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81. Coping With Drugs And Sports Coping With drugs and sports By Elizabeth Ann Nelson Many teens turnto steroids to enhance their athletic performance, unaware http://www.rosenpublishing.com/showbook.cfm?id=BR110 |
82. Topics In Sport - Drugs Chief executive of the Australian sports Drug Agency, Natalie Howson, discussesnot only how we combat the new wave of drugs, but also the growing cynicism http://www.ausport.gov.au/info/drugs.htm | |
83. Do Drugs Enhance Sports? - Daily Iowan - Sports Do drugs enhance sports?, point/counterpoint, Daily Iowan, a newspaperof University of Iowa. Do drugs enhance sports? point/counterpoint. http://www.dailyiowan.com/news/2003/02/25/Sports/Do.Drugs.Enhance.Sports-378374. | |
84. Sport The Manchester United and England defender missed a drugs test on 23 September and disparitiesbetween FA policy and those of many other sports, with athletics http://sport.independent.co.uk/sports_politics/story.jsp?story=473690 |
85. Drugs In Sport | Drug Use In Sport genetics sports performance drugs Genetics and Performance Now scienceis getting to the long and the short of how genes influence performance http://www.pponline.co.uk/encyc/drugs.htm | |
86. SummaryofNCAARegulations20020004 drugs All sports If the Reinstatement. Bylaw Non-NCAAathletics organization positive drug test - All sports If http://isis.fastmail.usf.edu/AAS/SummaryofNCAARegulations20020004.htm | |
87. Random Mutterings...: Lance On CyclingNews.com, Drugs And Sports. March 06, 2004. Lance on CyclingNews.com, drugs and sports. Check program.Screw the players unions because drugs can ruin sports. http://www.sirwes.net/blogs/sirwes/archives/000245.html | |
88. Drugs And Sports - Bokpris.com drugs and sports Jämför priser, frakt och leveranstiden på böcker i svenska ochutländska Internetbutiker. drugs and sports Bokpris.com. ISBN 1410903397. http://www.bokpris.com/1410903397 | |
89. Comedy Sports News, Spoof Sport Stories, Football Satire And Sporting Madness - drugs IN SPORT the truth With drugs an increasing part of modern sport, we askedan expert to test the effects of recreational drugs on various sports. http://www.wreckered.co.uk/issue08/sportswreck.htm | |
90. Drenched In Drugs The lists of drugs banned in various sports run into thousands of compounds including food supplements as well as prescription drugs commonly used for http://whyfiles.org/090doping_sport/ | |
91. The Physician And Sportsmedicine: Psychoactive Drugs And Athletic Performance Clin sports Med 1992;11(2)379401; Eichner ER Ergolytic drugs in medicineand sports. Am J Addiction 1992;1 100-114; Brukner P drugs in Sport. http://www.physsportsmed.com/issues/1997/01jan/schwenk.htm | |
92. Drugs In Sport News drugs in Sport News May 2004. drugs in Sport review of 2003 A selection ofthe more interesting articles that appeared on drugsInSport during 2003. http://www.drugsinsport.net/ | |
93. Drugs In Sport International Summit: Home The International drugs in Sport Summit is an international meeting of governmentministers responsible for sport, hosted by the Australian Minister for Sport http://www.dcita.gov.au/drugsinsport/ |
94. Coward White Now Out To Reduce Her Time sports talkshow hosts and indignant civic critics blabber feverishly about the horrorsof sold-out Wrigley Field and the circus that is Wrigleyville infested http://www.suntimes.com/output/telander/cst-spt-rick21.html | |
95. Drugs In Sport Volume 5(6) April, 2000. drugs IN SPORT. This sixth issue of Volume 5 of CoachingScience Abstracts reviews articles concerned with drugs in sport. http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/dept/coachsci/csa/vol56/table.htm | |
96. Drug In Sport - Summit Information INTERNATIONAL drugs IN SPORT SUMMIT. In the Jackie Kelly, MP, launcheda comprehensive Tough on drugs in Sport strategy. This strategy http://www.ausport.gov.au/fulltext/1999/feddep/drugsinsport/section_1/sum_info.h | |
97. Globe Of Blogs ::: Browse By Weblog Topic ::: Activism ::: Drugs In Sports Globe of Blogs Browse by Weblog Topic Activism drugs inSports. Clericuzio clericuzio (http//clericuzio.weblog.nl/). http://www.globeofblogs.com/?x=topic&topic=336 |
98. Couldn T Find The Page Couldn t find the page Please try http//www.adis.com. http://www.adis.com/genesisnewsletters | |
99. Adis In addition to producing a range of specialized drug information products, Adisworks closely with you to provide strategic and tactical support for all your http://www.adis.com/ | |
100. Advertising Age signed a threeyear agreement to title sponsor the PGA Tour s Western Open and isexpected to brand the golf tournament with its Cialis drug, executives close http://www.adage.com/news.cms?newsId=38227 |
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