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Home - Theorems_And_Conjectures - Open Problems |
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81. Open Problems Research thrives on open problems. They On this page we have collecteda range of open problems that have not been stated before. These http://www.jmlg.org/open_problems.htm | |
82. Rational And Integral Points On Higher-dimensional Varieties Some of conjectures and open problems, compiled at AIM. http://aimath.org/WWN/qptsurface2/ | |
83. Open Problems Virtual Library. Open Positions. open problems. Societies. Software. SMBDigest. Search.MTBIO ACTIVITIES. GALLERY. open problems. Entries total 4, Entries 1 - 4. Topic, http://www.mtbio.de/info.php3?aktID=Problems |
84. Open Problems open problems. I offer here several open problems in areas of propositionallogic, bounded arithmetic, complexity theory and in related model theory. http://www.math.cas.cz/~krajicek/problemy.html | |
85. Other Open Problems Other open problems. A number of very important questions have not been properlyaddressed or sufficiently discussed during the meeting due to a lack of time. http://caeinfo.in2p3.fr/theorie/trento_rap/node11.html | |
86. Loop Quantum Gravity A general overview of ideas, results and open problems of loop quantum gravity. http://www.livingreviews.org/Articles/Volume1/1998-1rovelli/ |
87. Some Problems In Matroid Theory Some Problems in Matroid Theory. Compiled by Thomas Zaslavsky. Sources.Oxley s book has an entire chapter of open problems. (Some http://www.math.binghamton.edu/zaslav/Matroids/matroidprobs.html | |
88. On A Generalization Of Perfect Numbers J. L. Pe introduces perfect numbers relative to an arithmetical function f. Under this scheme, the usual perfect numbers are just one among many species of fperfect numbers . Several open problems and examples of perfect number sets are given, as well as a few f-amicable pairs. http://www.geocities.com/windmill96/fperfect/fperfect.html | |
89. ILC - LAperLA - Open Problems open problems About Type Recognition The problem of automatic recognition of thetext found when we are dealing with ancient documents is a part of the wide http://www.ilc.cnr.it/viewpage.php/sez=ricerca/id=76/vers=ing |
90. The Valuation Theory Home Page - Open Problems open problems. Open Problem 1 Generalize Abhyankar s Going Up and ComingDown for local uniformization to arbitrary finite transcendence degree. http://math.usask.ca/fvk/Probl.html | |
91. Open Problems open problems Here is the list of problems generated during the panel discussionheld after the Saturday night banquet of the Midwest Geometry Conference. http://www.math.wustl.edu/MGC2003/prob.htm | |
92. Science Search > Open Problems s of...... Home. Current location Math Research open problems, 1. UnsolvedMathematics Problems Compiled by Steven Finch. http://www.science-search.org/index/Math/Research/Open_Problems/ | |
93. Open Problems Cambridge CQC open problems open problems. Navigation, http://qubit.damtp.cam.ac.uk/open_problems/index.php | |
94. Digraphs, Theory, Algorithms, Applications A comprehensive source of results, notions and open problems on directed graphs, with 12 chapters, 754 pages, 186 figures and 705 exercises. The book is aimed at undergraduate and graduate students, mathematicians, computer scientists and operational researchers. Site has preface, contents, chapter 1 and other extracts (PS) with errata, updates and ordering information. http://www.imada.sdu.dk/Research/Digraphs/ | |
95. Open Problems In Strongly Correlated Electron Systems|KLUWER Academic Publishers Books » open problems in Strongly Correlated Electron Systems. OpenProblems in Strongly Correlated Electron Systems. Add to cart. http://www.wkap.nl/prod/b/0-7923-6896-7 | |
96. The Riemann Hypothesis Some of the conjectures and open problems concerning RH, compiled by the AIM. http://aimath.org/WWN/rh/ | |
97. NSenet - Navier-Stokes Equations On Net open problems. Open problem proposed by GP Galdi (Pittsburgh University,USA, April 2000) postscript version. This open problem concerns http://wwwlma.univ-bpclermont.fr/NSenet/openproblems/ | |
98. Interval Computations: Open Problems open problems. http://www.cs.utep.edu/interval-comp/openprob.html | |
99. Open Problems In Knot Theory A List of Approachable open problems in Knot Theory. (.ps and .pdffiles also available) Suggested by Colin Adams during the Knot http://www.williams.edu/Mathematics/cadams/knotproblems.html | |
100. The Geomblog: Open Problems (continued...) Friday, March 12, 2004. open problems (continued ). Karen asks I wonder whetherthe ability to pick out interesting problems is innate or can be taught. http://geomblog.blogspot.com/2004/03/open-problems-continued.html | |
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