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41. Absence.html jeanne T. Amlund, assistant professor of educational psychology Michael P. johnson, associate professor of sociology Evan P. watkins, professor of English and http://www.psu.edu/ur/archives/intercom_2001/Jan18/absence.html |
42. Creative Loafing Charlotte | THIS WEEK IN jeanne Rauch Gallery, Gaston College Africa Now Queens University watkins Gallery Confluences Influences include Henry Barnes, Geoffrey johnson, Connie Winters http://charlotte.creativeloafing.com/newsstand/2003-02-12/arts_agenda.html | |
43. STPAPERS by Meredith Halliday, jeanne Jones and by Nora johnson. Felicia Schmidt, Luke Napolitan, Amy Comfort, Ralph Naess, Bill Leonard, Jody watkins, Beverly Stein http://www.evergreen.edu/library/ARCHWWW/AccessionPages/1988Accessions/Accession | |
44. Estes Listings From The Carey Estes Moore Genealogy By Helen Estes Seltzer of Mrs. Clara johnson Liebhart and the late Mr. Kenneth Walter Liebhart, b. 20 June 1955 30 May 1964, High Point, NC, Joy watkins, b. 5 Oct. jeanne Wynne. http://www.samizdat.com/gen/estes/caryestesmoore.html | |
45. Honolulu Advertiser Star-Bulletin Obituaries daughter, Monica Smith; sisters, Belle johnson, Cathy Ward Yvonne Kaikainahaole, Linda Espinoza and jeanne Tamura; nine ELIZABETH MARY watkins, 78, of Pearl City http://w3.byuh.edu/library/obituaries/2002/W.htm | |
46. ARLIS NA Update October 2002 jeanne can be contacted at jeanneb@nevada.edu. Bruce johnson, coordinator of the Arts and Crafts conference at the Grove Park, will lead the group watkins, Paul http://www.arlisna.org/updateoct2002.html | |
48. Cover: Sound Check '98 1996 Contact Jerome Marty, 5447 jeanne-Mance 1 New World Raging (cd) - Contact Stuart watkins, 2-319 H4L 2Z1, 488-0241 Scott johnson Ensemble - Musique http://www.montrealmirror.com/ARCHIVES/1998/SOUNDCHECK98/ | |
49. Any Amount Of Books: Authors C-D A FRAGMENT OF THE VISION OF SHEIKH HAJI IBRAHIM OF KERBELA. watkins, London, 1976. MISTER johnson. Michael Joseph, London, 1947. CASTELANE, jeanne. http://www.anyamountofbooks.com/c-d.html | |
50. Leitura 1C Sue johnson Suellen johnson Tom johnson, Labor Union Silverman, writer/student/teacher jeanne Silverthorne Michael Julie Waters Jennifer watkins Geoff Watson http://www.oficinainforma.com.br/semana/leituras-20020921/01c.htm | |
51. Who's Who In Nebraska - Lascaster County s of Richard Empey UpsonMary johnson; ed U of Oscar Leagle, Louis Victor Soar, jeanne Boyd, John watkins, GRANT Vice-President Department Store; b Springville http://www.rootsweb.com/~neresour/OLLibrary/who1940/co/Lancaster/lancstrq.htm | |
52. Recent Obituaries - Staten Island, Richmond County, NY Genealogy for her needlecraft, GRAY 10/05/2002, jeanne BASTIER, 68 82, was a dentist for 38 years, watkins 09/22 2002, Eleanore ORLICK, 80, was a homemaker, johnson 08/23 http://www.rootsweb.com/~nyrichmo/obit_archive_02.shtml | |
53. CSIndy: Event Listings (April 27 - May 3, 2000) and oil work of Tom Leech, and the fabric of jeanne Schenk Steiner 8 Neville Brothers, Craig Chaquico, Warren Hill KHIH s Kenny johnson Band. Susie watkins? http://www.csindy.com/csindy/2000-04-27/listings.html | |
54. WU Libraries - Gaylord Music Library - Necrology - W Walker, jeanne, d. International Musician, v. 97 no. watkins, Thomas T., American music librarian, d. 9/5 Wright, Margaret johnson, American organist, and organ http://library.wustl.edu/~music/necro/necro-w.html | |
55. Seattle Mystery Bookshop jeanne M. Dams, Killing Cassidy (Nov., Walker hc, 23.95). Dolores johnson, Homicide and Old Lace (Sept., Dell pbo, 5.99). Paul watkins, The Forger (Nov., St. http://www.seattlemystery.com/fall00.htm | |
56. New York Times: May 2002 Fuel Rods and Brass Tacks (By KIRK johnson, May 26 VOWS Fatima Jones and Jasiri Kafele (By MEL watkins, May 26 189811/7/1978, Hal David 1921, jeanne Crain 1925 http://www.wisdomportal.com/NYTimes-May2002.html | |
57. Moellering Library: New Circulating Titles For March 2003 a constructive conversation / Luke Timothy johnson William S in nineteenthcentury America / jeanne Halgren Kilde today / edited by Mel watkins ; foreword by http://www.valpo.edu/library/newtitles/mar03/circ.html | |
58. Welcome To Sound 323 also 9 from the lanevillejohnson union brass hemphill, toshinori kondo, masahiko kono, jeanne lee, seizan CAMPBELL KNEALE/STEFAN NEVILLE/CLINTON watkins - s/t http://www.web-malls.net/sound323/ | |
59. Archives: Story Gay, Fort Worth StarTelegram; jeanne Claire Van Vasquez, Valley Morning Star; Jim watkins, Lubbock Avalanche Goodrich, Gary Borders, Johnny johnson and Emily http://www.corsicanadailysun.com/articles/2004/03/30/news/news20.txt | |
60. Olney Phonebox Home Page jeanne Minney Tel 01234 713505, or email Olney National Women s Register, Marilyn watkins 240110; Olney Tuesday Afternoon Club, Gladys johnson 01234 711666; URC http://www.olneyphonebox.com/events.php | |
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