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161. ACM2E Research Group Applied computational Mathematics and Mechanics Research Group in the Mechanical and Aerospace engineering Department at SUNY at Buffalo. http://wings.buffalo.edu/eng/mae/acm2e/ | |
162. Center For Computational Science Research at the center is focused on advanced applications of computing to problems in the sciences, engineering, arts and humanities. http://ccs.bu.edu/ | |
163. Petroleum Engineering Calculations, Graphics, Data & Consulting Online computational and graphics programs for engineers and geologists in drilling, reservoir engineering, production, ecomomics and drilling. Free use of programs. http://www.peteng.com |
164. 33Institut D'Informatique Computer Science Department. Research covers humancomputer interfaces, multimedia communication, information system engineering, semantics, computational logic, databases, medical applications and network security. http://www.info.fundp.ac.be/index_eng.html | |
165. Faculty Of Sciences - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Division of Mathematics and Computer Science. Research interests center around software engineering; parallel and distributed systems, including programming, distributed shared objects, operating systems support, and wide area cluster computing; agent technology; computational intelligence; knowledge representation and reasoning; lambda calculus; programming language semantics; type theory; and proof checking. http://www.cs.vu.nl/ | |
166. McGill University School Of Computer Science School of Computer Science. Research groups focus on advanced compilers, architectures and programming systems, Java tools, artificial intelligence, database technology, computational geometry, mobile robotics, computer vision, software engineering, cryptography and quantum information. http://www.cs.mcgill.ca/ | |
167. Geotechnical Group Graz Austria. Institute for Soil Mechanics and Foundation engineering, including the computational Geotechnics Group and the Geotechnical Laboratory http://www.geotechnical-group.tugraz.at/ | |
168. Computational Sciences And Engineering: Home Research division that develops and applies creative information technology and modeling and simulation research solutions for National Security and National Energy Infrastructure needs. http://computing.ornl.gov/cse_home/ | |
169. SDSC: San Diego Supercomputer Center At UCSD Top/Reference/Education/Colleges_and_Universities/North_America/United_States/California/University_of_California/San_Diego/Research http://www.sdsc.edu | |
170. AME - AME Home The AME Department offers undergraduate programs in aerospace engineering and mechanical engineering. AME offers graduate programs leading to M.Sc. and Ph.D degrees in aerospace engineering, mechanical engineering, and nuclear engineering. Research activities are concentrated in the broad areas of aerospace, computational fluid dynamics, computational Multibody Dynamics, Bioengineering, mechanics, and thermal and energy science. http://www.ame.arizona.edu/ | |
171. Computational Hydraulics Int. (CHI) - What's New A consulting engineering firm specializing in urban storm water management systems and produces related computer modelling software and publications. http://www.chi.on.ca/ | |
172. Laboratory For Computational Science And Engineering Top/Reference/Education/Colleges_and_Universities/North_America/United_States/Minnesota/University_of_Minnesota/Twin_Cities/Research http://www.lcse.umn.edu/ | |
173. Mohit Tawarmalani's Homepage Personal details, research interests, teaching, and links from a PhD in computational Science and engineering. http://archimedes.scs.uiuc.edu/tawarmal/ | |
174. International Journal Of Bifurcation And Chaos (IJBC) Focuses on experimental, computational and theoretical aspects of bifurcations, chaos and complexity in applied sciences and engineering. http://www.worldscinet.com/ijbc/ijbc.shtml | |
175. HotJobs - A Yahoo! Service RaviChandra Palaparthi's Resume Ph.D in Chemical engineering with specialization in Interfacial Sciences and Fluid Mechanics. Experienced in experimental and computational aspects of these areas. http://resumes.hotjobs.com/rav_00_2000/phdchemicaleng/ | |
176. CVC Home Page Includes faculty from Computer Science, Electrical engineering, Psychology, Neuroscience and the Yale Medical School. http://cvc.yale.edu/ |
177. Department Of Computer Science, University Of Reading Part of the School of Computer Science, Cybernetics and Electronic engineering. Research groups Applied software engineering; computational vision group; Parallel emergent and distributed architectures. http://www.cs.rdg.ac.uk/ | |
178. Computer Science At RPI Computer Science Department. Research areas Algorithm design; Bioinformatics; computational Science and engineering; Computer Vision; Data Mining and Machine and computational Learning; Database Systems; Generic Programming; Human Computer Interfaces; Networking; Parallel and Distributed Computing; Robotics; Worldwide computing. Troy, NY. http://www.cs.rpi.edu/ | |
179. Office Of Science Funds basic research to advance the fundamental science knowledge base and train future scientists. Topics include materials and chemical sciences, engineering and geosciences, and energy biosciences; magnetic fusion energy; health and environmental research; high energy and nuclear physics; computational and technology research in mathematical, informational, and computational sciences. http://www.er.doe.gov/ | |
180. About - Applied Mechanics Offers teaching, research and industrial consultancy in engineering science, computational mechanics and CAD. http://www.iitd.ac.in/acad/deptcntr/am/ | |
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