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61. Honolulu Star-Bulletin Business A singleseat version of a traditional design has people taking up outrigger canoeingaround the world. Guild is one of eight Hawaii makers of outrigger canoes. http://starbulletin.com/98/03/17/business/story2.html | |
62. Welcome To The False Creek Canoe Racing Club :FCRCC: Vancouver, British Columbia Flatwater, outrigger, dragon boat, and marathon canoeing club in Vancouver. Includes events, news, calendar, membership information, classifieds, photos, and canoeing resources. http://www.fcrcc.com/ |
63. Gillespie Outrigger Racing Canoe Paddles, Canoe Paddles,racing Paddles, Canoe, W from native northeast woods. canoe paddles for outrigger racing andrecreational canoeing, racing canoe paddles, outrigger paddles. http://www.gillespiepaddles.com/ | |
64. Eteamz: P.A.D.D.L.E.R.S. Outrigger Canoe Club canoeing Associations PADDLERS outrigger canoe c. PADDLERS outriggerCANOE CLUB Official Site http//www.eteamz.com/outriggerS/. http://www.eteamz.com/canoeing/associations/association.cfm/633/ | |
65. LEGENDARY SURFERS: Volume 1, Chapter 8: Surfing's Revival by dissident outrigger members WA (Knute) Cottrell, Duke Kahanamoku and Kenneth Winter.It was organized and registered as a swimming, canoeing and surfing club http://www.legendarysurfers.com/surf/legends/ls04.shtml | |
66. OCPaddler.com :: World Resource For The Outrigger Canoe Paddler by Kimberlee Stuart Kauai Hoe Waa one man canoeing association saw participationnearly double for its second race of the 2004 series. http://www.ocpaddler.com/Topic24.html | |
67. Na Kai Ewalu - Outrigger Canoe Club On Maui NA KAI EWALU. MISSION STATEMENT. The mission of our Na Kai Ewalu Ohanais education and canoeing. The club shall develop and perpetuate http://www.redwoodgames.com/kcc/nke.html | |
68. @LA Recreation: Watersports In Southern California: Los Angeles County, Orange C canoeing Kalifornia outrigger Association outrigger Paddlers Canoe Camp Hawai ioutrigger Canoe Clubs Southern California directory YAK Board Kayak Clubs http://www.at-la.com/@la-recw.htm | |
69. NauticFriend.com The Best Links Sorted Out To Fit The Best..Links Directory: Can WaterSports Recreation Directory canoeing and Kayaking outrigger Organizationsin Hawaii. canoeing and Kayaking outrigger Organizations in Hawaii. 8 links http://www.nauticfriend.com/index.php?action=displaycat&catid=1872 |
70. Canoeing - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia outrigger Racing racing of traditional Pacific Ocean outrigger canoes. outriggercanoes are traditionally referred to as wa a, va a, or waka ama. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canoeing | |
71. Jupiter Outdoor Center, Jupiter, Florida - Get Out Fun" JOC outrigger and Canoe Club. One of the fastest and most exhilarating formsof canoeing, the outrigger canoe is a great source of just plain fun. http://www.jupiteroutdoorcenter.com/outrigger.htm | |
72. Canoeing, California SF Bay canoeing-FAQ s. outrigger Canoe Pages Good List of outriggerCanoe Links. SF outrigger Canoe Club. Dragon Boats Bay Area Dragons. http://www.caoutdoors.com/Canoeing_MP.htm | |
73. HAWAII OUTRIGGER CANOE CLUB NEWS - OUTRIGGER RACING NEWS FROM GREATER POLYNESIA Hawaii outrigger canoe club news, Molokai Hoe, Na Wahine O Ke Kai race websites,news of outrigger racing from around greater Polynesia, canoe clubs in Hawaii http://holoholo.org/canunews/ | |
74. OUTRIGGER CANOE RACING CLUBS AROUND THE WEB 2003 Anuenue Canoe Club O`ahu Barrie Canoe Club - Ontario Canada Bay outriggers -Cronulla, Australia Brisbane outrigger Canoe Club Australia Coffs Harbour http://holoholo.org/canunews/clubs.html | |
75. Northern California Outrigger Canoe Association The Northern California outrigger Canoe Association is a member of Fourteen(14) Hawaiian outrigger canoe clubs now form the association. http://www.ncoca.com/ | |
76. KOA - Kalifornia Outrigger Association This web site is no longer active. Australian outrigger Canoe Racing Association (AOCRA) Canadian outrigger Racing Association (CORA) Aloha. East Coast outrigger Racing Association (ECORA http://www.koa.org/ | |
77. CORA - Canada's Outrigger Racing Association CORA, Canadian outrigger Canoe Association, the home of outrigger canoe racing in Canada Brotchie Reach Offshore outrigger Racemore info. May 2. Brotchie Reach Offshore outrigger Racemore info Age Masters !! Years paddling outrigger Well since I was younger http://www.canadianoutrigger.com/home.cfm | |
78. PADDLERS OUTRIGGER CANOE CLUB PADDLERS outrigger CANOE CLUB. Our club s focus is to enjoy the sport of outriggercanoeing to it s fullest, regardless of physical limitations or disabilities. http://www.eteamz.com/OUTRIGGERS/ | |
79. Outrigger Canoe outrigger Canoe The Paddle Club brought the first outrigger canoesto Hong Kong in the form of two Malias from Vancouver, Canada. http://www.hkipc.com/2004/Outrigger Canoe.htm | |
80. Rainbow Photos - Acclaim Stock Photography People paddlingtwo outrigger canoes under a rainbow off Ka anapali Beach, Maui, Hawaii.......An outrigger Canoe Under a Rainbow; Maui, Hawaii. Photo http://www.acclaimstockphotography.com/_gallery/_pages/0001-0209-0509-5940.html | |
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