WIEM: Lamb Willis Eugene lamb willis eugene jr. (1913), fizyk amerykaski, profesor uniwersytetów w Nowym Jorku, Palo Alto, Cambridge, New Heven i Tucson, czonek Fizyka, Stany Zjednoczone. lamb willis eugene( 1913-) Lamb http://www.encyklopedia.pl/wiem/00e33e.html
Extractions: Lamb Willis Eugene jr. (1913-), fizyk amerykañski, profesor uniwersytetów w Nowym Jorku , Palo Alto, Cambridge New Heven i Tucson , cz³onek National Academy of Sciences. Prowadzi³ prace naukowe g³ównie z zakresu fizyki atomowej i j±drowej oraz spektroskopii mikrofalowej. Laureat nagrody Nobla w 1955 (obok P. Kuscha ) za wyja¶nienie niewielkich odchyleñ od przewidywañ w obserwowanym widmie wodoru ( Lamba przesuniêcie ). Prace w tej dziedzinie prowadzi³ w latach 1947-1953. WIEM zosta³a opracowana na podstawie Popularnej Encyklopedii Powszechnej Wydawnictwa Fogra zobacz wszystkie serwisy do góry
Willis Eugene Lamb Willis Eugene Lamb. Willis Eugene Lamb of electromagnetic phenomena.External Links. Willis Eugene Lamb. This article is from Wikipedia. http://www.fact-index.com/w/wi/willis_eugene_lamb.html
WIEM: Lamb Willis Eugene lamb willis eugene jr. (1913), fizyk Fizyka, Stany Zjednoczone LambWillis Eugene (1913-). lamb willis eugene jr. (1913-), fizyk http://wiem.onet.pl/wiem/00e33e.html
Extractions: Lamb Willis Eugene jr. (1913-), fizyk amerykañski, profesor uniwersytetów w Nowym Jorku , Palo Alto, Cambridge New Heven i Tucson , cz³onek National Academy of Sciences. Prowadzi³ prace naukowe g³ównie z zakresu fizyki atomowej i j±drowej oraz spektroskopii mikrofalowej. Laureat nagrody Nobla w 1955 (obok P. Kuscha ) za wyja¶nienie niewielkich odchyleñ od przewidywañ w obserwowanym widmie wodoru ( Lamba przesuniêcie ). Prace w tej dziedzinie prowadzi³ w latach 1947-1953. WIEM zosta³a opracowana na podstawie Popularnej Encyklopedii Powszechnej Wydawnictwa Fogra zobacz wszystkie serwisy do góry
Extractions: Click the link for more information. ) is a physicist A physicist is a scientist trained in physics. Physicists are employed by universities as professors, lecturers, researchers, and by laboratories in industry. Employment as a professional physicist generally requires a doctoral degree. However, many people who have trained as physicists use their skills in other parts of the economy, in particular in computing and finance. See also:
Willis Lamb Willis Eugene Lamb, Jr. Born July 12 1913 in Los Angeles, California Died . WillisEugene Lamb, Jr. was born on July 12, 19I3 in Los Angeles, California. http://physics.rug.ac.be/Fysica/Geschiedenis/Mathematicians/Lamb.html
Extractions: Except for three years schooling in Oakland, Calif., he was educated in the public schools of Los Angeles, Calif. In 1930 he entered the University of California at Berkeley and received a B.S. (Chemistry) in 1934. His graduate work in theoretical physics at the same university led to the Ph.D. degree in 1938. His thesis research on the electromagnetic properties of nuclear systems was directed by Professor J. R. Oppenheimer. He went to Columbia University as Instructor in Physics in 1938, became an Associate (1943), Assistant Professor (1945), Associate Professor (1947) and Professor in 1948. From 1943 to 1951, he was associated also with the Columbia Radiation Laboratory where the research described in the Nobel Lecture was done. In 1951 he went to Stanford University in California as Professor of Physics. During 1953-1954 he was Morris Loeb Lecturer at
Born 22 Jan 1908 In Baku, Azerbaijan, Russian Empire Died 1 lamb willis eugene (1913) USA. 1955 Nobel Physics prize for his discoveriesconcerning the fine structure of the hydrogen spectrum. Lamb Jr. http://www.mlahanas.de/Stamps/Data/PHPerson/L.htm
Extractions: Laplace understood the universe to be totally operative under the impersonal laws of nature. So in 1773 he set out to give full mathematical explanation to the motions of the heavensin such a way that there would be no more need to call in "God" as the residual part of the equation. This he successfully did through an unprecedentedly in-depth mathematical calculation of the eccentricities in the planetary orbitstaking into account their gravitation attraction to each other as well as to the sun as they moved through their respective orbits. (This work was eventually compiled into the five-volume study: Laplace's work earned him a place in the prestigious French Academy of Sciences. It also removed the idea of God further (if not completely) from the mechanistic cosmology that had been unfolding over the previous century. Not even deism could stand up to this assault. Indeed, the story goes that when Laplace presented a copy of his work to Napoleon, the latter uttered a concern that Laplace had made no mention in his work of the Divine "Originator" of this marvelous systemto which Laplace replied: "I had no need for that hypothesis!"
Willis E. Lamb - Biography willis E. lamb Biography. willis eugene lamb, Jr. was born on July12, 19I3 in Los Angeles, California. His father willis eugene http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1955/lamb-bio.html
Extractions: Except for three years schooling in Oakland, Calif., he was educated in the public schools of Los Angeles, Calif. In 1930 he entered the University of California at Berkeley and received a B.S. (Chemistry) in 1934. His graduate work in theoretical physics at the same university led to the Ph.D. degree in 1938. His thesis research on the electromagnetic properties of nuclear systems was directed by Professor J.R. Oppenheimer. He went to Columbia University as Instructor in Physics in 1938, became an Associate (1943), Assistant Professor (1945), Associate Professor (1947) and Professor in 1948. From 1943 to 1951, he was associated also with the Columbia Radiation Laboratory where the research described in the Nobel Lecture was done. In 1951 he went to Stanford University in California as Professor of Physics. During 1953-1954 he was Morris Loeb Lecturer at
Lamb, Willis Eugene, Jr. lamb, willis eugene, Jr. ( b. July 12, 1913, Los Angeles, Calif., lamb joined the faculty of Columbia University in 1938 and worked in the Radiation Laboratory there during World War II http://www.britannica.com/nobel/micro/336_15.html
Extractions: (b. July 12, 1913, Los Angeles, Calif., U.S.), American physicist and joint winner, with Polykarp Kusch , of the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1955 for experimental work that spurred refinements in the quantum theories of electromagnetic phenomena. Lamb joined the faculty of Columbia University in 1938 and worked in the Radiation Laboratory there during World War II. Though the quantum mechanics of P.A.M. Dirac had predicted the hyperfine structure of the lines that appear in the spectrum (dispersed light, as by a prism), Lamb applied new methods to measure the lines and in 1947 found their positions to be slightly different from what had been predicted. While a professor of physics at Stanford University, California, (1951-56), Lamb devised microwave techniques for examining the hyperfine structure of the spectral lines of helium. He was professor of theoretical physics at the University of Oxford until 1962, when he was appointed professor of physics at Yale University. In 1974 he became professor of physics and optical sciences at the University of Arizona.
Lamb, Willis Eugene Jr. lamb, willis eugene Jr. ( 1913) Americký fyzik a spoludritel Nobelovy ceny za fyziku pro rok 1955, kterou dostal spolu s Polykarpem Kuschem za experimentální práce vedoucí ke zpesnní kvantové elektrodynamiky. vedoucí ke zpesnní kvantové elektrodynamiky. lamb se v roce 1938 stal zamstnancem Kolumbijské university v http://www.aldebaran.cz/famous/people/Lamb_Willis.html
Extractions: Lamb se v roce 1938 stal zamìstnancem Kolumbijské university v New York City a bìhem druhé svìtové války pracoval v laboratoøi "Radiation Laboratory". Aèkoli kvantová mechanika P.A.M. Diraca pøedpovídala hyperjemné struktury èar, které se objevovaly ve spektru, aplikoval Lamb v roce 1947 nové mìøící metody a zjistil drobné odchylky od toho, co bylo pøedpovìzeno. Tyto odchylky byly zpùsobeny netriviálními dynamickými vlastnostmi vakua, zejména pøítomností tzv. virtuálních elektron pozitronových párù ve vakuu. Bìhem let 1951-1956 byl profesorem fyziky na Standfordské universtitì v Kalifornii a navrhl zde mikrovlnné techniky na mìøení hyperjemných struktur spektrálních èar helia. Do roku 1962 byl profesorem teoretické fyziky na universitì v Oxfordu. V téme roce byl jmenován profesorem na universitì v Yale. V roce 1974 se stal profesorem fyziky a optických vìd na universitì v Arizonì.
Willis Eugene Lamb: Awards Won By Willis Eugene Lamb The biggest english dictionary RealDictionary.com. Awards of willis eugene lamb. Stardose.com. RealLyrics.com. OnlyHitLyrics.com. Real Dictionary. MovieDose.com. Make 123Awards your start page. Add http://www.123awards.com/artist/7886.asp
Nobel Prize In Physics 1955 for his discoveries concerning the fine structure of the hydrogen spectrum" willis eugene lamb. 1/2 of prize The lamb Shift. Picture of willis eugene lamb http://www.slac.stanford.edu/library/nobel/nobel1955.html
Rinton Press - Publisher In Science And Technology The author (left), willis eugene lamb Jr., was born in Los Angeles, California at the University of California, Berkeley. lamb has taught physics throughout his entire career at http://www.rintonpress.com/books/wlamb.html
Extractions: The Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics by Willis E. Lamb, Jr., provides all students of quantum mechanics, physicists, philosophers and historians of sciences, new insights in the understanding of quantum mechanics by one of the greatest physicists of the twentieth century, and the editorial annotation offers a fascinating portrait of the life and science of a great man. Contents:
Willis Eugene Lamb Winner Of The 1955 Nobel Prize In Physics willis eugene lamb, a Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics, at the Nobel Prize Internet Archive. willis eugene lamb. 1955 Nobel Laureate in Physics submitted by Chinnappan Baskar) lamb, willis eugene Jr. http://www.almaz.com/nobel/physics/1955a.html
Physics 1955 willis eugene lamb, Polykarp Kusch. 1/2 of the prize, 1/2 of the prize. USA,USA. Stanford University Stanford, CA, USA, Columbia University New York, NY,USA. http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1955/
Index Of Nobel Laureates In Physics Translate this page Koshiba, Masatoshi, 2002. Kroemer, Herbert, 2000. Kusch, Polykarp, 1955.lamb, willis eugene, 1955. Landau, Lev Davidovich, 1962. Laue, Max Von,1914. http://almaz.com/nobel/physics/alpha.html
Willis Eugene Lamb, Jr. -- Encyclopædia Britannica Encyclopædia Britannica, lamb, willis eugene, Jr. Encyclopædia Britannica Article. williseugene lamb, Jr. born July 12, 1913, Los Angeles, Calif., US http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=48022&tocid=0
Lamb, Willis lamb, willis eugene (1913). US physicist who revised the quantumtheory of Paul Dirac. The hydrogen atom was thought to exist in http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Biographies/MainBiographies/L/LambW/1.html
Extractions: US physicist who revised the quantum theory of Paul Dirac . The hydrogen atom was thought to exist in either of two distinct states carrying equal energies. More sophisticated measurements by Lamb in 1947 demonstrated that the two energy levels were not equal. This discrepancy, since known as the Lamb shift, won him the 1955 Nobel Prize for Physics.
By Dates 1954, Born, Max Bothe, Walther. 1955, lamb, willis eugene - Kusch, Polykarp.1956, Shockley, William Bradford - Bardeen, John - Brattain, Walter Houser. http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Sciences/Physics/aboutphysics/Nobelprize/dat
Extractions: Winners Röntgen, Wilhelm Conrad Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon Zeeman, Pieter Becquerel, Antoine Henri ... Bragg, William Lawrence The prize money was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section Barkla, Charles Glover Planck, Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Stark, Johannes Guillaume, Charles Edouard ... Raman, Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata The prize money was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section Heisenberg, Werner Karl Schrödinger, Erwin Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice The prize money was 1/3 allocated to the Main Fund and 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section Chadwick, James Hess, Victor Franz Anderson, Carl David Davisson, Clinton Joseph ... Lawrence, Ernest Orlando The prize money was 1/3 allocated to the Main Fund and 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section The prize money was 1/3 allocated to the Main Fund and 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section The prize money was 1/3 allocated to the Main Fund and 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section Stern, Otto
Willis Lamb - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Printable version Disclaimers. Not logged in Log in Help. Otherlanguages Deutsch. willis lamb. (Redirected from willis eugene lamb). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Willis_Eugene_Lamb
Extractions: (Redirected from Willis Eugene Lamb Willis Eugene Lamb, Junior July 12 ) is a physicist who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in "for his discoveries concerning the fine structure of the hydrogen spectrum." Lamb was born in Los Angeles California . First admitted in , he received from the University of California, Berkeley his Bachelor of Science in and Ph.D in physics in edit This article is a stub . You can help Wikipedia by expanding it Categories Nobel Prize in Physics winners Views Personal tools Navigation Search Toolbox Other languages Deutsch This page was last modified 21:50, 31 May 2004. All text is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License (see for details).