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Chinese Remainder Theorem: more detail | |||
1. Chinese Remainder Theorem chinese remainder theorem. This is an engin to solve a kind of Chinese Remainder problem by using the method described in Page 137, Elementary Number Theory and its Applications ( Third Edition 1993) http://www.linguistlist.org/~zheng/courseware/remainder.html | |
2. Chinese Remainder Theorem Definition of chinese remainder theorem, possibly with links to more information and implementations. chinese remainder theorem. ( algorithm) Definition An integer n can be solved uniquely mod http://www.nist.gov/dads/HTML/chineseRmndr.html | |
3. The Prime Glossary: Chinese Remainder Theorem related to prime numbers. This pages contains the entry titled Chineseremainder theorem. Come explore a new prime term today! http://primes.utm.edu/glossary/page.php?sort=ChineseRemainderTheorem |
4. Chinese Remainder Theorem chinese remainder theorem. Proof. We first construct a solution. Let and, for each i, . Note that for every i. Thus, has a solution . Define. Since. we see that. To see the uniqueness, Let x' be another solution. Then for each i. http://www.math.swt.edu/~haz/prob_sets/notes/node25.html |
5. Math 5410 Chinese Remainder Theorem chinese remainder theorem. Theorem Suppose that m1, m2, , mr are pairwise relatively prime positive integers prime in pairs, the chinese remainder theorem tells us that there is http://www-math.cudenver.edu/~wcherowi/courses/m5410/ctccrt.html | |
6. Math_class: Number Theory 101 (Chinese Remainder Theorem) math_class Number Theory 101 (chinese remainder theorem) Disclaimers and Apologies. I said, in the last lesson, that we would get into factoring during this lesson. the time, that I wanted to hit on the chinese remainder theorem. So, factoring will have to wait until next class http://www.csh.rit.edu/~pat/math/series/nt/20020926 | |
7. Chinese Remainder Theorem chinese remainder theorem. Problems of this kind are all examples ofwhat universally became known as the chinese remainder theorem. http://www.cut-the-knot.org/blue/chinese.shtml | |
8. Chinese Remainder Theorem chinese remainder theorem. Application of Modular Arithmetic. chinese remainder theorem. According to D.Wells, the following problem was posed by Sun Tsu universally became known as the chinese remainder theorem. In mathematical parlance the http://www.cut-the-knot.com/blue/chinese.html | |
9. CTK Exchange Subject Re chinese remainder theorem Date Tue, 2 Sep 1997 0000590400 From Alex Bogomolny Dear Tan Yours is an example of http://www.cut-the-knot.org/exchange/chinese2.shtml | |
10. Chinese Remainder Theorem -- From MathWorld chinese remainder theorem. http://mathworld.wolfram.com/ChineseRemainderTheorem.html | |
11. Chinese Remainder Theorem From MathWorld chinese remainder theorem from MathWorld Let r and s be positive integers which are relatively prime and let a and b be any two integers. Then there is an integer N such that N\equiv a\ \left http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://mathworld.wolfram.com/ChineseRemainderTh |
12. Chinese Remainder Problem Unfortunately, Problem 26 is the only problem that illustrates thechinese remainder theorem in the Sun Tzu Suan Ching. As such, we http://www.math.sfu.ca/histmath/China/3rdCenturyBC/CRP1.html | |
13. CHINESE REMAINDER THEOREM E. L. Lady chinese remainder theoremE. L. LadyThe chinese remainder theorem involves a situation like the following we are asked to http://www.math.hawaii.edu/~lee/courses/Chinese.pdf |
14. Chinese Remainder Theorem - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia chinese remainder theorem. The chinese remainder theorem is any of anumber of related results in abstract algebra and number theory. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_remainder_theorem | |
15. Chinese Remainder Theorem - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia chinese remainder theorem. (Redirected from chinese remainder theorem).The Chinese I k ) ). External links. chinese remainder theorem. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_Remainder_Theorem | |
16. Chinese Remainder Theorem - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Printable version Disclaimers. Not logged in. Log in Help. Other languages Deutsch Polski. chinese remainder theorem. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. a principal ideal domainR the chinese remainder theorem takes the following form If u1, , uk http://en2.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_remainder_theorem | |
17. CHINESE REMAINDER THEOREM chinese remainder theorem Applications in Computing, Coding, Cryptography by CDing (Turku Centre for Computer Science, Finland), D Pei (Chinese Academy of http://www.worldscientific.com/books/compsci/3254.html | |
18. The Chinese Remainder Theorem The chinese remainder theorem. Last updated August 7th, 1995 The ChineseRemainder Theorem (CRT) gives the answer to the problem http://www.apfloat.org/crt.html | |
19. Chinese Remainder Theorem chinese remainder theorem. The chinese remainder theorem is the name appliedto a number of related results in abstract algebra and number theory. http://www.fact-index.com/c/ch/chinese_remainder_theorem.html | |
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