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21. Indonesian Pencak Silat - Pukulan Cimande Pusaka seminars back ** updated on May 10, 2004. Welcome to our style Pencak silat is a term which refers to the general category of martial arts that come from Indonesia. http://www.cimande.com/ | |
22. Pencak Silat - Miniclip.com http://www.miniclip.com/pencak.htm | |
23. Silat White Crane - Indonesian Kung-Fu Translate this page Welcome to Indonesian Kung Fu - silat white crane - Visit us and explorer the world of Kung-Fu. Welcome to ! silat - Indonesian Kung-Fu. http://www.silat.de/ | |
24. A Silat Fighter's Handbook A look at Wiralaga, silat competition fighting, told by a student of silat Seni Gayong PASAK, Singapore. A silat Fighter s Handbook. My Very First Homepage. http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Park/2941/ | |
25. Pamur Pencak Silat Nederland Foto's, de geschiedenis, het onstaan en de ontwikkeling. http://members.ams.chello.nl/epool | |
26. Your Search: Kuntao silat de Thouars Home Page. Click Here to Enter Search Engines WiseNut Open Window A Kali, Arnis, Pencak silat, Site for Seminars, Videos, Newsletters of these A Kali, Arnis, Pencak http://www.i-une.com/cgi-bin/meta/search.cgi?lang=en&keywords=Silat |
27. Kun Tao Silat De Thouars Willem de Thouars Kun Tao silat is a blend of Indonesian Chinese martial arts, including Pakua, Hsing I, Tai Chi Chuan and 15 styles of pencak silat. http://www.kuntaosilatdethouars.com/home.html |
28. Redirect 2, 3 dan 4 April 2004, Pertandingan silat Kebangsaan Peringkat Daerah Petaling akan berlangsung di yang dipertandingkan adalah silat Olahraga dan juga silat Seni format lama (masal http://www.geocities.com/hafizuka | |
29. Pentjak Silat USA Pentjak silat USA is a conglomorate of meny systems represents mainly Indonesion fighting arts, . Please call us band at (408) 920-0435. http://www.pentjaksilatusa.com/ |
30. Jak Othman's Harimau Berantai Pencak Silat Details of training in several locations both in UK and Malaysia. Site lists courses and seminars, articles on Pencak silat history, communication facilities, and a store. JavaScript http://www.jakothmansilat.com |
31. Martial Arts Links - Silat Martial Arts Links silat Our top silat website Choices. INDEX pages found, links found, scorehttp//www.ICT-silat.com http://www.belt-buckle-knife.com/martial/links/silat.shtml | |
32. SILAT PD USA silat PD USA. Yana is a licensed international silat Perisai Diri instructor, architect, publisher and author of a series of silat books and videos. http://www.silatpdusa.com/ | |
33. Indonesian Art Of Self Defense - Pukulan Pentjak Silat Bukti Negara Pukulan apa? Ini memang benar? (mb 20/08/98) http://www.cs.pdx.edu/~tellner/bukti.html | |
34. Welcome To The Ballymena Pukulan Cimande Pencak Silat Club Indonesian martial arts group. Includes news, events, pictures and class times. http://www.ballymenasilat.com/ | |
35. Steve Grody's Jeet Kune Do And Filipino Martial Arts - Homepage Advice on the sequencing and relationship of technique and training method of JKD and adjunct arts such as Muay Thai and silat, plus photos, videos and seminar information. http://www.grody-jkd-kali.bigstep.com/homepage.html | |
36. Home Die ¤lteste in Deutschland ans¤ssige Schule, mit Zweigschulen in den Niederlanden und Belgien, wird von Meisterlehrer Arief Suryana geleitet. Daten und Medien zur Schule, zur Herkunft und Philosophie, zu den Mitgliedern und zur WettkampfOrganisation. http://www.silat-berlin.de/index.html |
37. A Kali, Arnis, Pencak Silat, Site For Seminars, Videos, Newsletters Of These Ind A Kali, Arnis, Pencak silat, Site for Seminars, Videos, Newsletters of these Indonesia / Malaysia / Philippine Martial Arts and Cultural Practices,of the http://kalisilat.com/ | |
38. Authentic Bela Diri Martial Arts Group - Jeet Kune Do (JKD), Pencak Silat Kuda D Teaches Arnis, Escrima, Kali, silat, and Jeet Kune Do. Includes pictures, links, information on classes and the instructor.San Francisco, CA http://www.authenticbeladiri.com | |
39. SILAT BOOKS Offers books and videos on this Indonesian art. Also includes information on the school. http://silatbooks.bizland.com/ | |
40. VELIZY - Pencak Silat Harimau Bongkot Vélizy Club ( Kung-fu Silat ), Art Martia Pr©sentation des activit©s de clubs de cet art martial, style Bongkot. Ivry, Valde-Marne (94). Velizy, Yvelines (78). http://pencak.silat.bongkot.free.fr | |
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