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         Math Constant:     more detail
  1. Gamma: Exploring Euler's Constant by Julian Havil, 2003-03-17
  2. Bows, Arrows, and Aircraft Carriers: Moving Bodies with Constant Mass (Math in a Box) by Films for the Humanities & Sciences (DVD), 2004
  3. Take-off: Moving Bodies with Constant Mass (Math in a Box) by Films for the Humanities & Sciences (DVD), 2004
  4. Computing your CADP: any approach plate is a soup of acronyms and abbreviations. Here's the math behind one you've seen but never spoken.(APPROACH CLINIC)(Constant ... Angle Descent Point): An article from: IFR by John Clark, 2007-06-01
  5. Organic Chemistry Laboratory Manual by Paris Svoronos, Edward Sarlo, et all 1996-10-01

81. [math/0209070] Criteria For Irrationality Of Euler's Constant
Euler s constant. Authors Jonathan Sondow Comments 12 pages, 1 figure, 2 tables, proofs shortened typos fixed, revised version accepted by Proc. Amer. math.
Mathematics, abstract
From: Jonathan Sondow [ view email ] Date ( ): Fri, 6 Sep 2002 15:56:37 GMT (375kb) Date (revised v2): Fri, 4 Oct 2002 00:06:14 GMT (56kb)
Criteria for Irrationality of Euler's Constant
Authors: Jonathan Sondow
Number Theory; Combinatorics
MSC-class: Primary 11J72, Secondary 05A19
Journal-ref: Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 131 (2003) 3335-3344
Full-text: PostScript PDF
References and citations for this submission:
(autonomous citation navigation and analysis) Which authors of this paper are endorsers?
Links to: arXiv math find abs

82. [math/9903101] Constant Mean Curvature Surfaces With Three Ends
From John M Sullivan Date Wed, 17 Mar 1999 050343 GMT (45kb) constant mean curvature surfaces with three ends.
Mathematics, abstract
From: John M Sullivan [ view email ] Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 05:03:43 GMT (45kb)
Constant mean curvature surfaces with three ends
Authors: Karsten Grosse-Brauckmann Robert B. Kusner John M. Sullivan
Comments: LaTex, 4 pages, 1 postscript figure
Subj-class: Differential Geometry
MSC-class: 53A10 (Primary), 49Q10 (Secondary)
We announce the classification of complete, almost embedded surfaces of constant mean curvature, with three ends and genus zero: they are classified by triples of points on the sphere whose distances are the asymptotic necksizes of the three ends.
Full-text: PostScript PDF , or Other formats
References and citations for this submission:
(autonomous citation navigation and analysis) Which authors of this paper are endorsers?
Links to: arXiv math find abs

83. LibTomMath - News
The constant 128 should be 144 (~4096bits) and the constant 192 in main() should be 144 too. The current test will still give you
LibTomCrypt LibTomMath LibTomPoly LibTomNet ... Download
Welcome to the LibTomMath website. On this side of I will be hosting the number theoretic multiple-precision integer library LibTomMath. LibTomMath provides highly optimized and portable routines for a vast majority of integer based number theoretic applications (including public key cryptography). LibTomMath is not a cryptographic toolkit itself but it can be used to write one [ Used in LibTomCrypt for RSA, DH and ECC public key routines A list of users of both libraries is available also
  • Apr 23rd, 2004 . Released a set of makefile patches for LTM 0.30 (for BCC/MSVC/cygwin_dll). No critical fixes.
  • Apr 11th, 2004 . Release of LTM 0.30, fixed bugs, added several new functions.
  • Feb 21st, 2004 . Posted a series of patches that bring v0.29 upto my current code base. No critical fixes.
  • Jan 25th, 2004 . Bug fixes, added EEA. Release of v0.29
  • Jan 11th, 2004 . I forgot to announce LibTomPoly when I released it. LTP is a polynomial basis library using LTM.
  • Dec 24th, 2003

84. Most Frequently Linked Pages In The MathSearch Index
mathSoft constants, Princeton University mathematics Department,
Most frequently linked pages in the MathSearch index
As the the MathSearch index is compiled, the robot which generates it keeps count of off-domain cross-links, that is, how many times a given indexed page is referred to by a link in an indexed page on a server in a different domain. The pages with the most links leading to them are those most frequently recommended by the authors of all the pages in the index, excluding recommendations by authors and local colleagues for their own pages. These most linked pages form a list of English-language reference pages on mathematics and statistics, which have been popularly selected by mathematicians and statisticians who author Web pages. Below is a list of the 60 most frequently linked pages in the index, each with its HTML title and its URL. Title URL AMS Website MathSciNet Home Page Mathematical Association of America: MAA Online Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics MSRI Home Page

85. Java 101:
When a class requires a constant specified in another class, the first class must specify both the name of the second class and the constant name (as in math.PI
Static Imports Banish Constant Interfaces Advertisement: Support JavaWorld, click here!

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... Autoboxing Treats Primitives Like Objects
April 19, 2004
Static Imports Banish Constant Interfaces
In Joshua Bloch's "Effective Java Programming Language Guide" (Addison-Wesley, ISBN: 0-201-31005-8), Joshua states that interfaces should only be used to declare types. They should not be used to only export constants which is what the following Directions interface accomplishes: Directions is an example of a constant interface : it consists solely of static final fields, where each field exports one constant. Why the prohibition against constant interfaces? The implementation of a constant interface causes implementation details (the constants) to leak into the class's exported API. (Check out Item 17 in Joshua's book to learn more about this problem.) Why do developers resort to constant interfaces? Constant interfaces are used to circumvent having to specify a class name along with the constant's name. When a class requires a constant specified in another class, the first class must specify both the name of the second class and the constant name (as in Math.PI

86. Some Number-theoretical Constants
W. Feller and E. Tornier, Mengentheoretische Untersuchungen von Eigenschaften der Zahlenreihe, math. Ann. 107 (1933), 188232. Sarnak s constant 0.72365 or
Some number-theoretical constants
arising as products of rational functions of p over primes
In September 1999, Pieter Moree asked me to help with high-precision calculations of some constants arising in various contexts in elementary and analytic number theory. PARI/GP running on a few 333 and 360MHz UltraSPARC-IIi(tm) CPUs soon made short work of them. We pushed the calculations to just beyond 1000 decimal digits. The basic reference for our method is
  • P. Moree, Approximation of singular series and automata, to appear in Manuscripta Math. preprint available (DVI).
Many of these constants appear with explanations and references on Steve Finch 's Favorite Mathematical Constants site (abbreviated FMC in what follows), and are cross-referenced to the corresponding pages there. We regard the constants as given in the form of an Euler-type product over rational terms f g with rational coefficients, where the degree of the polynomial g is at least 2 plus that of f , evaluated at all primes p , or sometimes at almost all primes (e.g. when one factor would vanish for p Products of terms of the shape f g are readily accommodated by moving the sign into f . What really counts for the computation, however, is the behavior of

87. Welcome To
Expanding reference resource for science, math and astronomy
Sponsored by the
Institute of Physics

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Welcome to
  • Constants Over alphabetically listed entries
  • Equations Some entries
  • Periodic Table Complete periodic table with info on each element
  • Conversions Interactive conversion of over units
  • Java Structurer Create your own interactive chemical compunds to find their systematic names
  • SI Units Details on all the standard SI Units of measurement Maths
  • Topics Explanations of the more common aspects of maths. Over links
  • Numbers
  • Algebra All the common algebraic identities, including complex numbers
  • Trigonometry Identities
  • Calculus Integral and differential functions
  • Symbols Greek alphabet, electronic symbols and mathematical symbols Astronomy
  • Planets Details on all the currently known planets and their satellites
  • Constellations Table of constellations with info on stars
  • Times for 231 locations around the world
  • Moon Phases Tables of moon phases for the next 20 years I am pleased to announce that has found a sponsor. The Institute of Physics has agreed to house the site and will ensure it is made available on their servers to all users on a more reliable basis.
  • 88. SCI.SPACE FAQ No. 04 - Space/math
    SPACE/math Constants and Equations for Calculations. Last-modified $Date 94/03/01 172439 $. CONSTANTS AND EQUATIONS FOR CALCULATIONS.
    SPACE/MATH - Constants and Equations for Calculations
    Last-modified: $Date: 94/03/01 17:24:39 $
    This list was originally compiled by Dale Greer. Additions would be
    Numbers in parentheses are approximations that will serve for most
    blue-skying purposes.
    Unix systems provide the 'units' program, useful in converting between
    different systems (metric/English, CGS/MKS etc.)
    7726 m/s (8000) Earth orbital velocity at 300 km altitude
    3075 m/s (3000) Earth orbital velocity at 35786 km (geosync)
    6371 km (6400) Mean radius of Earth
    6378 km (6400) Equatorial radius of Earth
    1738 km (1700) Mean radius of Moon
    5.974e24 kg (6e24) Mass of Earth
    7.348e22 kg (7e22) Mass of Moon
    1.989e30 kg (2e30) Mass of Sun
    3.986e14 m^3/s^2 (4e14) Gravitational constant times mass of Earth
    4.903e12 m^3/s^2 (5e12) Gravitational constant times mass of Moon
    1.327e20 m^3/s^2 (13e19) Gravitational constant times mass of Sun
    384401 km ( 4e5) Mean Earth-Moon distance
    1.496e11 m (15e10) Mean Earth-Sun distance (Astronomical Unit)

    89. Mathsoft: Number Theory Constants
    Approximation of Functions. Discrete Structures. Functional Iteration. Complex Analysis. Geometry Constants. Engineering Standards. Engineering Links. math Resources.,,0,00.html
    search site map about us  + news  + ... Well-known Constants Number Theory Constants Analytic Inequalities Approximation of Functions Discrete Structures Functional Iteration ... Math Resources These mathematical essays have been written and revised over the past seven years by Steven Finch.

    90. Constant Perimeter And Area Rectangles
    constant Perimeter and constant Area Rectangles. Disclaimer Depending on your computer and your web connection, loading the Java animations on this page can be s..l..o..w. be used to construct
    Constant Perimeter and Constant Area Rectangles
    The interactive Java animations below accompany the article "Theorems in Motion: Using Dynamic Geometry to Gain Fresh Insights" by Daniel Scher in the April 1996 issue of the Mathematics Teacher . The article shows how dynamic geometry software can be used to construct constant perimeter and constant area rectangles . We define these terms as follows:
  • constant perimeter rectangle: a rectangle whose dimensions can change but perimeter remains fixed. constant area rectangle: a rectangle whose dimensions can change but area remains fixed.
  • A Constant Perimeter Rectangle
    The interactive picture below shows a point that divides a fixed length into a red and a blue segment. Use your mouse to click on the red point and move it back and forth along along the red/blue segment. You'll notice that the length and width of the accompanying rectangle adjust themselves to remain equal to the red and blue segments. Since the sum of the red and blue segments is constant, the perimeter of the rectangle is also constant.
    Constant Area Rectangles The interactive picture below shows a circle along with a chord composed of a red and a blue segment. Use your mouse to click on the red endpoint of the chord and move it around the circumference of the circle. You'll notice that the chord pivots around the fixed red point within the circle. The power-of-a-point theorem tells us that the product of the red and blue segments remains constant as the chord pivots.

    91. Mathsoft Constants - Mathcad Library
    Wellknown constants. constants associated with Functional Iteration. Gauss lemniscate constant. constants associated with Geometry.
    by Steven Finch Mathsoft C onstants listed below are organized by area within mathematics. Here is an accessible overview of the subject. If you have questions about physical constants , please visit the National Institute of Standards and Technology instead. The pages are created with Mathcad 11 . Equations are displayed as images, and mathematical content is stored as MathML, so the files can be read back into Mathcad 11 for further calculation and experimentation. Well-known constants Constants associated with Number Theory Constants associated with Analytic Inequalities Constants associated with the Approximation of Functions Constants associated with Discrete Structures Constants associated with Functional Iteration Constants associated with Geometry
    Awards and Relevant Links
    A document from the Mathcad Library Open files with Mathcad to work with the calculations.

    92. Constants
    The Higgs has not yet been seen at least not with any certainty - but of the 26 fundamental constants of nature, 22 © 2000 John Baez. home.
    How Many Fundamental Constants Are There?
    John Baez
    June 15, 2002
    You might at first think that the speed of light, Planck's constant and Newton's gravitational constant are great examples of fundamental physical constants. But in fundamental physics, these constants are so important that lots of people use units where they all equal 1! The point is that can choose units of length, time and mass however we want. That's three independent choices, so with a little luck we can use them to get our favorite three constants to equal 1. Planck was the first to notice this, so these units are called "Planck units". Planck units are great for quantum gravity. They are not so convenient for other purposes, however. The Planck length, for example, is ridiculously small: about 2 x 10 meters. The Planck time looks even worse: about 5 x 10 seconds. The Planck mass is 2 x 10 kilograms. In ordinary life, and even in nuclear physics, Planck units can be a real nuisance. But in the grand scheme of things, units are not very important. They are arbitrary human conventions. As long as you stick with some choice or other you will do okay.

    93. Experimental Mathematics: Table Of Contents: Volume 8
    Postscript) New Representations for the Madelung constant Richard E. Crandall Abstract in Postscript or DVI Full text (Postscript)
    Home Table of Contents / Volume 8 For subscription or editorial inquiries, please contact us by email , telephone, or mail. A K Peters, Ltd.
    888 Worcester Street
    Suite 230
    Wellesley, MA 02482
    Tel: 781.416.2888 or 800.450.2210
    Fax: 781.416.2889
    Are characters missing or replaced by rectangles?
    Experimental Mathematics
    Volume 8 (1999)
    Next Volume All Volumes Previous Volume
    Volume 8, issue 1
    Singular Separatrix Splitting and the Melnikov Method: An Experimental Study
    Amadeu Delshams
    Abstract in Postscript or DVI
    Full text (Postscript)
    The Topology of the Relative Character Varieties of a Quadruply-Punctured Sphere
    Robert L. Benedetto William M. Goldman Abstract in Postscript or DVI Full text (Postscript) Alain Joets Roland Ribotta Abstract in Postscript or DVI Full text (Postscript) Spectral Properties of High Contrast Band-Gap Materials and Operators on Graphs Peter Kuchment Leonid A. Kunyansky

    94. - Create A Personal Equation Sheet From A Large Database Of Sc
    Create a personal Equation Sheet from a large database of science and math equations including constants, symbols, and SI units.
    Equations Constants SI Units
    ... Software
    search for in Equation Description Equation LaTeX String Constant Description Constant Symbol Constant Value SI Unit Quantity SI Unit Name SI Unit Symbol SI Unit Equivalent Units Symbol Description ALL
    Use or for wildcard character, or to match any single character Welcome Guest
    Sign In Register Equations Algebra


    Trigonometric Properties

    Terms of Service

    cissoid A curve with equation y 2 (ax)=x 3 . coefficient The constant multipliers of the indeterminate variable in a polynomial.

    96. Cornell Theory Center Math And Science Gateway
    mathematical Constants The above three are from this page. Most of the rest of what s here is even more advanced. mathematics Software. This list of math
    Cornell Theory Center
    Math and Science Gateway
    Mathematics General Topics Geometry Fractals History of Mathematics ... Mathematics Software
    General Topics
  • Ask Dr. Math Ask Dr. Math is a question and answer service for math students and their teachers. A searchable archive is available by level and topic, as well as summaries of Frequently Asked Questions (the Dr. Math FAQ).
  • Calculus Help - A professor in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Hawaii, authored these notes to help students learn how to use, not just understand, the concepts of calculus. A total of fifteen topics are covered and include max-min problems, exponential growth, and the derivation of Kepler's second law.
  • Flash Cards for Kids - This is an interactive flash card site. You can choose among addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division; simple or complicated problems; and how many digits the numbers will have. While this isn't exactly high school material, it's a nice site, so I'm including it anyway. Enjoy, and show it to your kid sister or brother!
  • Graphics for the Calculus Classroom - This is a collection of graphical demonstrations developed for first year calculus, but suitable and interesting for high school students as well. From Douglas Arnold at Penn State.
  • 97.
    The math.h header shall provide for the following constants. The values are of type double and are accurate within the precision of the double type.
    The Open Group Base Specifications Issue 6
    IEEE Std 1003.1, 2004 Edition
    math.h - mathematical declarations
    CX Some of the functionality described on this reference page extends the ISO C standard. Applications shall define the appropriate feature test macro (see the System Interfaces volume of IEEE Std 1003.1-2001, Section 2.2, The Compilation Environment ) to enable the visibility of these symbols in this header. The header shall include definitions for at least the following types:
    A real-floating type at least as wide as float A real-floating type at least as wide as double , and at least as wide as
    If FLT_EVAL_METHOD equals 0, and shall be float and double , respectively; if FLT_EVAL_METHOD equals 1, they shall both be double ; if FLT_EVAL_METHOD equals 2, they shall both be long double ; for other values of FLT_EVAL_METHOD, they are otherwise implementation-defined. The header shall define the following macros, where real-floating indicates that the argument shall be an expression of real-floating type: int fpclassify(real-floating x); int isfinite(real-floating x); int isinf(real-floating x); int isnan(real-floating x); int isnormal(real-floating x); int signbit(real-floating x); int isgreater(real-floating x, real-floating y); int isgreaterequal(real-floating x, real-floating y); int isless(real-floating x, real-floating y); int islessequal(real-floating x, real-floating y); int islessgreater(real-floating x, real-floating y); int isunordered(real-floating x, real-floating y);

    98. The MATH Signature
    The signature math specifies basic mathematical constants, the square root function, and trigonometric, hyperbolic, exponential, and logarithmic functions
    The Standard ML Basis Library
    The MATH signature
    signature MATH
    structure Math MATH
    where type real = Real.real
    The signature MATH specifies basic mathematical constants, the square root function, and trigonometric, hyperbolic, exponential, and logarithmic functions based on a real type. The functions defined here have roughly the same semantics as their counterparts in ISO C's math.h The top-level structure Math provides these functions for the default real type Real.real In the functions below, unless specified otherwise, if any argument is a NaN, the return value is a NaN. In a list of rules specifying the behavior of a function in special cases, the first matching rule defines the semantics.
    type real
    val pi real
    val e real
    val sqrt real real
    val sin real real
    val cos real real
    val tan real real
    val asin real real val acos real real val atan real real val real real real val exp real real val pow real real real val ln real real val real real val sinh real real val cosh real real val tanh real real
    val pi real
    The constant pi (3.141592653...).

    99. Math On The Web: Mathematics By Topic
    USA) Data Powers of Ten; Egyptian fractions; Favorite mathematical Constants ; The Fibonacci Field Tables; Number World; PI; PI, again; Sci.math FAQ Sections
    on the
    Web Materials Organized by Mathematical Topics AMS Website Math on the Web Mathematics by Topic
    Mathematics by Topic lists some topic keywords in the Table of Contents. In each section are links to electronic journals, preprints, Web sites and pages, databases and other pertinent material in the corresponding field. There is also a page of Materials Organized by Mathematical Subject Classification . This page was developed from that prepared at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville Math Archives
    Table of Contents
    Actuarial Mathematics Algebra Calculus Resources Cellular Automata ... Complex Variables
    See also Several Complex Variables
    Complexity and Complex Systems Computational Fluid Dynamics Computational Science ... Cryptology Differential Equations
    See Ordinary Differential Equations or Partial Differential Equations
    Dynamical Systems Fermat's Last Theorem Finite Elements
    See Numerical Analysis
    Fractals General Exposition General Relativity ... Wavelets
    Actuarial mathematics
    Department of Actuarial Mathematics and Statistics , Heriot-Watt University (UK) Balducci's Actuarial Home Page (Calgary, CA)

    100. The MATH Signature
    The signature math specifies basic mathematical constants, the square root function, and trigonometric, hyperbolic, exponential and logarithmic functions based
    The Standard ML Basis Library
    The MATH signature
    The signature MATH specifies basic mathematical constants, the square root function, and trigonometric, hyperbolic, exponential and logarithmic functions based on a real type. The functions defined here have roughly the same semantics as their counterparts in ISO C's math.h The top-level structure Math provides these functions for the default real type Real.real In the functions below, unless specified otherwise, if any argument is a NaN, the return value is a NaN. In a list of rules specifying the behavior of a function in special cases, the first matching rule defines the semantics.
    signature MATH
    structure Math MATH
    type real
    val pi real
    val e real
    val sqrt
    val sin
    val cos
    val tan
    val asin
    val acos
    val atan val val exp val pow val ln val val sinh val cosh val tanh
    type real
    denotes the constant pi (3.141592653...).
    denotes the base of the natural logarithm e
    sqrt x
    returns the square root of x sqrt . If x
    sin x
    cos x
    tan x
    return the sine, cosine and tangent, respectively, of x , measured in radians. If

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