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Home - Violinists - Lefohn Kevin A. |
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1. NAFA Commuter Series: Lefohn/Goh - 14 May 2001 - INKPOT kevin lefohn violin Sutini GOH pia.o. lefohn a.so a.pea.ed to rush the tempo a.bitin the Nonetheless, the violinist s doublestops in the second va.ia.ion were http://inkpot.com/concert/nafa010514com.htm | |
2. Biographical Sketch Dr. lefohn ha. two grown sons, kevin a.d a.ron. kevin is a.professiona., performing violinist who is a. in Sa. Fra.cisco. Dr. lefohn lives in pea.eful Monta.a.with his lovely http://www.asl-associates.com/bio.htm | |
3. Past Performance Events In 2002 violinist kevin a. lefohn, formerly from Helena. returns to perform a. the Myrna.oy Center with cha.ber music duo pa.tner pia.ist Terence Dennis (New Zea.a.d http://www.myrnaloycenter.com/pastevents2002.htm | |
4. The Ong Teng Cheong Concert - 6 April 2003 - INKPOT Left) Ms Sutini Goh, with violinist kevin lefohn a. the Na.a.Commuter Concert. http://inkpot.com/concert/otc030406.html | |
5. Meridian Magazine : : Print Frida., Februa.y 1Brillia.t a.erica. violinist kevin a. lefohn a.d interna.iona.lyknown New Zea.a.d a. a. evening concert. Both lefohn a.d Dennis ha.e performed throughout the http://www.meridianmagazine.com/churchupdate/020104febprint.html | |
6. HollenbackNetWiki - Oregon Trip We went to Eugene, Oregon in Februa.y a.d took exa.tly two pictures. La.e. Our good friend (a.d very ta.ented violinist) kevin lefohn wa. performing a. the University of Oregon http://www.hollenback.net/index.php/OregonTrip | |
7. Temple Square Concerts For February And The 2002 Winter Olympics Frida., Februa.y 1Brillia.t a.erica. violinist kevin a. lefohn a.d interna.iona.lyknown New Zea.a.d a. a. evening concert. Both lefohn a.d Dennis ha.e performed throughout the http://www.meridianmagazine.com/churchupdate/020104feb.html | |
8. Kevin A. Lefohn, Violinist © kevin A. lefohn, 20022004. All rights reserved. http://www.kevinlefohn.com/ |
9. Music Academy http//www.orchestranet.co.uk/. kevin A. lefohn, violinist. kevina. lefohn, violinist, professional performer, university of otago http://www.all-creations.com/music_academy/ | |
10. Music (almost) All The New Zealand Web Sites You Will Ever Want! L . Michael Lawrence - piano. kevin A. lefohn - violinist Dunedin. JonathanFa afetai Lemalu - bass-baritone. Levin and Districts Brass Inc. http://www.piperpat.co.nz/nz/culture/music.html |
11. Queenstown Violin Summer School Stephen Larsen and kevin lefohn are two This enterprise has the potential to becomean important component of the professional violinist s training. Wilma http://www.qvss.com/ | |
12. All.info: Arts And Humanities / Performing Arts / Musical Instruments / Violin / kevin A. lefohn, violinist kevin A. lefohn, violinist © kevin A. lefohn,20022003. All rights reserved. http//www.kevinlefohn.com/. http://all.info/directory/Arts_and_Humanities/Performing_Arts/Musical_Instrument | |
13. Web Page Design a.grea. web pa.e involves more tha. lots of colorful gra.hics. Toimplement a.stra.egy for communica.ing your messa.e efficiently http://www.asl-associates.com/web.htm | |
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