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  1. Truth or conjecture?: German civilian war losses in the East, by Stanislaw Schimitzek, 1966
  3. Half a Truth Is Better Than None: Some Unsystematic Conjectures about Art, Disorder, and American Experience by John A. Kouwenhoven, 1982-09-01
  4. The Bieberbach Conjecture: Proceedings of the Symposium on the Occasion of the Proof (Mathematical Surveys and Monographs) by Albert Baernstein, David Drasin, et all 1986-07
  5. The great conjecture,: Who is this Jesus? by Winifred Margaretta Kirkland, 1929
  6. A Survey of the Hodge Conjecture (Crm Monograph Series, V. 10) by James D. Lewis, 1999-04
  7. Dynamics of Third-Order Rational Difference Equations with Open Problems and Conjectures (Advances in Discrete Mathematics and Applications) by Elias Camouzis, G. Ladas, 2007-11-16
  8. Conjectures and Confrontations: Science, Evolution, Social Concern by Robin Fox, 1997-01-01
  9. Conjeturas Y Refutaciones/ Conjectures and Refutations: El Desarrollo Del Conocimiento Cientifico/ the Growth of Scientific Knowledge (Paidos Basica / Basic Paidos) by Karl Raimund Popper, 1983-04
  10. Constellations and Conjectures (Synthese Library) by N.R. Hanson, 1973-03-31
  11. Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander by Thomas Merton, 1968
  12. The Real Subject: Queries and Conjectures of Jacob Delafon with Sample Poems by Keith Waldrop, 2004-06-01
  14. Representation Theory and Number Theory in Connection With the Local Langlands Conjecture: Proceedings of a Conference Held December 8-14, 1985 With (Contemporary Mathematics)

61. Fr373p77.html WDBNMSWD ˆ ­—ÿj­˜ ç 5 þ7
M E M O I R S O F T H E L I T E R A R Y AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY . OF MANCHESTER S E C O N D E D I T I O N L O N D O N: PRINTED FOR T. CADWELL IN THE STRAND MD C C L X X XIX 373 METEOROLOGICAL IMAGINATIONS and CONJECTURES. By BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, LL.D F. R. S. and acad. reg. Scient. Paris. Soc. etc. Communicated by Dr. PERCIVAL. Read December 22, I784., T H E R E seems to be a region higher in the air over all countries, wbere it is always winter, where frost exitfls continua1ly, fince, in the midf of fummer on the furface of the earth, ice falls often from above in the form of hail. Haiftones, of the great weight we fometimes find them, did not probably acquire their mag nitude before they began to dercend. The air, being eight hundred times rarer tnan water, is unable to fupport it but in the fhape of vapour a ftate in which its particles are feparated. As foon as they are condenfed by the cold of the upper region, fo as to form a drop, that drop begins to fa11. If it freezes into a grain of ice, that ice defcends. In defcending, both the drop of water, and the grain of ice, are augmented by particles of the vapour they pafs through in falling, and'which they condenfe by their coldnefs, and attach to themfelves. It is pofflble that, in fummer, much of what is rain, when it arrives at the furface of the earth~ might have been fnow, when it began its defcent; but being thawed, in paffng through the warm air near the furface, it is changed from fnow to rain. How imrnenfely cold muft be the original particle of hail, which forms the center of the future hai!ftone, fince it is capable of communicating fufficient cold, if I may fo fpeak, to freeze all the mafs of vapour condenfed round it, and form a lump of perhaps fix or eight ounces in weight !

62. Le Journal De Demain
conjectures Du 9 au 30 avril Sur un plan général Ralentissement, très sensible pour certains, des communications

63. Related Conjectures
the current. Related conjectures. A related conjecture from Euler. Noam Elkies gave a counterexample, namely . Subsequently, Roger
Next: Did Fermat prove this Up: Fermat's Last Theorem Previous: What is the current
Related Conjectures
A related conjecture from Euler Noam Elkies gave a counterexample, namely . Subsequently, Roger Frye found the absolutely smallest solution by (more or less) brute force: it is . "Several years", Math. Comp. 51 (1988) 825-835. This synopsis is quite brief. A full survey would run too many pages. References Irregular Primes to One Million. Math. Comp., 59 (October 1992) pp. 717-722. Fermat's Last Theorem, A Genetic Introduction to Algebraic Number Theory. H.M. Edwards. Springer Verlag, New York, 1977. Thirteen Lectures on Fermat's Last Theorem. P. Ribenboim. Springer Verlag, New York, 1979. Number Theory Related to Fermat's Last Theorem. Neal Koblitz, editor.
Alex Lopez-Ortiz
Mon Feb 23 16:26:48 EST 1998

64. Theorems, Lemmas, And Conjectures
Environments. Theorems, Lemmas, and conjectures. provides a simple way to typeset the statements of Theorems, Lemmas, conjectures and so on.
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Theorems, Lemmas, and Conjectures
provides a simple way to typeset the statements of Theorems, Lemmas, Conjectures and so on. For each such type of statement appearing in your text, you create an environment using the command. For example, sets up an environment named prop for typesetting Propositions. After this command has been used, you can type to get Notice that the proposition was automatically numbered and typeset in italics. A command can go anywhere in the file before the first use of the environment it defines. For simplicity, it is conventional to put it at the front of the file between the line and . (No text is allowed to appear before , but commands like , which generate no output, are permissible.) You can give a theorem a name, or credit the discoverer, by giving the command an argument in square brackets. For instance, produces See Lamport's book for more details about
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65. Integermania - Theorems And Conjectures
Integermania! Theorems and conjectures. Theorems and conjectures about Integermania can be submitted to Steve Wilson for posting on this page.
Steven J. Wilson
Professor of Mathematics
JCCC SHCM Division Math
Integermania! - Theorems and Conjectures
Theorems and conjectures about Integermania can be submitted to Steve Wilson for posting on this page. Warning: False conjectures could be bumped off this page by true conjectures! Definition 1: The exquisiteness of a solution to a Integermania problem is the highest level operation used in its construction, as given by the table of levels of exquisiteness , but the table is not repeated here. Definition 2: The exquisiteness of a set of numbers A at level L is the largest positive integer n L having the property that for every positive integer less than or equal to n L there exists a solution to the Integermania problem using set A with exquisiteness level less than L +1. Notationally, we can write:
Exq A L n L , or Exq A n n n L See Exquiteness of Sets for conjectures about different Intergermania problems. Theorem 1: In an Integermania problem with n values and k available binary operations, where each value is used exactly once, and values are combined by using only the available binary operations, there are at most positive integers which can be created. See

66. Conjectures And Refutations: The Growth Of Scientific Knowledge (Routledge Class
conjectures and Refutations The Growth of Scientific Knowledge (Routledge Classics). conjectures and Refutations The Growth of
Conjectures and Refutations: The Growth of Scientific Knowledge (Routledge Classics)
Conjectures and Refutations: The Growth of Scientific Knowledge (Routledge Classics)

by Authors: Karl Raimund Popper
Released: September, 2002
ISBN: 0415285941
Sales Rank:
List price:
Our price: You save: Book > Conjectures and Refutations: The Growth of Scientific Knowledge (Routledge Classics) > Customer Reviews: Average Customer Rating:
Conjectures and Refutations: The Growth of Scientific Knowledge (Routledge Classics) > Customer Review #1: an enjoyable book

The book is a collection of articles by Popper. It is easier to understand than his classic Logik der Forshung, and is much richer in content, for Popper embarks in some of these lectures on the history of philosophy and the history of science. There is also a delicious paper on self-reference and meaning in ordinary language.
The fundamental lecture on philosophy of science in this collection is chapter 10, "Truth, rationality and the growth of scientific knowledge", where Popper presents his philosophy of science quite clearly and in detail. There has been a lot of water under the bridge since this paper was first published. His theory of "verisimilitude", for instance, was shown to be unmistakably wrong in the 1970s.

67. The Last Three Minutes: Conjectures About The Ultimate Fate Of The Universe (Sci
The Last Three Minutes conjectures About the Ultimate Fate of the Universe (Science Masters Series). The Last Three Minutes conjectures
The Last Three Minutes: Conjectures About the Ultimate Fate of the Universe (Science Masters Series)
The Last Three Minutes: Conjectures About the Ultimate Fate of the Universe (Science Masters Series)

by Authors: P. C. W. Davies
Released: January, 1997
ISBN: 0465038514
Sales Rank:
List price:
Our price: You save: Book > The Last Three Minutes: Conjectures About the Ultimate Fate of the Universe (Science Masters Series) > Customer Reviews: Average Customer Rating:
The Last Three Minutes: Conjectures About the Ultimate Fate of the Universe (Science Masters Series) > Customer Review #1: FASCINATING

This book takes you the end of the universe. Paul Davies descriptions of the various potential fates for the universe are both engrossing and easy to understand (which is not always the case with this genera). He describes the implications of both a closed universe, one that will eventually re-collapse in on itself, and an open universe, which will continue to expand forever. Although current studies performed by the international "BOOMERANG" consortium indicate that the universe is likely to be flat, Davies accounts of the various potential fates of a closed universe remain fascinating. Moreover, as nothing in science is ever certain, new observations could turn the tables on this cosmic debate.

68. Conjectures And Hesitations Home Page - Sociology At Lancaster University
conjectures and Hesitations Home Page. John Law and John Urry. Welcome to the conjectures and Hesitations home page. This
Cartmel College, Lancaster University, LA1 4YL, UK
Tel: +44 (0) 1524 594172 Fax: +44 (0) 524 594256 E-mail: Home Research Conjectures and Hesitations Home Page
'Conjectures and Hesitations': Home Page
John Law and John Urry
Welcome to the 'Conjectures and Hesitations' home page. This is a new venture - it is a forum for debate about the character and the future of sociology and social science. Here are some of the questions on our list: Is there intellectual progress? Does social science increase in power?
On science, truth and other goods

Please bookmark this page, which will act as our index.
Page last updated: 21 April, 2004 Home Intro Research and Publications Propsective Students ... Contact

69. Making Mathematics: Mathematics Research Teacher Handbook
EXAMPLES, PATTERNS, AND conjectures. Mathematical investigations involve a search for pattern and structure. UNDERSTANDING conjectures.
Home Support for Teachers
theorem You can introduce the ideas and activities discussed below as the need for them arises during student investigations. If a student uses a particular technique, highlight that approach for the class. Once a conjecture is posed, ask the class what they need to do to understand it and begin to develop an outline that all can use. Regular opportunities for practice with the different skills (organizing data, writing conjectures, etc.) will lead to greater student sophistication over time.
Generating Examples
In order to get a better view of the "big" picture of a problem, we try to produce examples in a systematic fashion. We often have to choose examples from an infinite domain. These examples should be representative, in ways that we deem significant, of all of the elements of the domain. For example, a problem involving real numbers might involve positive, negative, whole, rational, and irrational examples. Numbers that are less than one or of great magnitude might also be important. In addition to this broad sampling, we also want to generate examples in a patterned way so that relationships between variables stand out (see Organizing Data below).

70. Teaching Math: Grades 3-5: Reasoning And Proof
Teachers and researchers agree that students can learn to make, refine, and test conjectures in elementary school. Beginning in
Defining Reasoning and Proof Introduction Investigating Conjectures Reasoning and Justification Additional Methods Your Journal
"Conjecture that is, informed guessing is a major pathway to discovery. Teachers and researchers agree that students can learn to make, refine, and test conjectures in elementary school. Beginning in the earliest years, teachers can help students learn to make conjectures by asking questions: What do you think will happen next? What is the pattern? Is this true always? Sometimes? Simple shifts in how tasks are posed can help students learn to conjecture" (NCTM, 2000, p. 57).
While working on projects or investigations, students can be encouraged to make and investigate conjectures. For example, in Part A, we saw an open-ended assignment that encouraged students to search for patterns and relationships in an organized chart of n + n and n x n values. One classmate, Robert, made what might seem at first an obvious conjecture about n + n always being even. The teacher posed Robert's conjecture to all the students to provide them with experience in using reasoning and proving a conjecture. Frequent exposure to students' examples, or a teacher's modeling of conjectures, advances the idea that conjectures are made by actual people and are based on observation.
Review the teacher's questions from Sums of Numbers in Part A. Notice that the teacher's questions guide and encourage the class to use increasingly sophisticated levels of reasoning and a variety of methods of verification, including proof. Models, manipulatives, drawings, and the systematic organization of observations can help reveal patterns and pinpoint mathematical relationships. These are all useful tools for reasoning and for testing conjectures.

71. Conjectures And Conjectural Emendation
conjectures and Conjectural Emendation. The New Testament is full of difficult readings. As a result, at least two other conjectures were offered for the name.
Conjectures and Conjectural Emendation
The New Testament is full of difficult readings. There are probably hundreds of places where one scholar or another has argued that the text simply cannot be construed. Westcott and Hort, for instance, marked some five dozen passages with an asterisk as perhaps containing a primitive error. (A list of these passages is found in note 2 on page 184 of the second/third edition of Bruce M. Metzger's The Text of the New Textament.) Not all of these are nonsense, but all are difficult in some way. In classical textual criticism , the response to such "nonsense" readings is usually conjectural emendation the attempt to imagine what the author actually wrote. Such an emendation, to be successful, must of course fit the author's style and the context. It should also, ideally, explain how the "impossible" reading arose. The use of conjectural emendation in the classics especially those which survive only in single manuscripts can hardly be questioned. Even if we assume that there is no editorial activity, scribal error is always present. Thus, for instance, in Howell D. Chickering, Jr.'s edition of Beowulf

72. CONJECTURES - Meaning And Definition Of The Word
Search Dictionary conjectures Dictionary Entry and Meaning. Matching Terms
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CONJECTURES: Dictionary Entry and Meaning
Matching Terms: conjecture Conjecturer

73. Edgewise: Conjectures On The Election Polls
April 11, 2004. conjectures on the election polls. David Kolodney. 1. Until recently, the key assumption was that the number of jobs
I'm sorry but that's all the time we have Main
April 11, 2004
Conjectures on the election polls
David Kolodney 1. Until recently, the key assumption was that the number of jobs created between now and the election would determine the result. But the context was that, given the Republican edge on security and defense, only a very bad economic picture could turn the vote against them. With that security edge blunted, the Democrats' advantage on economics will now survive even a rather good stretch of employment growth.
2. The same dynamic that made Iraq a strong positive for Bush will reverse polarity into a string negative (i.e., not merely a weak positive). This wasas Bob Scheer said of Vietnama Winners' War: the noblesse oblige of a proud, invincible, can-do America. If it becomes a Losers' War, repugnance must replace the pride.
3. Without the Nader factor, Kerry currently holds a significant edge. I'd guess that the Nader vote in closely contested states will collapse to Kerry as election day approaches. TrackBack
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74. Conjectures
conjectures. This model is weak because so much of its based on conjecture. The derivation of mass is based on special relativity
This model is weak because so much of its based on conjecture. The derivation of mass is based on special relativity formulas and is internally consistent. But one must start with the assumption that the result and interpretation are valid. There isn't a way to prove this model except by use of Occam's razor. This model is internally consistent and consistent with as much of physics that I know. It has an element of beauty and brings together many disparate ideas in physics. The only thing that I can think that would prove this model is a solution of Schroedinger equation for a torus topology with the proper dimensions. But that is the catch. Just like in QED, where one must have all the paths included, one must solve the equation with all of the dimensions. Assuming the smaller dimensions are zero, when they are not, simplifies the solution but adds an error. The real benefit may be in assuming the dimensions sizes for fitting the solution to the electron. The resulting sizes then make it possible to solve for other particles. The model's number of dimensions is based on Hyperspace , by Kaku. That the some microspaces are exactly the same size is based on the symmetry of gravity in normal space.

75. L'Encyclopédie De L'Agora: Conjectures Sur Jules Laforgue
Translate this page Titre conjectures sur Jules Laforgue, auteur Chronique des lettres françaises, dossier Jules LaforgueSujet poésie française, timidité, angoisse
Accueil Index Catégories Dossiers ... Imprimer associé au dossier Jules Laforgue Conjectures sur Jules Laforgue Chronique des lettres françaises Texte
Sans vouloir exagérer son importance, il convient, si l'on veut bien comprendre Laforgue, d'examiner sa timidité, qui ne fut point d'un être sans énergie et sans courage, comme c'est le cas des timides inintelligents et paresseux, mais inhérente à son excessive sensibilité.
On peut deviner cette timidité de Laforgue à quelques faits significatifs : à l'entendre, lycéen, patauger aux examens oraux ; lecteur de l'impératrice d'Allemagne, lire comme en rêve les premières fois qu'il s'acquitta de sa fonction.
Même si cette angoisse se fût prolongée, il eût très vraisemblablement jugé banal d'en faire à nouveau un prétexte à « éloquence ».
Quant à l'ironie, elle fut d'une rosserie cinglante chez l'auteur des Moralités légendaires , au point de devenir irritante parfois. Rien ne lui résiste. Les phrases les plus insignifiantes tournent à la moquerie, à la parodie.
Moralités légendaires était-il possible ?

76. 'Evidence' Against Osama Called 'A String Of Conjectures' Evidence Against Osama Called A String Of conjectures By Kaleem Omar The News Pakistan 10-6-1 British Prime Minister
'Evidence' Against Osama Called
'A String Of Conjectures'
By Kaleem Omar
The News - Pakistan
British Prime Minister Tony Blair made a 4-hour stopover in Islamabad on Friday evening for talks with President Pervez Musharraf on the situation arising out of the September 11 attacks on the United States and the role that Pakistan has pledged to play in the American and UK government's planned joint action against Osama Bin Laden and the Taliban regime.
Blair's visit came only a day after his government released a 70-point "evidence document" on Thursday purportedly "proving" Osama Bin Laden's responsibility for the September 11 attacks. But only nine of the 70 points in the document relate to the attacks on the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon, and even these rely more on loose conjectures and even looser assertions than on hard evidence.
For another, if the "evidence" contained in the document is not sufficient to "provide a prosecutable case against Osama Bin Laden in a court of law," as the British government itself admits, how is it sufficient evidence to justify going to war against him and the Taliban regime?
Be that as it may, the conjectures and assertions contained in the document are unlikely to rally the Arab world to the West's "war against terrorism." In Riyadh, visiting US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld admitted on Thursday that the Saudi government is worried about the "secondary effects" of a "war on terror." Anti-American feeling is reported to be running high in throughout the Arab Middle East, including in the Gulf states and Egypt - Rumsfeld's next destination.

77. Problem Solving Island : About Conjectures
About conjectures. A journal entry by Alex Hernandez.. A conjecture is informally, a guess, a hypothesis and a deduction. Of course
About Conjectures
[A journal entry by Alex Hernandez.] Conjuring conjectures is a very natural process (at least I think so) when ever you're dealing with problems because people tend to hate to be wrong or lose. So they want to find a way to be right and have other people think they are right and "know" that they are right, and that's what deduction is about. Front Door Problems Resolutions Essays ... Miscellaneous Warning! This site is under development. Source text last modified Tue May 5 10:08:34 1998. This page generated on Thu May 7 15:18:25 1998 by SiteWeaver. Contact our webmaster at

78. Two Conjectures Of Zuber On Fully Packed Loop Configurations
Proof of two conjectures of Zuber on fully packed loop configurations. Two conjectures of Zuber ``On the counting of fully packed loops configurations.
Fabrizio Caselli and Christian Krattenthaler
Proof of two conjectures of Zuber on fully packed loop configurations
(20 pages)
Abstract. Two conjectures of Zuber [`` On the counting of fully packed loops configurations. Some new conjectures ,'' preprint] on the enumeration of configurations in the fully packed loop model on the square grid with periodic boundary conditions, which have a prescribed linkage pattern, are proved. Following an idea of de Gier Loops, matchings and alternating-sign matrices Discrete Math. , to appear], the proofs are based on bijections between such fully packed loop configurations and rhombus tilings, and the hook-content formula for semistandard tableaux. The following versions are available: Back to Christian Krattenthaler's home page

79. Dartanian, "Conjectures On The Mukul Culture And Society"
conjectures on the Mukul Culture and Society. by Dartanian Lestor in Dark Ages. When I them. Final conjectures on the Mukul people. As
Conjectures on the Mukul Culture and Society by Dartanian Lestor in Dark Ages Speaking with the Latika I first learned a lot of the Mukul culture from my speaking with the Latika. He mostly pointed out the society that they held and it is not much different from our own. It is in fact a complex system of working. Each Mukul in the tribe has a specific duty and two titles. I learned that the first I was talking to was not speaking his name, but his title. The first part of their title is a status that is earned. No matter what side of the society one is born into, they are able to accumulate their status. What is surprising is we have the exact same positions in our own society. There is first the Rishi. This translates, they told me, roughly to sage, but I think a better comparison would be "enlightened one." The sages are ones who think, feel, hold emotion and imagination. I believe that these Rishi are the aislings of their culture They certainly act in the same manner and conduct themselves with great esteem. Next are the Zudora, the Laborers. They toil restlessly over the swamps, trying to keep the flowers cultivated or gather the harvests. They are rarely seen because they do so much work in their fields, much like the mundanes in our society. The last position that is earned is the title of Chandi, the Outcast. A dissenter of the tribe who does not meet the Mukul ways is cast out completely of the culture, a form of exile. This is the worst state that a Mukul can reach. If us aislings are exiled from a home, we have the possibility of turning to another town if we feel that we were wronged. For the Mukul, being a Chandi is much more serious. There

80. Conjectures
next up previous contents index Next References Up Conclusions and Recommendations Previous Recommendations. conjectures. Given
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Given the importance of IP(v4) in the current use of computer networks and the upcoming need for multicasting on the Internet it is, in my opinion, likely that at some point ATM will support a form of abstract multicast addressing. This would make the implementation of IP multicasting on an ATM network less complex and remove the lack of support for multipoint-to-multipoint transmissions on ATM.
IPv6, the future protocol of the Internet, supports similar abstract multicast addresses and adds anycast addresses, so the need for this kind of addressing remains, at least in the near future
Simon Oosthoek
Wed Jul 9 20:08:23 CEST 1997

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