Ufficio Scientifico Dell'Ambasciata D'Italia In Ungheria Translate this page Fisica 1909. Il premio é stato attribuito congiuntamente a. MARCONI, GUGLIELMO, Italia (1874 - 1937) ea braun, carl ferdinand, Germania (1850 - 1918) http://www.ambitalia.hu/nobel.htm
Extractions: Eventi scientifici Cultura scientifica in Italia Premi Nobel Italiani Fisica 1909 MARCONI, GUGLIELMO, Italia (1874 - 1937) e a BRAUN, CARL FERDINAND, Germania (1850 - 1918): "in riconoscimento del loro contributo allo sviluppo della telegrafia senza fili" Fisica 1938 "Per le sue dimostrazioni sull'esistenza di nuovi elementi radioattivi prodotti dall'irradiazione dei neutroni e per la correlata scoperta delle reazioni nucleari provocate dai neutroni lenti" Fisica 1959 CHAMBERLAIN, OWEN, U.S.A., University of California, Berkeley, CA, n. 1920: "per la loro scoperta dell'antiprotone" Fisica 1984 RUBBIA, CARLO CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, n. 1934; e
Science And Technology In The 20th Century German Inventions And The story of radio began with Heinrich Hertzs discovery of electromagnetic waves in 1887, and carl ferdinand brauns invention in 1898 of the tuned curcuit http://www.magazin-deutschland.de/content/archiv/archiv-eng/99-01/art4.html
Extractions: Science: The first automobile powered by an internal combustion engine, the zeppelin and the first computer were not the only technical innovations to be developed and built in German laboratories and workshops. German research scientists were also responsible for laying the foundations of quantum physics, for developing antibiotics, and for helping to make wireless communication possible. In the first part of our series on the 20th century, we take a look at how German research scientists and engineers have put their mark on this century of science. To be sure, at the dawn of this century telephones, cars, radio transmitters, X-ray machines and gramaphone records already existed in Germany, as did plastics, magnetic sound recording, and liquid crystals. In addition, German scientists had discovered double stars, enzymes, osmotic pressure, the structure of the benzene ring, and pathogenic bacteria. All these things had already been invented, developed or discovered by German science in the 19th century. Nevertheless, on the threshhold to the 20th century, the vast majority of Germans were still tillers of the soil and herders of cattle. Over 85% of the population worked in agriculture, and in terms of industrialization Germany still lagged behind other European nations, in particular Great Britain. Germans paid little attention to the pioneering discoveries of their native scientists, and regarded the technical achievements of their engineers and inventors with deep suspicion.
Inventos Y Descubrimientos Alemanes El Siglo Del Conocimiento Translate this page de la radiofonía se encuentra el descubrimiento de las ondas electromagnéticas por Heinrich Hertz (1887), así como el invento de carl ferdinand braun de 1898 http://www.magazin-deutschland.de/content/archiv/archiv-esp/99-01/art4.html
Car - Dictionary Definition carl Edwin Wieman. carl FH Henry. carl Fabergé. carl Felix Halm. carl ferdinand braun. carl ferdinand Cori. carl Feynman. carl Flesch. carl Frederich Gauss. http://www.yourdictionary.net/car.html
Ferdinand-Braun-Institut Fuer Hoechstfrequenztechnik Translate this page carl-Ramsauer-Preis für Dr. Kolja Haberland Mitteilung des Forschungsverbundes Berlin eV, 06.08.2003 Die Dissertation basiert auf Versuchen am ferdinand-braun- http://www.fbh-berlin.de/deutsch/pres/pres_2b.html
Ferdinand-Braun-Institut Fuer Hoechstfrequenztechnik Translate this page 16/2003 Das FBH ferdinand-braun-Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik hat zur Hannover-Messe eine neue Laserdiode vorgestellt. mehr carl-Ramsauer-Preis für http://www.fbh-berlin.de/deutsch/pres/pres_5b.html
I1685 LIVING ( - ) Gustav braun. 1371 ABT 1875 DEAD. BIRTH ABT 1875, of,Neustettin,Pomerania,Ger. carl Ludwig ferdinand LÜBKE. 1425 21 Nov 1830 - DEAD. http://www.unke-genealogy.de/records/d0001/g0000088.html
Glossaire Translate this page braun -carl-ferdinand -(1850-1918) physicien allemand qui inventa loscillographe cathodique (1897) et les antennes dirigées (1902). http://www.rmomo.ch/glossaire/
Extractions: Glossaire électro-physique-chimique Absorbant : matériaux (béton, acier, etc. ) destinés à stopper les radiations. Accumulateur : -appareil électrochimique (batterie de voiture, pile,) permet de stocker de lélectricité Accumulation : -principe de stockage deau pour la production hydraulique délectricité. Acide sulfurique : -(H2 So4) acide minéral utilisé comme électrolyte dans les batteries de voiture. Adduction : -action de dériver les eaux dun lieu pour les amener dans un bassin daccumulation, afin daugmenter le potentiel de production hydraulique dun barrage. Ailette : -pièce métallique incurvée disposée sur le rotor dune turbine, qui sert à modifier la direction de lécoulement du fluide. Alcaline : -solution aqueuse ayant des propriétés basiques (pH supérieur à 7 ) Alternateur : -machine tournante composée dun rotor (partie mobile) et dun stator (partie fixe) qui transforme de lénergie cinétique de rotation, en énergie électrique, le courant qui résulte est alternatif. Alumine : -(Al2 O3) oxyde daluminium, lalumine est une substance très dure, à la base de la fabrication de laluminium et de pierres artificielles.
The Nobel Prize For Physics (1901-1997) Reproducing colors photographically based on the phenomenon of interference 1909 1901 Guglielmo Marconi Wireless telegraphy carl ferdinand braun 1910 1873 http://www.weburbia.demon.co.uk/physics/nobel.html
Extractions: original by Scott I. Chase The following is a complete listing of Nobel Prize awards, from the first award in 1901. Prizes were not awarded in every year. The date in brackets is the approximate date of the work. The description following the names is an abbreviation of the official citation. The Physics prize is announced near the beginning of October each year. One of the quickest ways to get the announcement is to watch the Nobel Foundation web site at http://www.nobel.se/
DCGS DuPage County Naturalization Index Translate this page Charles BRANDT, Fred BRANDT, George Michael BRATLAND, Ingeborg BRATLAND, Ingeborg BRAUER, ferdinand braun, Anton braun, Bernhard braun, carl braun, Frank braun http://users.anet.com/~jeffb/dupagewb/nat/natb.htm
BIRTHS Translate this page 1859 Jerusalem, Berlin Stadt, Brandenburg, Preussen ParentsFather ferdinand DUMROSE Mother Mother Catherine GUSE Marriage(s)Spouse carl braun Marriage 15 http://community-2.webtv.net/KATSGEN/BIRTHS/
Result Of Search Ltd., London, Great Britain, * 1874, 1937; and. braun, carl ferdinand, Germany, Strasbourg University, Alsace (then Germany), * 1850, 1918 http://www.math.nus.edu.sg/~matsuny/nobelp.html
Extractions: There are 96 entries that matches your criteria: RÖNTGEN, WILHELM CONRAD, Germany, Munich University, "in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered by the discovery of the remarkable rays subsequently named after him" More... The prize was awarded jointly to: LORENTZ, HENDRIK ANTOON, the Netherlands, Leyden University, and ZEEMAN, PIETER, the Netherlands, Amsterdam University, "in recognition of the extraordinary service they rendered by their researches into the influence of magnetism upon radiation phenomena" More... The prize was divided, one half being awarded to: BECQUEREL, ANTOINE HENRI, France, École Polytechnique, Paris, "in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered by his discovery of spontaneous radioactivity"; the other half jointly to: CURIE, PIERRE, France, École municipale de physique et de chimie industrielles, (Municipal School of Industrial Physics and Chemistry), Paris, and his wife CURIE, MARIE, née SKLODOWSKA, France, (in Warsaw, Poland), "in recognition of the extraordinary services they have rendered by their joint researches on the radiation phenomena discovered by Professor Henri Becquerel" More...
Sony Indonesia - Consumer Products - Technology Highlight FD Trinitron. It has been a century since Dr carl ferdinand braun developed the braun tube. Since then, television sets have progressed extraordinarily. http://www.sony.co.id/tech-highlight.asp?idcat=1&idseries=1303
Nobel Prizes In Physics Italian. telegraphy. 1909. carl ferdinand braun. German. telegraphy. 1910. Johannes Diderik van der Waals. 85. 54. 1909. braun, carl ferdinand. 1872. Berlin. 1850 1918. 68. http://www.chem.yorku.ca/NAMED/NOBEL/PHYS/
Extractions: 4700 Keele Street, Toronto, ONTARIO M3J 1P3, CANADA For suggestions, corrections, additional information, and comments please send e-mails to jandraos@yorku.ca http://www.chem.yorku.ca/NAMED/ NOBEL PRIZE PHYSICS YEAR NAME OF SCIENTISTS NATIONALITY TYPE OF PHYSICS Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen German radiation Henrik Antoon Lorentz Dutch magnetism, radiation Pieter Zeeman Dutch magnetism, radiation Pierre Curie French radiation Marie Curie French radiation Antoine Henri Becquerel French radiation Lord John William Strutt Rayleigh British gases Philipp Eduard Anton Lenard Hungarian-German cathode rays Sir Joseph John Thomson British gases Albert Abraham Michelson German-American spectroscopy Gabriel Lippmann French optics Guglielmo Marconi Italian telegraphy Carl Ferdinand Braun German telegraphy Johannes Diderik van der Waals Dutch gases Wilhelm Wien German radiation Nils Gustaf Dalen Swedish gases Heike Kamerlingh-Onnes Dutch cryogenics Max von Laue German crystallography Sir William Henry Bragg British crystallography Sir William Lawrence Bragg British crystallography no prize awarded Charles Glover Barkla British radiation Max Planck German quantum theory, radiation
Carl-Ramsauer-Preis Für Dr. Kolja Haberland Translate this page Berlin angefertigt wurden, sind in diesem Jahr mit dem carl-Ramsauer-Preis Er führte seine Studien in Koperation mit dem ferdinand-braun-Institut für http://www.uni-protokolle.de/nachrichten/id/21105/
Extractions: Ein elektronisches Bauteil und sein "Fingerabdruck" Die Dissertation basiert auf Versuchen am Ferdinand-Braun-Institut. Damit stammen zwei der vier ausgezeichneten Arbeiten aus dem Forschungsverbund Berlin Gleich zwei Arbeiten, die an Instituten des Forschungsverbundes Berlin angefertigt wurden, sind in diesem Jahr mit dem Carl-Ramsauer-Preis gewürdigt worden. Neben dem Physiker Dr. Jens Stenger (MB) wurde auch Dr. Kolja Haberland kürzlich für seine Dissertation ausgezeichnet. Der Physiker Dr. Kolja Haberland promovierte an der TU Berlin. Für seine Arbeit nutzte er ein Verfahren, mit dem es möglich ist, bereits während des Produktionsprozesses die Eigenschaften von opto-elektronischen Bauelementen zu prüfen. Er führte seine Studien in Koperation mit dem Ferdinand-Braun-Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik (FBH) durch. "Optical in-situ Studies during Metal-Organic Vapor-Phase Epitaxy with Respect to III-V device production" lautet der Titel von Haberlands Arbeit. Darin geht es um optische Untersuchungen an Verbindungshalbleitern - das sind Materialen, die aus unterschiedlichen Komponenten bestehen (etwa. Gallium und Arsen = Galliumarsenid) und nicht nur aus einem Element wie etwa der Halbleiter Silizium. Der Vorteil: Mit Verbindungshalbleitern lassen sich z.B. Laserquellen erzeugen. Sie sind daher unter anderem für die Herstellung von opto-elektronischen Baueelementen von Bedeutung. Sie eignen sich aber auch für die Produktion von sehr schnellen Hochleistungstransistoren für Handys.
Universitätsarchiv Tübingen Translate this page Stiftungen 1513-1824 Stiftung Propst braun-Miller 1552 Stiftung carl Landsee 1927-1945 Stiftung Lans 1991), Nachlaß Johann Heinrich ferdinand Autenrieth (1772 http://www.uni-tuebingen.de/UAT/prov/test4.htm
Einzelautographen Und Kleinere Sammlungen Translate this page Gustinus Ambrosi, Leo Grünstein, Wilhelm Kienzl, ferdinand Raimund, carl Michael Ziehrer. Felix braun, Herbert Eulenberg, Alfred H. Fried, Anastasius http://www.stadtbibliothek.wien.at/sammlungen/handschriften/erwerb/2002/einzel02
Extractions: zugehöriges Inhaltsverzeichnis Rudolf Chrobak, Anton von Eiselsberg, Engelbert Humperdinck, Hermann Nothnagel Peter Altenberg, Heinrich von Angeli, Emilie Anschütz, Heinrich Anschütz, Maria Theresia von Auersperg, Hedwig Bleibtreu, Ernst Decsey, Josef Sigmund Ebersberg, Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach, Josefine Gallmeyer, Oskar Gimnig, Marie Gordon, Friederike Gossmann, Amalie Haizinger, Max Halbe, Robert Hamerling, Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall, Theophil von Hansen, Karl von Hasenauer, Ludwig von Hevesi, Leopold Friedrich von Hofmann, Stella von Hohenfels-Berger, Joseph Koberwein, Josef Kriehuber, Carl von La Roche, Moritz Lehmann, Rudolf List, Max Mell, Karl Millöcker, Hans Moser, Betty Paoli, Otto Prechtler, Ferdinand von Saar, Matteo Salvi, Marie Saphir, Ferdinand Schmutzer, Johann Gabriel Seidl, Adolf von Sonnenthal, Helene Thimig-Reinhardt, Viktor Oskar Tilgner, Karoline Unger, Dietrich Heinrich Volz, Lotte Volz, Eduard Weiß
Einzelautographen Und Kleinere Sammlungen (1.5.2001) Translate this page Anton Bettelheim, Julius Bittner, Felix braun, Franz Dingelstedt von Mosenthal, Helmut Qualtinger, carl Rahl, Emanuel Reicher, Max Reinhardt, ferdinand von Saar http://www.stadtbibliothek.wien.at/sammlungen/handschriften/erwerb/2001/einzel01
Extractions: Guido Adler, Ilse Aichinger, Paul Badura-Skoda, Vinzenz Chiavacci, Franz von Dingelstedt, Oskar Maurus Fontana, Karl Emil Franzos, Friedrich von Gentz, Alexander Roda Roda, Adele Sandrock, Wilhelmine Sandrock, Alma Seidler, Hugo Thimig, Helene Thimig-Reinhardt, Felix von Weingartner Erwerbungen Februar 2001 Wiener Stadt- und Landesbibliothek/Vienna City Library
CNN.com 1911 Wilhelm Wien. 1910 Johannes Diderik van der Waals. 1909 Guglielmo Marconi, carl ferdinand braun. 1908 Gabriel Lippmann. 1907 Albert Abraham Michelson. http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2001/nobel.100/physics.html
Extractions: 2000 Zhores I Alferov, Herbert Kroemer, Jack S. Kilby 1999 Gerardus 't Hooft, Martinus J.G. Veltman 1997 Steven Chu, Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, William D. Phillips 1996 David M. Lee, Douglas D. Osheroff, Robert C. Richardson 1995 Martin L. Perl, Frederick Reines 1994 Bertram N. Brockhouse, Clifford G. Shull 1993 Russell A. Hulse, Joseph H. Taylor Jr. 1992 Georges Charpak 1991 Pierre-Gilles de Gennes 1990 Jerome I. Friedman, Henry W. Kendall, Richard E. Taylor 1989 Norman F. Ramsey, Hans G. Dehmelt, Wolfgang Paul 1988 Leon M. Lederman, Melvin Schwartz, Jack Steinberger 1986 Ernst Ruska, Gerd Binnig, Heinrich Rohrer 1985 Klaus von Klitzing 1984 Carlo Rubbia, Simon van der Meer 1983 Subramanyan Chandrasekhar, William Alfred Fowler 1982 Kenneth G. Wilson 1981 Nicolaas Bloembergen, Arthur Leonard Schawlow, Kai M. Siegbahn 1980 James Watson Cronin, Val Logsdon Fitch 1979 Sheldon Lee Glashow, Abdus Salam, Steven Weinberg 1978 Pyotr Leonidovich Kapitsa, Arno Allan Penzias, Robert Woodrow Wilson