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61. [ Experimental ] Titles At Aquarius Records Stained glass Soma Fountain, a collection of LPD rarities from the early 80s. Lichtintends as a tribute to both Fluxus hillbilly drone violinist Henry Flynt http://www.aquariusrecords.org/cat/experimental20.html | |
62. O'Connor Piano, MIDI Keyboard And Organ Studio film score, Cunningham said, I love glass s music almost in Moscow and the QueenElisabeth competition in bang on Saturday, opening with violinist Vanessa Mae http://www.oconnormusic.org/newsitems.htm | |
63. GLOBALSeek ~ Today In History ~ February 26th 74 1939 E Fernandez Arbós Spanish violinist/conductor/composer dies at about 75 1953Elisabeth Ilse Kuyper Owens of Toledo OH patents a glassblowing machine http://www.globalseek.net/ToDaY/FeBRUaRY/february26.html | |
64. »»Beethoven Music Reviews«« with Sylvia McNair, with harp and glass harmonika by the all time great violinistDavid Oistrakh Fidelio, op.72b - Antona Dermotta/elisabeth Schwarzkopf/Antona http://www.megamusicreviews.com/Opera_and_Vocal/Opera_Featured_Composers_A-Z/Bee | |
65. »»Vivaldi Music Reviews«« a hot tub under the stars with a glass of wine. us to rediscover the art of a greatviolinist. in both the prestigious Naumburg and Queen elisabeth of Brussels http://www.megamusicreviews.com/Opera_and_Vocal/Opera_Featured_Composers_A-Z/Viv | |
66. Lost Splendor - Felix Yussupov - Chapter III was in vain, and my career as a violinist soon came was with him that I had my firstglass of wine. Grand Duke Serge and the Grand Duchess elisabeth to England http://www.alexanderpalace.org/lostsplendor/iii.html | |
67. SME/EMS: Violin 7652, elisabeth Spöndlin Müdes Lied(1993),4 30. for violin (singing violinist) SME/EMS, Postfach 7851, CH-6000 Luzern 7 http://www.musicedition.ch/werke/eGeige.htm | |
68. Kko.de - Kurpfälzisches Kammerorchester - International - English orchestra podium was placed across the glass facade in sonatas (KV 301306) to ElectressElisabeth Augusta. Remscheider Symphony, and as first violinist in the http://www.kko.de/home/international/en/index.php | |
69. Program Notes works by Adams, Berg, glass, Lourié, Picker course of his distinguished career, violinistGidon Kremer international prize, the Queen elisabeth Competition in http://www.philorch.org/styles/poa02e/www/prognotes_20040429.html | |
70. Global Info Portal Internet Search Portal Free Search Site was the portrait of a young violinist, which was pitch baseball imperial carnivalglass wireless keyboard surfboard sb4100 cable modem elisabeth shue remote http://www.sploughs.com/ | |
71. Luxembourg Philharmonic Orchestra Mariette Kemmer, Zoltan Kocsis, elisabeth Leonskaïa, Dame born, only 26 years oldViolinist, who has the perfect intonation and magnifying glass clean, played http://www.newworldclassics.com/luxem.htm | |
72. Viennese Operetta Summer a violinist and accompanied by solo vocalists and ballet dancers. This evening ofmusicality, harmony and Viennese frivolity also boasts a welcoming glass of http://info.wien.at/article.asp?IDArticle=11359 |
73. Presto Classical - DVD Videos - Vivaldi Users can choose between the performance edit, featuring German violinistsensation Julia Fischer with the Academy of St glass. elisabeth Schwarzkopf. http://www.prestoclassical.co.uk/dvd.php?keytype=1&keyword=Vivaldi |
74. Music (091802) elisabeth Kisselstein and Douglas Han St.), except the BristolMyers Squibb StainedGlass Series, which Hege closes out the season with violinist Rachel Barton http://newtimes.rway.com/2002/091802/music.shtml | |
75. Music (091901) 7. elisabeth Kisselstein and Douglas Han As part of the Russian Festival, violinistIlya Kaler performs a program of Mosolov s Iron Foundry Stained glass Series. http://newtimes.rway.com/2001/091901/music.shtml | |
76. Hot Jazz Saturday Night Source Notes A song from the score of that show, Solomon, became elisabeth Welch s trademark place,for the first time, all the early recordings of violinist Eddie South http://www.wamu.org/hotjazz/hjsnarc01/010630.html | |
77. KW Symphony 2003/2004 Season: News elisabeth D. Honek I am a long time KW Community Orchestra Program Committee, andviolinist in the Cultural Development Committee, Clay and glass Gallery Task http://www.kwsymphony.on.ca/2003-04/bios.htm | |
78. A. Portowiz, Mozart And Aristocratic Women 3340) may suggest the glass harmonica. K. 250, in honor of the marriage of ElisabethHaffner, who Countess as a keyboard player and the Count as a violinist. http://www.biu.ac.il/hu/mu/min-ad02/portowiz_mozart.html | |
79. AIM25: Thesaurus Personal Names: G Garrod Laura elisabeth wife of Sir Archibald Francesco 16871762 Italianviolinist and composer. glass David Victor 1911-1978 sociologist and http://www.aim25.ac.uk/search/thesaurus/persons/list6.htm | |
80. Newton Free Library Events 24 Author elisabeth Gitter talk, 7pm, 25 Newton Corner book Please call Ruth Glassat 3320835 or Karen The Boston Duo of violinist Lilia Muchnik and pianist http://www.ci.newton.ma.us/Library/Newsletter/archive/2003_archive/month_403.htm | |
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