Biotech Center Researches plant biology, animal science, microbiology, and environmental science through facilities, professional training and undergraduate and graduate programs.
EGovernment NSW Government agriculture agriculture, environment Arts Museums Arts Museums, Education Births,Deaths Marriages Business Cars Boats Community Services Complaints, Environment&ca
USAID: Welcome To AfricaLink A division of USAID that supports regional networks of African policy makers and scientists in agriculture, natural resource management, and the environment.
Extractions: >> AfricaLink Home AfricaLink Home Networks and Partners Services Photo Gallery Reports ... Site Map Last updated: October 24, 2002 USAID's AfricaLink provides technical assistance in Africa to USAID partner networks of scientists and policy makers. Core support is provided by the USAID Division for Agriculture, Natural Resources and the Environment (Sustainable Development Office, Africa Bureau), and support is specifically targeted toward those three sectors. AfricaLink supports USAID programs in agriculture, natural resource management, and the environment by assisting USAID's partner networks in Africa with access to information technologies and with effective information management. If you are new to AfricaLink, we suggest you visit our photo gallery . The gallery contains several feature articles providing examples of the work that we do, including photographs. To learn more about how AfricaLink works administratively, consult the descriptions of each of our services in our online brochure.
Alberta Research Council Develops and commercializes technology including solutions globally to the energy, life sciences, agriculture, environment, forestry and manufacturing sectors.
Extractions: World Relief Office ... Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) Agriculture research plays a key role in reducing world hunger. The worlds population has grown enormously, yet the worlds land area is constant, and agricultural land area is continually reduced as urban areas expand. Thus agricultural research, which has a principal task to increase the productive capacity of agriculture resources, is vital. CGIAR is a worldwide network of agricultural research centers that play a key role in world agricultural research, together with the donors that support them. There are 16 research centers, including those for tropical agriculture, forestry, corn and wheat, dry lands agriculture, rice, potatoes, livestock and (saving) genetic resources. Two of them especially, those for corn and wheat, and rice, played a key role in the green revolution. Reach the centers individual web sites.
Agri-Labs Information Systems LIMS Software for labs that test soil, water, feeds forage, compost, plant tissue and manure. Internet reporting as well as fax, email and printed reports. For agriculture, environment and industrial labs.
Extractions: If you haven't looked at this LIMS software for agricultural, industrial and environmental labs recently, you owe it to yourself to take another look! For many, Y2K was "much ado about nothing," so in retrospect many laboratories are loathe to invest in change to their infrastructure without significant proof that it's a recoverable expense. Assuming that all commercially available LIMS are equally accurate, vendors must convince labs by a general improvement in productivity in the short-term and an overall boost in flexibility and scalability in the long run, that substitution is an economically viable option. That's a fair enough consideration for any potential customer to ask of any LIMS vendor. Desert Oasis addresses the fears some potential users may have of replacing pre-existing known software shortcomings with ALIS by emphasizing the following points: Productivity Similarly powerful to, yet far cheaper than, proprietary SQLs with front ends, this database engine with the ALIS graphic user interface, works very well. (Please refer to
Defra, UK: Re-direct To Defra Website The functions of the Ministry of agriculture, Fisheries and Food have been takenover by the Department for environment, Food and Rural Affairs whose website
Winrock International - Nonprofit Organization, International, Domestic, Rural D Winrock International assists the disadvantaged everywhere to increase economic opportunity, sustain natural resources and protect the environment using innovative approaches in agriculture, forestry, clean energy, leadership training and policy.
National Assembly For Wales: Subject Index: Access To Information Decision Reports. agriculture, environment and Natural Resources. Arts, Recreationand Travel. Decision Reports. All agriculture, environment and Natural Resources.
Extractions: Home Decision Reports Agriculture, Environment and Natural Resources Arts, Recreation and Travel ... Archive Pages this is strTest: Please Choose Energy and Fuel Environment Environmental Protection Farming Fisheries Forestry Horticulture Land Mineral Resources Plants and Animals Waste Management Water Resources Documents 1 to 77 of 77 end-of-life vehicles (producer responsibility) regulations 2004.rtf (9 Kb) transposition of the eu foot and mouth directive 2003-85.rtf (6 Kb) the animals and animal products (import and export) (wales) regulations 2004.rtf (7 Kb) implementation of the zoonoses directive 2003-99-ec.rtf (8 Kb) ... british potato council (bpc) levy 2004-5.rtf (7 Kb)
Organic Online Global Portal The word organic on the label stands for a commitment to an agriculture that strives for a balance with nature, using methods and materials that are of low impact to the environment.
Extractions: Sign up today for Membership Privileges of 10% discount off list price and other benefits! Why Eat Organic? Organic Rose Hip Oil Personal care range is now available. organic tampons, shampoos, household cleanser and many more Protect your children's health today! Why go organic for a healthy baby? Choice baby foods - the organic way Feeding your baby...find out more.. You're here because you Want to take control and CHANGE your life now Want to help yourself and your family safely and effectively Nature's Help For Acne Natural Essential Oil Acne Treatment Solution. Free from harmful and strong chemicals that can damage skin ... Delectable organic smoothies and juices for your family
Extractions: Reproduced, with permission, from: Chen, R. S. 1990. Global agriculture, environment, and hunger: Past, present, and future links. Environmental Impact Assesment Review Robert S. Chen Assistant Professor (Research) Alan Shawn Feinstein World Hunger Program Brown University December 1990 Recent attention to the threat of global environmental change has tended to focus on the possible impacts of a changing environment on agriculture and the implications for global and regional food security. From a policy viewpoint, however, it is also critical to understand the degree to which agriculturally related activities may contribute to global-scale environmental change and the extent to which policies to prevent, mitigate, or adapt to environmental change may themselves affect agriculture and hunger. These two issues are likely to become especially important in making decisions not only about how to reduce the magnitude of human perturbations to the environment but also about how to improve both food security and environmental quality in the more crowded world of the future. To help put this broad topic into a long-term context, this paper highlights the close linkages between agriculture, environment, and hunger in the past, reviews some of the ways in which the global food system interacts with the global environment in the present, and raises some key questions regarding agriculture, environment, and hunger in the future. The pritnary focus of the paper is on global-scale changes in the environment, including possible changes in the earth's climate induced by increasing atmospheric concentrations of radiatively active trace gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2). methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O) and depletion of the stratospheric ozone (O3) layer caused by releases of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and other ozone-depleting substances. Interactions between agriculture and local- or regional-scale changes in the environrnent-which may also have important implications for human health and welfare-are not considered in detail.
Slide Ranch: Welcome Teaches practical lessons about basic human needs food, clothing and community - in order to promote awareness of agriculture, its processes and products, more sustainable use of natural resources, a personal sense of connection with the natural world, and with the environment.
Indigenous Agriculture Indigenous agricultural and environmental knowledge gained global recognition throughthe United Nations Conference on environment and Development (UNCED) in
Extractions: CIESIN Thematic Guides Indigenous knowledge is local knowledge unique to a given culture or society. Indigenous agricultural and environmental knowledge gained global recognition through the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in 1992, and documents such as the World Conservation Strategy (International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) 1980) and Brundtland Commission's Our Common Future (World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) 1987). Indigenous knowledge is an immensely valuable resource that provides humankind with insights on how communities have interacted with their changing environment. Indigenous knowledge systems have never been systematically recorded in written form and therefore are not readily accessible to agricultural researchers, development practitioners, and policy makers. Warren (1991) provides a detailed overview of indigenous knowledge systems in "Using Indigenous Knowledge in Agricultural Development."
New Zealand Digital Library 210 publications about agriculture, land management, development, environment and sustainability, food and nutrition, natural resource development, science, and technology.
Defra, UK - Farming EU enlargement information on what enlargement of the European Unionwill mean for agriculture, environment and fisheries in the EU.
Extractions: UK farming contributes £6.6 billion a year to our economy, uses around three quarters of this country's land area, and employs over half a million people. One of Defra's major tasks is to help this vital industry to operate as efficiently as possible. Defra administers support policies agreed in Brussels which provide around £3 billion to UK agriculture. Quick links for farmers Our Farming pages have been divided into the following subject areas: Overview of agricultural policy - the Government's longterm agricultural policy. Agrimonetary system - a guide to the Agrimonetary system and the Euro after 1st January 1999, euro/sterling
Extractions: hosts the LEAD International Secretariat Home About LEAD Member Program Offices Contact us myLEADnet Events This page will take you to our database of events in sustainable development. Events Organized by LEAD Recent and Future Events Recent and future events sponsored by LEAD International and Member Programs Past LEAD International Events Archive of past LEAD International Training Sessions Past Virtual Conferences Archive of past virtual conferences Events on Sustainable Development Organized by Others. Recent and Future Events Conferences on sustainable development around the world and open to the public
Cook College: International Agriculture/Environment Certificate Programs. International agriculture/environment (2123 credits). 11015101,Perspecives on agriculture and the environment (2),
Justice For Agriculture JAG Zimbabwe A group of concerned Zimbabweans focused on seeking a way forward on the land issue through the judiciary and the courts. Reports on land, food, environment and related issues.