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21. For A Change Magazine: Making The Soul Dance an American filmmaker, an English violinist, a Swedish and inspiration of Chagall sstained glass windows, and elisabeth Smith, a Norwegian living in Zimbabwe http://www.forachange.co.uk/index.php?stoid=53 |
22. Ensemble Ouabache Article EO violinist Christopher Verrette notes that what is important with Her Two Children by elisabeth VigéeLebrun of the church, there is no stained glass. http://hometown.aol.com/_ht_a/enswabash/magazine.html | |
23. Sydney Symphony Violin Concerto and the Violin Concerto of Philip glass. became a Laureate of theQueen elisabeth of Belgium wellknown to audiences as first violinist for the http://www.sydneysymphony.com/page.asp?p=58 |
24. Kennedy Center Millennium Stage Archives: The Peabody Conservatory Of Music At J Avery Fisher Hall in the Phillip glass Concerto Fantasy the prestigious Chapelle MusicaleReine elisabeth school in with her brother Eliot who is a violinist. http://www.kennedy-center.org/programs/millennium/artist_detail.cfm?artist_id=PE |
25. Program Notes The violinist Joseph Szigeti gratefully accepted the dedication patterns (surprisinglyanticipating Philip glass) as the in Print On Disc elisabeth Glab with http://www.sfsymphony.org/templates/router.asp?callid=117&nodeid=2988 |
26. Best Nippon Violin Deals UK Through the Looking glass elisabeth Batiashvili HarrisonParrott Still in herearly twenties the success of this Georgianborn violinist continues to http://www.best-deals-uk.com/Best-Nippon-Violin-Deals.html | |
27. Any-Day-in-History PAGE Of SCOPE SYSTEMS. of Spain/daughter of Henry II 1545 elisabeth van Valois Jensen composer 1895 OlgaRudge violinist 1895 Olof Burnett director (When it Rains, glass Shield) 1944 http://www.scopesys.com/cgi/today2.cgi?askmonth=04&askday=13 |
28. Full Collection The Holy Family, With Saint elisabeth and Saint de glass Vase with Flowers HEEMSKERCK,Maerten van Yard HONTHORST, Gerrit van Merry violinist HOOCH, Pieter http://www.museothyssen.org/ingles/museovirtual/obrasmuseothysseneng.htm | |
29. The Artists (composer) and John Hsu, and cello with elisabeth Le Guin violinist, Charmian Stewart,startedplaying Suzuki violin at the he has also performed with Philip glass and the http://www.scchamberplayers.org/artists.html | |
30. Contents Of Gazette Issued On October 07, 1999 goal last November, campaign cochairs elisabeth and John First 79 Years a Conversationwith violinist Isaac Stern be drilled inside a piece of glass, that is http://www.news.harvard.edu/gazette/1999/10.07/ | |
31. Washingtonpost.com: Live Online The violinist AnneSophie Mutter started a program the direction of Albert Coates,with elisabeth Schumann and I attended the Phillip glass concert at the http://discuss.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/zforum/02/page022002.htm | |
32. April 13 Events In History - BrainyHistory 1944 Charles Burnett, director (When it Rains, glass Shield) April 13 April 13, 1895Olga Rudge, violinist April 13 of Ireland April 13, 1545 elisabeth van Valois http://www.brainyhistory.com/daysbirth/birth_april_13.html | |
33. MRC Conservatory: Music Bridge Faculty Biographies the Díaz String Trio, featuring violinist Andrés Cárdenes Christopher Rouse andPhilip glass, and Gary in Warsaw and the Queen elisabeth International Piano http://www.mtroyal.ca/conservatory/mmb_bios.htm | |
34. Classical Music Links Dede An African American composer, violinist and conductor Eichberg - winner ofthe Queen elisabeth Competition for by PC, ondes martenot, glass harmonica etc http://www.mvdaily.com/links/ | |
35. Berlin Festival Diary Holger Groschopp, piano, elisabeth glass and Cornelia Brandis, violins, Hartmut Rohde,viola all ages, and soprano Ulrike Staude and violinist Muriel Cantoreggi http://www.mvdaily.com/articles/2000/12/bdiary4.htm | |
36. DowntownMarket Calendar 2004 Author elisabeth Stein Angels The Divine Connection. Photography, ceramics, wood,glass, jewelry, watercolor live music with jazz violinist extraordinaire, Mark http://www.downtownmarket.com/downtownCalendar-04.html | |
38. Budapest Spring Festival 2002 WITH MARIA CRISTINA KIEHR, elisabeth VON MAGNUS PHILIP glass THE COMPANY IANNISXENAKIS AROURA ANTON Tatjana Grindenko, violinist, founded the first early http://www.festivalcity.hu/btf2002/english_zenekari.html | |
39. Gyeongnam International Music Competition the gold medal at the Queen elisabeth Competition in Misha Mengelberg, Geert van Keulen,Philip glass and John a pupil of the renowned violinist Ivan Galamian. http://www.timf.org/gimc/eng/july_2004.html | |
40. Faculty former principal second violinist, Minnesota Orchestra Adele Addison, James Levine,elisabeth Parham, James Kenneth Goldsmith, Phyllis glass, Alice Schoenfeld http://www.colburnschool.org/pages/faculty.htm | |
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