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21. Club Med Group & Incentive Travel - Sports Groups sports groups Active vacationers look no further! We have it all from ATPTennis in the ( ). sports groups. Active vacationers look no further! http://clubmedgroups.com/club-med-groups-article-5.html | |
22. Coaching Youth Sports - Exclusive Training From Over 70 Pro Coaches And Athletes sports groups receive a percentage of membership subscriptions. http://www.thesportscoach.com | |
23. BowieBlade.com, Bowie Sports Groups Are Alive With Action Bowie sports groups are alive with action Bowie Boys and Girls Clubrunner comes around to score while the opponents tag is too late. http://hometownannapolis.com/bowie_sports.html | |
24. Expatriate Sports Clubs And Groups In Indonesia An abundance of special interest sports groups can be found throughoutthe expatriate community in Jakarta. Most groups are organized http://www.expat.or.id/orgs/sports.html | |
25. Irving Texas Convention Visitors Bureau - Official Travel Information sports groups. SMERF Groups. Convention Center. Convention Services Guide. OffSiteVenues. Meeting Professionals Guide. Admin. Professionals Guide. sports groups. http://www.irvingtexas.com/sports.php?n=2 |
26. Melbourne Group Accommodation For Your School Or Sports Groups Australia Catering for sports groups and school groups. Ask Us! GROUP TRAVEL? Yes we caterfor schools, sports groups and more. NOMADS MEMBERS enjoy special rates. http://www.hotelclaremont.com/groups.htm | |
27. CBC Sports: Groups Set For 2006 Olympic Hockey CBC SPORTS ONLINE Team Canada now knows the identity of four of its opponentsin its six-member group at the 2006 Winter Olympic hockey tournament. http://www.cbc.ca/storyview/MSN/2004/05/09/Sports/olympic-hockey040509 | |
28. Aalborg Sportsgrupper sports groups. Danhostel Aalborg Vandrerhjem is the ideal place for sportsgroups. We cooperate with a Norwegian Location, sports groups. http://www.danhostelnord.dk/aalborg/engelsk/page_13.htm | |
29. Skagen Ny Vandrerhjem - Sportsgrupper sports groups. We often get very positive feedback from visiting sportsgroups, who like the accommodation and our tasty Danish food. http://www.danhostelnord.dk/skagen/engelsk/skagen_sport.htm | |
30. 9 Sports Groups Lead Move To Oust Buhain - Feb. 03, 2004 9 sports groups lead move to oust Buhain Posted 1058 PM (Manila Time) Feb. 02, 2004 By Marc Anthony Reyes Inquirer News Service http://www.inq7.net/spo/2004/feb/03/spo_1-1.htm | |
31. SLAM! Sports - Road To Athens - Budget Leaves Amateur Sports Groups Wanting Budget leaves amateur sports groups wanting. By ROB LONGLEY, TORONTO SUN. Inan Olympic year, Canadian amateur sports organizations had hoped for more. http://slam.canoe.ca/Slam/Olympics/2004Athens/RoadToAthens/2004/03/26/397253.htm | |
32. Department Of Athletics - Sports Groups & Clubs Recreation, sports groups Clubs. Some, but not all Contact names are availablefrom the sports groups and Clubs Office Room 1909, Athletics Centre. http://www.uoguelph.ca/athletics/Recreation/clubs.htm | |
33. Department Of Athletics - Recreation, Sports Groups & Clubs - Summer 2003 Student Affairs, Recreation, sports groups Clubs. Department of Athletics. Moresports groups and clubs run in the fall and winter semester. http://www.uoguelph.ca/athletics/Recreation/clubs/f2003.shtml | |
34. Sports Groups In Grimsby Sports in Grimsby. Badminton Grimsby Badminton Club Lawrence Alexander - 945-7506Alt. Gino - 945-0778. Sports Council (Grimsby) Carl Kovacs - 945-0373. http://www.town.grimsby.on.ca/sports.html |
35. Recreation & Sports Groups Recreation sports groups. 2004 Oakland Athletics? (Public), 5 members. http://www.friendzy.com/groups/ViewGroups.aspx?cat=25 |
36. The Bolton Information Network Text Only Version. You are at Home Page Culture Leisure Interests Localsports groups and Clubs. Local sports groups and Clubs. Sub-Categories. http://www.boltoninfo.net/cgi-bin/tbin.pl?C=32 |
37. The Bolton Information Network Navigation Home Page Culture Leisure Interests Local SportsGroups and Clubs. Local sports groups and Clubs. Sub-Categories. http://www.boltoninfo.net/cgi-bin/access.pl?C=32 |
38. Sports Groups Technical comments about this web site should be directed towards the WEBMASTERMcDoug Designs. sports groups. Intermountain Sport Fishing Enhancement Group. http://www.town.dauphin.mb.ca/sports.htm | |
39. Recreation & Sports Groups - Seattle Networking & Community Relations Guide The Puget Sound Networking Directory Recreation sports groups-. The groups and organizations listed below have been screened http://www.iloveseattle.org/ils/groups-main/rec-sports.html | |
40. Los Angeles Singles Sports | LA Singles Sports Groups, Sailing, Orange County Si are active, healthy and almost exclusively nonsmokers in the 25-55 age group. Activitiesinclude bicycling, tennis and softball, to adventurous sports in a http://www.singlesonthego.com/la/sports.html | |
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