Gerty Theresa Translate this page gerty theresa Matrimonio de bioquímicos estadounidenses, de origen checo que fuegalardonado con Carl cori trabajó en el Instituto Estatal para el Estudio de
Extractions: Matrimonio de bioquímicos estadounidenses, de origen checo que fue galardonado con el premio Nobel Nacieron en Praga y se doctoraron en medicina por la Universidad Alemana de Praga en 1920, en ese mismo año, contrajeron matrimonio. Se radicaron en Estados Unidos en el año 1922 y consiguieron la nacionalidad estadounidense en 1928. Carl Cori trabajó en el Instituto Estatal para el Estudio de Enfermedades Malignas de Buffalo, Nueva York, de 1922 a 1931, junto a su mujer se incorporaron a la Washington University de St Louis, Missouri en ese mismo año. En 1947, por sus investigaciones sobre las enzimas, compartieron el Premio Nobel de Fisiología y Medicina con el fisiólogo argentino Bernardo Alberto Houssay. Descubridores del mecanismo de interconversión de la glucosa y el glucógeno (equivalente al almidón vegetal pero en los animales) y aislaron y sintetizaron la enzima responsable, a la que llamaron fosforilasa. Esta enzima, junto con la insulina y una hormona de la glándula pituitaria anterior, controla las reacciones que produce la diabetes mellitus.
1947 Translate this page Okkultist (* 1875 ) Nobelpreise Physik - Edward Victor Appleton Chemie - Sir RobertRobinson Medizin - Carl Ferdinand cori , gerty theresa cori und Bernardo
20th Century Year By Year 1947 Louis, MO, b. 1896, (in Prague, then Austria), d. 1984; and his wife cori,gerty theresa, n 142;e RADNITZ, USA, Washington University, St.
Extractions: Biochemikerin; Nobelpreis (Medizin) 1947 Quelle: Internationales Biographisches Archiv 46/1957 vom 4. November 1957 Falls Sie zuvor Art und Umfang der Munzinger-Biographien sehen wollen, können Sie über unsere Startseite auch einzelne Texte kostenfrei abrufen. Personen Das Internationale Biographische Archiv
Encyclopedia: Gerty Theresa gerty theresa cori, ne Radnitz, (August 15, 1896 October 26, 1957) was an Americanbiochemist born in Prague (then Austria-Hungary) who, together with her
Extractions: several. Compare All Top 5 Top 10 Top 20 Top 100 Bottom 100 Bottom 20 Bottom 10 Bottom 5 All (desc) in category: Select Category Agriculture Crime Currency Democracy Economy Education Energy Environment Food Geography Government Health Identification Immigration Internet Labor Language Manufacturing Media Military Mortality People Religion Sports Taxation Transportation Welfare with statistic: view: Correlations Printable graph / table Pie chart Scatterplot with ... * Asterisk means graphable.
Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine infectious diseases 1946 Hermann Joseph Muller for the discovery that mutations canbe induced by xrays 1947 Carl Ferdinand cori, gerty theresa, n? Radnitz
Extractions: Main Page See live article Alphabetical index This is a list of the Nobel Prizes in Physiology or Medicine: Ronald Ross Niels Ryberg Finsen Ivan Petrovich Pavlov Robert Koch Camillo Golgi Santiago Ramón y Cajal Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov Paul Ehrlich Emil Theodor Kocher Albrecht Kossel Allvar Gullstrand Alexis Carrel Charles Robert Richet Robert Bárány Jules Bordet Schack August Steenberg Krogh Archibald Vivian Hill , Otto Fritz Meyerhof Frederick Grant Banting John James Richard Macleod Willem Einthoven Johannes Andreas Grib Fibiger
UM Library: Dentistry Library: About Us treatment. Women Therapy 16(4) 1995 79106. cori, gerty theresa neeRadnitz (1896 - 1957) Prague, Austria. Physiology / Medicine. It
Extractions: This online-only exhibit was developed to support the Women in History Month activities of the University of Michigan School of Dentistry. Quotations were selected to illustrate the diversity, personal experiences, influence, and significance of women in the sciences, both in history and today. The exhibit is comprised of two sections: Barton Bates Blackburn Clance ... Zoback Barton, Jacqueline. "The remarkable thing about that is when we did see cell death, we observed that it is in the same regions of the brain as one would see in HD. We never expected this. Remember, we have this short fragment of the protein, not the whole protein, being expressed in mice. So in terms of what this polyglutamine load is doing in brains, we can say that it doesn't easily kill cells, because we don't see any cell death until the very, very end stage. And it's very selective. It's making cells dysfunction, and that's what's causing the symptoms. This may well be what's happening in patients."
Contenido Home Translate this page 1947 Carl Ferdinand cori (1896 - 1984) EEUU, Washington University, St. Louis,MO gerty theresa cori (1896 - 1957) EEUU, Washington University, St.
Extractions: Por su descubrimiento de la vitamina K Dam y sus asociados demostraron que en las aves de corral existía una deficiencia nutricional que producía hemorragia y aumento del tiempo de coagulación. Casi una década después, él y Doisy trabajando en forma independiente aislaron de la alfalfa una sustancia liposoluble a la que designaron vitamina K (koagulations-vitamin). Por sus descubrimientos relacionados con las funciones altamente diferenciadas de las fibras nerviosas Los trabajos de Erlanger sobre la función de las fibras nerviosas, fueron el resultado de una prolífica asociación con su discípulo Gasser de la Universidad de Wisconsin en Madison. En 1922 pudieron amplificar las respuestas eléctricas de una fibra nerviosa y graficarla mediante un osciloscopio de rayos catódicos. Mediante este método, hallaron que las fibras nerviosas de un nervio conducen impulsos a diferentes velocidades, según el espesor de la fibra, y que cada una posee un umbral distinto de exitabilidad.
Premio Nobel/Medicina - Enciclopedia Libre 1949 Walter Rudolf Hess, Antonio Caetano De Abreu Freire Egas Moniz 1948 PaulHermann Müller 1947 Carl Ferdinand cori, gerty theresa, née Radnitz cori
Extractions: Registrarse/Entrar Ayuda Artículo de la Enciclopedia Libre Universal en Español Ver enlace: Paul Christian Lauterbur y Peter Mansfield Sydney Brenner H. Robert Horvitz John E. Sulston ... Harold E. Varmus Sir James W. Black Gertrude B. Elion George H. Hitchings Susumu Tonegawa ... Barbara McClintock for transposon work. Sune K. Bergström Bengt I. Samuelsson John R. Vane Roger W. Sperry ... Earl W. Sutherland, Jr. Sir Bernard Katz Ulf von Euler Julius Axelrod Max Delbrück ... Feodor Lynen Sir John Carew Eccles Alan Lloyd Hodgkin Andrew Fielding Huxley Francis Harry Compton Crick ... Georg von Békésy Sir Frank Macfarlane Burnet Peter Brian Medawar Severo Ochoa Arthur Kornberg ... Gerty Theresa , née Radnitz Cori, Bernardo Alberto Houssay Hermann Joseph Muller Sir Alexander Fleming Ernst Boris Chain , Sir Howard Walter Florey Joseph Erlanger Herbert Spencer Gasser Henrik Carl Peter Dam ... Edward Adelbert Doisy Desierto Desierto Desierto Gerhard Domagk Corneille Jean François Heymans Albert von Szent-Györgyi Nagyrapolt Sir Henry Hallett Dale Otto Loewi Hans Spemann George Hoyt Whipple ... Thomas Hunt Morgan Sir Charles Scott Sherrington Edgar Douglas Adrian Otto Heinrich Warburg Karl Landsteiner ... Christiaan Eijkman , Sir Frederick Gowland Hopkins Charles Jules Henri Nicolle Julius Wagner-Jauregg Johannes Andreas Grib Fibiger Desierto Willem Einthoven Frederick Grant Banting John James Richard Macleod Archibald Vivian Hill ... Otto Fritz Meyerhof Desierto
HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results cori, Carl Ferdinand (18961984) and cori, gerty theresa Prizein Physiology and Medicine, which they Houssay (1887-1971).
HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results .. Ferdinand (US) and cori, gerty theresa glycogen. Bernardo Alberto(Argentina 1970 Katz, Sir Bernard (Great Britain And Bernard
Scientists Web Webliography W gerty theresa cori Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1947 for their discovery of thecourse of the catalytic conversion of glycogen Prize Corecipient Carl
Extractions: Get to know your scientist! Look for some details about your scientist's personal history. When and where was your scientist born? Did he/she face any hardships or overcome any obstacles in striving to become a scientist? When and where did he/she die? Look for details about your scientist's education. How did he/she become interested in science? Where did he/she study? Look for details about your scientist's professional work as a scientist. For what is he/she best known? (i.e. a discovery or contribution to science) Did he/she win a Nobel prize? What branch of science did he/she specialize in? Find a photograph of your scientist Find connections between your scientist and other scientists in the Scientist Web. Was this person influenced by any of the other scientists on the class list? Did this person influence any of the other scientists or mathematicians on the class list? INDIVIDUAL LINKS NIELS HENRIK DAVID BOHR The Nobel Prize in Physics in 1922 "for his services in the investigation of the structure of atoms and of the radiation emanating from them" NIELS HENRIK DAVID BOHR NIES BOHR Other links about Niels Bohr RETURN TO TOP ... TYCHO BRAHE Danish Mathematician 1546 - 1601 TYCHO BRAHE TYCHO BRAHE RETURN TO TOP EDUARD BUCHNER The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1907 "for his biochemical researches and his discovery of cell-free fermentation"
Complete Health Care And Medical Information From India 1947. Name Carl Ferdinand cori and gerty theresa cori. Discovery The courseof the catalytic conversion of glycogen. Louis, MO. gerty theresa cori.
Extractions: Gerty Theresa Cori Maiden Name : Gerty Theresa Radnitz Date Of Birth : Place Of Birth : Prague, then Austria Residence: U.S.A. Affiliation: Washington University, St. Louis, MO Name : Bernando Alberto Houssay Discovery : The part played by the hormone of the anterior pituitary lobe in the metabolism of sugar.
TechReport "Vergessene Heldinnen" In Lübecker Schulen Zu Gast Translate this page Kennen Sie gerty theresa cori, Grace Marie Hopper oder Maria Sybilla Merian? Nein? KennenSie gerty theresa cori, Grace Marie Hopper oder Maria Sybilla Merian?
Extractions: Hochschulen 15. März 2004 "Vergessene Heldinnen" in Lübecker Schulen zu Gast Kennen Sie Gerty Theresa Cori, Grace Marie Hopper oder Maria Sybilla Merian? Nein? Aber bestimmt sagen Ihnen die Namen Marie Curie und Lise Meitner etwas... Richtig, alle diese Frauen haben sich in den Bereichen Naturwissenschaft und Technik einen Namen gemacht. Neben den Physikerinnen Marie Curie und Lise Meitner, der Biochemikerin Gerty Theresa Cori, der Mathematikerin Grace Marie Hopper und der Naturforscherin und Zeichnerin Maria Sybilla Merian sind die Fotos und Lebenswege von insgesamt neunzehn Wissenschaftlerinnen und Nobelpreisträgerinnen im Rahmen der Wanderausstellung "Frauen in Naturwissenschaft und Technik" jetzt in Lübeck zu sehen. Die Ausstellung, die von Oktober bis Dezember 2003 im Innovationszentrum Lübeck zu bewundern war und zugleich die Straßennamengeberinnen des Lübecker Hochschulstadtteils portraitiert, befindet sich zur Zeit auf Wanderschaft und ist seit Beginn des Jahres 2004 in Lübecker Gymnasien zu erleben. Zum gegenwärtigen Zeitpunkt gastieren die Damen von der Wissenschaft an der Geschwister-Prenski-Schule. Die von der Frauenbeauftragten der FH Lübeck, Katrin Molge, konzipierte Wanderausstellung soll eine neue Form darstellen, um junge Mädchen an das Thema Naturwissenschaft und Technik heranzuführen. Leider sei es auch heute noch so, dass junge Frauen in der Wahl ihrer Studienfächer einem geschlechtsrollentypischen Bild zu folgen scheinen, in dem technische, techniknahe und naturwissenschaftliche Berufsfelder nicht in Betracht gezogen würden. Noch immer seien solche Arbeitsgebiete eine Männerdomäne mit geringem Frauenanteil, die Vorbildfunktion und Identifikationsmöglichkeit für Mädchen und junge Frauen entfiele somit.
Extractions: Indice Anterior Siguiente Formato .PDF por el Entre 1901 y 1997 se otorgaron 465 Premios Nobel a 687 laureados, distribuidos de la forma siguiente: 88 premios a 165 personas 91 premios a 154 personas 89 premios a 129 personas Literatura 90 premios a 94 personas 29 premios a 42 personas La Paz. 78 premios a 89 personas y 14 organizaciones Gerty Theresa Radnitz Cori (Estados Unidos), Medicina en 1947. Maria Goeppert-Mayer Dorothy CrowfootHodgkin Rosalyn S. Yalow (Estados Unidos), Medicina en 1977. Barbara McClintock (Estados Unidos), Medicina en 1983. Rita Levi-Montalcini (Estados Unidos), Medicina en 1986.
Extractions: By Alphabet : Encyclopedia A-Z C Related Category: Medicine, Biographies Carl Ferdinand Cori Gerty Theresa Cori [k O E E Pronunciation Key glycogen , the storage form of sugar in liver and muscle, is broken down into glucose . As part of this work, they also elucidated the molecular defects underlying a number of genetically determined glycogen storage diseases. For these discoveries the Coris received the 1947 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine.
Encyclopedia4U - Gerty Cori - Encyclopedia Article gerty theresa cori (18961957) was an American biochemist born in Austria-Hungarywho, together with her husband Carl Ferdinand cori and Argentine physiologist
Extractions: ENCYCLOPEDIA U com Lists of articles by category ... SEARCH : Gerty Theresa Cori ) was an American biochemist born in Austria-Hungary who, together with her husband Carl Ferdinand Cori and Argentine physiologist Bernardo Houssay , received a Nobel prize in 1947 for their discovery of how glycogen (animal starch) - a derivative of glucose - is broken down and resynthesized in the body, for use as a store and source of energy.
Nobel For Medicine: All Laureates Caetano De Abreu Freire Egas Moniz 1948 Paul Hermann Müller 1947 Carl Ferdinandcori, gerty theresa cori, née Radnitz, Bernardo Alberto Houssay 1946 Hermann
ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF NOBEL PRIZE LAUREATES IN CHEMISTRY Clintock, Barbara Mc, 1983. Cohen, Stanley, 1986. cori, Carl Ferdinand, 1947.cori, gerty theresa, 1947. Cormack, Alan M. 1979. Cournand, Andre Frederic,1956.
Extractions: ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF NOBEL PRIZE LAUREATES IN CHEMISTRY Name Year Awarded Alder, Kurt Altman, Sidney Anfinsen, Christian B. Arrhenius, Svante August ... Zsigmondy, Richard Adolf ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF NOBEL PRIZE LAUREATES IN PHYSIOLOGY AND MEDICINE Name Year Awarded Adrian, Lord Edgar Douglas Arber, Werner Axelrod, Julius Baltimore, David ... Zinkernagel, Rolf M. Source: The Nobel Prize Internet Archive