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1. AST Sports Science - High-Performance Sports Nutrition Supplements AST sports science Scientifically-based, high-performance sports supplementation designed to enhance athletic performance, physical appearance and health. Legal Notice All information presented on the AST sports science web site may not from our legal department. AST sports science recommends using Internet Explorer 5 or greater http://www.ast-ss.com/ | |
2. Exploratorium: Sport Science Housed within the walls of San Francisco's Palace of Fine Arts, the Exploratorium is a collage of http://www.exploratorium.edu/sports/ | |
3. GSSI: The Gatorade Sports Science Institute have a fundamental understanding of human physiology. Copyright © 2002 Gatorade sports science Institute All rights reserved. http://www.gssiweb.com/ | |
4. COACHING SCIENCE ABSTRACTS The best awardwinning site about sports science that can be applied to the coaching of serious and elite athletes. for practicing coaches and others interested in applied sport science. They are http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/dept/coachsci | |
5. Sport Science New Zealand Provides sports science support to athletes and coaches. Outlines the research needs of national sport organisations, details funding available for research and provides application forms. Has a database of accredited sports science practitioners. http://www.sportscience.org.nz/ | |
6. Sport Science Resources On SPORTQuest Sport science resources on SPORTQuest including physical education, biomechanic, kinesiolgy and more. SPORTQuest. Sport Science Resources. Administration. Altitude Training Psychology. Safety. Sociology. sports science. Sportsmanship. Stretching http://www.sportquest.com/resources/sportscience.cfm | |
7. ISSA - The World Leader In Fitness Certification Provides fitness, personal training certifications, and online continuing education. http://www.issaonline.com/ | |
8. TENNIS SPORT SCIENCE Learning resources for teachers, students, and enthusiasts interested in sports science including an online textbook, lesson plans, interactive activities http://wings.avkids.com/Tennis/ | |
9. School Of Sport And Exercise Science @ Liverpool John Moores University The University runs degree programmes in sports science and Coaching Science, plus postgraduate sports science awards and a Diploma in Science and Football. http://cwis.livjm.ac.uk/sps/ |
10. Demolishing The Myths About Back Pain Case study from The World sports science Training Workbook The World sports science Training Workbook is available to order now. http://www.pponline.co.uk/ | |
11. Gatorade Sports Science Institute Gatorade sports science Institute This site provides a variety of information for anyone associated with athletics, sports, and nutrition. It includes current research articles an various aspects http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.gssiweb.com/&y=02399F20B72C941F& |
12. Gatorade Sports Science Institute: Sports Science Center The sports science Center contains articles on a variety of topics authored by experts in exercise science and sports nutrition. http://www.gssiweb.com/sportssciencecenter/ | |
13. Sports Science At The Exploratorium sports science at the Exploratorium This Internet site, maintained by the Exploratorium, contains information related to the scientific and technological components of sports. The Exploratorium is http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.exploratorium.edu/sport/index.html&a |
14. National Institute For Sports Science And Safety (NISSS) NATIONAL INSTITUTE for sports science and SAFETY. A nonprofit research and 2003 National Institute for sports science and Safety. http://www.nisss.org/ | |
15. WELCOME TO THE EIS - ENGLISH INSTITUTE OF SPORT - SUPPORTING ELITE SPORT IN ENGL UK wide network of World Class support services for athletes sports science, applied physiology, biomechanics, nutritional advice, performance analysis, psychology, podiatry, strength and conditioning coaching, sports massage, supplementary career and education advice. Forum, events and interviews. http://www.eis2win.co.uk | |
16. JSSM- J Sports Sci & Med JOURNAL OF sports science MEDICINE Free Electronic Journal (ISSN 13032968). http://jssm.uludag.edu.tr/ |
17. :: Welcome To Korea Sport Science Institute Conducts research and scholastic activities in the fields including exercise physiology, biomechanics, sports psychology, and sports sociology. http://www.sports.re.kr/english/ |
18. AAESS Website organisation committed to, establishing, promoting and defending the career paths of tertiary trained exercise and sports science practitioners, who are in turn http://www.aaess.com.au/ | |
19. CSA's New Location The best awardwinning site that provides the latest and most-relevant information from sports science that can be applied to the coaching of serious and elite http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/dept/coachsci/intro.html | |
20. Tennis Sport Science - The Latest News Dr. Steve Haake, professor University of Sheffield, consultant to the ITF, sports science, Engineering and Technology Network. http://wings.avkids.com/Tennis/News/ | |
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