Editing Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Adolf Von Baeyer - Edit - Wikipedia, The Free E SAMTEL Vive l Anarchie ! - Translate this page Francis William Aston - Lorenzo Romano AMADEO Carlo Avogadro B Leo HendrikBaekeland - johann friedrich wilhelm adolf von baeyer - Sir Derek http://en.wikipedia.org/w/wiki.phtml?title=Johann_Friedrich_Wilhelm_Adolf_von_Ba
Premio Nobel/Química - Enciclopedia Libre 1909 wilhelm Ostwald 1908 Ernest Rutherford 1907 Eduard Buchner 1906 Henri Moissan1905 johann friedrich wilhelm adolf von baeyer 1904 Sir William Ramsay 1903 http://enciclopedia.us.es/index.php/Premio_Nobel_de_Química
Extractions: Artículo de la Enciclopedia Libre Universal en Español Ver enlace: http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/index.html Peter Agre Roderick MacKinnon John B. Fenn ... K. Barry Sharpless Alan J Heeger, Alan G MacDiarmid, Hideki Shirakawa Ahmed H. Zewail Walter Kohn, John A. Pople Paul D. Boyer, John E. Walker, Jens C. Skou Robert Curl , Sir Harold Kroto Richard Smalley Paul J. Crutzen, Mario J. Molina, F. Sherwood Rowland George A. Olah Kary B. Mullis, Michael Smith Rudolph A. Marcus Richard R. Ernst Elias James Corey Sidney Altman, Thomas R. Cech Johann Deisenhofer, Robert Huber, Hartmut Michel Donald J. Cram, Jean-Marie Lehn, Charles J. Pedersen Dudley R. Herschbach, Yuan T. Lee, John C. Polanyi Herbert A. Hauptman, Jerome Karle Robert Bruce Merrifield Henry Taube Aaron Klug Kenichi Fukui Roald Hoffmann Paul Berg Walter Gilbert ... Frederick Sanger Herbert C. Brown, Georg Wittig Peter D. Mitchell
List Of Chemistry Topics Heyrovsky Jasper JeanMarie Lehn Jens C. Skou Jerome Karle johannDeisenhofer johann friedrich wilhelm adolf von baeyer johann Wolfgang D http://www.fact-index.com/l/li/list_of_chemistry_topics.html
Extractions: Main Page See live article Alphabetical index This page aims to list articles on Wikipedia that are related to chemistry . This is so that those interested in the subject can monitor changes to the pages by clicking on Related Changes in the sidebar and on the bottom of the page. This list is not necessarily complete or up to date - if you see an article that should be here but isn't (or one that shouldn't be here but is), please update the page accordingly. A B C D ... Z Aaron Klug Abichite Acetaldehyde Acetaminophen Acetic acid Acetone ... Activation energy Adolf Friedrich Johann Butenandt Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus Adolph Wilhelm Hermann Kolbe Agate Ahmed H. Zewail Alabaster Alan G MacDiarmid Alan J Heeger Albertus Magnus Albite alchemical symbol alchemist Alchemy alcohol aldehyde ... Alfred Stock Alfred Werner alicyclic compound aliphatic compound Alkali Alkali metal ... Aluminium oxide Alunite Alvite amalgams Amazonite Amber Amblygonite ... Andesite Anglesite Anorthite Anorthocite Anorthoclase Anorthosite Antimony Antoine Lavoisier ... Aragonite Archer John Porter Martin arene argon Arne Wilhelm Kaurin Tiselius aromatic amine aromatic compound Arrhenius equation arsenic Arthur Harden Artturi Ilmari Virtanen Arvedsonite Asbestos Astatine atom atomic ... Axinite Azurite Baddeleyite Barite Barium barometer ... Bismuth Boehmite Bohrium Boiling point Borax Boric acid ... Bytownite cadmium Calamine Calcflinta Calcite Calcium Calcium carbonate Calcium oxide ... Californium calomel Calorimeter Canfieldite Carbohydrate carbon carbon dioxide Carbon group ... Carl Bosch Carl Remigius Fresenius
Foreign Members (main_a00) Translate this page 1828 Baer Karl Maksimovich (Karl Ernst) von (Germany). 1858 baeyer johannJacob (Germany). 1892 Bayer johann friedrich wilhelm adolf (Germany). http://hp.iitp.ru/eng/gallery/fma_ma00.htm
Extractions: Foreign Members of the Academy Abderhalden Emile (Switzerland) Abel Othenio (Austria) Adams John Bertram (Great Britain) Adams John Couch (Great Britain) Agassiz Jean-Louis-Roudolphe (USA) Ahlfors Lars Valerian (USA) Ahlwardt Wilhelm Theodor (Germany) Ahrens Heinrich Ludolf (Germany) Airy George Biddell (Great Britain) Akabori Shiro (Japan) Albinus Bernard Sifroy or Weiss Bernhard Siegfried (Netherlands) Alfven Hannes (Sweden) Amaldi Edoardo (Italy) Amari Michele (Italy) Ampere Andre-Marie (France) Ancel Marc (France) Anderson Philip Warren (USA) Anttila Inkeri Sylvi (Finland) Anville de Burguignon Jean-Baptiste (France) Appell Paul-Emile (France) Arago Dominique-Francois-Jean (France) Araujo de Azevedo Antonio da Barca, count (Portugal) Arbogast Louis-Francois-Antoine (France) Armstrong Henry Edward (Great Britain) Arrest Heinrich Ludwig von (Denmark) Arrhenius Svante August (Sweden) Arzruni Andreas (Germany) Asboth Oszkar (Austro-Hungary (Hungary)) Ascoli Graziadio Isaia (Italy) Aston Francis William (Great Britain) Atiyah Michael (Great Britain) Aubert Alexandre (Great Britain) Aubouin Jean (France) Aulard Francois-Alphonse (France) Auwers Arthur Julius Georg Friedrich von (Germany) Ayala Francisco Jose (USA) Babbage Charles (Great Britain) Bach Alexandre Dallas (USA) Bacq Zenon Marcel (Belgium) Baer Karl Maksimovich (Karl Ernst) von (Germany) Baeyer Johann Jacob (Germany) Baillaud Edouard Benjamin (France) Baillon Ernest-Henri (France)
Nobelprisen I Kemi Sir William Ramsay 1905 johann friedrich wilhelm adolf von baeyer 1906 Henri http://lexopen.fateback.com/Nobelprisen i kemi.html
HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results 1. baeyer, johann friedrich wilhelm adolf von (18351917) The HutchinsonDictionary of Scientific Biography; January 1, 1998 http://www.highbeam.com/library/search.asp?FN=AO&refid=ency_refd&search_dictiona
Too Many ``Friedrich Wilhelms'' pair of names embedded somewhere in a freighttrain list of names, and used oneof the others such as johann friedrich wilhelm adolf von baeyer, who won http://mintaka.sdsu.edu/GF/bibliog/library/FW.html
Extractions: One day I was seated in the library, reading Volume 2 of the Astronomische Nachrichten , in which F. W. Bessel mentioned that he had he asked a young assistant, F. W. A. Argelander, to make some observations of refraction near the horizon. Now, as it happens, I was aware that the already-famous Bessel, as well as the soon-to-become-famous Argelander, were both named Friedrich Wilhelm. ``Gee, that's funny,'' I thought. ``Both of these astronomers had the same first names.'' Then I remembered that F. W. Murnau, the director of the classic vampire film Nosferatu , was also a Friedrich Wilhelm. (Actually, it turns out he was born Friedrich Wilhelm Plumpe ; but it's the ``F. W.'' I'm concerned with here.) I began to wonder just how many other Friedrich Wilhelms there were among notable Germans. A lot, I discovered. A little searching turned up the fact that Friedrich Nietzsche was really Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche. Besides his imposing work ``Also sprach Zarathustra,'' Nietzsche wrote an essay on Richard Wagner. And it turns out that Wagner's father was actually named Friedrich Wilhelm Wagner.
History Of Chemistry johann Jakob Balmer, johann Jakob Balmer, johann Jakob Balmer, Note on the SpectralLines of Hydrogen johann friedrich wilhelm adolf von baeyer 1905 Nobel http://www.chemistrycoach.com/history_of_chemistry.htm
Extractions: The links are organized from most comprehensive to least, except that foreign language links generally appear at the end. Although I have not given information about each link, you can learn a lot by passing the cursor over the link and reading the web address. Kurt Alder Kurt Alder Kurt Alder Kurt Alder ... Sir Humphry Davy; Electricity and Chemical Affinity , Sir Humphry Davy, Sir Humphry Davy Sir Humphry Davy
Extractions: what = 'Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Adolf von Baeyer'; in Berlin in Starnberg deutscher Chemiker Bayer erhielt den "als Anerkennung des Verdienstes, das er sich um die Entwicklung der organischen Chemie und der chemischen Industrie durch seine Arbeiten über die organischen Farbstoffe und die hydroaromatischen Verbindungen erworben hat". Er studierte zunächst in Berlin Mathematik und Physik, dann Chemie bei in Heidelberg. Nach Abschluss seines Studiums arbeitete er im Labor von in Heidelberg. promovierte Baeyer und folgte Kekulé nach Gent. habilitierte sich von Baeyer in Berlin und nahm einen Lehrstuhl am Gewerbeinstitut in Berlin an. Ab war er Professor für Chemie in Straßburg, ab in München als Nachfolger von verleiht ihm die in London die Davy-Medaille, wird er geadelt. Die im Jahre erstmals von der Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker verliehene Liebig-Denkmünze wird ihm überreicht. Seit wird der Adolf-von-Baeyer-Preis in unregelmäßigen Abständen verliehen. synthetisierte er erstmalig die Barbitursäure beschrieb er die Polykondensation von Phenol und Formaldehyd gelang ihm als Erstem die Herstellung von Indigo im Labor. Weiters arbeitete er über
RTP Translate this page Wallach 1909 - wilhelm Ostwald 1908 - Ernest Rutherford 1907 - Eduard Buchner 1906- Henri Moissan 1905 - johann friedrich wilhelm adolf von baeyer 1904 - Sir http://www.rtp.pt/index.php?article=18109&visual=5
Nobel Chemistry Prizes 1901-1950 (Trivopaedia) NL) 1902 Hermann Emil Fischer (D) 1903 Svante August Arrhenius (S) 1904 Sir WilliamRamsay (GB) 1905 johann friedrich wilhelm adolf von baeyer (D) 1906 Henri http://info.togosolo.com/mobile/thread.php?topic_id=110
Deutsches Museum - Archiv - Buesten - Bestand Translate this page Welsbach, Carl (1858-1929) baeyer, adolf von (1835-1917 Andreas (1783-1860) Bauer,wilhelm (1822-1875 Leberecht (1742-1819) Böttger, johann friedrich B. (1682 http://www.deutsches-museum.de/bib/archiv/buesta_z.htm
Extractions: http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1905/baeyer-bio.html Niemiecki chemik organik. Dwa lata studiowa³ (1853 - 1855) na Uniwersytecie w Berlinie, potem pracowa³ w uniwersyteckim laboratorium Bunsena , a nastêpnie u . By³ wyk³adowc± (1864) w Berlinie, nastêpnie profesorem chemii organicznej w Strasburgu (1872 - 1875) i od 1875 r. w Monachium, gdzie by³ nastêpc± Liebiga Wniós³ bardzo du¿y wk³ad w syntetyczn± chemiê organiczn±. Bada³ m.in.: acetylenki, nadtlenki, pochodne pirydyny i pirolu, pochodne mocznika, terpeny, sole oksoniowe oraz zwi±zki arsenoorganiczne, karboniowe i nitrozowe. Dokona³ (1880) pe³nej syntezy indyga (b³êkitnego barwnika) i okre¶li³ (1878 - 1883) jego strukturê, co by³o podstaw± do stworzenia przemys³u barwników syntetycznych. Otrzyma³ wiele ftalein: fenoloftaleinê i fluoresceinê (1871) oraz eozynê. Po raz pierwszy zsyntezowa³ (1888) zwi±zek z grupy terpenów. Interesowa³y go przemiany kwasu moczowego. Bada³ mechanizm fotosyntezy. Wychodz±c z tetraedrycznego rozk³adu kierunku wi±zañ atomu wêgla w zwi±zkach organicznych sformu³owa³ (1875) tzw. teoriê napiêæ, za pomoc± której t³umaczono trwa³o¶æ wêglowodorów pier¶cieniowych. Opracowa³ i wdro¿y³ wiele nowych metod techniki laboratoryjnej syntezy organicznej oraz nowe metody analityczne. Wprowadzi³ terminy
Online-Lexikon: Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Adolf Von Baeyer Translate this page johann friedrich wilhelm adolf von baeyer. Academicus.ch - KostenlosesOnline-Lexikon. johann friedrich wilhelm adolf von baeyer. johann http://www.academicus.ch/de/johann_friedrich_wilhelm_adolf_von_baeyer.html
Extractions: Hauptseite Edit this page Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Adolf Ritter von Baeyer 31. Oktober in Berlin 20. August in Starnberg deutscher Chemiker Bayer erhielt den Nobelpreis für Chemie "als Anerkennung des Verdienstes, das er sich um die Entwicklung der organischen Chemie und der chemischen Industrie durch seine Arbeiten über die organischen Farbstoffe und die hydroaromatischen Verbindungen erworben hat". Er studierte zunächst in Berlin Mathematik und Physik, dann Chemie bei Robert Bunsen. Nach Abschluss seines Studiums arbeitete er im Labor von Friedrich Kekulé in Heidelberg. habilitierte sich von Baeyer in Berlin und nahm einen Lehrstuhl am Gewerbeinstitut in Berlin an. Ab war er Professor für Chemie in Straßburg, ab in München als Nachfolger von Justus von Liebig verleiht ihm die Royal Society in London die Davy-Medaille, wird er geadelt. Die im Jahre erstmals von der Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker verliehene Liebig-Denkmünze ihm überreicht. Seit wird der Adolf-von-Baeyer-Preis in unregelmäßigen Abständen verliehen.
Information Headquarters: Nobel Prize In Chemistry of dissociation (see ion) 1904 Sir William Ramsay for his discovery of the inertgaseous elements in air 1905 johann friedrich wilhelm adolf von baeyer for his http://www.informationheadquarters.com/Chemistry/Nobel_Prize_in_Chemistry.shtml
Chemists That Shaped The Science Wislicenus, (18351902); johann friedrich wilhelm adolf von baeyer, (1835-1917);Cato Maximilian Guldberg, (1836-1902); johannes Diderick http://www.pmf.ukim.edu.mk/PMF/Chemistry/chemists/chem.htm
Extractions: Institute of Chemistry This site contains a list of the most important people who have contributed to the development of chemistry. It is planned to include a biography with the most important details of their life and their scientific contribution. The list is chronological by the date of birth. To locate someone on the list, the browser's 'find' function can be used. If you want to submit a biography or have any comments on any of the already published materaial, please contact one of the authors of the list. It would be preferable that the subimissions be in Engish but other languages are also acceptable. If you are aware of any other sites that contain a bioghrphy please supply the link so the material can be used.
Winners Of The Nobel Prize In Chemistry 1905 johann friedrich wilhelm adolf von baeyer Synthetic organic chemistry,particularily for the synthesis of indigo and triphenylmethane dyes. http://www.ccl.net/cca/documents/dyoung/topics-orig/nobel.html
Extractions: Jacobus Hendricus van't Hoff Chemical dynamics and osmotic pressure. Emil Hermann Fischer Work on carbohydrates and purines. Svante August Arrhenius Theory of electrolytic dissociation. Sir William Ramsay Discovery of helium, neon, xenon and krypton. Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Adolf von Baeyer Synthetic organic chemistry, particularily for the synthesis of indigo and triphenylmethane dyes. Preparing pure fluorine and developing the electric furnace (the Moissan furnace). Eduard Buchner Biochemical research including discovery of cell-less fermentation (fermentation in a test tube by extracting the active enzymes from yeast cells). Ernest Rutherford Study of radioactive substances. Friedrich Wilhelm Ostwald Work on catalysis, chemical equilibrium and reaction rates. Otto Wallach Work on alicyclic compounds. Marie Curie Chemistry of radioactive isotopes. Francois Auguste Victor Grignard Discovery of the Grignard reaction.