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Sports Arts: more books (100) |
141. Sports And Arts Patrons for the Blaffer Gallery, Cougar sports, the Moores School of Music, and the School of Theatre for affordable alternatives to downtown sports and arts events. http://www.uh.edu/youru/sportsarts.html | |
142. 2002 NAICS Definitions: 711 Performing Arts, Spectator Sports, And Related Indus Definitions for North American Industry Classication System categories 711 Performing arts, Spectator sports, and Related Industries. http://www.census.gov/epcd/naics02/def/NDEF711.HTM | |
143. Iran - I Love Iran Guide to Iranian news, culture, arts, cinema, photos, geography, sports, immigration, travel, economy and history. Personal stories are also included. http://www.iloveiran.com | |
144. 711: Performing Arts, Spectator Sports, And Related Industries This subsector contains two industries for Industry Group 7113, Promoters of Performing arts, sports, and Similar Events, one for those that operate facilities http://www.census.gov/epcd/ec97/def/711.HTM | |
145. Entertainment : Performing Arts -- Philly.com 13, 2004. Performing arts, ON STAGE, Vengeance fable by founder Alvin Ailey. By Tom DiNardo / For the Daily News. PERFORMING arts SEARCH. http://www.philly.com/mld/philly/entertainment/performing_arts/ | |
146. Sleepover Camp - CampEinGedi Jewish camp with focus on nature, watersports, land sports, arts, and drama. Located in Hawkestone on a 40 acre lot on Lake Simcoe. Provides parent information, photos, staff profiles, activities, and registration form. http://www.campeingedi.com/ | |
147. Entertainment : Visual Arts -- Philly.com 14, 2004. Visual arts, VISUAL arts, Large ve actually seen anything. Edward J. Sozanski / Inquirer Art Critic. VISUAL arts SEARCH. http://www.philly.com/mld/philly/entertainment/visual_arts/ | |
148. Kronos: A Chronological History Of The Martial Arts And Combative Sports A chronological history of the martial arts and combative sports. A compendium of useful facts and figures to assist in the research and development of the knowledge of the martial arts and combative sports of the world. http://ejmas.com/kronos/index.html | |
149. Ohio Arts & Sports Facilities Commission Evaluates the need for Ohio arts and sports facilities and efficiently and effectively administer their quality planning, design, construction and operations. http://www.state.oh.us/afc/ | |
151. Crossroads 4 Kids Summer camps in Duxbury and Ashby, Massachusetts for boys and girls ages 7 to 16. Camp Wing and the Duxbury Stockade and Camp Lapham offer multicultural programs, arts and crafts, sports, boating, archery, and other traditional activities. http://www.crossroads4kids.org/ | |
152. Connecticut Calendar Statewide interactive calendar of events, attractions, sports, arts and entertainment, business, nonprofits, health, society and culture, music and concerts. http://www.ctcalendar.com/ | |
153. Arts, Music, And Sports - Prospective Students - Western University Of Health Sc arts, Music, and sports, Entrance to Pomona arts Colony. The arts Colony is within walking distance of campus and boasts a bimonthly http://www.westernu.edu/xp/edu/prospective/arts.xml | |
154. Radio UserLand: The New York Times On Radio UserLand 1. arts 2. Books 3. Business 4. Campaigns 5. Dining and Wine 6. Education 7. Fashion and Styles 8. Front Page 9. Health 10. Home and Garden 11. sports 19. http://radio.userland.com/newYorkTimes | |
155. Las Cruces Sun-News Frontpage Daily news, opinion, sports, arts, entertainment, lifestyle and classifieds. http://www.lcsun-news.com | |
156. Place To Find Or To Add A Site Games Software, sports AirSport Baseball Basketball Boxing Golf Martial arts Racing Safari Scuba diving Sport Fishing Surfing Wind surfing Kiteboarding. http://artmam.net/ | |
157. Xylostyle A quarterly webzine of fashion, design, nutrition, sports, media and arts. http://www.xylostyle.com | |
158. Powell's Books - Used, New, And Out Of Print sports and Fitness Sunday May 23, 2004. Looking at a Far Mountain A Study of Kendo Kata (Tuttle Martial arts) by Paul Budden. Sale Books. http://www.powells.com/psection/SportsandFitness.html | |
159. Welcome To Visitor Malaysia General information, services, shopping, arts, accommodation, food and beverage, sports, tours and travel. http://www.visitormalaysia.com | |
160. Rolling Hills sports, swimming, creative and performing arts, and special events for boys and girls ages 3 to 14. Located in Freehold. Activities, facilities, photos, dates, fees, and information request form. http://www.rollinghillsdaycamp.com/ | |
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