Nobel Prize In Medicine Since 1901 koehler, GeorgesJF; Milstein, Cesar. 1985, Brown, Michael S.; Goldstein, Joseph L.
Extractions: Nobel Prize in Medicine since 1901 Year Prize Winners Behring, Emil Adolf Von Ross, Sir Ronald Finsen, Niels Ryberg Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich Koch, Robert Cajal, Santiago Ramon Y.; Golgi, Camillo Laveran, Charles Louis Alphonse Ehrlich, Paul; Mechnikov, Ilya Ilyich Kocher, Emil Theodor Kossel, Albrecht Gullstrand, Allvar Carrel, Alexis Richet, Charles Robert Barany, Robert Bordet, Jules Krogh, Schack August Steenberger Hill, Sir Archibald Vivian; Meyerhof, Otto Fritz; Banting, Sir Frederick Grant; Macleod, John James Richard; Einthoven, Willem; Fibiger, Johannes Andreas Grib Wagner-Jauregg, Julius Nicolle, Charles Jules Henri Eijkman, Christiaan; Hopkins, Sir Frederick Gowland Landsteiner, Karl Warburg, Otto Heinrich Adrian, Lord Edgar Douglas; Sherrington, Sir Charles Scott Morgan, Thomas Hunt Minot, George Richards; Murphy, William Parry; Whipple, George Hoyt Spemann, Hans Dale, Sir Henry Hallett; Loewi, Otto Nagyrapolt, Albert Szent-Gyorgyi Von Heymans, Corneille Jean Francois Domagk, Gerhard Dam, Henrik Carl Peter; Doisy, Edward Adelbert Erlanger, Joseph; Gasser, Herbert Spencer
Vachon Family Genealogy Forum (All Messages) Eddy BELANGER, 50 ans, Stgeorges, Beauce, Quebec - Dicky 9/26 David Vachon (Vershon) Georgiana Fredette - JF9/29/02 Herman Descendants-kind of long - Therese Koehler7/20/01
[P&S Journal:Sp:95] Taxol-Mimicking Antibodies Assemble Microtubules his insights, he shared the Nobel Prize in 1984 with Dr. Cesar Milstein and Dr. GeorgesJF koehler who were recognized for their work on monoclonal antibodies.
Extractions: Taxol-Mimicking Antibodies Assemble Microtubules Dr. Bernard Erlanger has isolated a novel monoclonal antibody that mimics the anti-cancer drug taxol and has the ability to assemble a large supramolecular structure, a behavior never seen in antibodies. Further research on how the unusual antibody works might lead to the development of new taxol-like tumor-killing agents. In the October 1994 issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Dr. Erlanger, professor emeritus of microbiology, reports this first example of an antibody that can build a macromolecule from its biochemical subunits. The unique antibody, which is called an anti-idiotypic antibody, is in the construction business because Dr. Erlanger generated it to imitate taxol. Like taxol, which stops tumor cell growth by irreversibly stabilizing cellular components known as microtubules that normally break down when cells divide, the antibody can assemble microtubules from tubulin components. Dr. Erlanger suggests that new taxol-like drugs could be created based on further research leading to an understanding of how the antibody, a protein, is able to do what taxol, an organic compound, does. Antibodies normally do not assemble molecules. Antibodies are proteins made by the immune system, as part of its humoral response, to neutralize foreign antigens, such as bacteria or viruses. The immune system has evolved to be able to recognize essentially any antigen that confronts it, including biomolecules made by the organism itself. Hundreds of millions of immune cells, called B cells, continually make low levels of all the possible antibodies a person might need. Antigens, such as bacteria, for example, induce certain clones of B cells-those that make antibodies that recognize the bacteria-to grow selectively. After the antibacterial antibodies fight the infection, secondary antibodies shut off their production. The immune system maintains a balance between antibodies and these anti-antibodies, which are called anti-idiotypic antibodies.
Welcome To Britan. 1983, Barbara McClintock, US. 1984, Cesar Milstein, GeorgesJF koehler Niels K. Jerne,, BritainArgentina Germany Britain. 1985,
Extractions: ECONOMIE - ECONOMY - ECONOMICS Bestellen - Order EUR. EUR. EUR. ALVIN Louis, Salaire et Sécurité sociale - A jour au 1er Janvier 1947, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1947, 365pp.avec qqs.tabelles, non coupé, bel état, EUR. ARON Raymond, La lutte des classes - nouvelles leçons sur les sociétés industrielles, Paris, Gallimard, 1964, 379pp., dans la collection "Idées" nr.47, pocket, qq.usage, EUR. Association Anversoise du Commerce des Cuirs et Peaux - Exposition Internationale d'Anvers 1930, Anvers, 1930, 105pp.+ 20 planches + 1 plan, bel état, EUR. BACON Paul, Naissance de la classe ouvrière, Paris, les Editions Ouvrières s.d.[années '1940's], 48pp., qqs.rousseurs, EUR. BAECK Louis, De ekonomische en politieke verschuivingen / Morgen, Leuven, Davidsfonds, 1977, 184pp., EUR. BAECK Louis, Een ekonomie voor de mens, Leuven, Davidsfonds, 1974, 80pp., gesigneerd met opdracht, EUR. BAPTIST A.-G., Matériaux pour l'étude de l'économie rurale des populations de la cuvette forestière du Congo belge, Bruxelles, 1951, 63pp., br.orig., signé avec dédicace par l'auteur, dans: "Publications de l'Institut national pour l'étude agronomique du Congo Belge (I.N.E.A.C.). Série technique" nr.40, EUR.
Varia-Liste Antiquariat Der Buchladen 567, Friedmann, GeorgesDas Ende des jüdischen Volkes? Dt. jf Lehmanns Verlag 1950 ( 70.-73.
Extractions: (aktualisiert: 10.03.04) (Baur Ferdinand Christian) Historisch-kritische Geschichtsbetrachtung. Ferdinand Christian Baur und seine Schüler. 8.Blaubeurer Symposion, Hrausg.v.Ulrich Köpf (Contubernium. Tübinger Beiträge zur Universitäs- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte Bd.40) 247 S., Ln. m. OU.; Sigmaringen, Jan Thorbecke Verlag 1994 (Johannot, Tony) Tony Johannot. Meister der Buchkunst, hrsg.v. Bruno Kaiser 112 S., Hln. m. U.; Bln., Henschelverlag 1956 (Löwenthal, Richard) Die Demokratie im Wandel der Gesellschaft. Vorträge gehalten im Sommersemester 1962. Hrsg. v. Richard Löwenthal; 192 S., Ln. m. OU., Bln., Colloquium Verlag 1963 (Lübke-Haack) Haack, Friedrich: Die Kunst des XIX. Jahrhunderts (Grundriss der Kunstgeschichte v. Wilhlem Lübke Bd. V) 455 S., 8 farb. Tfln., 1 Heliogravüre, 1 Lichtdr., 3 Tfln. In Tonätzung, 311 Abb., Ln., Esslingen, Paul Neff Vlg. 1907 (2.verb.A.) (Lübke-Haack) Lübke, Wilhelm: Die Kunst der Barockzeit und des Rokoko (Grundriss der Kunstgeschichte v. Wilhlem Lübke Bd.IV) 436 S., 5 Tfln., 2 Heliogravüren, 385 Abb., Ln., Esslingen, Paul Neff Vlg. 1907 (überarb. Neuausg. v.M.Semrau)
Contents Report of the Workshop on Acute Perinatal Asphyxia in Term Infants. Sponsored by National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, NIH. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, NIH. Cosponsored by
Anti Global Warming Petition Project Print out this document for your friends who do not have access to the Internet. Petition Project. Anti Global Warming Petition Project. Global Warming Review Anti Global Warming Petition Project .
Extractions: Global Warming Review Anti Global Warming Petition Project Letter from Frederick Seitz Research Review of Global Warming Evidence Below is an eight page review of information on the subject of "global warming," and a petition in the form of a reply card. Please consider these materials carefully. The United States is very close to adopting an international agreement that would ration the use of energy and of technologies that depend upon coal, oil, and natural gas and some other organic compounds. This treaty is, in our opinion, based upon flawed ideas. Research data on climate change do not show that human use of hydrocarbons is harmful. To the contrary, there is good evidence that increased atmospheric carbon dioxide is environmentally helpful. The proposed agreement would have very negative effects upon the technology of nations throughout the world, especially those that are currently attempting to lift from poverty and provide opportunities to the over 4 billion people in technologically underdeveloped countries.
ÆÕͨÃâÒßѧÍøÂç¿Î³Ì The summary for this Chinese (Simplified) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set.
Extractions: Naam Beroep Adres Sectie N° Blz. KALB M. estaminet- logement rue du sac négociants- commissionniares rue ellerman KAMPEN Corn. charpentier chaussée de breda (Merxem) KAMSTEEG frères négociants en fromages, grains et graines marché aux ufs KAMSTEEG Ad. Ch. G. commis marché aux ufs KAPPERTZ Henri particulier longue rue neuve KARCHER Ed. négociant, (bureau: rue grammey, 8) avenue marie thérèse KAREN Jos tapissier poids public KAREN G. doreur et encadreur rue du faucon KARSMAN Jacq. F. négociant en diamants boulevard léopold KARSMAN Mathieu négociant en diamants boulevard léopold KARSMAN Ant. Corn. Pierre particulier rue memling KARSSELEERS Jean Bapt. vicaire rue de l' église KARSSELEERS Pierre J. particulier chaussée st bernard KASTELEYNS P. J. entrepreneur de travaux publics avenue moretus KAUSLER W. C. négociant rue vanboendale KEERIS Alph. maréchal- ferrant rue des fortifications KEES Henri serrurier et poêlier rue de la nacelle KEGELAERS Ferd. menuisier et charpentier rue de vénus KEGELEERS François boucher chaussée de turnhout (Bght) KEGELEIRS la Veuve J. B.
Extractions: Phys. Rev. Lett. Phys. Rev. A Phys. Rev. B Phys. Rev. C Phys. Rev. D Phys. Rev. E Phys. Rev. ST AB Rev. Mod. Phys. Phys. Rev. (Series I) Phys. Rev. Volume: Page/Article: Previous article Next article Issue 13 contents View Page Images or PDF (638 kB) [ Buy this Article J. L. Bobin, M. Decroisette, B. Meyer, and Y. Vitel Received 30 January 1973 omega ) was focused on a solid target. Quite intense lines were found with frequencies 2 omega omega omega . The lines at 2 omega and 3 / 2 omega are broadened on the low-frequency side only. Their occurence and broadening may be related to parametric excitation of waves. URL:
Extractions: SEARCH -Author- 4th Intl Conf in Finance Aas, Kjersti Abbott, Mark C. Abken, Peter ABN AMRO Abrahamson, Allen Acar, Emmanuel Acerbi, Carlo Acharki, R. Adachi, M. Matthew Adkins, Lee C. Adler, Robert J. Agarwal, Vikas Aggarwal, Vikram Aglietta, M. Agro, Gianna Aguilar, J. P. Ahlgrim, Kevin Ahlstedt, Monica Ahn, D.-H. AIM Association AIMA Airoldi, Marco Ait-Sahalia, Yacine Ajassa, Giovanni Akesson, Aron Aksay, Baryp Albanese, Claudio Albrecht, Peter Alcantara, Silvia dos Alesii, Giuseppe Alexander, Carol Alexander, Gordon Alexander, Siddharth Allen, David Allen, Linda Allen, M. A. Allen, Michael Allen, Steven L. Al-Loughani, N. E. Almgren, Robert Altman, Edward I. Altrock, Frank Alvarez, Susana Ambrosetti, Stefano Ammann, Manuel Andersen, J. V. Andersen, Torben G. Andersson, Fredrik Andreon.Elena Ané, Thierry Ang, Andrew Angelini, Flavio Antolinez-Fehr, Pierre Antonelli, Sabrina Approximity APRA Aragonés, J. R. Aranda Gallego, Joaquin Arapoglou, Alexander T. Araujo, Gustavo S. Arterian, Susan Artzner, Philippe Arvanitis, Angelo Asad-Syed, Kemal
Welcome To Translate this page Measuring financial risk used by major financial institutions.
Extractions: SEARCH -Author- 4th Intl Conf in Finance Aas, Kjersti Abbott, Mark C. Abken, Peter ABN AMRO Abrahamson, Allen Acar, Emmanuel Acerbi, Carlo Acharki, R. Adachi, M. Matthew Adkins, Lee C. Adler, Robert J. Agarwal, Vikas Aggarwal, Vikram Aglietta, M. Agro, Gianna Aguilar, J. P. Ahlgrim, Kevin Ahlstedt, Monica Ahn, D.-H. AIM Association AIMA Airoldi, Marco Ait-Sahalia, Yacine Ajassa, Giovanni Akesson, Aron Aksay, Baryp Albanese, Claudio Albrecht, Peter Alcantara, Silvia dos Alesii, Giuseppe Alexander, Carol Alexander, Gordon Alexander, Siddharth Allen, David Allen, Linda Allen, M. A. Allen, Michael Allen, Steven L. Al-Loughani, N. E. Almgren, Robert Altman, Edward I. Altrock, Frank Alvarez, Susana Ambrosetti, Stefano Ammann, Manuel Andersen, J. V. Andersen, Torben G. Andersson, Fredrik Andreon.Elena Ané, Thierry Ang, Andrew Angelini, Flavio Antolinez-Fehr, Pierre Antonelli, Sabrina Approximity APRA Aragonés, J. R. Aranda Gallego, Joaquin Arapoglou, Alexander T. Araujo, Gustavo S. Arterian, Susan Artzner, Philippe Arvanitis, Angelo Asad-Syed, Kemal
Extractions: Geisteswissenschaften Neuzeit Allgemeine Darstellungen Neuzeit, Moderne - Periodisierung, Interpretation Das Zeitalter der Renaissance, der Reformation und Gegenreformation Gesamtdarstellungen - Europa Humanismus in Europa Erasmus von Rotterdam Die Reformation in Europa Die Reformation in Deutschland Reformatorische Bewegungen und einzelne Reformatoren Luther Calvin, Zwingli Der deutsche Bauernkrieg Die "Gegenreformation", (beginnendes) 17. Jahrhundert Katholizismus, Papsttum, Inquisition Karl V. Das Zeitalter des Absolutismus Absolutismus als Herrschaftsform Europa Frankreich England, Niederlande Neue Geschichte Spezialliteratur (insb. Sozialgeschichte der F.R.) Einzelne Phasen des Verlaufs Biographien Auswirkungen auf das Ausland Die napoleonische Zeit (1799-1814/15) Europa nach 1815 Europa 1815-47 Deutschland Die Revolutionszeit 1848/49 Deutschland Gesamtdarstellungen Europa Die Einigungskriege Italiens Deutschland Die deutschen Einigungskriege Bismarck Innenpolitik Imperialismus Imperialismustheorien. Gesamtschau Quellenausgaben, Dokumentationen Bibliographien, Forschungsberichte