ANISTIA - Ação Urgente 189/97 Translate this page Em 1996, o Prêmio Nobel da Paz é dado a dois líderes da luta pela independênciado Timor o bispo dom carlos felipe ximenes belo eo porta-voz do movimento
August 24: Tuesday Front Page Text (index.htm) The voters chose as the 78th TOP CATHOLIC OF THE CENTURY one of the modern crusadersfor freedom Bishop carlos felipe ximenes belo, the 51 year-old recipient,vol.10,no.159txt/
Extractions: below On this date 692 years ago French-born Pope Clement V , the 195th successor of Peter who would be influenced by King Philip IV into fixing the Holy See at Avignon, began his association with this wily French monarch by issuing a letter to Philip the Fair in which the Pope outlined the growing danger of the Knights Templar who had gone out of control through greed. The king would curtail their activities three months later and abolish them in 1312 for malpractices. The teaming of Clement and Philip consolidated France's influence on the Church and caused the Templars to go underground, only to eventually emerge as the part of the Masonic Lodge and the growth of Free Masonry. For other pertinent events throughout the centuries that are memorable in Church history today, click on MILLENNIUM MILESTONES AND MEMORIES The 77th selection of the TOP 100 CATHOLICS OF THE CENTURY A review of this year's FOOD FOR THOUGHT APPETEASERS Biography on Cardinal Silvio Oddi , the 89th Prince of the Church we feature in COLLEGE OF CARDINALS COLLECTION Time Capsules in Church History with MILLENNIUM MILESTONES AND MEMORIES focusing on August 25th.
Extractions: Links added by Nobel Internet Archive visitors TimorNet - a collection of resources An article featuring a photo of Bishop Belo United Nations General Assemly Resolution Question of East Timor ... Cidade Nova - p/ Marcos Mucheroni (submitted by Marcos L. Mucheroni East Timor - past, present and future (submitted by Joao Nicolau East Timor Relief Association (submitted by East Timor Relief Association East Timor Freedom Page East Timor site in French (submitted by Bruno Kahn The Story of East Timor by James Altman (submitted by James Altman Caritas Dilli Home Page (Church Aid Agency) (submitted by Brad Taylor Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo Nobel Symposia (submitted by Hendry Izaac Elim Peace 1996 (submitted by Davis) Bishop Carlos Belo hero file (submitted by Jackson)
Bishop Carlos Belo Winner Of The 1996 Nobel Prize In Peace carlos Filipe ximenes belo, a Nobel Peace Laureate, at the Nobel Prize Internet Archive. carlos FILIPE ximenes belo. 1996 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate submitted by Brad Taylor) carlos Filipe ximenes belo Nobel Symposia submitted by Davis) Bishop carlos belo hero file
Extractions: Links added by Nobel Internet Archive visitors TimorNet - a collection of resources An article featuring a photo of Bishop Belo United Nations General Assemly Resolution Question of East Timor ... Cidade Nova - p/ Marcos Mucheroni (submitted by Marcos L. Mucheroni East Timor - past, present and future (submitted by Joao Nicolau East Timor Relief Association (submitted by East Timor Relief Association East Timor Freedom Page East Timor site in French (submitted by Bruno Kahn The Story of East Timor by James Altman (submitted by James Altman Caritas Dilli Home Page (Church Aid Agency) (submitted by Brad Taylor Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo Nobel Symposia (submitted by Hendry Izaac Elim Peace 1996 (submitted by Davis) Bishop Carlos Belo hero file (submitted by Jackson)
Peace 1996 carlos Filipe ximenes belo, José RamosHorta. 1/2 of the prize, 1/2 of the prize.East Timor, East Timor. b. 1948, b. 1949. carlos Filipe ximenes belo Nobel Symposia.
Belo, Carlos Filipe Ximenes belo, carlos Filipe ximenes. carlos ximenes belo, 1995. Copyright Sygma.(b. Feb. 3, 1948, Wailacama, East Timor), Roman Catholic bishop
Extractions: Carlos Ximenes Belo, 1995 (b. Feb. 3, 1948, Wailacama, East Timor), Roman Catholic bishop of Dili who, with , received the 1996 Nobel Prize for Peace for their efforts to bring peace to East Timor (Timor Timur), which has been under Indonesian control since 1975. Belo was ordained a bishop in 1983. As spiritual leader of a territory that is overwhelmingly Catholic, he became one of the primary spokesmen of the Timorese people. He denounced the brutal tactics and oppressive policies of the Indonesian government despite at least two attempts on his life, in 1989 and 1991. Following a massacre of peaceful demonstrators in Dili in 1991, Belo successfully campaigned for reforms in the military and the dismissal of two generals. A strong believer in nonviolent resistance, Belo sought peaceful means to settle the troubles in his homeland. In an open letter written in July 1994, he outlined his concern for the people of East Timor and proposed that the Indonesian government reduce its military presence, expand the civil rights of citizens, and allow East Timor to hold a democratic referendum on self-determination or, barring that, grant East Timor special territorial status.
Glossar CARLOS Translate this page .. und Rolf M Zinkernagel Literatur Wislawa Szymborska Friedensnobelpreis CarlosFelipe ximenes belo und Jose Ramos Horta Wirtschaftswissenschaft James
UD - Nobels Fredspris 1996 Den Norske Nobelkomites beslutning om å dele Nobels Fredspris for 1996 likt mellomCarlos felipe ximenes belo og José Ramos Horta, begge fra ØstTimor, ble
Extractions: Fredspristildelingene  som vil bli foretatt i Norges hovedstad, Oslo, 10. desember  er de 100. og 101. i rekken. H¸ytideligheten finner sted 21 ¥r etter at Indonesia tok kontrollen over den tidligere portugisiske kolonien st-Timor og startet en systematisk undertrykkelse. Det er ansl¥tt at rundt en tredjedel av befolkningen senere har mistet livet p¥ grunn av sult, epidemier, krig og terror. Belo har som biskop i st-Timor st¥tt som den fremste representant for befolkningen i omr¥det. Med fare for sitt eget liv har han s¸kt ¥ beskytte innbyggerne mot overgrep fra makthaverne. I sine bestrebelser p¥ ¥ skape en rettferdig ordning basert p¥ folkets selvbestemmelsesrett, har han v¦rt en konsekvent talsmann for ikke-vold og dialog med de indonesiske myndigheter.
1996 Nobel Peace Prize On 10 October 1996, the Nobel Prize Committee announced its decision to award BishopCarlos felipe ximenes belo and Jose Ramos Horta, in two equal parts, the
Extractions: The Indonesian Government has always shared Bishop Belo's determination to enhance the welfare and well-being of the people of East Timor and to ensure that they live in peace in an atmosphere of religious freedom and tolerance. The growth in the number of adherents of the Catholic religion and other religions in East Timor as well as the dramatic increase in the number of churches in the province attest to this fact. The Indonesian Government, however, has been astounded and surprised at the reason given for the award to Bishop Belo and to Ramos Horta. It has been announced that the award was for their "sacrifices for the oppressed people of East Timor." This is not true for in no way are the people of East Timor being oppressed. The Indonesian Government has always given the highest priority to the social and economic welfare of the people of East Timor. The record shows that it was only when East Timor integrated itself with Indonesia that the East Timorese began to enjoy universal suffrage, adequate political representation in decision-making centres of government, and real opportunities for socio-economic upliftment so that they could break away from the stagnation that had been the result of centuries of exploitation by the former colonial power. In fact
- POPOLI - Articolo 1999 05 05- Translate this page Una fervida attività che ha portato il vescovo di Dili, il salesianomonsignorCarlos felipe ximenes belo, a vincere il premio Nobel per la Pace nel 1996
Extractions: La fede sostiene la voglia d'indipendenza La natura lussurreggiante e il mare tropicale non riescono a nascondere la tragedia di Timor est dove miseria, malattie e una repressione spietata cadono nell'indifferenza della comunità internazionale Solo la tenacia e il coraggio di un popolo e della Chiesa al suo fianco mantengono viva la speranza. Le cifre parlano da sole. Timor Orientale ha attualmente una popolazione di circa 800mila persone. Manegli ultimi venticinque anni oltre 300mila timoresi sono scomparsi, vittime della repressione,deceduti per fame o malattia. Tubercolosi, malaria e lebbra continuano infatti a mietere vittime eogni giorno decine di migliaia di timoresi lottano tra la vita e la morte, alla ricerca di un poco diriso o tapioca, oppure difendendosi dalle fazioni armate che terrorizzano la popolazione. Siamo giunti a Timor dopo oltre sei ore di volo dalla capitale indonesiana Jakarta, sobbalzando daun'isola all'altra dell'arcipelago su un piccolo aeromobile, fino a raggiungere il minuscolo aeroportodi Dili, capoluogo della provincia di Timor est (per gli indonesiani), capitale di una piccolanazione, secondo la popolazione. Comunque sia, il territorio che occupa la parte orientale dell'isolaomonima nell' Oceano Pacifico, poco a nord dell'Australia, è stato colonia portoghese sino allarivoluzione del 1974. Poco dopo l'indipendenza fu invaso dall'Indonesia, ed iniziò una duraguerra civile che ancora continua.
Irwin Abrams: "Nobel Prize Has Antioch Link" Jose RamosHorta of East Timor, who with his countryman Bishop carlos felipe XimenesBelo will be presented with the award at the ceremony in Oslo on December
Extractions: NOBEL PRIZE HAS ANTIOCH LINK By Irwin Abrams Dayton Daily News , Op-Ed, December 6, 1996. This year the Nobel Peace Prize has a local connection. Jose Ramos-Horta of East Timor, who with his countryman Bishop Carlos Felipe Ximenes Belo will be presented with the award at the ceremony in Oslo on December 10, received his Master of Arts degree from Antioch University in 1984. Moreover, Congressman Tony Hall has been one of the prominent nominators of Bishop Belo for the prize. For his M.A. thesis, Ramos-Horta says in the preface that he decided to write "on the tragedy of the people of East Timor, not only out of moral and patriotic duty, but because it constitutes one of the most glaring examples of human rights violations in modern times that the rest of the world knows little and cares less about." Ramos-Horta's tiny homeland is only the eastern half of a remote island at the very tip of the long strung out Indonesian archipelago, much closer to Australia than to Jakarta, Indonesia's capital. The world took little note when East Timor, a former Portuguese colony populated mainly by Catholics, after a brief period of independence was invaded in 1975 and then annexed by its giant Moslem neighbor. East Timorese continued resistance has met with years of brutal military oppression, in which almost a third were killed or died from starvation and disease. Occasionally stories of the murders, rapes and tortures would surface in the world's media, notably in 1991 when news photos and a film circulated of an appalling massacre of some 200 men, women and children shot in cold blood at a funeral procession. But then for most of the world East Timor receded again into obscurity.
Premios Nóbel De La Paz Translate this page Israel). 1995 Rotblat, Joseph (Gran Bretaña). 1996 ximenes belo, CarlosFelipe (Indonesia) Ramos-Horta, José (Indonesia). 1997 Campaña
Extractions: Lecciones y Guías Origen de las cosas Mapas de América Artículos Educativos ... Listas de Correo Biblioteca Virtual El escritor y su Obra Literatura Infantil Antología Poética Antología Narrativa Autores Actuales Constituciones Guías y Actividades Galería de Imágenes Contáctanos Correo-e Tel. (809) 981-3866
Floor Statements By Congresswoman Pelosi One heroic figure in the midst of this grim tragedy is Bishop carlos FelipeXimenes belo, the head of the Roman Catholic Church in East Timor.
Extractions: Mr. Speaker, the situation in East Timor, which was invaded and occupied by the Indonesian Government in 1975, has been of increasing concern to Americans in recent years. Five years ago, on November 12, 1991, in full view of a British television journalist, Indonesian troops opened fire on thousands of predominantly young East Timorese at a church cemetery. The Santa Cruz massacre became known throughout the world as a result of this shocking televised film. Now, nearly 5 years later, the Timor situation still cries out for a solution. One heroic figure in the midst of this grim tragedy is Bishop Carlos Felipe Ximenes Belo, the head of the Roman Catholic Church in East Timor. At the time of the Santa Cruz massacre, Bishop Belo helped hundreds of young East Timorese avert a violent end. To this day, Bishop Belo continues to work tirelessly to defend his people. Bishop Belo deserves our strong support for his efforts to defend human rights and to promote a just and peaceful solution to the conflict in East Timor. As we approach the fifth anniversary of the tragic Santa Cruz massacre, I hope the administration will encourage the release of all East Timorese prisoners still being held in connection with the Santa Cruz events. Such a gesture of reconciliation would be in keeping with the portion on Humanitarianism of Indonesia's state philosophy, the Panca Sila. It would also be in keeping with Bishop Belo's extraordinary work for peace and human rights.
Laureats Du Prix Nobel De La Paix carlos belo travaille, avecJosé Ramos-Horta, pour établir une solution pacifique et juste au conflit
The Michigan Daily Online DILI, Indonesia (AP) Days after winning the Nobel Peace Prize, Bishop carlos FelipeXimenes belo recharged his mission yesterday with a strident condemnation
Extractions: DILI, Indonesia (AP) - Days after winning the Nobel Peace Prize, Bishop Carlos Felipe Ximenes Belo recharged his mission yesterday with a strident condemnation of Indonesia's military rule in East Timor and a fresh call to end the 21-year conflict. The Roman Catholic bishop, in his first interview since being named co-recipient of the award Friday, said he hopes the prize will increase international pressure to stop fighting on the island for good. Belo urged a referendum on autonomy as the best way to do that. Indonesia has repeatedly rejected the idea, saying the East Timor issue has been settled. Belo said the government was wrong." Then what does it want?" Belo demanded. "That the 700,000 East Timorese people just bow their heads?" Tens of thousands of people have been killed in Indonesia's attempt to crush an independence movement on the island territory it invaded in 1975, after Portugal pulled out during a civil war. Belo insisted the annexation of East Timor is not final. "Have you asked the people in villages what they really want?" he said in an interview with The Associated Press. "Don't think that all Timorese people have accepted the integration, and that everything is OK."