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101. Remove International Skating Union From The OLympic Movement Petition The International Skating Union has demonstrated in their judging of the pairs competition at the Salt Lake City olympics that they cannot adhere to the ethical standards of Olympic Charter and should be expelled from the Olympic Movement. http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/672918216 | |
102. Special Olympics Southern California Armani and Details magazine host Faces of Sport photo exhibition The April 29 event in Los Angeles celebrating Special olympics began a planned series of http://www.sosc.org/ | |
103. OLYMPIC VOLLEYBALL - PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE http//www.Volleyball.ORG/. VOLLEYBALL IN THE olympics. Indoor Volleyball 1964 to Present Beach Volleyball - 1996 to Present GENERAL HISTORY OF THE olympics. http://www.volleyball.org/olympics/ | |
104. CNN.com - ASIANOW - Newspaper Reports Plot Against Olympics Foiled - August 26, CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/ASIANOW/australasia/08/26/olympic.plot/index.html | |
105. CNN - Olympics Ethics Report Shows Top Level 'pattern Of Deception' - February 8 CNN http://www.cnn.com/US/9902/08/olympics.report.03/index.html | |
106. Beijing Organizing Committee For The Games Of The 29th Olympiad , International Talents Enlighten Mascot Design for Beijing olympics (photo attached) 200404-27. , Athens 2004 Good progress 2004-04-26. more. http://en.beijing-2008.org/33/28/homepage211612833.shtml | |
107. USA Today Bobsled news from the 1998 Winter olympics in Nagano, Japan. http://www.usatoday.com/olympics/owg98/owgbs/owgbsm.htm |
108. Olympics ABC Teach Winter olympics. Ancient olympics. Ancient olympics The Real Story. Athens 2004. Cool Attractions. ESPN.COM olympics. First Olympic Games Athens 1896. http://www.kidskonnect.com/Olympics/OlympicsHome.html | |
109. CNN.com - Entertainment - NBC's Olympics Ratings Take A Dive - September 19, 200 CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/SHOWBIZ/TV/09/19/olympic.viewership/index.html | |
110. Olympics 2002 - CBS.SportsLine.com Sportsline Olympic SportsOffers full coverage of the games with categorized news about each sport. http://cbs.sportsline.com/u/olympics/2002/ | |
111. 1996 Atlanta Summer Olympics Slideshow, columns, memorabilia, stamps, pins and firstperson stories of 1996 Atlanta olympics. http://www.ronald-dupont.com/oly.htm | |
112. TSN.ca - Olympics - Canada's Sports Leader olympics. Once an embarrassing symbol of the city s struggle to get ready for the olympics, an electricpowered tram line may emerge as a rare bright spot. http://www.tsn.ca/olympics/ | |
113. Index Pin site in Barcelona, Spain. Coke, Disney, olympics, and Hard Rock Cafe. http://personal3.iddeo.es/fedeg/ | |
114. MAKING WAVES HOME, , MAKING WAVES, , REGATTAS, , MEETINGS, , CONTACT, , CLASSIFICATION. Sunday, 23 May 2004. Latest News olympics Home. Olympic Games. Atlanta 1996. Sydney 2000. http://www.sailing.org/olympics/ | |
115. CNN - Top Salt Lake Olympics Executives Resign - January 10, 1999 CNN http://www.cnn.com/US/9901/09/ioc.bribery/index.html | |
116. AllAfrica.com: Olympics olympics Africans Get The Last Word. Gezahagne Abera of Ethiopia crosses the finish line to claim gold in the final event of the olympics the men s marathon. http://allafrica.com/olympics/ | |
117. CNN.com - London Promises Compact Olympics - Jan. 16, 2004 CNN http://cnn.com/2004/SPORT/01/16/olympics.london.reut/index.html | |
118. 1936 Olympics Berlin, Germany, 1936 National Archives, Washington DC. This site presents an online version of an exhibition created by the United http://www.ushmm.org/museum/exhibit/online/olympics/ | |
119. Fanzam.com Olympics Easy to use olympics information guide. Includes list of popular olympics sites, and news. http://www.fanzam.com/olympics.html | |
120. Special Olympics Missouri Make A Donation, Click here for information on supporting Special olympics, Get Into It! Be A Part of the Team! Shop Support Special olympics, http://www.somo.org/ | |
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