Division Of Resources And Environment This Division brings together all of the mineral and agriculture related areas at Curtin. It offers a range of general higher education courses, many on remote campuses. http://resenv.curtin.edu.au/
World Food RD Ltd. Scientific Journal of Food, agriculture environment (JFAE), InternationalSociety Of Food, agriculture and environment, ISFAE ISFAE http://www.world-food.net/
Extractions: Welcome to the International Society of Food, Agriculture and Environment. The value of a professional society such as ours is primarily in the networking opportunities it can provide. Successful networking requires active participation by the members and leadership in organizing networking/interactive events. Login General Information Note from ISFAE Events ... SERVICES WFL Publisher or the ISFAE - Executive Secretariat. No responsibility is assumed by the World Food RD or WFL Publisher or ISFAE for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein. Address: Meri-Rastilantie 3 C, FIN-00980 Helsinki, Finland / Tel/Fax: 00 358 9 75 92 775 / E-maíl:
Kern County Department Of Agriculture/Measurement Standards Promote and protect Kern County's agricultural industry, environment, and the general public; provide consumers, buyers, businesses and sellers a fair marketplace. http://www.kernag.com/
National Trust (UK) - Environment And Conservation Details original documents on environmental issues, nature conservation, sustainability, archaeology, agriculture, buildings, rural development, forestry, volunteers, and gardens. http://www.ntenvironment.com/index.htm
Agriculture And Environment Resources University of Maryland, agriculture and environment Resources. IMGSRC= /Pictures/Bullets/arrows/arrow_red2.gif HSPACE=3 ALT= * WIDTH http://www.inform.umd.edu/EdRes/Topic/AgrEnv/
Extractions: AgDB , an agriculture database and information-system directory. Agrigator's Agricultural and Related Information: INDEX EINET Galaxy's Agriculture Directory A collection of Internet Resources related to the veterinary medical profession. You will also find a large collection of information about various animal species. Not Just Cows A guide to Internet/Bitnet Resources in Agriculture and Related Sciences (HTML) version. The World Wide Web Virtual Library's Agriculture Collection Yahoo's Science: Agriculture Directory Envirolink A collection of Internet Resources related to the veterinary medical profession. You will also find a large collection of information about various animal species. The WWW Virtual Library's Environment Collection Yahoo's Environment and Nature Directory College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Interdepartmental Graduate Programs Behavior, Ecology, Evolution Systematics (BEES)
ECS - Welcome Development and manufacture of sheeting and laminates for consumer products in personal care, home, garden, amenity, agriculture, and for the professional pest control in Andernach, Germany. http://www.ecsworld.biz/
AGRICULTURE-ENVIRONMENT: NEW STUDY BACKS UP FEARS... agricultureenvironment NEW STUDY BACKS UP FEARS OTC 04.09.98 0213WASHINGTON, (Sep. 3) IPS - A just published scientific study http://www.netlink.de/gen/Zeitung/1998/980904.htm
Extractions: "This is a big deal," says Jane Rissler, a senior scientist with the Union of Concerned Scientists, a Washington-based advocacy group. "This study confirms one of the largest fears of what genetically modified plants can do. The flow of genes from biologically engineered species to wild species could change the genetic diversity and processes of whole ecosystems." Chemical and agribusiness corporations have developed a new generation of transgenic or biologically engineered crops that contain genetic traits from other plants, viruses, bacteria, and animals. These new plants are designed to perform in ways that could never have been achieved by scientists working with classical breeding techniques.
State Of The Greater Fundy Ecosystem - Main State of the environment report for Fundy National Park's ecosystem. Information on status of birds, mammals, insects and fish. Effects of forestry, agriculture and tourism/recreation. http://www.unb.ca/web/forestry/centers/cwru/soe/title.htm
Lesotho Thoughts Observations on Lesotho environment and agriculture. http://members.tripod.com/Allan_Searle/Lesotho.html
Australian Rural Research In Progress Database consisting of current research on all aspects of agriculture, natural resources, and the rural environment. http://www.infoscan.com.au/ARRIP/
Competence Center - Center Of Genome Research The Competence Network Genome Research on Bacteria relevantfor agriculture, environment and Biotechnology . http://www.genetik.uni-bielefeld.de/GenoMik/
Extractions: "Genome Research on Bacteria relevant for Agriculture, Environment and Biotechnology" Home The major objectives of the Bielefeld network are to enforce bacterial genome research in the fields agriculture, environment as well as biotechnology, and to exploit the results obtained for commercial use. The bacteria selected for genome research represent relevant model organisms which are amenable to genetic modification. A special aim of the network is to improve the education of young scientists of the participating partners. Prof. Dr. Alfred Pühler Department of Genetics
Home Provides a comprehensive service in the study, design, construction, supervision and management of several projects water and environment, dams, transportation, buildings, industry, and agriculture. http://www.cec.com.jo/
Extractions: [ Home ] Who are we? Specialization CEC Presence Scope of works ... Recommend. Letters Welcome to CEC CEC is the first Consulting Engineering Firm to be certified for ISO 9001 in Jordan and the Middle East ISO 90 CEC has an excellent name for Quality Client satisfaction is our ultimate objective Name: Eng. Aziz Sajdi Position: President / Partner Specialization: Project Management Qualification: B.Sc. Civil Engineering - 1954, Egypt Name: Eng. Izzat A. Sajdi Position: Vice President / Partner Specialization: Qualification: B.Sc. Civil Engineering - 1980, England Name: Mr. Mutaz A. Sajdi Position: Specialization: Qualification: B.Sc. Physical Science - 1986, USA main@cec.com.jo
Comming on. Ancient Traditional Wisdom. In. agriculture, environment and Health.for. Sustainable Development. 01March-2001 to 04-March-2001. Organized By http://www.geocities.com/ncdc_vns/new-events.htm
Extractions: 01-March-2001 to 04-March-2001 International Meet on In Agriculture, Environment and Health ... Sustainable Development 01-March-2001 to 04-March-2001 Organized By Department of Extension Education, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi (India) Co-Organized By National Council Of Development Communication,Varanasi (India) site-map links new-events contact-us B-33/14-22, Koshlesh Nagar Colony, Naria, Varanasi 221 005 (INDIA)
Regency Foundation A notfor-profit organization working with United Nations agencies on issues of agriculture, environment, telecommunications, and development. http://www.regency.org/
Extractions: Understanding links between farm economics and the use of natural resources is critical to fostering greater harmony between agriculture and ecosystems that support us and other species. Research can help find ways in which agricultural competitiveness and economic development can coexist with the natural resource base and enhanced environmental quality. Federal policies must constantly evolve to promote stewardship in light of new opportunities for productivity growth, resource-saving technologies, and threats to biodiversity. More overview... related briefing rooms
Untitled Document Nonprofit organization working on promoting eco-tourism, eco agriculture and protection of environment. http://eko-liburnia.hr/eko/
Biotechnology Maine Home Page Research program at University of Maine explores the modern biochemical and biological techniques in medicine, agriculture, forestry, the environment and many areas of industry. http://www.umaine.edu/biotechnology/
Extractions: iotechnology is the application of modern biochemical and biological techniques in medicine, agriculture, forestry, the environment, and many areas of industry. Techniques used in biotechnology are numerous but generally involve manipulation of living cells and their molecules to make products or solve problems. Major techniques are genetic engineering, cell culture, protein engineering, monoclonal antibody production, and DNA amplification. Biotechnology will continue to change our lives and society as much as, or more than, any other human discoveries or advances. Since the early 1980s, the University of Maine has invested in educational and research programs in biotechnology. A wide variety of degree programs at both undergraduate and graduate levels are offered in the fundamental disciplines that are the foundation of biotechnology. Students in these programs can select courses that will prepare them for careers in biotechnology.
Arizona - Mexico Commission Conducts cooperative initiatives in trade and related areas, including transportation, education, health, the arts, agriculture, tourism, and environment. Details of organization activities and reports on topics of interest. http://www.azmc.org/