Home Page A research tool and resource for environmental professionals, students and consumers, provided as a free service from Putney Press. Find information on a full range of issues, including hazardous waste, land use planning, air and water quality, pollution prevention, recycling toxic substances, solid waste, alternative energy, the US EPA, ISO 14000, and environmental law. http://www.enviro-source.com/
Pollution Prevention More. pollution prevention (P2) Annual Reports. , pollution prevention Grants Available for Electronics recycling and/or Mercury Switch Removal. http://www.michigan.gov/deq/0,1607,7-135-3585---,00.html
Extractions: For a limited time, the DEQ is offering matching funds to Michigan universities to partially cover expenditures to research and develop innovative pollution prevention (P2) technologies having the potential to reduce the quantity or toxicity of specific environmental wastes currently generated by Michigan businesses. DEQ Receives Award from the National Pollution Prevention Roundtable
Recycling not the highest priority (source reduction and reuse appear ahead of recycling in every description of waste reduction and pollution prevention), it is an http://www.michigan.gov/deq/0,1607,7-135-3585_4130---,00.html
Waste Prevention And Recycling P2) was defined in the pollution prevention Act of eliminate the creation of pollutants and includes source reduction, but generally not recycling. http://www.ofee.gov/wpr/wpr.htm
Extractions: According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the United States generated 232 million tons of municipal solid waste (MSW) in 2000. The good news is that we recovered and recycled 30 percent of the materials in this waste stream. The bad news is that we still disposed of more than 128 million tons of MSW in landfills. Many of the materials in our MSW can be reduced, reused, or recycled - if we have markets for the materials. The long-established hierarchy for managing the trash and materials that we generate every day is waste prevention (including reducing and reusing materials), recycling (including composting), incineration, and landfilling. Integrated waste management requires a mix of these activities, which each facility must determine based on its location, resources, and markets for recyclables. The different terms used in the control and disposition of waste can be confusing. " Pollution prevention " (P2) was defined in the Pollution Prevention Act of 1990 and refers to practices that reduce or eliminate the creation of pollutants and includes " source reduction ," but generally not recycling. For detailed information about pollution prevention, visit
Lukol Directory - Science Environment Pollution Prevention And Recycling prevention and Environmental Assistance Information and education resources on recycling, environmental management systems, and pollution prevention http//www http://www.lukol.com/Top/Science/Environment/Pollution_Prevention_and_Recycling/
ETV P2, Recycling, And Waste Treatment Pilots industry performance and achieve costeffective pollution prevention results bath maintenance; sludge reduction technologies; and water use reduction/recycling. http://www.epa.gov/etv/centers/center6.html
Extractions: Environmental Technology Verification Program Recent Additions Contact Us Print Version Search: EPA Home ETV Home ETV Centers Advanced Monitoring Systems Center ... (ended 2000) ETV P2, Recycling, and Waste Treatment Pilots Of three pilot programs in pollution prevention technology verification initiated under ETV, one continues to operate. The P2 Coatings and Coatings Equipment Pilot, operated by Concurrent Technologies Corporation (CTC), verifies the performance of commercial-ready coatings and coating equipment that has potential to prevent pollution. Examples of the technology categories include: alternative cleaner capability and performance evaluation; high transfer efficiency paint spray guns; high volume, low pressure (HVLP) paint spray guns; innovative liquid paints; laser targeted paint applications; powder coating technologies; process technologies; supercritical CO2 spraying devices; and UV curable coatings. Two other pollution prevention focused pilots under ETV have not been extended into the program's current operational period, however verification reports and statements continue to be posted on ETV's Web Site. They are:
West Group - Law Of Solid Waste, Pollution Prevention, And Law of Solid Waste, pollution prevention, and recycling (Environmental Law Series). By Jeffrey M. Gaba and Donald W Stever, List Price http://west.thomson.com/product/16625297/product.asp
Pollution Prevention (P2) pollution preventionrecycling. Anchorage recycling Center and ALPAR Anchorage recycling Center receives recyclable material throughout Alaska. http://www.alaskanativeresources.com/p2.html
Extractions: Pollution Prevention education does not mean attending classes or seminars it could be as simple as just speaking with the people in your village and showing them alternative products that they can use. If people know that there are alternatives to disposable products and that the reusable products are cheaper in the long run then people will often switch to the reusable products.
Pollution Prevention In Business, NF93-122 Some activities, such as inprocess or on-site recycling, should be considered as pollution prevention. Off-site recycling and reuse http://ianrpubs.unl.edu/wastemgt/nf122.htm
Extractions: Wayne E. Woldt, Waste Management Specialists Previous Category Catalog Order Info As illustrated by the major shifts in the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulatory agenda during the past few years, culminating in the passage of the Pollution Prevention Act by Congress in 1990, pollution prevention represents a major cornerstone in the nation's waste management agenda. This law mandates that our environmental policy be based in pollution prevention as its solid foundation. " Pollution prevention is the highest priority strategy under the nations integrated waste management hierarchy that includes: 1) prevention, 2) recycling, 3) treatment and 4) disposal or release. Under the Pollution Prevention Act, congress established a national policy stipulating the following:
Extractions: North Dakota Department of Health - Division of Waste Management Pollution Prevention Program Welcome to the Pollution Prevention Program Home Page. The Pollution Prevention Program (P2) works with business and industry across the state of North Dakota to minimize waste generation and provide innovative management practices to reduce waste disposal, with the public of North Dakota to present information on waste management and recycling issues and with local governments to provide assistance in starting recycling programs. North Dakota's Pollution Prevention Program is run by Mr. Kent Belland of the Division of Waste Management. The P2 program spans all Environmental Health Sections: Air, Water and Waste. Comments concerning this page may be directed to Kent Belland . We request your input to make this page more useful to those who need it. Contact info: Kent Belland Email:kbelland@state.nd.us
Pollution Prevention Starts At Home: Pollution Prevention Tips Many landfills also accept used oil for recycling. Find out which companies in your area practice pollution prevention, and patronize their businesses (eg http://www.dec.state.ny.us/website/ppu/p2tips.html
Extractions: More information from this division: Pollution Prevention Unit Division of Environmental Permits Ways You Can Prevent Pollution Use Less Toxic Products Conserve Energy Create Less Waste There are many ways you can prevent pollution at home. If we each do a little, it can add up to a lot. Here are just a few ideas of things you can try: If you change your own oil, recycle the used oil at a service station or recycling center. Many landfills also accept used oil for recycling. When purchasing cleaning supplies, buy as little as you need. Buy less-toxic or nontoxic supplies. Baking soda and water can be used in place of ammonia-based all-purpose cleaners. Instead of purchasing a drain cleaner, mix 1/4 cup baking soda with 1/4 cup vinegar. Use non-toxic glue and water-based markers for your arts and crafts projects. Use a baking soda paste as a general stain remover. Rub chalk on grease stains prior to washing. Apply butter or margarine to chocolate stains, let set at least 15 minutes and wash. Use herbs, set out a small dish of vanilla or leave an open box of baking soda in the room as an air freshener.
Extractions: Recycling Services For aluminum, plastic, glass and paper recycling, or to recycle other common household items, click here. Household Hazardous Waste Got household hazardous material under the kitchen sink or in the garage? Learn where and how to properly dispose of HHW in your community. Leftover Paint Find out how to purchase the correct amount of paint for a project, as well as how to store, reuse, recycle and dispose of leftover paint. Used Motor Oil Recycling Changing your oil? Find used motor oil recycling centers just around the corner. Kids Cool Games and activities and environmental information for kids, teachers and parents. Cell Phone and Computer Recycling Don't know what to do with that old cell phone or computer? Find out here! Get even more info on environmental programs and events happening in your community! Help prevent air pollution. Simple things you can do to help save energy. How to conserve water. Share This Site With A Friend ... EPA Counterfeit Products
Pennsylvania's Department Of Environmental Protection - Office Of Energy And Tec Information about the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection's Office of pollution prevention now the Office of Energy and Technology Development, a resource for technical and http://www.dep.state.pa.us/dep/deputate/pollprev/pollution_prevention.html
Extractions: What is DEP Keyword? Featured Pages What's New Energy Harvest Grant Program Advantage Grant Program Pennsylvania Energy Development Authority Pennsylvania's Advanced Energy Toolbox ... Wood Gasification Decision Making Guide Featured Pages Archive Select a Page... Mercury Information Help with Compliance Assistance Greenhouse Gas Inventory PA Businesses for the Bay ImaginePA: Financing for PA Businesses Ombudsman Assistance Request Form Energy Harvest Grant deadline Planning a Trip? Use a Green Hotel
Extractions: Search: Tips Products Suppliers Categories Articles Downloads Buy Online Buyer's Guide Product Showcase Market Research Reports ... Help Welcome to Pollution Online Looking for indicators to monitor changes in environmental conditions? Need to know if your company meets EHS regulatory and management system requirements? Looking for the latest gas analyzer products? Need to identify and select suppliers ? Then you need the expert advice of Pollution Online, the premier sourcing site for the pollution control industry. In addition, keep up with the latest information in the pollution control community through: FREE Newsletters FREE Job Search FREE Trade Publications FREE Consultant Locator
SSC's Environmental Assurance Program Three important aspects of pollution prevention (P2) include waste minimization, material substitution, and use of recycled products. http://www.ssc.nasa.gov/environmental/wastemngmnt/pollution/polluprv.html
Extractions: The SSC Pollution Prevention Plan describes methods to prevent or reduce pollution for NASA and its contractors. Three important aspects of Pollution Prevention (P2) include waste minimization, material substitution, and use of recycled products. Whenever possible, pollution will be eliminated or reduced at the source through process changes and material substitution. Wastes that are generated will be recycled whenever possible. Wastes that cannot be prevented or recycled will be disposed of in a way that is protective of human health and the environment. NASA is always looking for recycling opportunities, and along with the entire resident agency and contractor population at SSC has established an aggressive recycling program. This program includes recycling over twenty- five materials, including various home-generated wastes. The table explains how to dispose of or recycle waste, and who to contact for waste disposal. Non-hazardous solid waste disposal at
IDEM - OPPTA - Home Page Welcome to the Office of pollution prevention and Technical Assistance. 2003 Governor s Award recipients George Tatarchuk and Dennis http://www.in.gov/idem/oppta/
Extractions: @import url(/ender/ender.css); Skip Ender Navigation Agency Listing Policies var dir = location.href.substring(0,location.href.lastIndexOf('www.in.gov/')); var url = location.href.substring(dir.length,location.href.length+1); document.write("Text Only") Contact Webmaster Help document.write(ender); Welcome to the Office of Pollution Prevention and Technical Assistance 2003 Governor's Award recipients George Tatarchuk and Dennis Knapp of Breeden YMCA with Governor Kernan Recipients of Governor's Awards for Environmental Excellence announced October 30, 2003 at the Eleventh Annual Governor's Conference on the Environment. View the list of recipients with project summaries [pdf] NEW! 2004 Nomination Packet Now Available! Word PDF HURRY! Just like last year, the nomination packet will only be made available on-line at http://www.in.gov/idem/oppta/govawards/ . If you are unable to access the form on-line, call IDEM at (800) 988-7901 (toll-free in Indiana) or (317) 232-817 2 to request a hard copy.
ORNL Pollution Prevention Hot News (announcements, notices, ORNL Recycler) What is pollution prevention? recycling Program Information (from white paper to batteries) How Do I Get Rid http://www.ornl.gov/ornlp2/p2main.htm
Extractions: Search: search the entire directory search this category only Top Science Environment See also: Business: Energy and Environment: Waste Management: Recycling: Electronics Computers: Hardware: Used Computers: Software: Operating Systems: Linux: Hardware Support: Recycle or Obsolete ARC International - Computer disposal services and computer recycling center.