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Cantor's Infinities: more detail | ||||
81. Paradoxes Resolved, Origins Illuminated posted by jrich 123, As I said previously, I m undecided about Cantor s ideas about infinities beyond aleph0, which would include his diagonal proof. http://www.metaresearch.org/msgboard/post.asp?method=Reply&TOPIC_ID=483&FORUM_ID |
82. Crank Dot Net | Philosophy The completed infinities, mathematician Georg Cantor s infinite sets, could be explained as cardinal identities, akin to qualia from which finite subsets http://www.crank.net/philosophy.html | |
83. Crank Dot Net | Cantor Was Wrong 2001 Jul 21 Cantor was wrong All infinite sets have the same number of members All infinities are equal (ie, there is only one infinity) http://www.crank.net/cantor.html | |
84. Symmetry Forms The Basis Of Mathematical Truth The completed infinities, mathematician Georg Cantor s infinite sets, could be explained as cardinal identities, akin to qualia from which finite subsets http://www.webspawner.com/users/monolithiclogic/ | |
85. UCAS Forms - Example Personal Statement :: InterStudent.co.uk :: One-stop Site F interests, including the history and foundations of mathematics (for instance Gödel s Incompleteness Theorem, Cantor s different infinities Aleph_0 and c http://www.interstudent.co.uk/displayarticle566.html | |
86. Set Theory: Cantor Cantor solved these difficulties for himself by saying there were two kinds of infinities, the consistent ones and the inconsistent ones. http://www.thoralf.uwaterloo.ca/htdocs/scav/cantor/cantor.html |
87. Deron's Planet 2 The conjecture that there are no intermediate infinities is most famously stated by Cantor s Continuum Hypothesis, expressed by the equation http://w3.iac.net/~dmeranda/topics/infinity.html | |
88. Fatal_Mistake_of_Cantor_ENG The one and only basis for such differentiation of infinities is the famous George Cantor s theorem about the uncountablity of the set of all real numbers. http://www.com2com.ru/alexzen/papers/Cantor/Fatal_Mistake_of_Cantor.html | |
89. Cognitive Computer Visualization Some new notes against CantorÂs set theory at the FOMArchive. AA.Zenkin, AS TO STRICT DEFINITIONS OF POTENTIAL AND ACTUAL infinities http//www.cs.nyu.edu http://www.com2com.ru/alexzen/ | |
90. Body Cantor s diverse infinities , furthermore in calculus domains, etc.), while, on the. other side of the edge , a mathematical quantizing is on the side of the. http://pages.prodigy.net/jamikes/Influence.htm | |
91. Everything And More - BooksReview - Www.smh.com.au Cantor s work solved the continuity problems that were first suggested by Zeno are, incredibly, different orders of infinity an infinity of infinities, in fact http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2004/03/05/1078464641725.html | |
92. CommonSense in fact refers to an earlier article by Ellen Eischen and Robert Lipshitz2 on the politics of mathematics around the work of Georg Cantor on infinities, a very http://www.cs-journal.org/lll1/lll1science1.html |
93. Ask NRICH an easy one below which was originally thought up by Cantor We suppose But, we can observe the higher infinities everywhere around us for example, all areas http://nrich.maths.org/discus/messages/2069/6866.html?1066857210 |
94. Constructive Mathematics Sets such as the set of all real numbers are by their very nature actual infinities. Considering such objects led Cantor to the astonishing conclusion that http://digitalphysics.org/Publications/Cal79/html/cmath.htm | |
95. TheologyWeb Campus - Cantor And The Omniscience Of God They might better understand it as there being infinities larger than infinite , ie I want to attack premise 4, ie, Cantor s proof for the uncountability of http://www.theologyweb.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1872 |
96. Infinity Nineteenthcentury dissension brought to the stage One infinities scenario has an immobile, wheelchair-bound Georg Cantor assailed by Leopold Kronecker. http://www.siam.org/siamnews/09-03/infinity.htm | |
97. Solution from discrete wholes (Tiles 27, pp68, 151); and she realised, with Cantor, that Cantor s Paradox demonstrates the possibility of infinities with no number http://www.arts.uwa.edu.au/PhilosWWW/Staff/solution.html | |
98. Math Forum: Cantor's Solution: Denumerability Cantor s Solution Denumerability. A Math Forum Project 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 1, 1, -2, 2, Now, Cantor made the following definition http://mathforum.org/isaac/problems/cantor2.html | |
99. Math Forum:Infinite Sets In 1874 Georg Cantor worked out a system of degrees of infinitythat solved the problem once and for all and greatly increased mathematicians understanding of http://mathforum.org/isaac/problems/cantor1.html | |
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