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         Noise:     more books (100)
  1. ISO 9612:1997, Acoustics - Guidelines for the measurement and assessment of exposure to noise in a working environment by ISO TC 43/SC 1/WG 19, 2007-08-23
  2. Performance Analysis of Wireless LAN Signals Transmitted Over a Ricean Fading Channel in a Pulsed Noise Interference Environment by Evangelos Spyrou, 2004
  3. Outdoor noise and the metropolitan environment;: Case study of Los Angeles, with special reference to aircraft, by Melville Campbell Branch, 1970
  4. Control of the noise and vibration environment (Inaugural lecture) by P Grootenhuis, 1974
  5. Emisja i propagacja halasu przemyslowego w srodowisku zewnetrznym =: Emission and propagation of industrial noise in the outdoor environment (Prace naukowe ... Seria Monografie) (Polish Edition) by Iwonna Zuchowicz-Wodnikowska, 1998
  6. Advances in the Control and Refinement of Vehicle Noise
  7. Optimum detection of M-ary orthogonal signals in ELF noise environment (M.I.T. Lincoln Laboratory. Technical report) by J. W Modestino, 1972
  8. A study of gyro noise in a test environment, (M.I.T. Charles Stark Draper Laboratory. Report) by Robert Hayden Wilkinson, 1972
  9. Data on noise environments at different times of day around airports (SuDoc NAS 1.26:172612) by James M. Fields, 1985
  10. Reactions of residents to long-term sonic boom noise environments (SuDoc NAS 1.26:201704) by James M. Fields, 1997
  11. An evaluation of the noise environment and treatment options for Perdue Poultry's Lewiston, N.C. processing plant by Joseph C Wyvill, 1983
  12. Economic aspects of the airport environment: noise, air pollution, and congestion (Council of Planning Librarians. Exchange bibliography) by Jon P Nelson, 1972
  13. Assessment of the existing and future ambient noise environment for a light rail system in San Diego: Between the Sports Arena area and the Mexican Border at San Ysidro by Robert C Brown, 1978
  14. The natural and man-made noise environment in personal communications services bands (SuDoc C 60.10:96-330) by A. D. Spaulding, 1996

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