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1. Digital Logic There is a group of useful theorems of Boolean algebra which help in developing the logic for a given operation. Boolean algebra theorems. http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/electronic/diglog.html | |
2. AMCA: Hu's Primal Algebra Theorem Revisited By Hans-E. Porst Conference Homepage. Hu s Primal algebra theorem Revisited presented by HansE. Porst University of Bremen, Germany Various proofs http://at.yorku.ca/c/a/e/e/79.htm | |
3. AMCA: Hu's Primal Algebra Theorem Revisited By Hans-E. Porst Hu s Primal algebra theorem Revisited by HansE. Porst University of Bremen, Germany. Various proofs of Hu s Theorem characterizing http://at.yorku.ca/cgi-bin/amca/caee-79 | |
4. Theorem Proving And Algebra Theorem Proving and Algebra. To be published by MIT Press, someday. This draft textbook is intended to introduce general (universal http://www.cs.ucsd.edu/users/goguen/pubs/tp.html |
5. The Fundamental Theorem Of Algebra The multiplicity of roots. Let's factor the polynomial . We can "pull out" a term Can we do anything else? The Fundamental theorem of algebra. The multiplicity of roots. http://www.sosmath.com/algebra/factor/fac04/fac04.html | |
6. ThinkQuest : Library : Seeing Is Believing Discrete algebra. Binomial theorem. The binomial theorem is a useful formula for determining the algebraic expression that results from raising a binomial to an integral power. http://library.thinkquest.org/10030/11binoth.htm | |
7. KryssTal : Pascal's Triangle Pascal's Triangle and its uses in probability. The Binomial theorem used for algebraic expansions and finding roots. combinations algebra probability binomial theorem roots. Introduction http://www.krysstal.com/binomial.html | |
8. Fundamental Theorem Of Algebra The applet on this page is designed for experimenting with the fundamental theorem of algebra, which state that all polynomials with complex coefficients (and hence real as a special case) have a complete set of roots in the complex plane. http://www.math.gatech.edu/~carlen/applets/archived/ClassFiles/FundThmAlg.html | |
9. Fund Theorem Of Algebra The fundamental theorem of algebra. The Fundamental theorem of algebra (FTA) states Every polynomial equation of degree n with complex http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/HistTopics/Fund_theorem_of_algebra.html | |
10. Nightlife On The Chalkboard A basic walkthrough that covers some prealgebra/algebra concepts such as solving and graphing linear equations, Pythagorean theorem, square roots, permutations, linear combinations, and much more. http://rachel5nj.tripod.com/NOTC/main.html | |
11. Fundamental Theorem Of Algebra -- From MathWorld Fundamental theorem of algebra. 101103, 1996. Krantz, S. G. The Fundamental theorem of algebra. §1.1.7 and 3.1.4 in Handbook of Complex Variables. http://mathworld.wolfram.com/FundamentalTheoremofAlgebra.html | |
12. Emmy Noether Modern physics is largely defined by fundamental symmetry principles and Noether's theorem. It requires little more than high school algebra to understand and manipulate these concepts. We prescribe a symmetry module to insert into the curriculum, of a few weeks length. http://www.emmynoether.com/ | |
13. Lie Algebra -- From MathWorld of some where the associative algebra A may be taken to be the linear operators over a vector space V (the PoincaréBirkhoff-Witt theorem; Jacobson 1979, pp. http://mathworld.wolfram.com/LieAlgebra.html | |
14. Dave's Math Tables Features common formulas for arithmetic, algebra, geometry, calculus, and statistics. theorem, Also, has forum board to ask questions. Available in both English and Spanish. http://www.math2.org/index.xml | |
15. Fundamental Theorem Of Algebra Fundamental theorem of algebra. The Fundamental theorem of algebra establishes this reason and is the topic of the discussion below. http://www.cut-the-knot.org/do_you_know/fundamental.shtml | |
16. Fund Theorem Of Algebra The fundamental theorem of algebra. algebra index. History Topics Index. The Fundamental theorem of algebra (FTA) states. Every polynomial equation of degree n with complex coefficients has n roots http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/HistTopics/Fund_theorem_of_algebra.h | |
17. Fundamental Theorem Of Algebra Fundamental theorem of algebra. Statement and Significance. This is indeed so. But the Fundamental theorem of algebra states even more. http://www.cut-the-knot.org/do_you_know/fundamental2.shtml | |
18. Gauss One of the alltime greats, Gauss began to show his mathematical brilliance at the early age of seven. He is usually credited with the first proof of The Fundamental theorem of algebra. http://www-groups.dcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Gauss.html | |
19. Robbins Algebras Are Boolean been solved Every Robbins algebra is Boolean. This theorem was proved automatically by EQP, a theorem proving program developed at Argonne http://www.mcs.anl.gov/~mccune/papers/robbins | |
20. Orbital Library A class library providing objectoriented representations and algorithms for logic, mathematics and artificial intelligence. It comprises theorem proving, computer algebra, search and planning, as well as learning algorithms. http://www.functologic.com/orbital/ | |
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