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Orienteering: more books (108) | ||||||||||||||
1. US Orienteering Federation Results of the 2004 US Intercollegiate Championships ( April 34) are now available. Last update April 11, 2004. orienteering - the Sport of a Lifetime. orienteering is the sport of navigation with http://www.us.orienteering.org/ | |
2. Orienteering And Rogaining Home Page orienteering and Rogaining Home Page. Please note this page is terribly out of date and no longer being maintained. Please go to the IOF or USOF pages marked below for orienteering information, or http://www2.aos.princeton.edu/rdslater/orienteering | |
3. Orienteering - What is orienteering? orienteering is a competitive form of land navigation. It is for all ages and degrees of fitness and skill. It provides the suspense and excitement of a treasure hunt. The http://www.online-orienteering.net/ | |
4. International Orienteering Federation Home Page Welcome to the IOF home page. orienteering. Council. Commissions International orienteering Federation. Foot orienteering. Ski orienteering. MTB orienteering. Trail orienteering http://www.orienteering.org/ | |
5. BOF: Welcome To British Orienteering An Adventure Sport For All BOF is the governing body of the sport of orienteering for the United Kingdom. http://www.britishorienteering.org.uk/ | |
6. Orienteering For The Young What is orienteering? String course. White course. Advanced courses. Your first meet. Learn the language. More about O' orienteering skills. Resources. Sample map with course. orienteering for the Young. Photo Georg Nadorff http://www.us.orienteering.org/OYoung | |
7. Sci.J.O. Home Page Abstracts of articles included in the journal and subscription information. Also describes how to contribute to the periodical. http://www.ped.gu.se/scijo/scijo.htm | |
8. Bay Area Orienteering Club (BAOC), San Francisco The San Fransisco Bay Area orienteering Club in orienteering you use a map and compass to navigate a course through unfamiliar terrain. People of all ages enjoy orienteering as a leisurely walk http://www.baoc.org/ | |
9. İstanbul Orienteering Spor Klübü Grubun faaliyetleri, ¼yeler, orienteering hakkında bilgiler ve fotoÄraf galerisi yer alıyor. http://www.istanbulorienteering.org/ | |
10. ScoutOrienteering.com Update your link to http//www.scoutorienteering.com. http://www.talon.net/scottdvoa/ | |
11. Orienteering What is orienteering? For information about trying orienteering orienteering in Williamstown orienteering in the rest of the world Teaching orienteering. http://www.williams.edu/Biology/orienteering/o~index.html | |
12. Hungarian Orienteering Home Page Includes general facts about Hungary, council members of the Hungarian orienteering Federation, list of local Federations and clubs, links to Hungarian orienteers, results, profiles of the Hungarian National Team, 2000 and 2001 Hungarian Cup results, clickable local maps, Hall of Fame, and related links. http://lazarus.elte.hu/tajfutas/index.html | |
13. Homepage Of Orienteering Association Of Hong Kong Includes information, events, maps, training and results. http://www.oahk.org.hk | |
14. Orienteering Clue Symbols orienteering Clue Symbols. Last control to the Finish. Back to the example. Back to orienteering Home Page or to the example of an orienteering course. http://www.williams.edu/Biology/orienteering/clues.html | |
15. Harlequins Orienteering Club Midlands club whose mapped areas fall within an area centred just West of Birmingham. Bounded in the West by Leominster, in the North Walsall and Dudley, in the South Malvern and in the East the M42. http://www.harlequins.org.uk/ | |
16. New Jersey Competitive Mounted Orienteering A fun oriented organization promoting mounted orienteering in and around the state of New Jersey. Schedule of events, news, photo album, rules, results and awards, and links. http://sport.nj.com/sport/mounted-orienteering |
17. ORIENTEERING UNLIMITED Home Page orienteeringrelated services including map making, workshops, corporate training. Course Workshop Announcements. 914-248-5957. orienteering UNLIMITED, INC. http://www.orienteeringunlimited.com/ | |
18. Software For Orienteering Software for orienteering This software list is published by the IOF IT Commission. Copyright © International orienteering Federation Revised 13 Oct 2003. http://www.orienteering.org/software.htm | |
19. Rotorua Orienteering Club Small orienteering club with around 40 active club members. http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Bleachers/7089/index.html | |
20. Orienteering.com English Jananese Please Link to me orienteering.com. ? ! ?·! kimura@orienteering.com. http://www.orienteering.com/index-j.htm | |
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