Extractions: Country Argentina Australia Austria Bahamas Belgium Brazil Cambodia Canada China Cuba Denmark Egypt Finland France French Polynesia Germany Greece Guatemala Guinea Hong Kong Hungary Indonesia Irish Republic Italy Japan Luxembourg Macau Malaysia Mexico Morocco Netherlands New Zealand Norway Portugal Russia Saudi Arabia Singapore South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland Thailand Turkey United Arab Emi rates United Kingdom United States Vietnam City Worldwide Hotels: Click here to select Main Page Carlos Felipe Ximenes Belo (born February 3 ) received, together with
Nobel Prize In Peace Since 1901 1995, Pugwash Conferences On Science And World Affairs; Rotblat,Joseph. 1996, belo, carlos felipe ximenes; RamosHorta, Jose. 1996, http://www.planet101.com/nobel_peace_hist.htm
Extractions: Nobel Prize in Peace since 1901 Year Winners Dunant, Jean Henri; Passy, Frederic Ducommun, Elie; Gobat, Charles Albert Cremer, Sir William Randal Institute Of International Law Suttner, Bertha Sophie Felicita Von Roosevelt, Theodore Moneta, Ernesto Teodoro; Renault, Louis Arnoldson, Klas Pontus; Bajer, Fredrik Beernaert, Auguste Marie Francois; Constant, Paul Henribenjamin Balluet D'estournelles De Permanent International Bureau Asser, Tobias Michael Carel; Fried, Alfred Hermann Root, Elihu Fontaine, Henri La International Committee Of The Red Cross Wilson, Thomas Woodrow Bourgeois, Leon Victor Auguste Branting, Karl Hjalmar; Lange, Christian Lous Nansen, Fridtjof Chamberlain, Sir Austen; Dawes, Charles Gates Briand, Aristide; Stresemann, Gustav Buisson, Ferdinand; Quidde, Ludwig Kellogg, Frank Billings Soederblom, Lars Olof Nathan Addams, Jane; Butler, Nicholas Murray Angell, Sir Norman Henderson, Arthur Ossietzky, Carl Von Lamas, Carlos Saavedra Cecil, Lord Edgar Algernon Robert Gascoyne Refugees, Nansen International Office For International Committee Of The Red Cross Hull, Cordell
STL: Uskup Belo Meminta Pendirian Timor Gap Watch Lihat juga Bahasa Tetum Fev 3 STL Bispo carlos ximenes belo husu atu Ini ditegaskanoleh Uskup Dili Monsignor carlos felipe Ximines belo ketika dia http://www.pcug.org.au/~wildwood/01febbelob.htm
Extractions: Halaman Uatama Bahasa Indonesia Bahasa Tetum Bahasa Portugis ... Cari situs-Web ini "Agar supaya honorarium pasti digunakan hanya untuk bangsa, Uskup Belo meminta pendirian badan independen yang bisa mengawasi setiap liter minyak dari Timor Gap dan cara honorarium dihasilkan dari minyak itu. Juga cara honorarium itu digunakan akan diawasi dengan teliti. Badan independen itu bisa didirikan oleh pemerintah baru, kata Uskup Belo. Tetapi, Uskup Belo memperingatkan bahwa komposisi badan itu harus memasukkan orang yang bisa dipercayai dari sektor swasta, organisasi sosial dan gereja. Dia menekankan bahwa badan itu harus merupakan badan nasional." Suara Timor Lorosae Lihat juga:
UNTAET: Chief Minister, SRSG Speak Out Against Domestic Violence Dili Bishop carlos felipe ximenes belo lent his voice to one of two public serviceannouncements that will be broadcast on national television. UNTAET Daily http://www.pcug.org.au/~wildwood/02jandv.htm
Extractions: Chief Minister campaign against domestic violence with strong words of support for the women of East Timor. ... The campaign, organized by UNTAETs Office of Communication and Public Information, aims to use television, radio and other media to disseminate information on domestic violence throughout each of East Timors 13 districts. The campaign works in concert with the Civilian Polices Vulnerable Persons Units in each district. ... Dili Bishop Carlos Felipe Ximenes Belo lent his voice to one of two public service announcements that will be broadcast on national television." UNTAET Daily Briefing 22 January 2002 See also: BD: East Timorese Women's Issues UNTAET Daily Briefing 22 January 2002 UNITED NATIONS TRANSITIONAL ADMINISTRATION IN EAST TIMOR Dili, 22 January 2002 CHIEF MINISTER, SRSG SPEAK OUT AGAINST DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Chief Minister campaign against domestic violence with strong words of support for the women of East Timor. While political and social violence have plummeted since 1999, domestic violence continues to fester, the SRSG said. In December, nearly 40 percent of all reported crime were cases of domestic violence or violence against women such as rape, attempted rape and sexual assault, according to UNTAET Civilian Police.
Keesing's Worldwide Online - Hot Topics: East Timor shelter in the compound of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)and at the official residence of Bishop carlos felipe ximenes belo, the 1996 http://www.keesings.com/hot_topics/east_timor/
Extractions: Home About Us Print Products Electronic Products ... Trial Overview Hot Topics: East Timor September 1999 Violent aftermath of East Timor referendum In response to the violent backlash by pro-Indonesia militias against the decisive vote for independence in the referendum held on Aug. 30 in East Timor [see p. 43108], the UN assembled and despatched a peacekeeping force to the territory, its first troops arriving in Dili (the capital of East Timor) on Sept. 20. The result of the referendum-agreed in May between Indonesia and the former colonial power Portugal [see p. 42946]-was announced on Sept. 4 simultaneously by UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan in New York and Ian Martin, head of the UN Assessment Mission in East Timor (UNAMET), in Dili. Of the 438,968 valid votes cast (98.6 per cent of the registered voters) 78.5 per cent (344,580 votes) were in favour of independence whilst 21.5 per cent (94,388) chose autonomy within Indonesia. Within hours of the announcement, the celebrations of those who had voted for independence were cut short by the resumption of ferocious attacks with guns and machetes by pro-Indonesian militias who targeted both foreign and Indonesian journalists and UN workers as well as local people. In Dili Indonesian troops stood by without intervening as the militiamen rampaged through the city and many people fled to the UNAMET compound where hundreds had already taken refuge. Thousands more sought shelter in the compound of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and at the official residence of Bishop Carlos Felipe Ximenes Belo, the 1996 Nobel Peace laureate. A US policeman was shot and seriously wounded, the UN's first foreign casualty, although at least four of its local workers had already been killed since the day of the referendum and six were reported missing.
La ONU Promueve El Aborto En Timor Oriental Translate this page El obispo de Dili, monseñor carlos felipe ximenes belo, la figura más destacadade la comunidad católica timorense y Premio Nobel de la Paz, tal vez debe su http://www.archimadrid.es/alfayome/menu/pasados/revistas/2000/jul2000/num223/mun
Extractions: D Lusa, en la que critica los programas controlistas en curso en el territorio de la isla. de mujeres timorenses en los campos de refugiados. la Iglesia nunca va a dejar de defender la necesidad del derecho directo de cada persona de decidir su propio destino todos fueron masacrados dentro de su iglesia. salvarle la vida Alfa y Omega
EAST TIMOR - 1997 carlos felipe ximenes belo, East Timor s Archbishop and Jose Ramos Horta, an exiledTimorese leader, were awarded the 1996 Nobel Peace Prize for their work http://www.webcom.com/hrin/parker/country/etimor.html
Extractions: Statement: The situation in East Timor is a war of national liberation in exercise of the right to self-determination. Background: East Timor was a Portuguese colony for over 300 years. In 1975, as Portugal was preparing to grant independence to the territory, the Indonesian army mounted an invasion, annexed East Timor (in 1976), and has occupied the territory ever since. The U.N. has never recognized its sovereignty. Indonesia has waged a brutal counterinsurgency campaign of political imprisonment, arbitrary arrest, murder and rape against the resistance movement. In 1991 the U.N. Special Rapporteur on Torture visited Indonesia and East Timor and found torture commonplace. During the occupation, up to 200,000 Timorese (approximately one-third of the population) have died of disease, starvation or have been murdered. Since the occupation, there have been several public massacres. Most recently, in November 1991, soldiers fired on a peaceful demonstration of approximately 2000 in the Santa Cruz cemetery of Dili. Up to 270 people may have died and another 200 have "disappeared." There is evidence that some of the wounded taken to a military hospital were deliberately killed. The United Nations Special Rapporteur on Extra-Judicial, Summary or Arbitrary Executions found reasons to believe that the killings were a planned military operation. Ten low-ranking members of the security forces were charged with disobeying orders and one with assault or cutting off of the ears of a demonstrator. Six senior officers were found guilty of misconduct. Although no officers were charged with serious assault or murder, thirteen civilians participating in the protest were sentenced to terms up to life imprisonment.
Extractions: Eine Woche nach dem mit überwältigender Mehrheit bestätigten Unabhängigkeitsvotum Osttimors sind die Drohungen der pro-indonesischen Paramilitärs, die Exkolonie in ein "Meer aus Feuer" zu verwandeln, Wahrheit geworden. Nach Einschätzungen lokaler Polizeichefs ist die Lage "ausser Kontrolle".
27.11.02: Salesianerbischof Belo Zurückgetreten Translate this page die Internationale Missionsprokur der Salesianer Don Boscos in Bonn die Nachricht,dass Friedensnobelpreisträger Bischof carlos felipe ximenes belo, SDB den http://www.orden-online.de/archiv/00000280.php
Extractions: Salesianerbischof Belo zurückgetreten Am 26.11.2002 erreichte die Internationale Missionsprokur der Salesianer Don Boscos in Bonn die Nachricht, dass Friedensnobelpreisträger Bischof Carlos Felipe Ximenes Belo, SDB den Heiligen Vater gebeten hat, ihn aus Rücksicht auf seine Gesundheit zu entpflichten. Der Papst hat das Gesuch angenommen. Bischof Belo hat sich während der Zeit des Bürgerkrieges in Ost-Timor und in der nachfolgenden Epoche des Wiederaufbaus voll und ganz und ohne Rücksicht auf seine Person und seine Gesundheit für die Belange der ärmsten Bevölkerung eingesetzt. Er hat seinen Rücktritt eingehend mit Pater Chávez, dem Generaloberen der Salesianischen Kongregation sowie dem Apostolischen Nuntius und den entsprechenden Abteilungen des Vatikans besprochen. Bischof Belo wird weiterhin in Ost-Timor wirken und andere Aufgaben übernehmen.
Ranesi Radio Nederland menghubungi Monsigneur carlos felipe ximenes belo kepala keuskupanDili, ibukota Timor Loro Sa e. Pertamatama kami tanyakan apa tanggapannya http://www.rnw.nl/ranesi/html/gwbeloragu.html
Extractions: PROSES PENGADILAN TIMTIM JAKARTA Kamis ini di Jakarta dimulai proses pengadilan terhadap 18 aparat polisi, tentara dan pejabat yang terlibat kekerasan di Timor Timur tahun 1999. Salah seorang tertuduh adalah mantan Gubernur Timtim, Abilio Soares. Ia dituduh "mengetahui atau menghindari informasi tentang pelanggaran HAM berat teradap warga sipil di provinsinya". Radio Nederland menghubungi Monsigneur Carlos Felipe Ximenes Belo kepala keuskupan Dili, ibukota Timor Loro Sa'e. Pertama-tama kami tanyakan apa tanggapannya mengenai proses Pengadilan di Jakarta ini. Belum Cukup Bila Hanya di Bawah MB: "Itu salah satu hal yang sudah positif, tapi masih di tengah jalan. Karena orang-orang daerah yang melaksanakan itu hanya mengikuti perintah dari pusat, dari Jakarta. Dan yang kedua, memang kalau Gubernur Kepala Daerah itu juga harus diminta keterangannya sebagai kepala daerah, tapi toh dia juga saya kira di bawah KementErian Dalam Negeri dan Polkam."
Ranesi Uskup belo Mengundurkan Diri. Uskup belo Mengundurkan Diri. Oleh Joss WibisonoUskup Dili Monsinyor carlos felipe ximenes belo dikabarkan mengundurkan diri. http://www.rnw.nl/ranesi/html/gw_20021127.html
Extractions: Uskup Dili Monsinyor Carlos Felipe Ximenes Belo dikabarkan mengundurkan diri. Pengunduran diri peraih Hadiah Nobel Perdamaian ini tentu saja menimbulkan banyak pertanyaan. Apalagi Uskup Belo merupakan faktor penting dalam kemerdekaan Timor Leste. Ada apa di balik pengunduran diri ini? Radio Nederland menghubungi Aderito Hugo da Costa pemimpin redaksi harian Timor Post di Dili, yang pertama kali memberitakan pengunduran diri Uskup Belo. Aderito Hugo da Costa [AHC]: "Berita pengunduran diri itu sebenarnya sudah tersebar di media di Portugal ketika Uskup Belo masih ada di Portugal. Berita yang menyatakan bahwa Uskup Belo menyampaikan pengunduran diri. Tapi setelah berita itu beredar Uskup kembali menyatakan bahwa berita itu tidak benar. Tapi sampai pada akhir minggu lalu itu, kita berhasil mengorek Uskup Belo mengeluarkan suatu pernyataan yang kita publikasikan di Timor Pos. Bahwa Uskup mengatakan dalam waktu dekat keuskupan Dili akan segera punya Uskup baru." "Setelah kita publikasikan itu paginya, Uskup Belo sore hari kemarin jam 16.00, mengeluarkan surat yang menyatakan bahwa permintaan pengunduran diri yang diajukan Uskup Belo ke Paus itu telah disetujui. Itu berita yang keluar hari ini yang berdasarkan pada surat yang dikeluarkan resmi oleh Uskup Belo sendiri."
Glossar BELO Translate this page .. Literatur Wislawa Szymborska Friedensnobelpreis carlos felipe ximenes Belound Jose Ramos Horta Wirtschaftswissenschaft James Mirrlees und William http://www.orthopedia-shop.de/glossar/glossar_wort-BELO/belo.html
PAULINUS Trierer Bistumsblatt Translate this page Ein sanfter Rebell. Friedensnobelpreis für Bischof carlos felipe ximenes belovon Osttimor. Bischof carlos felipe ximenes belo. Foto Karl Heinz Melters. http://www.bistumsblatt.paulinus.de/archiv/42/titel.htm
AmIAnnoying.com: Nobel Peace Prize 1994) * Peres, Shimon (1994) * Pugwash Conferences On Science And World Affairs(1995) * Rotblat, Joseph (1995) * belo, carlos felipe ximenes (1996) * Ramos http://www.amiannoying.com/(rlk4xqr1vauibd45v5jsxvfk)/collection.aspx?collection
Timor-chronologie l évêque catholique de Dili, Mgr carlos felipe ximenes belo, et le http://asiep.free.fr/indonesie/timor/timor-chronologie.html
SmartPedia.com - Free Online Encyclopedia - Encyclopedia Books. Leon. carlos Delgado, carlos Durán Cartín, carlos Ezquerra. carlosFamoso Hernandez, carlos felipe ximenes belo, carlos Ferrero. carlos http://www.smartpedia.com/smart/browse/Special:Allpages&from=Carl_Andre
UD - Søk Die Entscheidung des Norwegischen Nobelkomitees, den Friedensnobelpreis für 1996zu gleichen Teilen an carlos felipe ximenes belo und José Ramos Horta von http://odin.dep.no/ud/global/p15900081/bu.html?sok=rel&dok=032001-990592&sokeord
:: Indonesia House :: Wakil Panglima Pasukan Pejuang ProIntegrasi, menantang Uskup Titularis Lorium danAdministrator Apostolik Dili Monsignor carlos felipe ximenes belo, SDB untuk http://www.indonesia-house.org/PoliticHR/impunity/092002-tni-adhoc.htm
Extractions: Short Biography East Timor forms part of one of the easternmost islands of the Indonesian archipelago. Located three hundred miles north of Australia and some nine hundred miles east of Jakarta, this tiny territory was the victim of Indonesian aggression, as well as general international acquiescence to the blatant violations of human rights and international law that were perpetrated by the Indonesian government since it invaded East Timor in 1975. In the years following that invasion, an estimated 230,000 East Timorese (one-third of an original population of 690,000) lost their lives due to starvation, epidemics, war, and terror. Economic and strategic ties to the Indonesian government led most of the world's major powers to cooperate with Jakarta without regard to the serious legal and human rights issues raised by the situation in East Timor. East Timor was first settled by Portuguese traders in 1520. The Dutch began to expand to the island of Timor and wrested control over West Timor from the Portuguese in the seventeenth century. An 1859 treaty established the current borders. West Timor, administered as part of the Dutch East Indies, became part of Indonesia in 1946, while East Timor, with a different language, religion, and customs from its island neighbor, remained part of the Portuguese colonial empire. Unlike Indonesia, which is the most populous Muslim nation in the world, with more than 190 million people, East Timor is populated primarily by Roman Catholics.