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         Special Olympics:     more books (100)
  1. Hearts of Gold: A Celebration of Special Olympics and Its Heroes by Sheila Dinn, 1996-06
  2. Special Olympics (True Books: Sports) by Mike Kennedy, 2003-03
  3. Official Special Olympics celebrity cook book by Kathryn; Stickney, Mary Buursma, 1979
  4. Special Olympics and Paralympics: A First Book by Lorraine Henriod, 1979-04
  5. Special Olympics (First Book) by Fern G. Brown, 1992-04
  6. A Very Special Athlete by Dale Bachman Flynn, 2004-06-06
  7. Special Olympics: The First 25 Years by Ana Bueno, 1994-05
  8. Sports Illustrated 1988 Winter Olympics Special Preview Issue by Jason (editor) McManus, 1988
  9. Munchen 72 Bloody Olympic Games (Special Folder) by Leonid Mlechin, 2005
  10. Skill,courage, sharing, joy: The stories of Special Olympics by Doug Single, 1992
  11. Olympics 92 (Special Publications)
  12. Readings in Special Olympics (Special Education Series (Guilford, Conn.).) by Robert Cirriano, 1980-09
  13. A new kind of joy: The story of the Special Olympics by James Haskins, 1976
  14. The Special Olympics (Great Moments in Sports) by Nancy Gilbert, 1989-09

161. - Olympics Boost NBC, But Ratings Still Fall Short - September 20, 2000
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More than 11,000 killed in India quake

Mideast negotiators want to continue talks after Israeli elections

BUSINESS ... MORE MARKETS 4:30pm ET, 4/16 DJIA NAS SPORTS Jordan says farewell for the third time ... LOCAL EDITIONS: Europe change default edition MULTIMEDIA: video video archive audio multimedia showcase ... more services E-MAIL: Subscribe to one of our news e-mail lists Enter your address: DISCUSSION: chat feedback CNN WEB SITES: Europe AsiaNow Spanish ... Korean Headlines TIME INC. SITES: Go To ... People Money Fortune EW CNN NETWORKS: CNN anchors transcripts Turner distribution SITE INFO: help contents search ad info ... jobs WEB SERVICES: For the week of September 11 to 17, the top 10 shows, their networks and ratings:
  • "Summer Olympics Opening Ceremony," NBC, 16.2;
  • "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" (Tuesday), ABC, 14.9;
  • 162. Izzy Pins - The Official Mascot Of The 1996 Atlanta Olympics
    A collector of Izzy pins, the 1996 Atlanta olympics mascot, has put his extensive collection online. Over 1,000 pin images plus other Izzy collectibles.


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    My passion for collecting Izzy pins from the Atlanta Olympic Games began with this beautiful Oldenburg horse. He was foaled the day before the Opening Ceremonies, while his owner was in Atlanta for the Games. Oldenburgs are named using the first initial of their sire (in this case, Impuls). In keeping with tradition and to honor the Atlanta Games mascot, the horse was named Izzy. Three years ago, shortly after Izzy came to live on my farm in Catawissa, I was looking for something "Izzy" to give as a birthday gift. Searching on eBay, I noticed Izzy pins, bought one, and was hooked.
    One year and 700 pins later, I wrote to thank that eBay seller, John D. Gregor, for introducing me to the wonderful world of Izzy pin collecting. John had been the Pin Section Editor of the Official Pin Guide of the 1996 Olympic Games. He enjoyed my letter so much, he sent me this rare and coveted pin of Izzy reading the Pin Guide! According to Bob Izzi, the premier Izzy collector and expert, I probably have the 4th or 5th most complete collection of Izzy Pins in the world. Each day is a new day to search for new pins. Every collector understands the thrill of the hunt!

    163. - Rogge Impressed By Athens Progress - Jan. 3, 2004
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    Rogge impressed by Athens progress
    Story Tools ATHENS, Greece International Olympic Committee president Jacques Rogge hailed Greek preparations for this summer's Athens Games, but said security remained a priority for organizers. "The first years after Athens took the Games the progress of preparations were disappointingly slow," Rogge told Greece's Ethnos newspaper. "In recent years though the progress achieved by Athens organizers and the government is impressive." Rogge, who was chief overseer of the Games before taking over the IOC in 2001, said he would continue to worry until the opening ceremony. "The hosting of the Games is a great responsibility and it is not something that can be taken lightly," he said. "Security remains the number one priority." Greece has budgeted $750 million on security the biggest amount in Olympic history and plans to deploy a 50,000 security force during the Games from August 13-29.
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    164. CNN - President Of Salt Lake Olympic Committee Resigns Amid Scandal - January 8,

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    President of Salt Lake Olympic committee resigns amid scandal
    January 8, 1999
    Web posted at: 12:45 p.m. EST (1745 GMT) In this story:
    SALT LAKE CITY (CNN) The president and vice president of the Salt Lake Organizing Committee for the 2002 Winter Olympics resigned Friday in response to a burgeoning bribery scandal. Frank Joklik, president of the city's Olympic organizing committee, resigned but will stay on until a successor is named. He asked for and received the resignation of senior vice president Dave Johnson. Both officials were involved in Salt Lake's successful bid to host the Games. That effort has become the target of four investigations into hundreds of thousands of dollars that went into scholarships and gifts for International Olympic Committee members and their relatives.
    Governor steps into fray
    Utah Gov. Mike Leavitt was meeting with U.S. Olympic Committee members and SLOC's executive committee amid fears that the escalating scandal was jeopardizing fund-raising for the 2002 Winter Games, The Salt Lake Tribune reported Friday.

    165. Olympics
    Easy to use olympics information guide. Includes list of popular olympics sites, and news.

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    2004 Summer Games
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    166. 2002 Olympic & Paralympic Education
    Learn about Olympic and Paralympic sporting events, participating countries, the torch relay, and current news. Also offers resources and cirriculum for educators.

    167. Police Blow Up Suspicious Package Near Olympics

    168. - Run For The Border: Canadian TV Has Olympics Live - September 14, 2000
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    Faith, madness, magic mix at sacred Hindu festival


    Tanker spills remaining fuel near Galapagos as captain detained

    Final two Texas fugitives make first court appearance
    Gore accepts visiting professor post at Columbia Lott calls Justice Department 'cesspool,' Ashcroft foes 'extremists' ... MORE MARKETS 4:30pm ET, 4/16 DJIA NAS SPORTS Jordan says farewell for the third time ... LOCAL EDITIONS: Europe change default edition MULTIMEDIA: video video archive audio multimedia showcase ... more services E-MAIL: Subscribe to one of our news e-mail lists Enter your address: DISCUSSION: chat feedback CNN WEB SITES: Europe AsiaNow Spanish ... Korean Headlines TIME INC. SITES: Go To ... People Money Fortune EW CNN NETWORKS: CNN anchors transcripts Turner distribution SITE INFO: help contents search ad info ... jobs WEB SERVICES:
    Run for the border: Canadian TV has Olympics live
    September 15, 2000

    169. Athlete Profile - Dorothy Hamill
    Includes Hamill's reflections on her career and on eligible skating before the 2002 olympics.
    On the new generation of American Olympic medal hopefuls: "Michelle Kwan is the "It" Girl today in figure skating. She is beautiful, smart, sweet, works hard, skates gracefully, her jumps are consistent, what else can I say? She is working hard towards the 2002 Winter Olympics and I wish her all the luck in the world. Sarah Hughes reminds me a lot of myself when I was a kid. She is shy, gaining experience and working hard to achieve her goals. She is a gifted athlete and has a lot more natural talent than I ever had." Dorothy Hamill
    The Short List
    • Captured the Olympic ladies' gold at the 1976 Innsbruck Games
    • Won three consecutive medals at the World Championships - gold in 1976, silver in 1975 and 1974
    • Won three consecutive U.S. titles from 1974-1976
    Did You Know?
    • Began skating at age 8 on frozen Binny Park Pond in Old Greenwich, Conn. During those initial outings to the pond, Hamill borrowed her brother's hockey skates and had to stuff socks in the toes so the skates would fit properly
    • Earned a perfect 6.0 mark for artistic presentation during her short program in Innsbruck ยท Famous "wedge" hairstyle was called "one of the most important fashion statements of the last 50 years" by Life magazine

    170. Ancient Greece, Unplugged! Oak View Elementary
    Join Mr Smith's 6thgraders as they explore ancient Greek architecture, Mythology, Culture, Theatre, Letters, olympics, Peloponnesian Wars.
    Mr. Smith's 5th Grade class at Oak View Elementary presents...
    Mythology Cultural ...
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    171. - Afghan Taliban Reject Bin Laden Link To Nuclear Plot During Olympics -
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    Faith, madness, magic mix at sacred Hindu festival


    Tanker spills remaining fuel near Galapagos as captain detained

    Final two Texas fugitives make first court appearance
    Gore accepts visiting professor post at Columbia Lott calls Justice Department 'cesspool,' Ashcroft foes 'extremists' ... MORE MARKETS 4:30pm ET, 4/16 DJIA NAS SPORTS Jordan says farewell for the third time ... LOCAL EDITIONS: Europe change default edition MULTIMEDIA: video video archive audio multimedia showcase ... more services E-MAIL: Subscribe to one of our news e-mail lists Enter your address: DISCUSSION: chat feedback CNN WEB SITES: Europe AsiaNow Spanish ... Korean Headlines TIME INC. SITES: Go To ... People Money Fortune EW CNN NETWORKS: CNN anchors transcripts Turner distribution SITE INFO: help contents search ad info ... jobs WEB SERVICES:
    Afghan Taliban reject bin Laden link to nuclear plot during Olympics
    August 28, 2000

    172. CNN - Utah Olympic Booster Denies Pressuring Potential Donors - February 2, 1999

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    Utah Olympic booster denies pressuring potential donors
    February 2, 1999
    Web posted at: 1:05 p.m. EST (1805 GMT) In this story:
    (CNN) Sex, drugs and guns all figure in the latest Olympic developments, some of them linked to the bribery scandal tied to Salt Lake City's winning bid for the 2002 Winter Games. Big money, of course, figures in, too. The former head of a Utah-based mining company denies using unethical tactics when he told subordinates to turn down business from suppliers who refused his request for Olympic donations. The Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday that Frank Joklik, an Olympics booster and former president and chief executive officer of Kennecott Corporation, pressured his copper-mining company's suppliers to donate money for Salt Lake City's bid for the 1998 Winter Games. Joklik Joklik, who later would lead the Salt Lake Organizing Committee (SLOC) for the 2002 Winter Games, got 12 of Kennecott's suppliers to contribute to the unsuccessful bid, the newspaper reported.

    173. Bobsled - Winter Olympics - CBS Sportsline
    Bobsled news from the 1998 Winter olympics in Nagano, Japan.
    What was the biggest bobsled story in Nagano?
    Canada, Italy share two-man gold
    Germany's four-man dominance
    Brian Shimer goes medal-less

    174. Collecting Olympic Pins
    Take a guided tour of Kelly's Olympic pin collection and learn a little about the different kinds of pins.
    Collecting Olympic Pins
    Pin collecting is a popular hobby among Olympic enthusiasts, so my mother, my son, and I all started collections in Atlanta. Although none of us started collecting pins for their monetary worth, it was fun to learn what is and isn't considered "valuable" by collectors' standards. Take the "guided tour" using the links at the right to see some of my pins as well as a few of my son's and my mom's. I hope to post a few of my recent additions soon; I'm excited about several NOC pins and limited edition pins I have recently acquired. In the meantime, you can take the tour using the links at the right, or select the separate link to see all my pins, available for viewing by year and by category. Take the "guided tour" to see all the pins, or select a single category you are interested in. All pins are shown about 50% larger than actual size. Guided tour -
    Start here

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    This page updated on July 5, 2003.
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    175. - Istanbul's Bid Crosses Continents - Jan. 16, 2004
    International Edition MEMBER SERVICES The Web Home Page World U.S. Weather ... Special Reports SERVICES Video E-mail Services CNNtoGO Contact Us SEARCH Web
    Istanbul's bid crosses continents
    Story Tools RELATED Nine cities in 2012 Olympic race Istanbul bid crosses continents Leipzig plans city-center Games London's 'compact' bid unveiled ... Paris draws on savoir-faire ISTANBUL, Turkey (Reuters) Istanbul styled itself as a "bridge between civilizations" when it presented its bid to stage the 2012 Summer Olympics on Friday. Yalcin Aksoy, the head of the Turkish city's bidding committee, told Reuters that as Istanbul spanned two continents not only geographically but socially, culturally and religiously it was well placed to fulfil Olympic ideals. "We believe only Istanbul gives a chance for the IOC (International Olympic Committee) to choose a location which will challenge that conflict and create an awareness of a bridge between civilizations, cultures and religions," he said. Istanbul, which has a population of 10 million, said it would host all events and house all athletes in one village between two main clusters of venues on Istanbul's European shores. "We have a good project, a very compact one and we'll be able to display all 28 sports in one city and in one village for the athletes," Aksoy said.

    176. CNN - Federal Prosecutors Arrive In Salt Lake To Join FBI's Olympic Probe - Janu

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    Federal prosecutors arrive in Salt Lake to join FBI's Olympic probe
    January 14, 1999
    Web posted at: 6:27 p.m. EST (2327 GMT) In this story:

    (CNN) Justice Department officials Thursday told CNN that federal prosecutors have arrived in Salt Lake City, Utah , to collect information and subpoena documents in preparation to interview witnesses in the case. Sources said the prosecutors are from the fraud section of the Justice Department's Criminal Division. They are consulting with investigators from the FBI's Salt Lake City field office and with individuals involved in the internal Olympic organization's investigation. It has been alleged that Salt Lake City Bid Committee members offered lavish gifts, cash, scholarships and even plastic surgery to International Olympic Committee members in hopes of winning the 2002 Winter Games.

    177. SurfJones Olympics
    A guide to the best, worst, and strangest olympics stuff on the Web.

    178. USOC Kid's Base Camp
    Features kids games, olympics trivia, spotlights on United States athletes, cartoons, and coloring pages.

    179. - Ready, Set, Go: Olympics Competition Begins - February 9, 2002

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    Ready, set, go: Olympics competition begins
    SALT LAKE CITY, Utah (CNN) The first competitions of the 19th Winter Olympiad in Salt Lake City, Utah, began Saturday with cross-country skiing, figure skating, ice hockey and speed-skating events on the schedule. Stefania Belmondo of Italy won the first gold medal of the games, taking the women's 15-kilometer freestyle cross-country race in 39 minutes, 54.4 seconds. Larissa Lazutina of Russia took the silver in 39:56.2 and Katerina Neumannova of the Czech Republic won the bronze in 40:01.3. ( Full story The competitions came a day after the spectacular Opening Ceremony, highlighted by the lighting of the Olympic cauldron. As always, the identity of the final torch-bearer was a closely guarded secret, but in the end the honor went to the entire 1980 U.S. Olympic ice hockey team, led by captain Mike Eruzione.

    180. - At Olympics, Soldiers Wage A Very Different Campaign - September 15, 2
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    Faith, madness, magic mix at sacred Hindu festival


    Tanker spills remaining fuel near Galapagos as captain detained

    Final two Texas fugitives make first court appearance
    Gore accepts visiting professor post at Columbia Lott calls Justice Department 'cesspool,' Ashcroft foes 'extremists' ... MORE MARKETS 4:30pm ET, 4/16 DJIA NAS SPORTS Jordan says farewell for the third time ... LOCAL EDITIONS: Europe change default edition MULTIMEDIA: video video archive audio multimedia showcase ... more services E-MAIL: Subscribe to one of our news e-mail lists Enter your address: DISCUSSION: chat feedback CNN WEB SITES: Europe AsiaNow Spanish ... Korean Headlines TIME INC. SITES: Go To ... People Money Fortune EW CNN NETWORKS: CNN anchors transcripts Turner distribution SITE INFO: help contents search ad info ... jobs WEB SERVICES:
    At Olympics, soldiers wage a very different campaign
    September 16, 2000

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