Severské Listy - Knut Hamsun knut hamsun vlastním jménem knut pedersen. knut hamsun, foto archiv.knut hamsun (1859-1952) dosáhl prvního úspechu románem
Extractions: Knut Hamsun, foto archiv Knut Hamsun (1859-1952) dosáhl prvního úspìchu románem Hlad (1890), v nìm se zcela oprostil od realistického pøístupu k literatuøe, formou vnitøního monologu vystihl sloitou psychiku moderního èlovìka. Ve svých dalích románech jako napø. Mystérie èi Pan v této linii pokraèoval. Hamsun toti proil své mládí v severním Norsku a tak se není co divit, e v jeho románech hraje výraznou úlohu nejen divoká pøíroda, ale i lidské pudy. Také proto získal roce 1920 Nobelovu cenu za román Matka zemì . Hamsunovské postavy tulákù inspirovaly i význaèné autory v Evropì, u nás napøíklad Karla Tomana èi Fráòu rámka. Hamsunova kariéra geniálního spisovatele se záhy rozela s jeho postoji jako èlovìka. Pøichází druhá svìtová válka a mýtus o velkém národním spisovateli padá. V dubnu 1940 je Norsko napadeno nìmeckými vojsky a osmdesátiletý Hamsun se otevøenì staví na stranu Hitlera a propaguje germanizaci Evropy. V nìkolika novinových èláncích otevøenì sympatizuje s Quislingovou stranou Národního souruèenství a vyzývá norské vojáky, aby se nestavìli nìmeckým vojskùm na odpor. V roce 1943 se dokonce setkává s Hitlerem. Po skonèení druhé svìtové války jsou norské úøady postaveny pøed nelehký úkol vypoøádat se s Hamsunovým pøípadem. Hamsun je sice kolaborant, a ti byli vìtinou popraveni, na druhou stranu je pøece jen svìtovì proslulý spisovatel a nositel Nobelovy ceny za literaturu. Navíc mu je osmdesát est let a je témìø hluchý. Hamsun byl zatèen a umístìn do grimstadské nemocnice, poté do domova dùchodcù v Landviku. V roce 1945 strávil ètyøi mìsíce na psychiatrické klinice v Oslo, v závìreèné zprávì lékaøi pod vedením doktora Gabriela Langfeldta konstatovali, e spisovatel má trvale oslabené duevní schopnosti.
Buecherdatenbank .:. Comenius-Antiquariat .:. Translate this page hamsun, knut di K.pedersen, Das letzte Kapitel. hamsun, knut di K.pedersen,Das letzte Kapitel. Roman. hamsun, knut di K.pedersen, Das letzte Kapitel. Literatur
Knut Og Marie Hamsuns Hjem Nørholm har så breden Hænder Av Kirsten Borgaard Hansen Olaf pedersen mekaniske Verksted Av Tordis pedersen hamsun og Landvik Gamlehjem Av knut Møretrø knut
MSN Encarta - Knut Hamsun Translate this page knut hamsun, seudónimo de knut pedersen (1859-1952), escritor noruego, cuyas obrasreflejan su individualismo y su rechazo a la civilización Multimedia.
Pluto Litteratur: Norske Forfattere hamsun, knut; Hansen, Atle; Hansen, Erik Fosnes; Hanssen, Arvid; Harr Pål Gerhard;Opstad, Gunvald; pedersen, Erling; Prøysen Rage, knut; Ramm, Eva; Rem, Håvard; Renberg
CNC - Images De La Culture Fiche Film Translate this page Loeuvre du Norvégien knut hamsun, prix Nobel de littérature en 1920, fut saluéepar Alâge de 9 ans, knut pedersen est abandonné à son oncle, homme
Extractions: Knut Hamsun 1930 Knut Hamsun 4. August 19. Februar in Norhølm) war einer der bedeutendsten norwegischen Schriftsteller. Er erhielt den Literaturnobelpreis Er wird als viertes von sieben Kindern als Sohn eines Schneiders unter dem bürgerlichen Namen Knud Pedersen geboren. Die Familie zog aus Südnorwegen in die nördliche Provinz Nordland . Nach einer unbeschwerten Kindheit auf einem Bauernhof kommt er mit neun Jahren für mehrere Jahre zu seinem Onkel als Schreiber. Eine Zeit, die er selbst rückblickend als Martyrium bezeichnet. In seiner Jugend arbeitete bei einem Kaufmann. Die ersten literarischen Versuche unternimmt Hamsun Ende der 70er Jahre des 19. Jahrhunderts. Anfang der 80er Jahren wandert er nach Amerika aus, arbeitet dort in verschiedenen Jobs und kehrt schwer erkrankt nach Norwegen zurück. Nach seiner der Erholung reist er wieder nach Amerika und kehrt bereits endgültig nach Norwegen zurück. Hamsun kann in Amerika nie Fuß fassen. Der "american way of life" stößt ihn ab. Dies wird auch in mehreren Essays aus jener Zeit deutlich. erscheint Hamsuns erster Roman Hunger und er feiert mit diesem seinen ersten literarischen Erfolg. In den 90er Jahren lebt er für mehrere Jahre in Paris und unternimmt danach ausgedehnte Reisen in verschiedene Länder (Finnland, Russland, Türkei, Persien).
EbooksLib, Votre Source Pour Des EBooks De Qualité Translate this page An autobiographical element is evident in practically everything that hamsun haswritten have more in common than the central figure of «knut pedersen from the
Filmstudieark: Telegrafisten TELEGRAFISTEN. knut hamsun knut hamsun var født i Lom i Gudbrandsdaleni 1859 og het egentlig knut pedersen. Faren flyttet med familien
KNUT HAMSUN [VILÁGIRODALMI ARCKÉPCSARNOK] knut hamsun (18591952 a megalázó és tömeggyilkos megszállás, hamsun látványosan-hangzatosan mégkamasz, kereskedoinasnak adott pedersen fiú érdekes
Extractions: Ha 80 éves korában halt volna meg, hazája és az egész világirodalom úgy búcsúztatta volna, mint a legnagyobb norvég regényírót, a zordon idõjárásban nehéz életet élõ szegény emberek gazdag életének halhatatlan krónikását. De 93 esztendeig élt, s meggyengült testû és szellemû, megvetett és elmagányosodott aggastyánként kellett befejeznie életét, akit kegyelembõl és kegyeletbõl elhülyült vénembernek nyilvánítottak, börtön helyett csak házi õrizetre ítéltek és halála után is évtizedeknek kellett eltel niök, hogy elhalványodjék a kínos emlék a nagy eltévelyedésrõl: a legnagyobb norvégnak, példátlan lángelmének tisztelt író dicsõítve köszöntötte Hitlert, amikor a népeket irtó horogkereszt lecsapott és elárasztotta Norvégiát. Majd amíg tartott a megalázó és tömeggyilkos megszállás, Hamsun látványosan-hangzatosan volt híve Quislingnek, a helytartónak, minden hazaáruló mintapéldányának. - A pokoli évek végeztével Quislinget - mielõtt bíróság elé állíthatták volna - elpusztította a dühödt népharag, bûntársainak egész sorát ítélték halálra. Az ország és a nép egykori büszkeségét mégis életben hagyták. De az is súlyos büntetés és bûnhõdés volt, hogy a háború vége után még hét esztendeig kellett testileg élnie. És még ezután is hosszabb idõnek kellett eltel nie, hogy a józan értékelés mégis megállapíthassa, hogy a bûnbe esett ember a bûnbeesés elõtt a XX. század kiemelkedõ lángelméi közé tartozott, és remekmûvei visszakerülhessenek a klasszikusok indokolt névsorába. Mert hát az
Knut Hamsun - Biography knut hamsun Biography. knut hamsun (18591952) was born in Lom,Norway, and grew up in poverty in Hamarøy in Nordland. At the
Extractions: Hamsun's work is determined by a deep aversion to civilization and the belief that man's only fulfilment lies with the soil. This primitivism (and its concomitant distrust of all things modern) found its fullest expression in Hamsun's masterpiece Growth of the Soil ]. His early works usually centre on an outcast, a vagabond figure, aggressively opposed to civilization. In his middle period, Hamsun's aggressiveness gives way to melancholy resignation about the loss of youth. The decay of age is the theme of such plays as Livets Spil (1896) [Game of Life] and (1898) [ Sunset], as well as of the novels Under the Autumn Star Benoni (1908), and En Vandrer Spiller med Sordin A Wanderer Plays on Muted Strings ]. In 1904 Hamsun also published a volume of poems, Det vilde Kor [The Wild Chorus].
Nordland: A Knut Hamsun Resource Page An English language resource page on the Norwegian author knut hamsun, winner of the 1920 Nobel Prize for literature. D L A N D. A knut hamsun Resource Page He is knut hamsun novelist of
Extractions: He is one of the great writers of the twentieth century , though his best works were written before 1900. He is one of the most influential European novelists of the last hundred years, yet he is not well known in the United States. Winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, the most important Norwegian author since Ibsen, he is often ignored in his own country. He is Knut Hamsun novelist of genius, radical individualist, supporter of Hitler, Quisling, and the Nazi occupation of Norway during World War II. Hamsun, in Mysteries, Pan, and Hunger, wrote three of the greatest novels of the late nineteenth century, novels which created a new literary style and which delineated a new literary hero: the alienated loner. In Growth of the Soil (1917), he produced an epic agrarian novel that describes, with Biblical power, the attraction and honesty of working with the land. His work was widely admired in the first half of the twentieth century, with writers as diverse as Thomas Mann, Hermann Hesse, and Henry Miller citing Hamsun's work as being of special importance and influence. Isaac Bashevis Singer, in his essay "Knut Hamsun, Artist of Skepticism" goes so far as to claim that "the whole modern school of fiction in the twentieth century stems from Hamsun." Hamsun's reputation waned rapidly following World War II. Charged with treason for his support of the Norwegian Nazi Party (Nasjonal Samling), his works went out of favor in Norway and elsewhere. As with other writers who supported the Axis powers Ezra Pound, for example Hamsun's work has had a difficult time regaining the prominence it enjoyed before the war.
HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results knut hamsun is one of my favorite novelists entirely selfinvented. Named knutPedersen, the fourth in a write Hunger at age thirty hamsun (who named Hamsun
Links To Literature: Knut Hamsun Links to Literature knut hamsun. Pegasos knut hamsun. Concise biographyand bibliography. Catharton knut hamsun. Selected links. BIBLIOGRAPHY.
Extractions: [Links to Literature: Knut Hamsun] HOME LITERATURE NEWSLETTERS SUBMIT-A-SITE BROKEN LINK ... CONTACT NEW! Think you know literature. Play one of our new literary trivia games. Famous Quotes, Famous First Lines, Famous Last Words, Great Works, and more. To start playing, please visit our Trivia Page Discount books from Amazon: Hunger Mysteries GENERAL RESOURCES BIBLIOGRAPHY ... ONLINE DISCUSSIONS GENERAL RESOURCES Nobel Prize Literature : Knut Pedersen Hamsun Photo, biography, acceptance speech, and related links. Pegasos: Knut Hamsun Concise biography and bibliography. Catharton: Knut Hamsun Selected links. BIBLIOGRAPHY Hamsun Bibliography "Bibliography on Hamsuns works, also stating publisher and Hamsuns own word on some of his books." ONLINE DISCUSSIONS Knut Hamsun Forum Frigate Message board, with a link to a chat. Need a second opinion? Try Search the Web. GoTo Amazon ... eBay - Review Of Knut Hamsun's Hunger knut hamsun The Nobel Prize in Literature 1920 (The Nobel Foundation) knut Pedersenhamsun Winner of the 1920 Nobel Prize in Literature (Nobel Internet
Extractions: Knut Hamsun's semi autobiographical account of his early years as an aspiring writer is the sine qua non of starving artist literature. It combines something of the manic intensity of Dostoevskey's portrayal of Raskalnikov, with the first person narrative and near hallucinatory vision of Charles Bukowskithe visions brought on by starvation rather than alcohol in this caseand is told in the spare, punchy prose that the author learned while working in America. The message of the book seems to be that the experience of poverty and hunger are a necessary fuel to stoke the author's artistic fires. It remains for the reader to determine whether Hamsun has been blessed with a universal revelation, or merely a personal insight. The idea of suffering for art and of inspiration coming from hallucination have certainly been influentialwe think of Faulkner, Hemingway, Henry Miller, William S. Burroughs, Mailer, etc., as writers who sought the profound in a bottle, a needle or a bimbo. However, other than Bukowski and a little bit of Hunter Thompson, it is hard to think of many authors whose dissipation has helped produce much that's worth reading. Significantly, the good stuff that even they produced details their adventures while under the influence, not any revelations about the broader world that resulted from said mind altering. But the danger here is that such authors tend to risk self-indulgenceremarkably few writers can make their own debauchery into interesting proseand often sacrifice coherence.
Extractions: His political opinions made him sometimes a polemical person in his homeland and was even charged of high treason. On his novels he often used folklore describing peasant life in Norway. He died in Paris and his remains were brought back to Norway in a Norwegian warship. He was buried with great honours. Blixen became world-wide famous for her novel "Letters from Africa", which has been taken to the cinema as "Out of Africa". She immigrated to Africa with her husband on the eve of World War I. Written to her family, her letters recount the failure of her marriage, the financial collapse of her husband's coffee plantation, and her experiences in Kenya.
Extractions: Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Noun Knut Pedersen - Norwegian writer of novels (1859-1952) Hamsun Knut Hamsun author writer - writes (books or stories or articles or the like) professionally (for pay) Legend: Synonyms Related Words Antonyms Some words with "Knut Pedersen" in the definition: Canute
Extractions: Karen Blixen a réellement "possédé une ferme en Afrique au pied du Ngong". Elle y découvre ses talents d'écrivain avec La Ferme africaine (1937), Ombres sur la prairie (1957), Lettres d'Afrique (1978). Elle y affirme aussi sa notoriété à travers ses célèbres contes fantastiques (Contes d'hiver, 1942) et ses nouvelles (Le Dîner de Babette, 1957). Laure Anciel