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         Orienteering:     more books (108)
  1. Teaching Orienteering.: An article from: Palaestra by C. McNeill, J. Cory-Wright, et all 1999-03-22
  2. Be Expert with Map and Compass - The "Orienteering" Handbook by Kjellstrom Bjorn, 1969-01-01
  3. The Orienteering Handbook - Fort Benning, Georgia by Vernon Humphrey, Theodore Stroup, 1971
  4. Muscular Endurance Development: Orienteering (Phil Clark's Muscle System, Vol. 414) by Phil Clark, 2003
  5. Be Expert with Map and Compass - The "Orienteering" Handbook by Kjellstrom Bjorn, 1955
  6. Orienteering by Boy Scouts of America, 1975
  7. Salients, Re-Entrants and Pockets: Military, Topography, Orienteering, Panhandle, Spur, Battle of Suomussalmi, Armoured Warfare
  9. Orienteering, Know the Game Series by L. E.; Chapman, H. A. L.; MacFadyen, J. M. Lidell, 1965
  10. Sport in Ukraine: List of Olympic Champions of Ukraine, Combat Hopak, Ukrainian Orienteering Federation, Sport Complex Podillya

141. Orienteering Sport
Letro Sport Swedish orienteering Shop. NEWS. Young girls enjoying the spectacular. Preliminary Event Announcement - Oceania 2005 orienteering Carnival.
Links: Midsummer O-Week, Finland 11.-20.6.2004 World Orienteering Championships (Sweden, September 11-19) Fin5 2004 (Finland, July 19 - 24 )
Birds vs. Orienteers
(Some facts behind the cancellation of the Prague Easter 3-Day International Orienteering Event)
Prague Easter is a traditional multi-day orienteering event, organized annually by a club from Prague – SK Kotláøka Praha. However, this year the seven-year tradition of the event may have been seriously damaged, without the chance of rehabilitation. But, more importantly, it is not only the reputation of the Prague club that is at stake, but also the reputation of the Czech Orienteering Federation as a whole. This, in the year of WOC and WC applications, may be a serious blow – especially since Kotláøka Praha is applying for the organization of the 2007 WC round … in the area concerned. But, the truth is that this time it was one club and not the whole federation that had made the mistake. Orienteering is definitely not disappearing from the Czech Republic. more Jan Skøièka
Find Two Differences
I guess no one will struggle to complete this task… Neither did we, only it was too late!

142. New Page 1
The two day event will take in the Autumn of 2003 in the Vancouver, British Columbia area.

143. Royal Air Force Orienteers - Frameset
The RAF orienteering Association is open to all serving and exRAF personnel and families.'','ptMSXw9ctdc1g','width=488,height=50'); This page uses frames.
Click here for a frameless version of the page

144. NEOC - The New England Orienteerng Club
Welcome to NEOC The New England orienteering Club. Beginners are always welcome and orienteering instruction is available at all local events.
Welcome to NEOC
The New England Orienteering Club
Come try the exciting sport of navigating through the woods with map and compass. NEOC orienteering events are held regularly in local and state parks throughout Massachusetts, eastern Connecticut, and Rhode Island. Check out our schedule to find local, regional, and national events. Beginners are always welcome and orienteering instruction is available at all local events. Results are posted shortly after each event. The Brainard Forest Breakheart Reservation , and Needham Town Forest results are now posted.
Special Notices Renew Now! at the membership form page . Print and mail the membership form with your check. Only $10 for students, $15 for individuals, and $25 for families. It's a great deal and it supports NEOC. NEOC Points League
Points League results are available To sign up for the members-only NEOC Points League, please provide the following information to Peter Frykman: name, gender, USOF age group (based on your age on Dec. 31, 2003). Peter can be reached via e-mail ( send mail to Peter ) or by postal mail at:
37 Border Rd.

145. ’·–쌧ƒIƒŠƒGƒ“ƒe[ƒŠƒ“ƒO‹¦‰ï
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146. Orienteering Pages
The West Midlands orienteering Association web site has moved here.
The West Midlands Orienteering Association web site has moved here

147. Centro Universitario Sportivo Bolognese
L'orienteering, atleti e gare, mappe, calcolo dei punteggi e link.
Comitato per lo Sport Universitario
Centro Universitario Sportivo Bolognese
Associazione Sportiva Dilettantistica Benvenuti nel portale del
Centro Universitario Sportivo Bolognese
In attesa della nuova assegnazione degli impianti comunali SOGESE ha sospeso le convenzioni per il nuoto libero per le piscine da loro gestite.
Nuovi corsi di Acqua Gym alla piscina Sterlino dal 19 Aprile fino a fine maggio: Pagina corsi per saperne di piu' Giochi Sportivi Studenteschi
Lo Sport
Corsi di pratica sportiva

Tornei universitari

Campionati Nazionali Universitari
la massima rassegna sportiva universitaria nazionale
Impianti Sportivi L'impiantistica sportiva Stradario di Bologna consulta lo stradario Giochi Sportivi Studenteschi Categoria Juniores Borse di studio

148. Orienteering Clubs
orienteering Clubs. Search Our Site, Link To Us, About Us. Here are some links to orienteering clubs. US clubs are listed first, indexed by state.
Orienteering Clubs
Brought to you by
Visit our home page for a great selection of Outdoor Recreation
Home Page
How To
E-Mail ...

Here are some links to orienteering clubs. U.S. clubs are listed first, indexed by state. International clubs follow, indexed by country. If you would like your site added or wish to report a broken link, please E-mail us at Check out our other club links: Bicycling Canoeing Hiking Climbing ... Windsurfing
United States of America
Vulcan Orienteering Club (Birmingham)
Arctic Orienteering Club (Anchorage)
Greater Phoenix Orienteering Club
Tucson Orienteering Club
Los Angeles Orienteering Club
San Diego Orienteering Club

San Francisco Bay Area Orienteering Club

Stanford Orienteering Club
Rocky Mountain Orienteering Club
Western Connecticut Orienteering Club
Florida Orienteering
Georgia Orienteering Club
City of Trees Orienteering Club (Boise)
Chicago Area Orienteering Club
Illinois River Valley Orienteering Club
Indiana Crossroads Orienteering
Possum Trot Orienteering Club (Kansas City)
Orienteering Louisville
Ark-La-Tex Orienteering Society
Harvard Orienteering Club New England Orienteering Club
Southern Michigan Orienteering Club
Minnesota Orienteering Club
St. Louis Orienteering Club

149. Adventure Racing, Mountain Bike Orienteering, BC, Vancouver, Canada
2day orienteering Challenge will take place on June 7 8, 2003 at Brandywine Falls, near Whister, British Columbia.
phone: (604) 671-2931
fax: (604) 454-1414
Team Building Adventure Racing Orienteering ... Employment Brandywine Adventure Challenge June 5-6, 2004
Friday, June 4 - Intensive Orienteering Training
Saturday, June 5 - 6-8 Hours Adventure Challenge:
Sunday, June 6 - 4-Hours Rogaine Orienteering
Solo, Teams of two or four : F, M, Co-ed
3 Categories - Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced.
Camping is available and area activities like fishing, hiking and mountain biking will occupy your non-race time. Make a weekend of it!
Daycare is available
Brandywine Road Map
Brandywine O'Challenge Program Brandywine O'Challenge Technical Instructions Brandywine O'Challenge FAQ ... 2003 Brandywine O'Challenge Results - Rogaine
Location: Brandywine Falls (12 km South of Whistler on Hwy99) Date: (Rain or Shine) Learn O' Training on Friday June 11th. Map: Orienteering map created in 1995, Scale 1:10,000 , Contour Line Interval of 5m Terrain Details: Very challenging with many small features (knolls, marshes, rocks and swamps.)

150. Rochester Orienteering Club Home Page
time. Introduction to orienteering, put together by Jim Russell (pdf format). Results both ancient and recent. What s orienteering? Newsletter
HOTLINE 585-377-5650 The ROC web site is moving to a new location.
Its new address will be
Schedule of upcoming events ROC Entry form (pdf format)
Download it and print it and fill out ahead of meet, to save registration time. Introduction to Orienteering, put together by Jim Russell
(pdf format) Meet volunteers (check here to see what you signed up for and what jobs are still needed) Directions! (like, where the heck is Rotary Sunshine Camp) General Information on Local Meets (courses, fees, beginner information) Results both ancient and recent What's Orienteering? Newsletter (currently inactive, will try to resurrect ...) Community Orienteering needs can you help? Ski-O information (not just a fair weather sport) Links (under construction)
Click here for information about Map sales E-mail distribution list The Rochester Orienteering Club now maintains an e-mail distribution list to all of its members who wish to be on this list, as well as to any non-members who are interested in receiving messages such as reminders of upcoming meets, any last-minute changes in meets, results, and anything else of interest to the Rochester-area orienteering community. If you would like to be added to this list, send an e-mail to

151. VOA Home Page
Welcome to the newly updated Victorian orienteering Association Home Page. Major changes are underway on the site at the moment
var ace_path = ""; VOA_Header("Victorian Orienteering Association"); Welcome to the newly updated Victorian Orienteering Association Home Page. Major changes are underway on the site at the moment so please bear with us for a while. Any constructive feedback would be appreciated - just use the mail link at the bottom of any of the new pages. Right now, we're concentrating on getting the structure right and fixing up broken links. In the not too distant future, we would hope to bring a range of new services to users of the site. Regular users of the site may find navigation with the menu bar above more efficient - it provides rapid access to regularly accessed pages. Others, wishing to start at a more leisurely pace (the power-walking version of web-surfing) should start here. Most features are available by either means.
B2B/Schools Results
Epalock Maxi Results NewComers Start Here
What is orienteering?

152. Deeside Orienteering Club UK
DEE covers most of Cheshire west of the M6, and the Wirral. The ste includes a comprehensive introduction to orienteering.
Deeside Orienteering Club
Orienteering in Cheshire and the Wirral, UK
Deeside Orienteering Club (DEE) belongs to the
North West Orienteering Association ( NWOA home page
(NWOA map and clubs
of the British Orienteering Federation ( BOF
The DEE Official site (not maintained by the original developer)
carries information about Forthcoming Events
and dates of training runs
An introduction to Deeside Orienteering Club
DEE maintains a number of Permanent Courses
Membership details
Beginner's guide on how to start at a simple event.
Information on types of orienteering, events, kit etc.
Links to useful Orienteering web pages
DEE organises the annual Sandstone Trail Race in September/October.
Foot and Mouth restrictions are still affecting some events
please check the events page NWOA fixtures
and the BOF fixtures pages for up-to-date information.
What is Orienteering?
Orienteering is the sport of navigating with map and compass over a given course in the shortest time. It is sometimes described as 'Cunning Running' , or the 'Thought Sport' You do not need to be a fit athlete, nor a superb navigator to enjoy it. You can walk, jog, or run around courses varying from the very simple, where all controls are on paths, to courses where you need to navigate very carefully across long stretches of pathless moor or forest.

153. ‹ž‘åOLC
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154. Leicestershire Orienteering Club
Leicestershire orienteering Club has members from Leicestershire, Northamptonshire and Rutland. This site includes fixtures lists
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To view our web site click here:
For more information contact

155. “ú–{Šw¶ƒIƒŠƒGƒ“ƒe[ƒŠƒ“ƒO˜A–¿
[ English is not availavle now ]
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156. The British Orienteering Page
British orienteering. New Official BOF page. The British orienteering Federation now has an offcial home page. Most of the facilities
British Orienteering
New Official BOF page
The British Orienteering Federation now has an offcial home page. Most of the facilities provided by this page will continue to be accessible via the official page. The link is which you can access by clicking this British Orienteering Federation link. Alternatively, if you are using an up to date browser, you will be transferred there automatically in 10 seconds. In the long term, you will probably want to update your links.

157. Unione Lombarda Orienteering - Milano
Milano Informazioni sulla societ , news, gare, risultati.

158. Mountainbike-Orienteering In Deutschland
Translate this page Was ist MBO? zuletzt aktualisiert 22.05.2004 Nedstat Basic - Kostenlose web site statistiken Persönliche Homepage webseite Zähler Kostenlose Zähler.
Offizielles Termine Ergebnisse Förderverein ... Was ist MBO? zuletzt aktualisiert:
Kostenlose Zähler
Aktuelle Informationen:
des Trainerrates OL für die WM-Teilnahme in Australien
die Dritte (nach dem 5.Lauf)
. und 5. Lauf um den envia aqua cup am 15./16.05.2004 in Wehrsdorf
und Fotos
. und 3. Lauf um den envia aqua cup am 24./25.04.2004 in Bad Bodenteich
e, Fotos und Pressestimmen
Lauf um den envia aqua cup am 04.04.04 in Hormersdorf

Heide-MBO-Marathon am 21.03.04 in Bad Schmiedeberg Ergebnisse

159. Thursday Evening Urban Orienteering Adventure Series
Join us for a fun adventure orienteering game at Greater Vancouver area parks every Thursday evening. Learn how to find your way or improve your navigational skills, meet new friends and have fun in the outdoors. Brief introduction to orienteering offered before each event free of charge.
Team Building Adventure Racing Orienteering Family ... Employment Thursday Evening Urban Orienteering Adventure Series Join us for a fun adventure Join us for a fun adventure orienteering game at different Greater Vancouver area parks every Thursday evening. Learn how to find your way or improve your navigational skills, meet new friends and have fun in the outdoors. F ree brief introduction to orienteering offered before each event . Urban Orienteering is a series of events that will open your eyes to the wonders of the outdoors. Our exciting games will introduce you to the sport of Orienteering, help you improve your navigational skills and provide you with an opportunity for training. Urban orienteering is for everyone! 2004 SCHEDULE DATE PLACE START TYPE May 20 Granville Island, Vancouver 9:30 p.m. Night Adventure O' May 27 Deer Lake Park, Burnaby 6:30 p.m. Poker O' June 10 Pacific Spirit Park, Vancouver 6:30 p.m. June 17 SFU-Burnaby Mountain, Burnaby

160. Orienteering - Using A Compass
Presents detailed technique to operate a lensatic compass. Includes diagrams and drawings.
Training Network: Wilderness Survival Fitness Training Orienteering Home
The Sport:
  • Orienteering History
  • Orienteering Overview
  • Course Setup
  • Officials ...
  • Civilian Orienteering
    The Skills:
  • Maps
  • Marginal Information and Symbols
  • Grids
  • Scale and Distance ...
  • Units of Measure and Conversion Factors
    Using a Compass
    Magnetic azimuths are determined with the use of magnetic instruments, such as lensatic and M2 compasses. The techniques employed when using the lensatic compass are as follows: a. Using the Centerhold Technique. First, open the compass to its fullest so that the cover forms a straightedge with the base. Move the lens (rear sight) to the rearmost position, allowing the dial to float freely. Next, place your thumb through the thumb loop, form a steady base with your third and fourth fingers, and extend your index finger along the side of the compass. Place the thumb of the other hand between the lens (rear sight) and the bezel ring; extend the index finger along the remaining side of the compass, and the remaining fingers around the fingers of the other hand. Pull your elbows firmly into your sides; this will place the compass between your chin and your belt. To measure an azimuth, simply turn your entire body toward the object, pointing the compass cover directly at the object. Once you are pointing at the object, look down and read the azimuth from beneath the fixed black index line ( Figure 9-2 ). This preferred method offers the following advantages over the sighting technique:
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