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61. Math Related To Car Engines, Littleton Highschool, On Geometry, Carburetors, Fue Finally, there is a Napoleon s theorem which is a diagram made by the French emperor. Go to Napoleon s theorem for this section. http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Monitor/8186/ | |
62. The Educational Encyclopedia, Mathematics Fermat point, cycloids, Collage theorem, Carnot s theorem, bounded distance, barycentric coordinates, Pythagorean theorem, Napoleon s theorem, Ford s touching http://users.telenet.be/educypedia/education/mathematics.htm | |
63. Triangle Menelaus theorem, MidArc Points, Mittenpunkt, Mollweide s Formulas, Morley Centers, Morley s theorem, Nagel Point, Napoleon s theorem, Napoleon Triangles | |
64. Alvy - Infinite Hexagon Theorem 5/3/03 See paper for full details, such as how this theorem is a generalization of Napoleon s theorem. An even prettier theorem. Sorry, this http://alvyray.com/Geometry/HexagonTheorm.htm | |
65. June Lester - Mathematical Presentations University of Victoria, Canada, August 1993. A generalization of Napoleon s theorem to ngons. A generalization of Napoleon s theorem to n-gons. http://www.cecm.sfu.ca/~jalester/WebCV/presentations.html | |
66. Aphorisms Page 1 Hence Napoleon s theorem, as manifested on the American Literary Scene; the less your stature the more ferocious you become. They http://a.robotheart.org/aphorisms_one.html | |
67. SOME SELECTED PUBLICATIONS The Mathematical Gazette, 79(485), 374378, July 1995. 14. A generalized dual of Napoleon s theorem and some further extensions. Int. J. Math. Ed. Sci. http://mzone.mweb.co.za/residents/profmd/publications.htm | |
68. Sketchpad Sketches 1. Napoleon s theorem (named after the famous French Emperor) and several generalizations. http//mzone.mweb.co.za/residents/profmd/napole.zip. http://mzone.mweb.co.za/residents/profmd/spzips.htm | |
69. NAPOLEON BONAPARTE The famous Napoleon theorem is stated by Coxeter and Greitzer as follows If equilateral triangles are erected externally on the sides of any triangle, their http://faculty.evansville.edu/ck6/bstud/napoleon.html | |
70. Mathematical Resources: GEOMETRY (Math Links By Bruno Kevius) Thwaites Ellipses; Monge s Theorm and Desargues theorem, Identified; Napoleon s theorem Geometry Forum, Swarthmore College; Native http://mathres.kevius.com/geometr.html | |
71. I LOVE These pages contain several examples of a quincunx, and simple explanations of these concepts. Central Limit theorem Applet R. Todd Ogden; Dept. http://www.mccallie.org/myates/5lessonplansonline.htm | |
72. CONTRIBUTED PRESENTATIONS SCHEDULE Gary Richter, Southwestern University. SESSION II, 253 Maguire 230 245 A Square Version of Napoleon s theorem; Bo Green, Abilene Christian University; http://orgs.tamu-commerce.edu/maa/papers98.html | |
73. INVESTIGATING HISTORICAL PROBLEMS centers of the circles. Figure 5 Napoleon s theorem. Other questions or extensions of this construction could be · What happens if http://www.ma.iup.edu/MAA/proceedings/vol1/enderson/enderson.htm | |
74. Untitled Document 4 David Gale, Mathematical entertainments, The Mathematical Intelligencer 18 (1996), 3134. 5 John E. Wetzel, Converses of Napoleon s theorem, Am. Math. http://matematica.uni-bocconi.it/betti/note.htm | |
75. Publications 1986) 636639. 3. On Napoleon s theorem, Ellipse, 1 (Summer 1993) 8. 4. ÂAlgebraic Diet Plan, Centroid, 22 (Spring 1995) 30. http://www.apsu.edu/HOEHNl/publications.htm | |
76. PF JU - Katedra Matematiky - Doc. RNDr. Pavel Pech, CSc. - Publikacni Cinnost The harmonic analysis of polygons and Napoleon s theorem. Univ. S. Boh. Dept. Math. Rep. Ser. The harmonic analysis of polygons and Napoleon theorem. http://www.pf.jcu.cz/stru/katedry/m/pech/publ.phtml | |
78. ENC Online: Curriculum Resources: Geometry From The Land Of The Incas (ENC-02690 Table of Contents Geometry problems Poncelet s theorem Napoleon s theorem Eyeball theorem Steiner s theorem Carnot s theorem Sangaku problem 1 An old Japanese http://www.enc.org/resources/records/full/0,1240,026900,00.shtm | |
79. SHOTO SUGAKU Trocoid as an object for 3dimensional graphics of a herix, Kiichiro Tanaka. A proof of Napoleon s theorem by complex numbers, Kiichiro Tanaka. http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~nj7h-ktr/e_mokuji02-03.html | |
80. Der Satz Des Napoleon theorem to n-gons, CR Math. Rep. Acad. 8 (1981), 458459 Wetzel, JE, Converses of Napoleon s theorem, Amer. Math. http://www.wv.inf.tu-dresden.de/~pascal/verein/ikm97/napoleon.html | |
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