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41. 11N: Multiplicative Number Theory Large departures of pi(x) from Li(x); Review of selected literatureon twin primes; Numerical data for the twinPrime conjecture. http://www.math.niu.edu/~rusin/known-math/index/11NXX.html | |
42. From Hlm@math.lsa.umich.edu (Hugh Montgomery) Subject Re De Hardy Littlewood put the twin prime conjecture in a quantitative form The numberof 2ktwin pairs of primes not exceeding x is asymptotic to c(k)x/(log x)^2 http://www.math.niu.edu/~rusin/known-math/00_incoming/polignac | |
43. ThinkQuest : Library : A Taste Of Mathematic is given by, (5). Proof of this conjecture would also imply the existencean infinite number of twin primes. Define, (6). If there are http://library.thinkquest.org/C006364/ENGLISH/problem/Twin.htm | |
44. Primarily Primes Every even number can be expressed as the difference of two primes. Can youcheck this conjecture for the even numbers from 2 to 50? twin primes. http://www.dlk.com.au/beingmathematical/numbers/primarily_primes.html | |
45. Math 300 Lesson 4 twin Prime conjecture. The number of pairs of twin primes less than the number Xis approximately 1.32X/(1+1/2+1/3+ +1/X) 2; twin Prime conjecture was Stated. http://www.math.odu.edu/~noren/math300/m300sp04.html | |
46. "The Mathematical Experience" By Philip J Davis & Reuben Hersh No one knows; this is the notorious Goldbach conjecture 1; 3 or 17;19 or 10,006,427;10,006,429which differ by 2? This is the problem of the twin primes, and no http://www.fortunecity.com/emachines/e11/86/mathex5.html | |
47. Professeur Badih GHUSAYNI The Goldbach and twin Prime conjectures. Zeta of 3. Maple Explorations. Abstract.The twin prime conjecture states that the number of twin primes is infinite. http://www.ul.edu.lb/francais/publ/ghus.htm | |
48. Crazy News - Strange But True - Weird News - Bizarre And Odd Facts While no one has proved the twin prime conjecture itself, Goldston and Yikdirim tackleda related question Can you find an infinite number of primes that may http://www.crazynews.net/dp/1-135.htm |
49. Goldbach Conjecture Verification twin p odd prime (p1)^2. is the twin primes constant. 2 log(x) log(nx). The numericalevidence supporting this conjectured asymptotic formula is very strong. http://www.ieeta.pt/~tos/goldbach.html | |
50. Primes We give a couple of examples of this idea. conjecture 1.5.4 (twin primesconjecture) There are infinitely many primes for which and are prime. http://web.usna.navy.mil/~wdj/book/node16.html | |
51. Fine Distribution Of Primes of twin primes. The twin prime conjecture is that infinitely manypairs of prime twins exist. This is still unproved today. It is http://www.math.okstate.edu/~wrightd/4713/nt_essay/node18.html |
52. FOM: Twin Primes Vs. Goldbach Conjecture FOM twin primes vs. Goldbach conjecture. Peter Schuster pschust@rz.mathematik.unimuenchen.deMon, 19 Jun 2000 163004 +0200 (MET DST) http://www.cs.nyu.edu/pipermail/fom/2000-June/004160.html | |
53. Twin Primes: An Introduction To Number Theory Answer The number of twin primes is suspected to be infinite, butthat conjecture has not been proven. The cousin primes, 37 http://web.mit.edu/esp/www/Pro/OldPrograms/HSSPS2000/Classes/OSM/ooze/twinPrimeN | |
54. Science News: Uncovering A Prime Failure - Mathematics - Brief Article few additional lines that there are infinitely many pairs of primes differing by12 or lessa finding almost as strong as the elusive twinprimes conjecture. http://articles.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1200/is_22_163/ai_103565255 | |
55. Media Advisory: SJSU Math Professor Makes Breatkthrough Discovery Therefore, while the twin prime conjecture remains open, one can now provethat there are many primes that are unusually close together. http://www2.sjsu.edu/news_and_info/releases/032403.htm | |
56. Homework 5 following open problem in mathematics The twinPrime conjecture There are an infinitenumber of twin primes (two primes are twins if they differ by 2). http://www1.cs.columbia.edu/~tdiament/cs3261/hw5.html | |
57. Tim Melrose : Problems With Primes whether there are infinitely many of these twin primes. However most mathematiciansbelieve the answer is ÂyesÂ. A more famous conjecture regarding primes http://www.maths.adelaide.edu.au/people/pscott/history/tim/tmp6.html | |
58. The Top Twenty: Twin Primes Littlewood Constants; Two HardyLittlewood Conjectures; The Prime Glossary stwin primes; A table of the number of twin primes to 10 14; The http://primes.utm.edu/top20/page.php?id=1 |
59. The Top Twenty: Twin Primes twin primes. Home Search Index This Page definition(s) records references related pages. As part of the Prime Pages and its list of the Largest Known primes, we keep a list of the 5000 http://www.utm.edu/research/primes/lists/top20/twin.html | |
60. Twin Prime Conjecture -- From MathWorld twin Prime conjecture. There are two related conjectures, each calledthe twin prime conjecture. The first version states that there http://mathworld.wolfram.com/TwinPrimeConjecture.html | |
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