Semiconductor OneSource: Semiconductor Hall Of Fame 1921/index.html. esaki, leo, 1925 (Osaka, Japan) Experimental discoveries regardingtunneling phenomena in semiconductors; The Nobel Prize in Physics 1973.
Kulturmagazin Areion Online - Tabelle Ausgabe 173 Translate this page 1972, Schrieffer, John Robert, 1931-, USA. 1973, esaki, leo, 1925-, Japan.1973, Giaever, Ivar, 1929-, USA. 1973, Josephson, Brian David, 1940-, Großbritannien.
Extractions: Das Publishing Office von Edition Areion hilft Ihnen weiter! Wilhelm Conrad Deutschland Lorentz Hendrik Antoon Niederlande Zeeman Pieter Niederlande Bequerel Antoine Henri Frankreich Sklodowska-Curie Marie Frankreich Curie Pierre Frankreich Strutt (Lord Rayleigh) Strutt John William Lenard Philipp Deutschland Thomson Joseph John Michelson Albert Abrahahm USA Lippmann Gabriel Frankreich Braun Karl Ferdinand Deutschland Marconi Guglielmo Italien Van der Waals Johannes Diderik Niederlande Wien Wilhelm Deutschland Nils Gustaf Schweden Kamerlingh Onnes Heike Niederlande Laue, von Max Deutschland Bragg William Henry Bragg William Lawrence Preis nicht vergeben Barkla Charles Glover Planck Max Deutschland Stark Johannes Deutschland Guillaume Schweiz/Frankreich Einstein Albert Deutschland Bohr Niels Millikan Robert Andrews USA Siegbahn Karl Manne Georg Schweden Franck James Deutschland/USA Hertz Gustav Deutschland Perrin Jean-Baptiste Frankreich Compton Arthur Holly USA Wilson Charles Thomson Rees Richardson Owen Williams Broglie, de Louis-Victor Frankreich Raman Chandrasekhara Venkata Indien Preis nicht vergeben Heisenberg Werner Deutschland Erwin Dirac Paul Preis nicht vergeben Chadwick James Hess Victor Franz Anderson Carl David USA Davisson Clinton Joseph USA Thomson George Paget Fermi Enrico Italien Lawrence Ernest Orlando USA Preis nicht vergeben Preis nicht vergeben Preis nicht vergeben Stern Otto USA Rabi Isidor Isaac USA Pauli Wolfgang Bridgman Percy William USA Appleton Edward Victor Blackett Patrick Maynard Stuart Yukawa Hideki Japan Powell Cecil Frank Cockcroft John Douglas Walton Ernest Irland Bloch Felix USA Purcell Edward Mills
Dfv Translate this page Physik-Nobelpreisträger leo esaki zu Gast. Prof. Dr. leo esaki, der Nobel-Preisträgerleo esaki Foto RF Dietze. Reiona esaki, der sich
Extractions: Prof. Dr. Leo Esaki, der 1973 den Nobelpreis für Physik bekam, besuchte am 4. Juli die Universität Regensburg, genauer gesagt, Prof. Dr. Karl F. Renk, mit dem ihn eine langjährige Bekanntschaft verbindet. Er führte Gespräche mit Mitarbeitern am Lehrstuhl Renk, bei denen auch der Rektor der Universität zugegen war, und hielt am darauffolgenden Tag einen Gastvortrag, zum Thema "Innovation and Evolution: Reflections on a Life in Science", der inoffiziell allerdings unter dem Titel "Wie bekomme ich einen Nobel-Preis?" gehandelt wurde. Foto: R. F. Dietze Da sich die Nähe zu so viel geballter Wissenschaft aber nicht dahingehend auswirkte, das Tsukuba zu einer der besten Universitäten des Landes wurde, versuchte man es mit einer "Blutauffrischung", eben der Ernennung Esakis zum Präsidenten der Universität. Seine Aufgabe besteht nun darin, der Tsukuba Universität zu mehr Ansehen in der weltweiten scientific community zu verhelfen.
Nobel Prize In Physics 1973 leo esaki 1/4 of prize Japan born 1925 CA IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center,Yorktown Heights, New York, USA AA - Sony Corporation, Tokyo, Japan WA - Sony
Nobel Prizes esaki, leo, Emeritus Professor, former president of university NobelPrize in Physics, 1973, for the experimental discoveries regarding
Extractions: TOMONAGA, Shinichiro, Emeritus Professor (Tokyo Univ. of Education), former president of university Nobel Prize in Physics, 1965, for the development of quantum electrodynamics, especially for the super-many-time theory and renormalization theory With Dr. J. Schwinger (Harvard Univ., USA) and Dr. R. P. Feynman (California Institute of Technology USA) ESAKI, Leo, Emeritus Professor, former president of university Nobel Prize in Physics, 1973, for the experimental discoveries regarding tunneling phenomena in semiconductors and superconductors, respectively With Dr. I. Giaever (General Electric Company, U.S.A.) and Dr. B. D. Josephson (Cambridge University, U.K.) SHIRAKAWA, Hideki, Emeritus Professor Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 2000, for the discovery and development of conductive polymers With Dr. Alan J. Heeger (Univ. of California, Santa Barbara, USA) and Dr. Alan G. MacDiarmid (Univ. of Pennsylvania, USA). Professor Emeritus SHIRAKAWA, who retired from the univeristy this spring, has won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 2000, with Dr. Heeger (Prof. of physics at the Univ. of California, Santa Barbara) and Dr. MacDiarmid (Prof. of chemistry at the Univ. of Pennsylvania) for the discovery and development of conductive polymers. Web pages for further information:
The Nobel Prize In Physics 1973 Electron Tunneling Predictions of the properties of super current througha tunnel barrier . leo esaki, Brian David Josephson. Japan, United Kingdom.
96-131 (Honorary Degrees) leo esaki, Doctor of Science. leo esaki is president of the Universityof Tsukuba in Japan, where he is leading the effort to reform
Extractions: Brown will award honorary degrees to 10 people: Joyce Oldham Appleby, Leo Esaki, Louis V. Gerstner Jr., Carolyn G. Heilbrun, Richard C. Holbrooke, David Macaulay, Lorraine Monroe, Bill Moyers, Dr. Augustus A. White III, and John Hazen White. Several of the recipients will speak during Commencement Weekend. PROVIDENCE, R.I. Ten people who have distinguished themselves through their efforts in the arts, sciences, business, education and public service will receive honorary degrees from Brown University at Commencement Monday, May 26. Five of the honorees will be speaking on campus during Commencement Weekend. The recipients are: historian Joyce Oldham Appleby of the University of California, Los Angeles; Leo Esaki, the 1973 winner of the Nobel Prize in physics; Louis V. Gerstner Jr., chairman of the board and chief executive officer of IBM Corporation. Gerstner is presenting a Commencement Forum about the networked world at 10:45 a.m. Saturday, May 24, in Room 101, Salomon Center; feminist author and scholar Carolyn G. Heilbrun;
Extractions: Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Pope Leo I Pope Leo I was Pope from 440 to 461. According to the Liber Pontificalis he was a native of Tuscany. By 431, as a deacon, he occupied a sufficiently important position for Cyril of Alexandria to apply to him in order that Rome's influence should be thrown against the claims of Juvenal of Jerusalem to patriarchal jurisdiction over Palestine unless this letter is addressed rather to Pope Celestine I. About the same time Johannes Cassianus dedicated to him the treatise against Nestorius written at his request. But nothing shows more plainly the confidence felt in him than his being chosen by the emperor to settle the dispute between Aetius and Albinus, the two highest officials in Gaul. Click the link for more information. Leo I of the Byzantine Empire Leo I of the Byzantine Empire (457 - 474), was the last of a series of emperors placed on the throne by Aspar, the Alan serving as commander-in-chief of the army. His coronation as emperor on February 7, 457, was the first known to involve the Patriarch of Constantinople. Leo I made an alliance with the Isaurians and was thus able to eliminate Aspar. The price of the alliance was the marriage of Leo's daughter to Tarasicodissa, leader of the Isaurians who, as Zeno, became emperor in 474.