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181. FITNESS AND AMATEUR SPORT ACT Consolidated Statutes and Regulations Source http//laws.justice.gc.ca/en/F25/index.htmlFITNESS AND amateur SPORT ACT. CHAPTER F-25. http://laws.justice.gc.ca/en/F-25/ | |
182. Sport-corse.com Translate this page Tous les calendriers et résultats du football, hand, volley,rugby, basket, athlétisme,gymnastique,tennis, sports nautiques, sports mécaniques etc http://www.sport-corse.com/ | |
183. Major Games And Sport Events DID YOU KNOW THAT ? Young adults aged 15 to 18 were involved incoaching amateur sport at over twice the overall national rate. http://www.canadianheritage.gc.ca/progs/sc/calen/index_e.cfm | |
184. Government Of Canada Increases Amateur Sport Funding To An All Government of Canada increases amateur sport funding to an all timehigh. QUEBEC CITY / TORONTO, May 14, 2004 Minister of State http://www.canadianheritage.gc.ca/newsroom/news_e.cfm?Action=Display&code=4N0089 |
185. Programs & Services Home Programs Services amateur Sport Fund. NB amateur Sport Fund. NEW BRUNSWICKamateur SPORT FUND NATIONAL SPORT TRUST FUND NEW BRUNSWICK CHAPTER. http://www.sport.nb.ca/en/Programs/Other/sportFund.asp | |
186. Government Of Canada Increases Amateur Sport Funding To An All Time High amateur SPORT FUNDING. search our site. May 14, 2004 Heritage Canada. Governmentof Canada Increases amateur Sport Funding to an All Time High. http://www.caaws.ca/Whats_New/2004/may/sport_funding.htm | |
187. Athletics Discussion - Are The Olympic Games Truly For Amateur Sport Discussion boards Athletics Are the Olympic Games truly for AmateurSport. Author, Message Body. Quigypuff The frozen cold north, http://www.coachesinfo.com/discuss/5/90.html | |
188. News - Squash Canada HIGH PERFORMANCE, News ARCHIVES. May 14, 2004. Government of CanadaIncreases amateur Sport Funding. QUEBEC CITY / TORONTO Minister http://www.squash.ca/e/high_performance/story_detail.cfm?id=273 |
189. IAAF International Association Of Athletics Federations - IAAF.org Athletes Journals. Calendar Results. Statistics. World Rankings. Multimedia. IAAF Magazine. Inside IAAF. Development. Links. AntiDoping. The Sport of Athletics. Downloads. IAAF Forums. Official Partners http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.iaaf.org&y=02338BEDC29471B0& |
190. PLANETIZEN: News > Details Community/Economic Development. Growing Economic Benefits From AmateurSports Add Up. The Tempe Convention and Visitor s Bureauu finds http://www.planetizen.com/news/item.php?id=13148 |
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