Encyclopedia4U - Christiaan Eijkman - Encyclopedia Article christiaan eijkman. This article is licensed under the GNU Free DocumentationLicense. It uses material from the Wikipedia article christiaan eijkman . http://www.encyclopedia4u.com/c/christiaan-eijkman.html
Extractions: ENCYCLOPEDIA U com Lists of articles by category ... SEARCH : Christiaan Eijkman ) was a Dutch physician and pathologist whose demonstration that beriberi is caused by poor diet led to the discovery of vitamins . Together with Sir Frederick Hopkins, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine Biography
Error Probes Probes. christiaan eijkman discovered that a bacterium in polishedrice caused beriberi and an antitoxin in the coating cured it. http://www.dragonscience.com/view/probes.html
Extractions: Error Probes, Truth Probes, and Space Probes Christiaan Eijkman discovered that a bacterium in polished rice caused beriberi and an anti-toxin in the coating cured it. This was in 1886, just after the germ theory of disease had become fashionable. Eijkman verified his theory with a massive study of 280 000 people. He ruled out the possibility of other causal factorssanitation, hygiene, and so on. And he cured victims by feeding them unpolished rice, just as his theory predicted. He was awarded a Nobel Prize for his achievement. Gerrit Grijns followed in Eijkman's footsteps. But Gerrit was a crackpot, that is, he had an altogether different idea. He imagined beriberi was caused not by something in the rice but by something not in the rice. He began looking for data that would raise doubts about Eijkman's theory: Beriberi was also associated with diets of tapioca root; foods other than rice polishings could cure it. And no one could find Eijkman's bacterium. Both theories explained the facts. Both theories predicted the cure. Both theories were verified. But Grijns' theory could be applied to a much larger assemblage of data and had benefits far beyond the domain of rice diets and beriberi.
Definition Of Eijkman From Dictionary.net eijkman. noun Dutch physician who discovered that beriberi is caused by a nutritionaldeficiency (18581930) syn christiaan eijkman Source WordNet (r) 2.0. http://www.dictionary.net/eijkman
TIP NOBEL ÖDÜLLERÝ 1936 Tifüs konusundaki çalismalari için. 1929. eijkman,christiaan. Hollanda, Utrecht Üniversitesi, d. 1858, ö. 1930 http://www.tubitak.gov.tr/nobel/fizyotip-nodul.html
Extractions: TIP NOBEL ÖDÜLLERÝ VON BEHRING, EMIL ADOLF Almanya, Marburg Üniversitesi, d. 1854, ö.1917: Serum tedavini geliþtirerek özellikle difteriye karþý verdiði mücadeleyle, hastalýk ve ölümlere karþý, hekimlerin ellerine muzaffer bir silah vererek, týp bilimin hareket alanýnda yeni bir yol açtýðý için ROSS, Sir RONALD Ýngiltere, Üniversitesi College, Liverpool, d. 1857 (Almora, Hindistan), ö. 1932: Sýtma hastalýðý konusunda, organizmaya nasýl bulaþtýðýnýn keþfini de içeren çalýþmalarýyla hastalýða karþý mücadele yollarý konusunda baþarýlý araþtýrmalar yaptýðý için FINSEN, NIELS RYBERG Danimarka, Finsen Medical Light Institute, Kopenhag, d. 1860, ö. 1904: Hastalýklarýn, özellikle lupus vulgarisin yoðun ýþýk demeti ile tedavisine yaptýðý katkýlarla týp biliminin önüne yeni yeni ufuklar açtýðý için PAVLOV, IVAN PETROVICH Rusya, Askeri Týp akademisi, St. Petersburg d. 1849, ö. 1936: Sindirim konusunda yaptýðý çalýþmalarla, konunun yaþamsal yönlerine ýþýk tuttuðu için KOCH, ROBERT Almanya, Institut für Infektions-Krankkheiten (Enfeksiyonlu Hastalýklar Enstitüsü), Berlin, d. 1843, ö. 1910: Tüberkülozla ilgili keþif ve incelemeleri için GOLGI, CAMILLO
Unraveling The Enigma Of ... - "a Substance Different Fr... In the late 1880s Dutch physician christiaan eijkman was sent to the East Indies(now Indonesia) to investigate why beriberi was so widespread in the region. http://www.beyonddiscovery.org/content/view.asp?I=420
Johannes Christiaan Eijkman & Maria Catharina Molemans Johannes christiaan eijkman, Maria Catharina Molemans. geb. overl. ber.doop. geb. overl. ber. doop. Kinderen Louisa Anna Maria eijkman. http://www.buzink.nl/BBB Web-Boom 29-2-2003/wc03/wc03_117.htm
Extractions: Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Noun Christiaan Huygens - Dutch physicist who first formulated the wave theory of light (1629-1695) Christian Huygens Huygens physicist - a scientist trained in physics Legend: Synonyms Related Words Antonyms Some words with "Christiaan Huygens" in the definition: Christiaan Eijkman
Extractions: "The b e s t way to have a good ideas is to have a l o t of i d e a s Linus Pauling Dutch physician and pathologist Christiaan Eijkman (1858-1930) was born on this day in Gelderland, The Netherlands. Eijkman is best known for his 1890s research in the tropical jungles of the Dutch East Indies (which is now Indonesia) of the disease beriberi . Beriberi, Sinhalese for "weak," impaired the nerves and heart . With an epidemic in Asia, as many as eighty percent died of the disease. Wisdom is not acquired save as the result of investigation," Hindu theologian Sankara Acharya once said. Eijkman invetigated the cause of beriberi and found that a person had to live in an area for several weeks to contract the disease. By chance , he noticed the symptoms in chickens and narrowed the cause to their poor diet. "Prevention," said the Renaissance scholar Erasmus, "is better than cure." Eijkman concluded that beriberi was caused by depriving the body of certain unknown substances, later identified as vitamins. For this discovery , he received the Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine in 1929.
Extractions: N.N.: Verse 18,03. Erscheinungsformen und Messmethoden Adipositas wird als angeborener oder erworbener Hormondefekt beschrieben, der jedoch sehr selten auftritt, z. B. beim Prader-Willi-, Bardet-Biedl-Ahlstrom- und Cohen-Syndrom. * der androide Typ, der durch eine zentrale (stammbezogene) Fettverteilung gekennzeichnet ist. Als Maß dient das Verhältnis vom Taillen- zum Hüftumfang (Waist-to-hip-ratio, WHR). Wegen der Art der Fettverteilung wird diese Form auch "Apfelform" genannt. * der gynoide Typ, der durch eine periphere Fettverteilung gekennzeichnet ist (so genannte "Birnenform"). Gewicht (kg) BMI = Tabelle 1
Glossar CHRISTIAAN Translate this page Karl Landsteiner AT für die Entdeckung der Blutgruppen des Menschen 1929 ChristiaanEijkman NL für seine Entdeckung des antineuritischen Vitamins Frederick G http://www.orthopedia-shop.de/glossar/glossar_wort-CHRISTIAAN/christiaan.html
Premios Nobel De Medicina Sir Frederick Gowland. 1930, Landsteiner, Karl. 1931, Warburg, Otto Heinrich. http://www.biologia.edu.ar/basicos/nobeles/nobelmed.htm
Extractions: Premios Nobel de Medicina PRINCIPAL ÍNDICE Notas [ Nobel Medicina ] Nobel Química Tema Ganador Behring, Emil Adolf Von Ross, Sir Ronald Finsen, Niels Ryberg Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich Koch, Robert Cajal, Santiago Ramon Y.; Golgi, Camillo Laveran, Charles Louis Alphonse Ehrlich, Paul; Metchnikoff, Ilya Ilyich Kocher, Emil Theodor Kossel, Albrecht Gullstrand, Allvar Carrel, Alexis Richet, Charles Robert Barany, Robert Bordet, Jules Krogh, Schack August Steenberger Hill, Sir Archibald Vivian; Meyerhof, Otto Fritz; Banting, Sir Frederick Grant; Macleod, John James Richard; Einthoven, Willem; Fibiger, Johannes Andreas Grib Wagner-Jauregg, Julius Nicolle, Charles Jules Henri Eijkman, Christiaan; Hopkins, Sir Frederick Gowland Landsteiner, Karl Warburg, Otto Heinrich Adrian, Lord Edgar Douglas; Sherrington, Sir Charles Scott Morgan, Thomas Hunt Minot, George Richards; Murphy, William Parry; Whipple, George Hoyt Spemann, Hans Dale, Sir Henry Hallett; Loewi, Otto Nagyrapolt, Albert Szent-Gyorgyi Von Heymans, Corneille Jean Francois Domagk, Gerhard
¢Æ¢Æ¢Æ û¼Ò³â °úÇи¶´ç¿¡ ¿À½Å°ÍÀ» ȯ¿µÇÕ´Ï The summary for this Korean page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.most.go.kr/most/Young_most/novel1.html
Extractions: Fibiger, Johannes Andreas Grib Wagner-Jauregg, Julius Nicolle, Charles Jules Henri Eijkman, Christiaan Hopkins, Sir Frederick Gowland Landsteiner, Karl Warburg, Otto Heinrich Sherrington, Sir Charles Scott Adrian, Lord-Edgar Douglas Morgan, Thomas Hunt Whipple, George Hoyt Minot, George Richards Murphy, William Parry Spemann, Hans Dale, Sir Henry Hallett Domagk, Gerhard Dam, Henrik Carl Peter Doisy, Edward Adelbert ºñŸ¹Î K ¹ß°ß ºñŸ¹Î KÀÇ ÈÇÐÀû º»¼º ¹ß°ß Erlanger, Joseph Gasser, Herbert Spencer Fleming, Sir Alexander Chain, Sir Ernst Boris Florey, Lord(Howard Walter) Muller, Hermann Joseph X¼±¿¡ ÀÇÇÑ Àΰø µ¹¿¬º¯ÀÌ ¿¬±¸ Houssay, Bernardo Alberto
»¶Ó¹âÁÙ³¬Ô½·¢ÏÖ The summary for this Chinese (Simplified) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://data.sedu.org.cn/dis/content.php?bcid=1017819518
ÇнÀÀθí»çÀü The summary for this Korean page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.encyber.com/biodic/category_n.php?cd=0602&p=5
Lacai.com: Thủ Phạm ám Hại Dân Viá»t du?ng. Tiên phong trong lãnh v?c này ph?i nói d?n EijkmanChristiaan (18581930), bác si ngu?i Hà Lan. Trong http://lacai.com/news/chitiet.php?id=21819&cid=10