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Cantor's Infinities: more detail | ||||
21. Math Links the notion that mathematics is a selfconsistent system of knowledge. Presented here are Zeno s Paradox and Cantor s infinities. http://www.narragansett.k12.ma.us/nrhs/math/mathlinks.htm | |
22. Science News: Infinite Wisdom: A New Approach To One Of Mathematics' Most Notori Cantor s hierarchy of infinities was such a revolutionary concept that many of his contemporaries rejected it out of hand. Their http://articles.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1200/is_9_164/ai_108050571 | |
23. Talk:Cantor's Diagonal Argument - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Cantor s Diagonal argument is my favourite piece of Mathematics Andre Engels. If we accept the existence of uncountable infinities (and i guess you do if you http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Cantor's_diagonal_argument | |
24. INTEGRITY - Robust Non-Fractal Complexity -Â NECSI Journal Paper In an era of Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, Cantor s infinities, holography, Zadeh Logic, quark architecture, spread spectrum transmission, Complexity, and the http://www.ceptualinstitute.com/uiu_plus/necsij1send.htm | |
25. QBasics definities, verwijzen ze wel degelijk naar wat Engelsen ook als infinities spellen. Met Cantor gaat er een wereld open van oneindig veel graden van oneindigheid http://home.pi.be/~pin12499/infiniti.htm | |
26. "Uncountable": Finite Intuitions And Cantor's Diagonal (beyond Peano) Do the infinities cancel out? 1}*. Ciao, Nico Benschop http//home.iae.nl/users/benschop/finite.htm http//home.iae.nl/users/benschop/cantor.htm http http://home.iae.nl/users/benschop/finite.htm | |
27. Re 'Uncountable': How Many Reals *are* There? (mapping All Onto One Line) born from a practical NEED, which IMHO cannot be said of Cantor s gedanken experiments. Unless of course you admit playing with uncountable infinities to be a http://home.iae.nl/users/benschop/reals.htm | |
28. Cantor's Conjecture Cantor himself produced a lot of texts as to potential, actual, absolute, in concreto , in abstracto , metaphysical, theological, etc. infinities. http://www.ontologystream.com/beads/Cantor/Zenkin/bead1.htm | |
29. Media RelationsNews Releases They are free and open to the public. The topics are Jan. 26. Cantor s infinities The lecture subject is Georg Cantor, a mathematician who has had a great http://www.northwestern.edu/univ-relations/media/news-releases/1999-00/*uwn/nemm | |
30. Bounded Infinities I ve got ideas of bound infinities, sets whose elements are bound abstraction processes Figments - Semiotics - perfect language - Cantor s paradox - Chaotic http://homepages.which.net/~gk.sherman/baaaaaaa.htm | |
31. Aristotle's Infinite And Cantor Aristotle s Potential and Actual Infinite and Cantor. Aristotle considering the Paradox due to the infinite small and large considered two types of infinities. http://www.mlahanas.de/Greeks/Infinite.htm | |
32. Proof Of Infinities Proof That Not All infinities Are The Same Size. Cantor s first proof is complicated, but his second is much nicer and is the standard proof today. http://math.bu.edu/INDIVIDUAL/jeffs/cantor-proof.html | |
33. Deterministic Chaos: Mandelbrot's Fractal Dimensions Are Not Special Species Of next 10 Cantor s schizophrenic infinities A reminder of the way for generating numbers according to set theory. A reminder of http://pro.wanadoo.fr/quatuor/english/mathematics.htm | |
34. Fractal Dimensions Of Mandelbrot And Chaos Theory - 5 - Self-similarity As A For begin with a detour through infinity. Then we go. Cantor s schizophrenic infinities. Ask a particles physicist about the infinitesimal http://pro.wanadoo.fr/quatuor/english/fractal_10.htm | |
35. Infinity The result, confusing though it may seem, is that some infinities are bigger than others! Cantor s work represented a threat to the entrenched complacency of http://www.simonsingh.net/Infinity.html | |
36. Re: Infinities There is a greater immediacy of completed infinities in Cantor s application for the uncountability of the real numbers; but natural number arithmeticas, for http://hhobel.phl.univie.ac.at/phlo/199707/msg00192.html | |
37. Re:Sameness And Self-Identity and symbolic logic the influence of such as Ramón Lull and Kabbalah on Leibnitz and Newton to the present day (from Cantor s infinities through Spinoza s http://hhobel.phl.univie.ac.at/phlo/199701/msg00014.html | |
38. Newsletter On Proof the properties of the prime numbers and the difficulty of finding primes Famous Paradoxes Zeno s Paradox and Cantor s infinities - The Problem of Points http://www.lettredelapreuve.it/Newsletter/981112.html | |
39. Infinity And Infinities Infinity and infinities. It was not until the 19th Century that mathematicians discovered that infinity comes in different sizes. Georg Cantor (1845 to 1918 http://www.gap-system.org/~john/analysis/Lectures/L4.html | |
40. Philosophy For The Short Attention Span Further reading http//www.chinesefortunecalendar.com/yinyang.htm; Cantor s infinities In 1873 the mathematician Georg Cantor discovered the hierarchy of http://quantumlab.net/cgi-bin/blog/blog.pl/2003/09/ | |
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