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141. SOL Hjemmesider - Siden Er Ikke Tilgængelig Om sporten. Undervisning i sporten. http://www.frisbee.subnet.dk/ | |
142. Paganello - Flash Detection Manifestazione organizzata annualmente a Rimini che comprende la Coppa del Mondo di Beach ultimate e Acrobatic frisbee, gara di acrobatic. Comprende storia, foto, cartoline, mailing list e rassegna stampa. http://www.paganello.com/ | |
143. Home Equipo de frisbee ultimate de Barcelona. Calendario, competiciones, fotografas y enlaces. http://members.tripod.com/~BarnaDisc/ | |
144. Wunderteam ultimatefrisbee Team. Informiert wird ¼ber die Spieler, Turniere und Training. http://www.unet.univie.ac.at/~a8825135/ | |
145. Greater Rochester Area Disc Association (GRADA) Ultimate Frisbee Presents history, photos, schedules and highlights of frisbee league. http://www.grada.org/leagues/GRADAleagues.htm | |
146. Københavns Frisbee Klub ultimate og frisbee golf. Pr¦sentation, information og aktiviteter. http://www.time2web.dk/kfk/ | |
147. Willkommen :: DCP HOMEPAGE :: Vorstellung des Vorstandes und der Mitglieder mit Infos zum Training, Turnieren, Spielpl¤nen sowie Resultaten und Ranglisten. Weiter werden die ultimatefrisbee Regeln, das Spielfeld und der frisbee beschrieben. http://www.dcp.ch/ |
148. ENSKEDE FRISBEE KLUBB Info om Enskedes frisbees verksamhet, ultimate, disc golf, samarbetet med Lettland. http://www.dataphone.se/~efk/ | |
149. Untitled Document Klubb som sysslar med ultimate och frisbeegolf. http://home.swipnet.se/ultimate/swe/index2.htm | |
150. Penn State Ultimate You need to get a new browser if you want to view this page. If you just have questions for our orgranization, email ultimate@psu.edu. Thanks. http://www.clubs.psu.edu/frisbee/ |
151. Toronto Ultimate Club - Home Thursday June 3 Live Bands+DJ, Free giveaways, AMAZING prizes, frisbee freestyle show, multiple ultimate video screenings, at the DOCKS http://www.tuc.org/ | |
152. SFSV Der SFSV informiert ¼ber ultimate, stellt die Clubs vor, berichtet von Turnieren sowie Meisterschaften und ver¶ffentlicht Kontaktadressen des Vorstandes. http://www.ultimate.ch/FramePage_d.html | |
153. Frisbee Disc Golf :: Frisbee-news From Denmark A danish frisbee sport portal. Information about ultimate i Denmark and discgolf courses. http://www.frisbee.dk/sw506.asp | |
154. Ultimate Players Association a player for Central Catholic High School in Pittsburgh, PA, was recently selected to play for the US Junior Boys Team in the 2004 World ultimate and Guts http://www.upa.org/ | |
155. George Ferguson's Ultimate Page George Ferguson's ultimate Page. ultimate is a noncontact sport played by two seven player teams. The object of the game is to score goals. The disc may only be moved by passing as the thrower is not allowed to take any steps. http://www.cs.rochester.edu/u/ferguson/ultimate | |
156. Ultimate In Ten Simple Rules ultimate in Ten Simple Rules. Steve Courlang and Neal Dambra. Copyright (c) ultimate Players Association, 1993. The Field A rectangular shape with endzones at each end. A regulation field is 70 yards by 40 yards, with endzones 25 yards deep. Spirit of the Game ultimate stresses sportsmanship and fair play http://www.cs.rochester.edu/u/ferguson/ultimate/ultimate-simple.html | |
157. The Ultimate Handbook Rules of the sport, tutorial of various plays, description of throws, information for team captains, http://www.ultimatehandbook.com/ |
158. The Ultimate Handbook - UPA Rules Copyright 1970 CHS Copyright 1982, 1989, 1991, 1992 The ultimate Players Association. ultimate is a noncontact sport played by two seven player teams. http://www.ultimatehandbook.com/Webpages/Others/rules.html | |
159. DiscNW - Ultimate In The Northwest Northwest ultimate Association. Our mission as a nonprofit organization is to promote and support growth in the Sport of ultimate, while instilling the http://www.discnw.org/ |
160. WFDF Rulebook Article IV (ULTIMATE) ARTICLE IV ultimate (Not yet updated. Comment ultimate is a team sport in which the team with the higher point total at the end of the game wins. http://www.wfdf.org/art4.htm | |
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