to prvá kola nového typu v Rakúsko-Uhorsku. Matematiku uèil Philippa Karol Polikeit, ktorý, ako sme spomínali v úvode, sa neskôr stal riadite¾om katolíckeho gymnázia v Bratislave a patril medzi priekopníkov röntgenológie v naom meste. V iestej triede pribudla k ostatným predmetom aj fyzika. Tú uèil na reálke profesor Virgil Klatt. Jeho uèite¾ské pôsobenie sa vyznaèovalo predovetkým úsilím o priblíenie výuèby ivotu a praxi, èo bolo charakteristické pre vtedajie reálky. Klatt sa èasto oznaèuje za priekopníka polytechnického vyuèovania v Uhorsku. Na bratislavskej vyej reálke vybudoval slune vybavený kabinet. Keïe bol aj zruèný mechanik, sám si zhotovil väèinu prístrojov, s ktorými systematicky konal experimenty. Súèasou vybavenia kabinetu bolo aj nieko¾ko induktorov, prièom najväèí mal dosah a 42 cm a údajne svojho èasu patril medzi najvýkonnejie zariadenia v krajine. Klattov fyzikálny kabinet bol vybavený aj modernou odbornou literatúrou. Napríklad vetky roèníky èasopisu
Kimyaokulu - Bilimin öncüleri - Kim Ne Katkida Bulundu lenard, philipp eduard anton (lenard), (18621947) Alman fizikçisi. Katot isinlari,lüminesans ve fotoelektrik olaylar üzerinde çalismistir. onculeri/kisa/l.htm
Extractions: Amerikan fizik ve kimyacýsý. 1913 de gazlý elektrik ampulünü yaptý ve elektron tüplerinin geliþmesi bakýmýndan çok önemli olan bir teori kurdu. 1919 dan sonra Lewis'in valans teorisine dair çalýþmalarýyla o da uðraþtý. Heteropoler ve homoopoler baðlantýlara dair bir teori kurdu. Adsorpsiyon ve absorpsiyon olaylarýna dair çalýþmalarý münasebetiyle 1932 de Nobel kimya armaðanýný kazanmýþtýr. Alman fizikçisi. Röntgen ýþýnlarý üzerinde yaptýðý çalýþmalarla bir yandan bu ýþýnlarýn içyüzünü aydýnlatmýþ, bir yandan da bu ýþýnlarýn kristal yapýlarýn üzerinde meydana getirdikleri enter-ferans olaylarý yardýmýyla kristal bilgisinin geliþmesine olanak veren önemli bir metot bulmuþtur. 1914 de Nobel fizik armaðaný kazanmýþtýr.