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Cantor's Infinities: more detail | ||
1. Mathematics Revenge: How Numbers Don't Behave As They Should! What I don't understand about Cantor Infinities. Cantor defines w as the number of numbers integers, normal mathematical operations could be applied to cantor's infinities. Thus, w http://starship.python.net/crew/timehorse/new_math.html | |
2. The Repressed Content-Requirements Of Mathematics HBT requires uncountable infinities of rotations. Cantor's interpacking of infinite decimals Wittgenstein's arguments against cantor's infinitiesin turn considered idiotic by most http://www.henryflynt.org/studies_sci/reqmath.html | |
3. Math Forum: Cantor's Solution: Denumerability Zeno's Paradox ·. cantor's infinities ·. cantor's infinities, Page 2 http://mathforum.com/~isaac/problems/cantor2.html | |
4. Math & Science: More Points In A Line Or In A Plane The end result is not all infinities are created equal sorry pushing the limits of my know-how of cantor's infinities - too many more questions and I will have run http://www.experts-exchange.com/Miscellaneous/Q_20309516.html | |
5. Untitled in the building of stronger theoretical foundations, nonEuclidean geometries, and cantor's infinities we shall see in Cantor's work on infinities, geometry contains a problem http://www.andrews.edu/~closserb/215_Logan.html | |
6. Math Forum: Zeno's Paradox Zeno's Paradox ·. cantor's infinities ·. cantor's infinities, Page 2 http://mathforum.com/isaac/problems/zeno1.html | |
7. [FOM] As To Strict Definitions Of Potential And Actual Infinities. cantor's and any modern axiomatic infinities" (see FOMarchive at http//www.cs.nyu.edu/pipermail/fom/2002- December/006121.html) I have given a quite impressive list of cantor's http://cs.nyu.edu/pipermail/fom/2003-January/006173.html | |
8. Cantor's Diagonal Proof cantor's Diagonal Proof. Simplicio I'm trying to understand the significance of cantor's diagonal proof. I find it especially confusing that the rational numbers are considered to be countable, but http://www.mathpages.com/home/kmath371.htm |
9. Cantor's Diagonal Proof These numbers would, of course, also be infinite, but would be larger infinities than the standard infinity, ¥, that we are used to. Cantor called these http://home.ican.net/~arandall/abelard/math12/Cantor.html | |
10. Set Theory 7, 1873, the date of Cantor s letter to Dedekind informing him of his discovery.) Until then, no one envisioned the possibility that infinities come in http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/set-theory/ | |
11. Cantor's Diagonal Argument The great granddaddy of diagonal arguments is Cantor s, which proved that some infinities are bigger than others. Cantor s Diagonal Argument. http://www.chaos.org.uk/~eddy/math/diagonal.html | |
12. [FOM] As To Strict Definitions Of Potential And Actual Infinities. well as modern nonnaive ) set theory is based on Cantor s theorem on previous message As to strict definitions of potential and actual infinities (see FOM http://www.cs.nyu.edu/pipermail/fom/2003-January/006173.html | |
13. [FOM] As To Strict Definitions Of Potential And Actual Infinities. FOM As to strict definitions of potential and actual infinities. Dean Buckner Dean.Buckner at btopenworld.com Thu Jan 16 210320 EST 2003 CANTOR S AXIOM. http://www.cs.nyu.edu/pipermail/fom/2003-January/006174.html | |
14. Untitled The ideals and beliefs of Rome started to catch on again. Art, literature, politics, and many other things began to change. The social classed became less pronounced. them. All others cannot. Failing to contemplate these infinities, men have recklessly taken it on themselves to which lies between the two infinities which enclose and flee from it http://www.acceleratedschools.com/s9/ehcombwp.txt |
15. Archimedes Plutonium Thus in this fashion any and every Real becomes a flipped over adic. Each correspond oneto-one. There, Cantor s orders of infinities disappear forever. http://www.iw.net/~a_plutonium/File118.html | |
16. Teacher Training HomePage Failing. to contemplate these infinities, men have recklessly finite which lies between the two infinities which enclose and http://www.acceleratedschools.com/oldt9/intro_ehcomb.htm | |
17. Ziring Book Review Pages - Current Some of the other topics covered in less depth include Turing machines, Post production systems, Cantor s infinities, NPcompleteness, Maxwell s demon, neural http://users.erols.com/ziring/bookrev.htm | |
18. Infinity: You Can't Get There From Here -- Platonic Realms MiniText Cantor completely contradicted the Aristotelian doctrine proscribing actual, Âcompleted infinities, and for his boldness he was rewarded with a lifetime http://www.mathacademy.com/pr/minitext/infinity/index.asp | |
19. Re: Limitations Of C*algebras functions. To clear up some apparent confusion, it was I who dismissed Cantor s infinities and the Reals and Rationals; not Charles. The http://www.lns.cornell.edu/spr/2000-01/msg0020769.html | |
20. Re: Limitations Of C*algebras To clear up some apparent confusion, it was I who dismissed Cantor s infinities and the Reals and Rationals; not Charles. http://www.lns.cornell.edu/spr/2000-01/msg0020819.html | |
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