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41. The Powerlifting Bears Club The powerlifting Bears Club is a nationwide link to Gay powerlifters. This routines! Email the powerlifting Bears Club Check out these sites! http://hometown.aol.com/__121b_lUS7tgNUkgxLKEJA4VJxkwk4mkRjqAJ7 | |
42. Shepway Isod Club with a special interest in powerlifting for people with disabilities. Introduction, photographs and location map. http://www.shepway-isod.fslife.co.uk | |
43. CAPO | Council Of Australian Powerlifting Organisations Welcome to the Council of Australian powerlifting Organisations site. OTHER CAPO SITES West Australia powerlifting http//www.wapowerlifting.com. http://home.vicnet.net.au/~capo/ | |
44. Steelman Powerlifting Club - Yorkshire Coaching for competitive powerlifters. Photos and contact details. http://www.weights.demon.co.uk/yne/steelman.htm | |
45. Powerlifting - Books - MegaFitness powerlifting Groves began powerlifting in 1991 at the age of 55, and since that time, he has set state, regional, and National records in the squat. http://www.megafitness.com/hkp0041-powerlifting-0880119780.html | |
46. C.D.F.P.A CANADIAN DRUG FREE POWERLIFTING ASSOCIATION An organization to give lifters the opportunity to compete in a truly drug free setting at local, national and international competitions. http://www.geocities.com/cdfpa/ | |
47. Kraftsport-Attack - KDK - Powerlifting - Strongman Pr¤sentiert Informationen rund um Kraftsport und powerlifting. Zudem werden einige Athleten vorgestellt. http://www.kraftsport-attack.de | |
48. Home Site Of The WPC World powerlifting Congress. and enjoyable sport. Amateur World powerlifting Congress is a division of the WPC Congress. The only http://www.worldpowerliftingcongress.com/ |
49. Powerlifting - Main powerfit.cz/. I am sorry that these pages are out of date but Czech powerlifting federation stop to support us with information. For http://web.pinknet.cz/power/ | |
50. Home Page Find articles and tips on training and lifting and links to sites on bodybuilding and powerlifting. http://members.aol.com/ddani12345/ | |
51. Powerlifting Training With Titan Support Systems Titan Sports line of powerlifting gear suits, wraps, shirts, belts, and shoes. http://www.titansupport.com/ | |
52. Muscle SA - Bodybuilding Is Life... South African bodybuilding and powerlifting site including contests, fitness, training and advice for beginners. http://www.bodybuilder.co.za | |
53. ú{p[teBO¦ïz[y[W The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.jpa-powerlifting.or.jp/ |
54. Butenko.Org................Powerlifting Portal Purchase your powerlifting Gear from Equipland Gear Store http://www.zyworld.com/powerlifting/ | |
55. Tsampa.org: Front Page CV and current interests, including Tibetan software resources, a powerlifting blog and a computing section. http://tsampa.org/ | |
56. Markus Schick's 1. Deutsches Powerlifting-Forum powerlifting-Forum de nic vu (www.nic.de.vu)P. http://www.powerlifting-forum.de.vu/ | |
57. WELCOME TO WELCOME TO THE. The Official Website of Cardiff University s powerlifting Union. You are visitor. since 26th January 1999. Click below to enter. enter. http://freespace.virgin.net/jamie.k/welcomet.htm | |
58. Hi-Rep Gym weight training facility for powerlifting, bodybuilding general weight training (Folkestone). http://www.hirepgym.com |
59. Sample Powerlifting Programs Sample powerlifting Programs. Basic Power Cycle. Squat, Bench, Deadlift. Week, Sets x Reps, % Projected 1RM. 1, 2 x12, 60. 2, 2 x10, 65. 3, 2 x 8, 70. 4, 2 x 6, 75. 5, 2 x 5, 80. http://www.exrx.net/WeightTraining/PowerliftingPrograms.html | |
60. PEAKBODY.NET Suppliers of nutritonal supplements for bodybuilding, fitness, powerlifting, martial arts and athletics. http://www.peakbody.net |
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