Nobelprisen I Fysiologi Eller Medicin Harry Compton Crick, James Dewey Watson, Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins 1963 SirJohn Carew Eccles, Alan Lloyd Hodgkin, andrew fielding huxley 1964 Konrad Bloch i fysiologi eller medicin.html
Extractions: Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Noun Andrew Fielding Huxley - English physiologist who, with Alan Hodgkin, discovered the role of potassium and sodium ions in the transmission of the nerve impulse (born in 1917) Andrew Huxley Huxley physiologist - a biologist specializing in physiology Legend: Synonyms Related Words Antonyms Some words with "Andrew Fielding Huxley" in the definition: Alan Hodgkin
RTP Translate this page Jacob, André Lwoff, Jacques Monod 1964 - Konrad Bloch, Feodor Lynen 1963 - SirJohn Carew Eccles, Alan Lloyd Hodgkin, andrew fielding huxley 1962 - Francis
Premio Nobel De Fisiología O Medicina - Wikipedia En Español Translate this page Bloch, Feodor Lynen por sus trabajos sobre el metabolismo del colesterol 1963 SirJohn Carew Eccles, Alan Lloyd Hodgkin, andrew fielding huxley 1962 Francis
Extractions: (Redirigido desde Premio Nobel de Medicina editar Premios Nobel Química Economía Literatura Medicina Paz Física Sydney Brenner H. Robert Horvitz John E. Sulston Leland H. Hartwell R. Timothy Hunt Paul M. Nurse ... Günter Blobel Peter C. Doherty Rolf M. Zinkernagel Edward B. Lewis Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard Eric F. Wieschaus ... Harold E. Varmus Con sus hallazgos se pudo comprender la producción de tumores malignos a partir de cambios que se producen en genes normales de una célula, que no sólo son producidos por
Huxley, Sir Julian Sorell huxley, sir Julian Sorell. huxley, sir Julian Sorell, 18871975, English biologistand writer, educated at Oxford; grandson of Thomas Henry huxley.
Extractions: Huxley, Sir Julian Sorell Huxley, Sir Julian Sorell, Animal Biology (with J. B. S. Haldane, 1927), Scientific Research and Social Needs We Europeans (with A. C. Haddon, 1936), The Living Thoughts of Darwin Man in the Modern World Heredity, East and West (1949), and Memories (2 vol., 1971 and 1974). Also, he edited T. H. Huxley's Diary of the Voyage of H.M.S. Rattlesnake The New Systematics (1940), and The Humanist Frame See biography by J. R. Baker (1978). The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia,
The Nobel Prize George Wald. Mechanisms of vision chemical processes. 1963 - Britain. sir AndrewFielding huxley. Ionic mechanisms of nerve cell membrane. 1963 - Britain.
Extractions: Neuroscience Nobel Laureats: The Nobel Prize has been awarded many times to Neuroscientists: 1997 - U.S.A Stanley B. Prusiner Discovery of Prions; a new biological principle of infection 1994 - U.S.A. Alfred G. Gilman Discovery of G-Protein coupled receptors and their role in signal transduction 1994 - U.S.A. Martin Rodbell Discovery of G-Protein coupled receptors and their role in signal transduction 1991 - Germany Erwin Neher Function of single ion channels in cells 1991 - Germany Bert Sakmann Function of single ion channels in cells 1986 - U.S.A. Stanley Cohen Control of nerve cell growth 1986 - Italian U.S.A. Rita Levi-Montalcini Control of nerve cell growth 1982 - Sewden Sune K. D. Bergström Discovery of prostaglandinds 1982 - Sweden Bengt I. Samuelsson Discovery of prostaglandinds 1982 - Britain John Robert Vane Discovery of Prostaglandins 1981 - Swedish - U.S.A. Torsten N. Wiesel I nformation processing in the visual system 1981 - U.S.A. Roger W. Sperry Functions of the right and left hemispheres of the brain 1981 - Candian U.S.A.
SIMR - Centenary Survey Of Nobel Laureates 1963 sir John Carew ECCLES, sir Alan Lloyd HODGKIN and sir andrew FieldingHUXLEY discover the ionic mechanisms by which nerves function.
Extractions: "I agree that animal experimentation should be humane and regulated, but the regulations must not be so onerous as to impede legitimate experimentation, which is now the case in many places." - Michael S Brown, M.D., Nobel Prizewinner 1985 Sir Frank MacFarlane BURNET and Sir Peter Brian MEDAWAR - describe acquired immunological tolerance. Georg von BKSY - shows how the inner ear works. Francis Harry Comptom CRICK, James Dewey WATSON and Maurice Hugh Frederick WILKINS - discover the molecular structure of DNA and RNA and how they transmit genetic information. Sir John Carew ECCLES, Sir Alan Lloyd HODGKIN and Sir Andrew Fielding HUXLEY - discover the ionic mechanisms by which nerves function. Peyton ROUS - discovers tumour-inducing viruses. Charles Brenton HUGGINS - devises the hormonal treatment of prostatic cancer.
Complete Health Care And Medical Information From India Place Of Birth Great Britain. Affiliation Cambridge, Great Britain. SIRANDREW fielding huxley. Date Of Birth 1917. Residence Great Britain.
Extractions: Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Noun Andrew Huxley - English physiologist who, with Alan Hodgkin, discovered the role of potassium and sodium ions in the transmission of the nerve impulse (born in 1917) Andrew Fielding Huxley Huxley physiologist - a biologist specializing in physiology Legend: Synonyms Related Words Antonyms Some words with "Andrew Huxley" in the definition: Alan Hodgkin
Gé - Prix Nobel De Physiologie Et Médecine Translate this page 1963, sir Alan Lloyd Hodgkin (Grande-Bretagne), sir andrew FieldingHuxley (Grande-Bretagne) et sir John Carew Eccles (Australie).
Extractions: Lauréats du prix Nobel de physiologie et médecine Le prix Nobel de physiologie et médecine est attribué par l' Assemblée Nobel de l'Institut Karolinska , à Stockholm. Année Récipiendaire Emil Adolf von Berhing (Allemagne) sir Ronald Ross (Grande-Bretagne) Niels Ryberg Finsen (Danemark) Ivan Petrovitch Pavlov (Russie) Robert Koch (Allemagne) Camilio Golgi (Italie) et Santiago Ramon y Cajal (Espagne) Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran (France) Paul Ehrlich (Allemagne) et Elie Metchnikov (Russie) Theodor Emil Kocher (Suisse) Albericht Kossel (Allemagne) Alivar Gullstrand (Suède) Alexis Carrel (France) Charles Robert Richet (France) Robert Bárány (Autriche-Hongrie) NON ATTRIBUÉ NON ATTRIBUÉ NON ATTRIBUÉ NON ATTRIBUÉ Jules Bordet (Belgique) Schack August Steenberg Kroch (Danemark) NON ATTRIBUÉ sir Archibald Vivian Hill (Grande-Bretagne) et Otto F. Meyerhof (Allemagne) sir Frederic Grant Banting (Canada) et John James Richard Macleod (Canada) Willem Einthoven (Pays-Bas) NON ATTRIBUÉ Johannes Anreas Grib Fibiger (Danemark) Julius Wagner von Jauregg (Autriche) Charles Jules Henri Nicolle (France), pour ses travaux sur le typhus.
The Science Bookstore - Chronology 1963 AD, sir JOHN CAREW ECCLES , sir ALAN LLOYD HODGKIN and sir andrew FIELDINGHUXLEY for their discoveries concerning the ionic mechanisms involved in
Extractions: ( parte iniziale di questo articolo e' pubblicata nella homepage del BUR del 21 Si allega il programma della giornata e un breve scheda sul premio Nobel Sir Andrew Huxley. Sir Andrew Fielding Huxley nasce a Hampstead, Londra, il 22 novembre 1917 ed e' figlio di seconde nozze di Leonard, famoso giornalista e scrittore. Sir Andrew appartiene ad una tipica famiglia della grande aristocrazia culturale inglese, infatti suo nonno Thomas, biologo, e' stato presidente della Royal Society e i due figli avuti in prime nozze dal padre Leonard, hanno reso noto il nome della famiglia sia nel campo della scienza, come Sir Julien Huxley che in quello della letteratura , come Aldous Huxley.
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Nobel-díjasok - Egészségügy + Üzlet Tematikus Portál Élettani és orvosi Nobeldíjasok. Magyar, illetve magyar származásúNobel-díjasok. Név. Kategória. Év. Lénárd Fülöp, fizikai, 1905.
Extractions: Élettani és orvosi Nobel-díjasok Magyar, illetve magyar származású Nobel-díjasok Név Kategória Év Lénárd Fülöp fizikai Bárány Róbert orvosi Zsigmondy Richárd kémiai Szent-Györgyi Albert orvosi Hevesy György kémiai Békésy György orvosi Wigner Jenõ fizikai Gábor Dénes fizikai Wiesel, Elie béke Polanyi, John C. kémiai Oláh György kémiai Harsányi János közgazd. Kertész Imre irodalmi Szoborparkjuk ( link>> ,,Az amerikai Paul C Lauterbur és az angol Peter Mansfield kapták az idei orvosi Nobel-díjat a mágneses rezonancián alapuló képalkotás (MRI) kifejlesztéséért, jelentette be hétfõn a svéd Nobel-testület. Kutatásaikra alapulva készültek késõbb a manapság az orvosi diagnosztikában használatos MR-vizsgálóberendezések, amelyek mágneses magrezonancia segítségével készítenek rendkívül részletes két-, sõt újabban háromdimenziós képeket a vizsgált emberi szervekrõl és szövetekrõl...'' link>> Kiosztották az orvosi Nobel-díjakat - 2002. október 7., hétfõ - Forrás:
Zdravcentra - Nobelovy Ceny Tato stránka je soucástí, internetového portálupro Vás a Vaeho lékare. Repetitorium Nobelovy ceny za medicínu.
Zdravcentra - Nobelovy Ceny Repetitorium Nobelovy ceny za medicínu. Text Hledat v Rok.zobrazeno 31. a 60. z celkem 92 záznamu.